What Will Your Valencia Encounter Be? Deciding whether Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias looks morelike an armadillo, a giant sail or a jamonero (ham-slicer) Lunching on a simmering panful of paella Walking, cycling or skating through the Jardines del Turia Admiring El Greco, Murillo, Morales, Goya and Velazquez at theMuseo de Bellas Artes Lingering over a drink in Plaza de la Virgen Shopping on C de Colon, Valencia's busiest shopping street, wheretiny boutiques hold their own with Spanish chains Discover Twice The City In Half The Time Full-color pull-out maps and detailed neighborhood maps for easynavigation Our resident author recommends favorite local restaurants, bars,gardens and galleries Unique itineraries and walking tours to help you make the most ofa short trip Meet the locals; insider tips from a sommelier, a gallery ownerand a long-term resident of up-and-coming neighborhood, Russafa
The Milan Encounter guide gives you twice the city in half thetime. This pared-down number is ideal for quick trips - it's lessaccommodation, more neighbourhood highlights and the best of localknowledge. * Interviews with locals keep travelers in the know on thefull Milan experience * Full of shopping tips to ensure travelers know where to go forthe latest trends * Chapter for each neighborhood highlighting the best sights,shops, eating, drinking, and entertainment * Pocket-sized guide and pull-out map for handy reference
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What Will Your Sydney EncounterBe? Revelling in the surfing, sushi, bodies andbeer of oceanside Bondi Joining the dots between Sydney's great independentgalleries Finding that perfect outfit for the Mardi Gras; or just thatperfect outfit Swooning beneath the heaven-sent, sunset curves of the SydneyOpera House, before swanning off to a show Getting your caffeine rush in Newtown Charting Sydney Harbor on two feet, past sandstone cliffs,beautiful bushland and million-dollar mansions Discover Twice the City in Half The Time Full-color pull-out map and quality neighborhood maps Our Sydney expert has sussed out the sights, relished therestaurants and walked the wild side for our green walkingtours Highlights help you make the most of your short stay Cut straight to a superb coffee, great pubs and the best surfbreaks: Sydney locals share their city
WHAT WILL YOUR MELBOURNE ENCOUNTER BE? Browsing a grid of laneway galleries, cafes, bars and designerboutiques Comparing top dishes from the city 's best chefs and finding yourown favorite Soaking in a calendar of indie festivals, big events andinternational shows Tramping with the throngs to the footy spectacular at the G Criss-crossing the city by tram, spotting historic andcontemporary landmarks Lounging over a gourmet hamper among blossoming botanicgardens DISCOVER TWICE THE CITY IN HALF THE TIME Full-color pull-out map to navigate the city andneighborhoods Our Melbourne expert gives the lowdown for families, foodies andfashionistas Detailed background as well as forward-planning tips so you don twaste a moment Locals share their city 's secret experiences and top spots
To pack for East Africa: binoculars for spotting zebu down jacket for the climb up Kilimanjaro mosquito net for camping on the multi-day safari this phrasebook for everything else Our phrasebooks give you a comprehensive mix of practical andsocial words and phrases in more than 120 languages. Chat with thelocals and discover their culture - a guaranteed way to enrich yourtravel experience.
Building on the stories from Middle of Nowhere, this is ashort story anthology of adventure in places that feel like themiddle of nowhere. Includes contributions from well-knowninternational adventurers.
A few words can take you a long way. These pocket-sizedlanguages guides--the most extensive two-way dictionary andculinary reader available in a phrasebook--are perfect fortravellers of all ages and budgets who want to interact with thelocals to maximize their travel experience. Each title in theseries features colour sections, a user-friendly sentence builder,an easy-to-follow pronunciation guide and over 2,500 essentialwords and phrases. Useful sections are divided into key areas,including food, health, accommodations and going out. Here is the most useful phrasebook for intrepid travellers drawnto East Timor's relatively untouched culture and environment. Thereis a new sustainable travel language chapter for the responsibletraveller.
Lonely Planet Phrasebooks are indispensable pocket-sizedlanguage guides. They include essential words and phrases fortravellers, vocabulary lists, easy-to-follow pronunciation keys andtwo-way dictionaries.
What Will Your Goa Beaches Encounter Be? Watching a heavenlysunset from a beach-shack restaurant on Palolem's crescent bay? Anhour of blissful relaxation with a warm-oil ayurvedic massage andsteam bath? Why not try bartering for jewellery and textiles amongthe throngs of locals at Mapusa Market, or take a stroll down thenarrow streets of Panaji's fascinating old Portuguese quarters?Discover an early-morning meeting with monkeys and exotic birds atCotigao Wildlife Sanctuary, or savor the Portuguese-Indian fusionof Goan cuisine at a laneway restaurant. Encounter twice the cityin half the time with tailored map coverage for easy navigationaround Goa's beaches and towns. Our expert author recommends thetop beaches, forts, churches, restaurants, markets, massages andwildlife sanctuaries, while useful itineraries and highlights letyou relax on the beach knowing the best experiences have been foundfor you. Locals also give their insight on the best Goan food.
This book will transport you to the greatest metropolises and the most beautiful cities around the globe - from Africa to Asia and "Down Under," and from Europe to North and South America. Experience fascinating insights into the canyon-like streets of modern super-cities, or take a stroll through picturesque lanes all across the continents. These cities have so much to tell - about the greatest events in world history, and also the local stories that constitute the life of a city, every single day.
