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    • WELL-ROUNDED PREGNANCY COOKBK(ISBN=9780307351814) 英文原版
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • Karen Gurwitz ,Jen Hoy 编 /2007-08-01/ Random House US
    • Every woman wants to eat her best. But eating well can bechallenging during the best of times. During pregnancy it isaggravated with curveballs such as nausea, cravings, or life.Before you ruin your healthful intentions, check out TheWell-Rounded Pregnancy Cookbook, which offers a compromise byproviding 100 recipes that meet every mother’s needs by adaptingthem to her moods. Feeling nauseous? Turn Pine Nuts and Golden Raisins into alemony-soup. Craving comfort foods? Modify Asian Cabbage Salad intoa traditional but healthy treat. Ready to shed your baby pounds?Transform Fettucine with Mushrooms and Slow-Roasted Tomatoes into abeautiful salad. Feeling good today? Try some Broiled Salmon withCaramelized Fennel and Sweet Onion paired with Crisp Roasted SweetPotatoes. And the Lemon Cookies and Devilicious Cupcakes are greatfor any mood. Easily customizable recipes also mean that mom-to-be and her familycan sit down and enjoy the same meal, no matter how she’s feeling.With helpful tips and options that mi

    • ¥51.5 折扣:3.5折
    • 【T&H】Comet 彗星:来自罗塞塔太空探测器的照片 英文原版摄影集
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Jean-Pierre Bibring /2019-05-30/ Thames & Hudson
    • 彗星》一书讲述罗塞塔太空探测器的精彩故事以及以Tchoury彗星为目的地的星际穿越之旅。它的任务 是找到地球所在太阳系的起源和地球生命初现的线索。本书追随一段时长十年、穿越太阳系横跨数百万公里的航程,罗塞塔进入了彗星运行轨道。它的着陆器,菲莱,一所微型科学实验室 直接降落至彗星Tchoury的表面并拍摄现场照片。 本书呈现了此次科学探索的重大胜利,本书从航行带回来的大量照片中挑选*好的部分。本书结构围绕罗塞塔之旅的多个阶段构建:离开地球,冲破大气层,眺望家园之光逐渐远去;掠过月球,接近火星;投入宇宙璀璨繁星,靠近彗星;*终,降落在Tchoury彗星上。这些照片都配备一段说明文字,反映任务目标和人类从这一项科技壮举中取得的成就。本书详细的图片说明为读者提供通俗易懂的科学信息,让读者能够进入主题核心。

    • ¥393 折扣:3折
    • 【预订】查拉图斯特拉如是说 英文原版 Thus Spoke Zarathustra 尼采哲学
    •   ( 15 条评论 )
    • Friedrich Nietzsche,R. J. Hollingdale /1970-01-01/ Penguin Classics
    • 查拉图斯特拉如是说》是尼采的里里程碑式的作品,几乎包括了尼采的全部思想。这本以散文诗体写就的杰作,以震聋发聩的奇异灼见和横空出世的警世招语宣讲 超人哲学 和 权力意志 ,横扫了基督教所造成的精神奴性的方方面面,谱写了一曲自由主义的人性壮歌,在这本书里,尼采宣告 上帝死了 ,让 超人 出世,于是近代人类思想的天空有了一道光耀千年的奇异彩虹。 Friedrich Nietzsche's most accessible and influential philosophical work, misquoted, misrepresented, brilliantly original and enormously influential, Thus Spoke Zarathustra is translated from the German by R.J. Hollingdale in Penguin Classics. Nietzsche was one of the most revolutionary and subversive thinkers in Western philosophy, and Thus Spoke Zarathustra remains his most famous and influential work. It describes how the ancient Persian prophet Zarathustra descends from his solitude in the mountains to tell the wor

