This book aspires to create a wide perspective on the various trends in current Finnish office architecture, from traditional brick buildings to the imaginative glazed towers and glass facades today. Featuring 14 contemporary buildings -- a selection of the very best of Finnish office architecture from the present century -- these buildings show that modern Finnish office architecture represents cutting-edge high-technology with a humane and caring aspect.
This book guides you systematically through the whole processof designing and building your own house. It offers practicalassistance from the moment you begin thinking about the kind ofhouse you want. It helps you focus your ideas and translate theminto working plans. It shows you how to estimate costs. Then, stepby step, it shows you how to construct the house -- explaining andillustrating every step systematically so that you can proceedconfidently from beginning to end. Here are complete, clear instructions on everything you need toknow, including: -- How to decide what you want the house to be like -- inside andoutside, and in relation to the environment and neighborhood -- How to translate your ideas and decisions into workingdrawings -- How to deal with all the components of a house: structural(roof, floor, walls, columns, foundations), mechanical (plumbingand heating), electrical, interior and exterior finishingmaterials -- How to establish the exact dimensions of e
In this highly acclaimed reference work David Watkin tracesthe history of western architecture from the earliest times inMesopotamia and Egypt to the eclectic styles of the twenty-firstcentury. The author emphasizes the ongoing vitality of theClassical language of architecture, underlining the continuitybetween, say, the work of Ictinus in fifth-century BC Athens andthat of McKim, Mead and White in twentieth-century New York.Authoritative, comprehensive and highly illustrated, this fifthedition has been expanded to bring the story of westernarchitecture right up to date and includes a separate final chapteron twenty-first century developments, including computers andarchitecture, and sustainability and the environment.
This publication presents a fresh look into the privatedwellings of the most exciting creative talents in Parisindividuals from the music, fashion, design, film and art worlds.The 27 properties photographed exclusively for the book are looselyarranged by their location across the city's grooviest, on-the-edgearrondissements from the elevated bohemianism of the Left Bank tothe trendy Marais and the edgier Belleville and 13th and reflectthe cosmopolitan melting pot that influences Paris' design trends.Aimed at an urban audience who dream of revamping their city crashpads, or who want to inject glamour into their personal spaces,"New Paris Style" is packed with creative and inspiring ideas, forwherever you live.
Think of a tag as a keyword or label you consider is strongly related to this product. Tags will help all customers organize and find favorite items.
History of Architecure presents a comprehensive survey of world architecture from antiquity to the present. Over a thousand superb photographs illustrate 500 important buildings, further elecidated by plans and details of infividual architectural elements. An informative, chronologically organized text decribes individual buildings and their stylistic vocabulary with specialized inpit from architectural theory and the decorative arts. The magnificent photographs and fascinating text combine to form a complete presentation of the art of building.
The architecture of Jos, Cruz Ovalle is presented extensively in the book ? 18 buildings completed between 1992 and 2007. In addition to his wood buildings, the book also contains significant concrete buildings in which wood has been used in the interior and for special details. Among the private houses included in the book are Cruz?s own home and studio as well as houses in Qinchamali and Valle Escondido. The public buildings include the Chilean Pavilion for the Seville Expo? 92, Adolfo Ibaez University buildings and the Explora hotels in Patagonia and on the Easter Island. Among the industrial buildings presented are the Centromaderas factory and office buildings as well as the Cruz and Los Robles vineyard cellars.
This book presents eight single-family houses built by Aalto in Finland, Estonia, and France from the 1920s to the end of the 1960s. Markku Lahti, director of the Alvar Aalto Foundation, describes the fascinating history of the selected houses, the people for whom they were built, and how Aalto adapted his own design ideals to the needs of his clients.
