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    • Italy: A New Architectural Landscape 意大利:新建筑景观
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    • Luigi Puglisi 著 /1970-01-01/
    • Guest-edited by Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi Every five or six years, a different country takes the architectural lead in Europe: England came to the fore with High Tech in the early 1980s; by the end of the 1980s, France came to prominence with Fran ois Mitterand's great Parisian projects; in the 1990s, Spain and Portugal were discovering a new tradition; and recently the focus has been on the Netherlands. In this ever shifting European landscape, Italy is now set to challenge the status quo. Already home to some of the world's most renowned architects - Renzo Piano, Massimiliano Fuksas and Antonio Citterio - it also has many talented architects like Mario Cucinella, Italo Rota, Stefano Boeri, the ABDR group and Maria Giuseppina Grasso Cannizzo, who are now gaining international attention. Moreover there is an extraordinary emergence of younger architects - the Erasmus generation - who are beginning to realise some very promising buildings of their own. AD+ Interior Eye Yale Art Galler

    • ¥278.1 折扣:8.8折
    • Villas and Saunas in Finland 芬兰的别墅和桑拿浴室
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    • Harri Hautajarvi 著 /2008-03-01/
    • This book presents a total of 44 individually designed summer villas and saunas in Finland. Representing the best of recent Finnish summer home and sauna architecture, each site is presented in detail through photographs, plans, and text by the architects themselves. Harri Hautaj rvi's fascinating text discusses the history and trends of villa and sauna architecture and life, as well as the challenges of sustainable development to holiday-home buildings of the future.

    • ¥387.1 折扣:9.8折
    • Rock Mass Mechanics (岩体力学)
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    • 王文星 主编 /2009-06-01/ 中南大学出版社有限责任公司
    • During the period from the end of 1950s to the early 1960s, a series of engineering disasters of rock mass occurred one after another, for example, in December 1959, the foundation of the Malpasset concrete arch dam in France failed and resulted in a flood and about 450 people were killed ; in October 1963, a landslide of upstream of the reservoir of Vajont dam in Italy generated wave of 100 meters overtopped the dam and killed about 2500 people of the downstream of the dam; in 1960, a coal mine in South Mriea collapsed with the loss of 432 lives; in our country, several mines, such as Stannary Mining Bureau, Pangushan tungsten mine, Dajishan tungsten mine were mined in open stopping method, generated early or late many dilapidations of large-scale rock mass. These disasters aroused the galactic attention of people of rock engineering world and they joined in the study of rock mass mechanics, making rock mass mechanics effectively developed, and formed an engineering subject with sp

    • ¥37.9 折扣:7.9折
    • 餐具阁 Pantry
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    • Catherine Seiberling Pond 著 /2007-04-01/ 北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司
    • The Pantry Its History and Modern Uses Catherine Seiberling Pond Photographs by Steve Gross and Sue Daley The Pantry ponders the history, return and rebirth of the kitchen pantry. With a nod toward the philosophy "a place for everything and everything in its place," author and historian Catherine Seiberling Pond delves into the past, present, and future possibilities of this important room, and finds ways to incorporate a pantry into any home. Topics include: Food storage solutions What to put in your pantry How to choose the right materials Design and layout of the pantry Display and decor tips How to display dishes and collections Pantries are one of the most requested features being built into today's homes.

    • ¥135.2 折扣:9.8折
    • 酒吧餐厅设计Within Bars & Restaurants
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    • 本社 编 /2007-12-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Wining and dining are two of thegreatest pleasures of life; they are alsoa quintessential part of urban living. AsAsia quickens its pace of urbanisation,its bars and restaurants have alsoundergone a radical makeover of aninternational standard. Within Bars &Restaurants gathers some of the mostoutstanding bar and restaurant designsin the region, responding to the newlyshaped realisation that a trulyextraordinary wining and diningexperience can only be fulfilled by adesign that appeals to all of thesenses. Filled with page after page ofhip and stylish ideas that combinecontemporary design language withnew Asian aesthetics, this bookintroduces the hallmarks ofcontemporary Asian design in arefreshing manner. It is bound todelight and inspire architects,designers, bar and restaurantoperators, as well as the design-savvypublic. With spectacular photographstaken from attractive angles - bothconventional and creative - Within Bars& Restaurants covers just about everygenre of cuisine and establishment,from cafes, wine

    • ¥173.4 折扣:8.8折
    • 奥林匹克大全Complete Book of the Olympics
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    • Martin Nicholas Kunz 著 /2008-06-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • With a complete statistical record since the 1896 founding of the modern Games—including medals won and times, distances, or scores recorded by the top eight competitors in all events (from staples such as the marathon to long-discontinued competitions such as the tug of war), this encyclopedic tome contains anything anyone could ever need or want to know about the modern Olympic Games. Far from a dry compendium of names, numbers, and scoring systems, this book also contains a summary history of every event at each of the 26 modern Games, enriched with an extraordinary wealth of Olympic lore and anecdote. The authors provide thought-provoking analysis of issues and controversies from shamateurism to drug-taking and corruption, and they have sieved through more than a century of Olympic history to assemble a mind-boggling collection of stories that range from the inspiring, through the comic, to the bizarre. Such long-forgotten characters are included as the boy who was plucked from the streets of Paris