Get Straight to the Heart of the city Top Experiences. The top things to see and do plus expert advice to make your trip even better. Local Life. Discover Phuket with guides to areas that the locals really love. Best of Phuket. We ve found the best walks, food, beaches, spas, nightlife and more. Plus: Maps for every regionWalking tours and day plannersPacked with expert travel tips100% independent advice
WHAT WILL YOUR BANGKOK ENCOUNTER BE? Watching the sun set while sipping a cocktail at one of Bangkok's rooftop bars Unwinding with a relaxing Thai massage Eating your way through the fresh, irresistible and affordableworld of Thai street food Hunting for bargains in the bustling labyrinth that is ChatuchakWeekend Market Shopping like a Thai teen at Bangkok 's famous malls Recovering from big-city exertions on an idyllic palm-fringedbeach, just a few hours away DISCOVER TWICE THE CITY IN HALF THE TIME Full-color pull out map and detailed neighborhood maps for easynavigation Bangkok resident and veteran food writer recommends the very besteating, drinking, shopping, entertainment and sights Unique itineraries and highlights help you make the best of ashort break Insider tips from tuned-in locals, including a Buddhist monk 'sinsights into the benefits of meditation, and a local food writer's tips on the best places to experience
What Will Your Angkor Wat Siem Reap Encounter Be? Watching the sun rise over the stone towers of stupendous AngkorWat Falling in love with Khmer cuisine at a delightful Siem Reaprestaurant Finding your inner Lara Croft or Indiana Jones at jungle-shroudedTa Prohm Catching a glimpse of ancient Angkor at a classical danceperformance Exploring the watery worlds of Tonle Sap lake 's floatingvillages Bargaining for exquisite Cambodian silk at the Angkor NightMarket Discover Twice the Region in Half the Time Detailed maps for easy navigation of Siem Reap and Angkor 'stemples Our resident author recommends the very best sights, restaurants,shops and entertainment Unique itineraries and highlights help you make the most of a shorttrip Local people reveal the region 's secrets, from the best of SiemReap 's pagodas to the mysteries of Angkor
'Hasta la vista, baby' is no way to address a Spanish policeofficer. 'Arriba, arriba' won't make the taxi go faster, and 'ay,carramba' won't grab a waiter's attention. Use this book to saywhat you really mean. Combining the phrasebook with the audio CD means you can listenand improve your pronunciation before you travel. Or even play aphrase to people you meet while traveling - just transfer the MP3files on the CD to your portable media device. Audio Pack Includes: 400 key phrases on Cd for practical, social and emergencysituation 3500 word two-way dictionary
A dazzling novel in the most untraditional fashion, this is the remarkable story of Henry DeTamble, a dashing, adventuresome librarian who travels involuntarily through time, and Clare Abshire, an artist whose life takes a natural sequential course. Henry and Clare's passionate love affair endures across a sea of time and captures the two lovers in an impossibly romantic trap, and it is Audrey Niffenegger's cinematic storytelling that makes the novel's unconventional chronology so vibrantly triumphant. An enchanting debut and a spellbinding tale of fate and belief in the bonds of love, The Time Traveler's Wife is destined to captivate readers for years to come. 《时间旅行者的妻子》是一个新颖的故事,它涉及到三个层面的连动:引人入胜的科幻概念、栩栩如生的人物刻画,以及感人至深的爱情。全书交织贯穿了亨利和克莱尔不同角度的视野和叙述,传神地表达出克莱尔那种总是被丢下后的思念,那种不寻常的生活方
This title covers a range of unique itineraries from keepingyour budget under control to embracing the city during its Nordicwinter chill. Locals share their insights: an editor dispelsSwedish stereotypes and a designer defines what keeps Stockholmstyle so avant-garde. There are revamped full-colour pull-out mapand detailed neighbourhood maps for easy navigation to discovertwice the city in half the time.
In this book, Theroux takes a trip in and around fifty-onePacific Islands. From New Zealand"s rain forests tocrocodile-infested New Guinea, over isolated atolls, through dirtyharbors, daring weather and coastlines, he travels by kayakwherever the winds take him—and what he discovers is a world toexplore and try to understand.
There's no need to lose face, forgo the Peking duck or miss the slow boat down the Yangtze. This phrasebook will prove more valuable on the road than a bicycle in Beijing. comprehensive food section; etiquette & cultural tips; easy-to-use pronunciation guide; sections include phrases for finding accommodation & for hitting the town; useful suggestions for health needs & emergencies; extensive two-way dictionary & user-friendly sentence builder; now with Pinyin.
If your handle on Thai extends no further than asking the chefto hold the chilli, then you need this guide. Wrap your tonguearound all those essential phrases and you'll be booking in andordering up before you know it. 3500-word two-way dictionary guide to pronunciation and phrase-building practicalities - buying the right train ticket and ordering theright beer the etiquette of smiles in the Land of Smiles
Let language be your guide in the land of a million elephants!From the vital flow of the Mekong to the fertile Bolaven Plateau,words will be the life of your travels in Laos as you make thoseconversational connections. In the musical voice of this tonallanguage, you'll forever be singing the praises of Laos and itspeople. Our phrasebooks give you a comprehensive mix of practical andsocial words and phrases in more than 120 languages. Chat with thelocals and discover their culture - a guaranteed way to enrich yourtravel experience. Who We Are At Lonely Planet, we see our job as inspiring and enablingtravelers to connect with the world for their own benefit and forthe benefit of the world at large. What We Do We offer travelers the world's richest travel advice, informed bythe collective wisdom of over 350 Lonely Planet authors living in37 countries and fluent in 70 languages. We are relentless in finding the special, the unique and thedifferent for travellers wherever