TASCHEN's Great Adventure began back in 1980, when eighteen-year-old Benedikt Taschen opened a shop in his native Cologne,Germany, to market his massive comics collection. Within a year he began publishing catalogs promoting his wares, but it wasn't until 1984 that his first art-book breakthrough occurred: he purchased 40,000 remainder copies of a Magritte book printed in English,reselling them for a fraction of their original price. From a young age, Taschen had been interested in art but found that art books were too expensive and hard to obtain, and the success of this daring move proved that Taschen was not alone in thinking that the art-book market should be democratized. Soon he began reprinting books under his own name for budget prices and the next year he published his first original title and the first book in the Basic Artseries: Picasso. Before long, high-quality-yet-still-inexpensive hard-cover books were added to the lineup and in 1989 the landmark double-jumbo Van Gogh: The Complete Painting
The ultimate resource on strategies for redeveloping abandonedurban sites Architects, urban planners, urban designers, developers, cityofficials, and all those interested in revitalizing theirpost-industrial cities will find the tools they need here.Redeveloping Industrial Sites delivers solutions to complex issuesconcerning urban planning, design, and financing to reveal lessonson ways to successfully convert decaying land and buildings intovibrant parks, stimulating cultural destinations, and activecommercial complexes. In addition, carefully chosen real-worldexamples illustrate topics such as sustainability, public policy,and developer know-how to form a complete picture of the elementsinvolved in planning and executing urban redevelopment projects.Redeveloping Industrial Sites: Covers strategies used to turn abandoned industrial sites intovibrant new neighborhoods and special districts such as Toronto'sDistillery District and Philadelphia's Piazza at Schmidts Emphasizes design
Today it is no longer a matter of taste as to how and whichcoffee we drink, as it is even more important where we enjoy it. Amultitude of new cafés, coffee shops and coffee houses around theworld honor a centuries old tradition, setting thereby new designtrends. The task is to create communicative and inspiring locationsand spaces, which at the same time measure up to the functionaldemands. The design solutions are as varied as the concepts, thetransitions to lounge, club or restaurant are flowing. After aninformative introduction, Coffee Time presents current projectsthat show the exciting conceptual and stylistic breadth of cafédesigns today.
“...Extraordinary: Gibbs has popped the hood and taken apartthe engine of commercial design and development, showing us eachindividual part and explaining fit, form and function.”— YaromirSteiner , Founder, Chief Executive Officer, Steiner + Associates “...the most comprehensive and expansive book ever written onthe subject of Retail Real Estate Development. Gibbs is byfar the most prominent advocate for reforming retail planning anddevelopment in order to return American cities to economic andphysical prominence” – Stefanos Polyzoides , Moule Polyzoides Architects Urbanists The retail environment has evolved rapidly in the past fewdecades, with the retailing industry and its placement and designof "brick-and-mortar" locations changing with evolvingdemographics, shopping behavior, transportation options and adesire in recent years for more unique shopping environments. Written by a leading expert, this is a guide to planning forretail development for urban planners, urban
This book presents a total of 44 individually designed summer villas and saunas in Finland. Representing the best of recent Finnish summer home and sauna architecture, each site is presented in detail through photographs, plans, and text by the architects themselves. Harri Hautaj rvi's fascinating text discusses the history and trends of villa and sauna architecture and life, as well as the challenges of sustainable development to holiday-home buildings of the future.
Revit Architecture has revolutionized how architects design, develop, and deliver projects—and now you can join the revolution with this expert guide. Authored by a team of Revit aficionados and experts, this in-depth book uses clear explanations, detailed tutorials, and practical examples to show you how to best implement Revit in the real world. Starting with a focused look at the basics of Revit and Building Information Modeling (BIM), you’ll move quickly into setting up and customizing your Revit tools, preparing your office/project templates and settings, creating your library of components, and much more.
In the era of e-books and online shops, when the classic book trade has come under increasing pressure, the success of a bookshop is by no means a foregone conclusion. Booksellers confront these new challenges with very different economic strategies and conceptual measures. Spatial concepts, furnishings and design are indispensable ingredients of a successful sales strategy for newer as well as more tradition-steeped bookstores. People like to linger and buy where they feel comfortable. This volume is dedicated to the most beautiful bookstores in the world. The old and the new, classical and innovative, giant stores and paradises in miniature for bibliophiles: What they all have in common is that they create a desire for books and prove that the bookshop as institution will always fulfil a need and without a doubt enjoys a future.