    • ¥73 折扣:2.8折
    • 【T&H】【大概念丛书】Should We All Be Vegan?我们都应该吃素吗?英文原版
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Molly Watson and Matthew Taylor /2019-09-05/ Thames & Hudson
    • 我们应该支持素食主义吗?从 纯素食主义的演变 到 为什么今天要做素食主义? 书中研究了现在主流的以植物为基础的饮食的演变, 纯素食主义的挑战 调查了纯素生活方式的营养和误解,设想了素食主义的未来及其对地球的影响。 An insightful look at the arguments for and against universal adoption of a vegan diet and lifestyle. As concern grows over the environmental costs and ethical implications of intensive factory farming, an increasing number of people are embracing diets and lifestyles free from animal products. Should We All Be Vegan? gives a fluid and engaging account of the evolution of veganism. Over the course of four easily digestible chapters, food writer Molly Watson reveals the truth about veganism s impact on our health, the planet, and the global economy. Chapters like The Evolution of Veganism and Why Go Vegan Today? examine the development of veganism from the earliest meat-free human

    • ¥106 折扣:3折
    • MIND OF THE SOUTH, THE(ISBN=9780679736479) 英文原版
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • W.J. Cash 编 /1991-09-01/ Random House US
    • Ever since its publication in 1941, The Mind of the South hasbeen recognized as a path-breaking work of scholarship and as aliterary achievement of enormous eloquence and insight in its ownright. From its investigation of the Southern class system to itspioneering assessments of the region's legacies of racism,religiosity, and romanticism, W. J. Cash's book defined the way inwhich millions of readers -- on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line-- would see the South for decades to come. This new,fiftieth-anniversary edition of The Mind of the South includes anincisive analysis of Cash himself and of his crucial place in thehistory of modern Southern letters.

    • ¥51.5 折扣:3.5折
    • 【预订】Kant's Moral Metaphysics: God, Freedom, and Immortality
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    • Bruxvoort Lipscomb, Benjamin,Krueger, James /1970-01-01/
    • Recent interpreters of Kant?s moral philosophy generally minimize the importance of Kant?s metaphysical beliefs. This volume re-evaluates these approaches, exploring Kantian positions on such topics as sin, the relation between God and ethics, the metaphysics of human freedom and the possibility of knowledge of God. It is the first to examine all of these topics within the context of Kant?s ethical writings. ,

    • ¥180.71 折扣:4折
    • FASTER(ISBN=9780679775485) 英文原版
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • James Gleick 著 /2000-09-01/ Random House US
    • From the bestselling, National Book Award-nominated auhtor ofGenius and Chaos, a bracing new work about the accelerating pace ofchange in today's world. Most of us suffer some degree of "hurry sickness." a malady thathas launched us into the "epoch of the nanosecond," aneed-everything-yesterday sphere dominated by cell phones,computers, faxes, and remote controls. Yet for all the hours,minutes, and even seconds being saved, we're still filling our daysto the point that we have no time for such basic human activitiesas eating, sex, and relating to our families. Written with freshinsight and thorough research, Faster is a wise and witty look at aharried world not likely to slow down anytime soon.

    • ¥51.5 折扣:3.5折
    • ANTI-ESTROGENIC DIET(ISBN=9781556436840) 英文原版
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Ori Hofmekler 著 /2007-05-01/ Random House US
    • ? Lower your risk of metabolic disorders, disease, and chronicweight gain ? Protect yourself against the estrogenic substances in theenvironment, products, water, and food ? Learn how certain foods and herbs can protect you! Estrogenic chemicals—known for causing the near extinction ofvarious living species—are found in some of the most common foodswe eat. In this revolutionary diet book, Ori Hofmekler addresses themillions of overweight and obese individuals who have failed or aredisappointed with other diets—those who suffer from yoyo dieting,weight gain rebounds, or accumulation of stubborn fat in the bellyand other estrogen-sensitive areas. Focusing on our currentover-exposure to estrogenic chemicals in the environment, foods,and water, The Anti-Estrogenic Diet provides a practical solutionto fat gain, estrogen-related disorders (PMS, endometriosis,fibrocystic disease), and increased risk of common cancers in womenand men (breast, ovarian, cervical, prostate). Al

