Widely acclaimed for its engaging style and provocativeperspective, this book has helped thousands transform their workinglives. Now the paperback edition features a comprehensive 30-pageresource guide that explains the basics of working for oneself.
Will the sun set on the greatest currency in the history ofthe world? For decades the dollar has been the undisputed champ. It’s not onlythe currency of America but much of the world as well, the fuel ofglobal prosperity. As the superengine of the world’s onlysuperpower, it’s accepted everywhere. When an Asian company tradeswith South America, those transactions are done in dollars, thecurrency of international business. But for how much longer? Economists fear America is digging a holewith an economy based on massive borrowing and huge deficits thatcloud the dollar’s future. Will the buck be eclipsed by the euro oreven China’s renminbi? Should Americans worry when the value of themighty U.S. dollar sinks to par with the Canadian “loonie”? Craig Karmin’s in-depth “biography” of the dollar explores theseissues. It also examines the green-back’s history, allure, andunique role as a catalyst for globalization, and how the Americanbuck became so almighty that $ became perhaps the most po
Every day on the job, you face common challenges. And you needimmediate solutions to those challenges. The Pocket Mentor Seriescan help. Each book in the series is packed with handy tools,self-tests, and real-life examples to help you identify yourstrengths and weaknesses and hone critical skills. Whether you'reat your desk, in a meeting, or on the road, these portable, conciseguides enable you to tackle the daily demands of your work withspeed, savvy, and effectiveness. The latest volume in the series: Setting Goals Setting goals is a key part of any manager's job. Through goalsetting, you define business outcomes that you and your team willaccomplish collectively and individually. Managed effectively, thegoal-setting process creates a long-term vision that motivates youand your employees to reach even the most challengingobjectives. Use this book to start setting goals more skillfully in yourgroup. You?ll find a wealth of suggestions to help you: -Define unit and individual go
In mainstream economic theory money functions as an instrumentfor the circulation of commodities or for keeping a stock of liquidwealth. In neither case is it considered fundamental to theproduction of goods or the distribution of income. Augusto Grazianichallenges traditional theories of monetary production, arguingthat a modern economy based on credit cannot be understood withouta focus on the administration of credit flows. He argues thatmarket asset configuration depends not upon consumer preferencesand available technologies but on how money and credit are managed.A strong exponent of the circulation theory of monetary production,Graziani presents an original and perhaps controversial argumentthat will stimulate debate on the topic.
Natural Resources and Economic Development, first published in2005, explores a key paradox: why is natural resource exploitationnot yielding greater benefits to the poor economies of Africa, Asiaand Latin America? Part I examines this paradox both through ahistorical review of resource use and development and throughexamining current theories which explain the under-performance oftoday's resource-abundant economies, and proposes a frontierexpansion hypothesis as an alternative explanation. Part IIdevelops models to analyse the key economic factors underlying landexpansion and water use in developing countries. Part III exploresfurther the 'dualism within dualism' structure of resourcedependency, rural poverty and resource degradation withindeveloping countries, and through illustrative countrycase-studies, proposes policy and institutional reforms necessaryfor successful resource-based development.
This 1992 book examines alternative methods for achievingoptimality without all the apparatus of economic planning (such asinformation retrieval, computation of solutions, and separateimplementation systems), or a vain reliance on sufficiently'perfect' competition. All rely entirely on the self-interest ofeconomic agents and voluntary contract. The author considersmethods involving feedback iterative controls which require theprior selection of a 'criterion function', but no prior calculationof optimal quantities. The target is adjusted as the results foreach step become data for the criterion function. Implementation isbuilt in by the incentive structure, and all controls rely onconsistency with the self-interest of individuals. Theapplicability of all the methods is shown to be independent of theform of ownership of enterprises: examples are given for industrieswhich are wholly privately owned, wholly nationalized, mixed andlabour-managed.