Displaying a wonderful array of visually tempting and delicious produce, staffed by friendly and knowledgeable experts, a whole new generation of stylishly designed food shops are emerging. Conveniently located, they are often epicurean magnets for local communities or centrally placed meccas for cosmopolitan customers. Whatever their location, however, they all appeal to our eyes, nose, ears, taste and touch; because we shop with our senses. They also connect to something more vital, whether we are aware of it or not – our emotions. Designers of food shops are not just charged with the responsibility of creating a good-looking space, they also most aptly and discreetly push shoppers’ mental buttons, triggering their needs, desires and aspirations, by a marriage of design and psychology. This book is a unique opportunity to browse thirty-three fabulous food shops, the majority built since 2000, in Britain and Continental Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and North America. They not only look marvello
Patrick Blanc, an artist with a green thumb, has created dozens of his admired botanical tapestries in public and private spaces around the world, including the Marithé & Fran ois Girbaud boutique in Manhattan; the Jean Nouvel-designed Quai Branly Museum in Paris; the aquarium in Genoa; the Siam Paragon mall in Bangkok; and the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa, Japan. In this luscious, oversize, all-color book, he explains how to create plant walls using more than one thousand plants, drawing on his observation of natural milieus, his technique of growing on vertical surfaces, his savoir faire, and his passion for plants.
To Alvar Aalto life, art, architecture, and creativity were inseparable from everyday work. When developing ideas or researching a design challenge he moved as easily in the world of natural sciences as he did in the world of art. This remarkable book celebrates the 1998 centenary of Alvar Aalto's birth. It is not the most comprehensive book on his work, but it is without question the most sumptuous and poetic. 23 projects from different decades are featured, ranging from private houses to public buildings. The text, written by Marku Lahtti, director of the Alvar Alto Museum, intelligently complements the photographic genius of Maija Holma, whose bold images capture the finest details of Aalto's structures and interiors. Works include Finland Hall, Helsinki; Art Museum, Aalborg, Denmark; Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki; House of Culture, Helsinki; Villa Mairea, Noormarkku; and Aalto's own house in Helsinki. Alvar Aalto - A Gentler Structure for Life is a visual feast and featur
Perched on the spectacular southwest coast of Balisits Ernesto Bedmars long-awaited first project on the island thathas so inspired his successful career, the exquisitely designed,award-winning villa, The Jiva Puri. Although highly contemporary inexpression, the villas design is intrinsically linked to the builthistory of the island and shows a deep understanding of traditionalBalinese architectural concepts and their relationship to thelandscape. With a foreword by Darlene Smyth that puts The Jiva Puriinto context, sumptuous photography by Albert Lim that takes thereader on a detailed tour of every pavilion, and comprehensiveplans, elevations and details, this monograph gives a fully roundedview of a villa complex that has set new standards of subtlearchitectural brilliance on the island.
This is the new student edition of the definitive reference on urban planning and design. Planning and Urban Design Standards, Student Edition is the authoritative and reliable volume designed to teach students best practices and guidelines for urban planning and design. Edited from the main volume to meet the serious student's needs, this Student Edition is packed with more than 1,400 informative illustrations and includes the latest rules of thumb for designing and evaluating any land-use scheme - from street plantings to new subdivisions. Students find real help understanding all the practical information on the physical aspects of planning and urban design they are required to know, including: plans and plan environmental planning and building parks and open space, farming, and places and design projections and demand impact legal growth management preservation, conservation, and and, economic and real estate development. Planning and Urban Design Standards, Student Edition provides es
Technology is revolutionizing the way we live lrid and everyday materials are changing form and furm and function as manufacturing techniques and laser-cutters transform them Architects and designers know about these everyday inventions but do you? contemporary details is the first book to explore fixtures, fittings, and finishes for the 21 st century integrated, with over 800 international sources. over 650 of the latest interior design solutions for Walls & Ceilings, Flooring, Doors, Windows, Stairs, Heaing & Cooling, Lighting, Bathroons,Kitchens, Plus the latest in home entertainment, technological innovation, and eco-friendly products.
Site analysis is the key to a well-designed project. In fact,the careful and complete analysis of a site and its surroundingcontext can lead to better development proposals, smoother designimplementation, and, ultimately, higher quality builtenvironments. This carefully conceived book is the first to detail each crucialstep in the site analysis and planning process, from site selectionthrough design development. It shows how these activities areintegrated to arrive at a site plan that successfully balances theneeds of the client and other stakeholders with the site'ssuitability for the intended land uses. With more than 130illustrations, this book includes many outstanding examples of mapsand site plans created by leading land planning firms. It offersguidance on: * Site identification, evaluation, and selection * Site inventories of physical, biological, and culturalattributes * Land use suitability analysis using Geographic InformationSystems (GIS) * Concept planning and