    • ¥254.8 折扣:9.8折
    • Planning And Urban Design Standards, Student Edition 9780471
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    • /2006-10-01/ HarperCollins UK
    • This is the new student edition of the definitive reference on urban planning and design. Planning and Urban Design Standards, Student Edition is the authoritative and reliable volume designed to teach students best practices and guidelines for urban planning and design. Edited from the main volume to meet the serious student's needs, this Student Edition is packed with more than 1,400 informative illustrations and includes the latest rules of thumb for designing and evaluating any land-use scheme - from street plantings to new subdivisions. Students find real help understanding all the practical information on the physical aspects of planning and urban design they are required to know, including: plans and plan environmental planning and building parks and open space, farming, and places and design projections and demand impact legal growth management preservation, conservation, and and, economic and real estate development. Planning and Urban Design Standards, Student Edition provides es

    • ¥675.5 折扣:7.9折
    • Ultimate New York Design极致纽约设计
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    • Anja Llorella Oriol 著 /2006-11-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • New York is known as the city that never sleeps and it’s a non-stop source of design innovation。This volume covers state-of-the-art New York design from fields such as architecture, interiors and fashion。Lively illustrations show what’s happening in New York’s commercial and cultural spaces, as well as in its private residences。And—if that weren’t enough—there’s also a look at product design and lighting innovation。With numerous examples from both native New Yorkers, and designers who work in New York, this compendium of design showcases all that’s cutting-edge in the Big Apple。

    • ¥391 折扣:9.8折
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    • 本社 编 /2007-01-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • The possibilities to design or modify the space in a home can be limited; one faces restrictions on the constructed surface space or the land to build on as well as economic and regulatory limitations. But even so, architects create innovative and origi-nal proposals that adapt to the requirements of the owners. The projects presented in this volume are the result of the changes made in private residences. The objective of these interventions is to enlarge spaces, personalize rooms, improve the distribu-tion of space and make its use more rational. The diversity of the typologies that are shown in this book reflects the possibili-ties that can be developed to achieve these objectives. In this volume, we discover how to make the most out of the space in the home, starting from different buildings that present, in each case, specific particularities.

    • ¥244.9 折扣:7.9折
    • 摩洛哥室内设计Great Age British Watercolours
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    • Lisa Lovatt-Smith 著 /2005-09-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • A temptation to dream This book explores contemporary interiors in the sun-soaked land that stretches from the Sahara to the Mediterranean: Morocco. The diversity is breathtaking: the rural pis? architecture of the south is a far cry from the Hispano-Mooresque ornamental beauty of the imperial cities. Moroccan Interiors are as endlessly varied as the country itself, from the restored palaces in the medina of Marrakesh (where aesthetes of the international set now live) to humble troglodyte fishermen's homes at Sidi Moussa d?Aglou. The colorful palette of this country and the light there themselves suffuse these very different homes with a vitality that is as distinctive to modern Morocco as it is a reflection of contemporary trends in d?cor worldwide. The author: Lisa Lovatt-Smith was born in 1967 in Barcelona of British parents. She has since lived in London, Madrid and Milan. At eighteen she began a meteoric career at the various international editions of Vogue. She has since decided to concentrate on writi

    • ¥149.9 折扣:9.8折
    • 亚洲顶级水疗中心 Asia's Best Spas
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    • Judy Chapman 等著 /2006-06-01/ 北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司
    • Ultimate Spa is the definitive guide to the best spas in Asia. Highlighting spas in India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Thailand, Bali, Malaysia, Taiwan and the Philippines, this book is both a showcase of the region's best spas and a comprehensive guide to their offerings. The first half of the book introduces the top spas in the region, giving useful tips regarding the facilities and different types of treatments to be experienced. The second half of the book focuses on the treatments themselves: Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and the beauty and health secrets of Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. Endorsed by many well-regarded therapists, doctors, and spokespeople in the spa and wellness industry, this book contains many remedies, treatments, and recipes, and is a must-have for spa aficionados worldwide. Combined with this are yoga, Reiki, meditation and secret recipes for longevity--all complemented by over 600 stunning photographs.

    • ¥313.6 折扣:9.8折
    • Becoming An Urban Planner: A Guide To Careers In Planning An
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    • Michael Bayer ,(迈克尔·拜耳),Nancy /2010-02-01/ Wiley
    • Becoming an Urban Planner answers these key questions: What do urban planners do? What are the educational requirements? How do I enter the field? How do I choose between the different types of planning, fromland use planning to policy planning? What is the future of the urban planning profession? Here is a completely up-to-date guide to today's careers in urbanplanning—a clear and concise survey of the urban planning field andadvice for navigating a successful career. Filled with interviewsand guidance from leading urban planners, it covers everything fromeducational requirements to planning specialties and the manydirections in which a career in urban planning can go.