    • ¥51.5 折扣:3.5折
    • MACEDONIA(ISBN=9780345498991) 英文原版
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    • Harvey Pekar 著 /2007-06-01/ Random House US
    • “Pekar has proven that comics can address the ambiguities ofdaily living, that like the finest fiction, they can hold a mirrorup to life.” –The New York Times For years Heather Roberson, a passionate peace activist, hasargued that war can always be avoided. But she has repeatedly facedcounterarguments that fighting is an inescapable consequence ofworld conflicts. Indeed, Heather finds proving her point to be alittle tricky without examples to bolster her case. So she doessomething a little crazy: She sets out for far-off Macedonia, alandlocked country north of Greece and west of Bulgaria, to explorea region that has edged–repeatedly–close to the brink of violence,only to refrain. In the process–and as vividly portrayed by the talented duo ofHarvey Pekar and Ed Piskor–Heather is tangled in red tape, rippedoff by cabdrivers and hotel clerks, hit on by creepy guys, secretlyphotographed, and mistaken for a spy. She also creates unlikelyfriendships, learns that getting lost m

    • ¥54.7 折扣:3.5折
    • CONSUMERS' REPUBLIC, A(ISBN=9780375707377) 英文原版
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Lizabeth Cohen 著 /2003-12-01/ Random House US
    • In this signal work of history, Bancroft Prize winner andPulitzer Prize finalist Lizabeth Cohen shows how the pursuit ofprosperity after World War II fueled our pervasive consumermentality and transformed American life. Trumpeted as a means to promote the general welfare, massconsumption quickly outgrew its economic objectives and becamesynonymous with patriotism, social equality, and the AmericanDream. Material goods came to embody the promise of America, andthe power of consumers to purchase everything from vacuum cleanersto convertibles gave rise to the power of citizens to purchasepolitical influence and effect social change. Yet despiteundeniable successes and unprecedented affluence, mass consumptionalso fostered economic inequality and the fracturing of societyalong gender, class, and racial lines. In charting the complexlegacy of our “Consumers’ Republic” Lizabeth Cohen has written abold, encompassing, and profoundly influential book.

    • ¥55 折扣:3.5折
    • CORE PROGRAM, THE(ISBN=9780553380842) 英文原版
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    • Peggy Brill 著 /2003-01-01/ Random House US
    • Exercise your right to feel fabulous! Working with Peggy is a dream! Her ideas are terrific and therelationship she develops with you makes you feel confident aboutimprovement. Coach Mike Krzyzewski, head coach of Duke University's men'sbasketball team Nothing is more important to strength, health and vitality thanstrong core muscles. I know this from both personal andprofessional experience. Peggy Brill s exercise program iseffective for every woman, no matter what her current fitnesslevel. And because it takes only 15 minutes per day, everyone canbenefit. Christiane Northrup, author of Women s Bodies, Women sWisdom Using The Core Program, you ll give your body a head-to-toeworkout that will also tone your muscles and carve inches off yourwaist and hips. You ll look great and feel terrific. Best of all,the easy-to-do Core movements can be done no matter how old youare. It doesn t matter whether you are overweight or skinny, fitor sedent

    • ¥51.8 折扣:3.5折
    • MALE FACTOR, THE(ISBN=9780385528115) 英文原版
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Shaunti Feldhahn 著 /2009-12-01/ Random House US
    • Based on a nationwide survey and confidential interviews withmore than three thousand men, bestselling author of For WomenOnly , Shaunti Feldhahn, has written a startling andunprecedented exploration of how men in the workplace tend tothink, which even the most astute women might otherwise miss. In The Male Factor, Feldhahn investigates and quantifies theprivate thoughts that men almost never publicly reveal or admit to,but that every woman will want to know. Never before has an author gotten inside the hearts and minds ofmen in the workplace—from CEOs to managers, from lawyers to factoryworkers—to get a comprehensive and confidential picture of what mencommonly think about their female colleagues, how they viewflextime and equal compensation, what their expected “rules” of theworkplace are, what managing emotion means, and how that lowcut topis perceived. Because the men in the surveys and interviews wereguaranteed anonymity, they talk in a candid and uncensored wayabout their daily interactions

    • ¥70.2 折扣:3.5折