    • 现货 英文原版 物种起源 The Origin of Species
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    • Darwin, Charles /2014-02-01/ Bantam Classics
    • The publication of Darwin s The Origin of Species in 1859 marked a dramatic turning point in scientific thought. The volume had taken Darwin more than twenty years to publish, in part because he envisioned the storm of controversy it was certain to unleash. Indeed, selling out its first edition on its first day, The Origin of Species revolutionized science, philosophy, and theology. Darwin s reasoned, documented arguments carefully advance his theory of natural selection and his assertion that species were not created all at once by a divine hand but started with a few simple forms that mutated and adapted over time. Whether commenting on his own poor health, discussing his experiments to test instinct in bees, or relating a conversation about a South American burrowing rodent, Darwin s monumental achievement is surprisingly personal and delightfully readable. Its profound ideas remain controversial even today, making it the most influential book in the natural sciences ever written an important work no

    • ¥18 折扣:3.6折
    • 饥饿的陌生人事件/Case of the Hungry Stranger, The
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    • Crosby Bonsall 著 /1980-10-01/ 音像供货
    • Who ate Mrs. Meech's blueberry pie? Mrs. Meech calls on private eyes Wizard, Skinny, Tubby, and Snitch to help her find out! When this book was first published, The Horn Book praised its "real humor, suspense, and definite characterization, which achieve a result that is irresistible." Now reissued in bright full color, Crosby Bonsall's lively mystery will keep beginning readers laughing as the four clubhouse detectives search for clues.

    • ¥19.8 折扣:7.9折
    • 火猫/Fire Cat, The
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Esther Holden Averill 著 /1983-09-01/ 音像供货
    • Pickles is a young cat with big paws and big plans. But all he can find to do is chase other cats, until he is adopted by the local firehouse. Knowing that this is his chance to do big things, Pickles works hard to be a good fire cat. He learns to jump on a fire truck. He learns to help put out a fire, and he even helps out in a rescue! Beginning readers will cheer when Pickle's dream finally comes true.

    • ¥19.8 折扣:7.9折
    • 梦幻汽车/Dream Cars
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    • 本社 编 /2007-12-01/ Parragon
    • Check out this totally cool book for awesome ideas on blingin'paint jobs, smooth custom shapes, stylish interior, plus much more! Then have fun transfOrming the four cars on the CO-ROM into some of the coolest rides one the planet!Each modified car can be printed out on a choice of four backdrops.

    • ¥14.2 折扣:7.9折
    • 水Water
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    • ROY A.GALLANT 著 /2001-01-01/
    • Water is everywhere. It covers almost 70 percent of Earth's surface. It forms the oceans and flows as rushing rivers. The atmosphere not to mention clouds is a vast storehouse of water in the form of the gas called water vapor. Billions of tons of water are locked up as the enormous ice caps that sit on the top and bottom of the world. If all of that icy water were to melt, it would cause a rise in sea level of about 260 feet (80 meters). Coastal cities the world over would be flooded beyond repair.

    • ¥19.8 折扣:4.5折
    • GB/T7442-2007角向磨光机
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    • 本社 编 /2007-09-01/
    • 本标准代替GB./T 7442—2001《角向磨光机》。 本标准与GB/T 7442—2001相比,技术内容的主要修改如下: 1) 将GB/T 7442—2001中的“单相串激”改为“单相串励”,“允许值”改为“限值”,“无线电干扰”、“干扰电压”、“干扰功率”分别改为“无线电骚扰”、“骚扰电压”、“骚扰功率”。 2) 更新了第2章的全部引用标准的版本,并增加了下列引用标准: ——GB/T 2900.28—2007 电工术语 电动工具 ——GB 3883.1—2005 手持式电动工具的安全部分:通用要求 ——GB 1002—1996家用和类似用途单相插头插座型式、基本参数和尺寸 ——GB 11918—2001 工业用插头插座和耦合器 第1部分:通用要求 ——IEC 61558—2—6:1997 电力变压器、电源供电装置及类似设备的安全 第2—6部分:通用安全隔离变压器的特殊要求 3)第4章技术要求增加如下要求: 4.2

    • ¥14.1 折扣:8.8折