    • ¥272.6 折扣:7.9折
    • 全球建筑史 A Global History of Architecture
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    • Francis D. K. Ching 著 /2007-08-01/ 吉林长白山
    • Displaying a wonderful array of visually tempting and delicious produce, staffed by friendly and knowledgeable experts, a whole new generation of stylishly designed food shops are emerging. Conveniently located, they are often epicurean magnets for local communities or centrally placed meccas for cosmopolitan customers. Whatever their location, however, they all appeal to our eyes, nose, ears, taste and touch; because we shop with our senses. They also connect to something more vital, whether we are aware of it or not – our emotions. Designers of food shops are not just charged with the responsibility of creating a good-looking space, they also most aptly and discreetly push shoppers’ mental buttons, triggering their needs, desires and aspirations, by a marriage of design and psychology. This book is a unique opportunity to browse thirty-three fabulous food shops, the majority built since 2000, in Britain and Continental Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and North America. They not only look marvello

    • ¥596.6 折扣:8.8折
    • Concrete Architecture in Finland Photographed by Jussi Tiain
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    • Maritta Koivisto, Jussi Tiainen 著 /2008-09-01/
    • FlNNISH CoNCRETE ARCHITECTURE of the 21 st century seeks clarity and simplicity The nature of the materiaI is now emphasisedmore than previously and the facades withinthe whole are unassuming and harmonious.and with carefuIly executed details.AIso theplasticity of concrete has been utilised:the surfaces curve and bend——thin and slender structures,as well as heavy structures,have foundtheir place. Architectural photographer Jussi Tiainen hasskilfully captured in his photographs the vetsatile nature of concrete,its smoothness andcoarseness,strength and sensitivity,hardnessand softness,and light and shadow.For thisbook he has photographed the best of Finnishconcrete architecture from recent years—16different buildings.ranging from public buildings to a single—family house.and from newbuildings to remodelling projects.Among thearchitects’offices included are IKMM Architects.Lahdelma&Mahlamaki Architects,andHeikkinen&Komonen Architects.The article at the beginning

    • ¥387.1 折扣:9.8折
    • Office Building in Finland 芬兰办公建筑
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    • Panu Lehtovuori, Reijo Jallinoja 著 /2008-03-01/
    • This book aspires to create a wide perspective on the various trends in current Finnish office architecture, from traditional brick buildings to the imaginative glazed towers and glass facades today. Featuring 14 contemporary buildings -- a selection of the very best of Finnish office architecture from the present century -- these buildings show that modern Finnish office architecture represents cutting-edge high-technology with a humane and caring aspect.

    • ¥401.8 折扣:9.8折
    • Coffee Time
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    • Michelle Galindo 著 /2012-06-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • Today it is no longer a matter of taste as to how and whichcoffee we drink, as it is even more important where we enjoy it. Amultitude of new cafés, coffee shops and coffee houses around theworld honor a centuries old tradition, setting thereby new designtrends. The task is to create communicative and inspiring locationsand spaces, which at the same time measure up to the functionaldemands. The design solutions are as varied as the concepts, thetransitions to lounge, club or restaurant are flowing. After aninformative introduction, Coffee Time presents current projectsthat show the exciting conceptual and stylistic breadth of cafédesigns today.

    • ¥202.2 折扣:6折
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    • teNeues 著 /2009-08-01/ Phaidon Press
    • This volume is an extensive round-up of the region'scontemporary hotels. This insider's resource guides you to thefinest modern accommodations for business or leisure. Plentifulphotographs showcase hip furniture, exceptional art and originalinteriors. Useful de*ions give the low-down on what to expectat each hostelry, explaining what makes each one unique.

    • ¥195 折扣:9.8折
    • Bookshops(9783037681220)
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    • Markus HattsteinMarkus Sebastian Braun 编 /2012-10-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • In the era of e-books and online shops, when the classic book trade has come under increasing pressure, the success of a bookshop is by no means a foregone conclusion. Booksellers confront these new challenges with very different economic strategies and conceptual measures. Spatial concepts, furnishings and design are indispensable ingredients of a successful sales strategy for newer as well as more tradition-steeped bookstores. People like to linger and buy where they feel comfortable. This volume is dedicated to the most beautiful bookstores in the world. The old and the new, classical and innovative, giant stores and paradises in miniature for bibliophiles: What they all have in common is that they create a desire for books and prove that the bookshop as institution will always fulfil a need and without a doubt enjoys a future.

    • ¥202.2 折扣:6折
    • Revit建筑学,2008Mastering Revit Architecture 2008
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    • Tatjana Dzambazova 等著 /2007-11-01/
    • Revit Architecture has revolutionized how architects design, develop, and deliver projects—and now you can join the revolution with this expert guide. Authored by a team of Revit aficionados and experts, this in-depth book uses clear explanations, detailed tutorials, and practical examples to show you how to best implement Revit in the real world. Starting with a focused look at the basics of Revit and Building Information Modeling (BIM), you’ll move quickly into setting up and customizing your Revit tools, preparing your office/project templates and settings, creating your library of components, and much more.

    • ¥447 折扣:8.8折