In this indispensable book, urban visionary JaneJacobs--renowned author of The Death and Life of Great AmericanCities and The Economy of Cities--convincingly argues that asagrarianism gives way to a technology-based future, we stand on thebrink of a new dark age, a period of cultural collapse. Jacobspinpoints five pillars of our culture that are in serious decay:community and family; higher education; the effective practice ofscience; taxation, and government; and the self-regulation of thelearned professions. The corrosion of these pillars, Jacobs argues,is linked to societal ills such as environmental crisis, racism,and the growing gulf between rich and poor. But this is a hopefulbook as well as a warning. Drawing on her vast frame ofreference–from fifteenth-century Chinese shipbuilding to Ireland’scultural rebirth–Jacobs suggests how the cycles of decay can bearrested and our way of life renewed. Invigorating and accessible,Dark Age Ahead is not only the crowning achievement of Jane Jacobs’c
In an important contribution to educational policy, DanieleChecchi offers an economic perspective on the demand and supply ofeducation. He explores the reasons why, beyond a certain point,investment in education has not resulted in reductions in socialinequalities. Starting with the seminal work of Gary Becker,Checchi provides an extensive survey of the literature on humancapital and social capital formation. He draws on individual dataon intergenerational transmission of income and education for theUSA, Germany and Italy, as well as aggregate data on income andeducational inequality for a much wider range of countries. Checchiexplores whether resources spent in education are effective inraising students' achievement, as well as analysing alternativeways of financing education. The Economics of Education thusprovides the analytical tools necessary to understand the complexrelationships between current income inequality, access toeducation and future inequality.
逆向投资之所以会获得成功,是因为进行预测的投资者不知道自己的局限性所在。(大卫·德雷曼) 历经半世纪,四次全面改版的投资经典 1970年,《逆向投资策略(原书第4版)》前身《心理学与证券市场》面世。 1979年,经改版后的《逆向投资策略:证券市场成功心理学》面世。 1982年,79年版的《逆向投资策略》修订版问世。 1998年,临近世纪之交,德雷曼根据时代变化与十多年来积累的经验重写了《逆向投资策略》一书。 2012年,在华尔街经历了互联网泡沫与次贷危机的洗礼后,行为金融与投资心理的重要性日益凸显,在新世纪跨入第二个十年之际,德雷曼再次重新演绎了自己的这本经典著作,对章节结构进行了全面调整,最终将本书呈现给广大读者。 在本版《逆向投资策略(原书第4版)》中,德雷曼向读者展现了这样一个投资世界: 从心理学的角度诠
Old Europe’s new crisis. Europe, the charming continent of windmills and gondolas. Butlately, Europe has become the continent of endless strikes anddemonstrations, bombs on the trains and subways, radical Islamiccells in every city, and ghettos so hopeless and violent even thepolice won’t enter them. In Spain, a terrorist attack promptsinstant capitulation to the terrorists’ demands. In France, thesuburbs go up in flames every night. In Holland, politicians andartists are murdered for speaking frankly about Islamicimmigration. This isn’t the Europe we thought we knew. What’s going on overthere? Traveling overland from London to Istanbul, journalist ClaireBerlinski shows why the Continent has lately appeared sobewildering—and often so thoroughly obnoxious—to Americans.Speaking to Muslim immigrants, German rock stars, French cops, andItalian women who have better things to do than have children, shefinds that Europe is still, despite everything, in the grip of thesame old
作者水皮,知名财经评论家,是财经新闻界的元老级人物,紧跟中国经济潮流二十余载。擅长以新闻手法解读经济方略,其专栏“水皮杂谈”拥有众多忠实读者,致力于为读者解读股市发展动向。本书以“风”为线索,记录了水皮在新一轮市场载浮载沉中的心路历程,是沉浸中国股市20余年经验积累的精华展现。 “风”来去无踪,却既有摧毁一切、又有催生万物的力量。跟水皮读懂股市之风,选时不如选势,不再被市场驾驭,成为市场的主宰者。
Harvard Business EssentialsYour Guide and Mentor to DoingBusiness EffectivelyFinance for ManagersCalculating and assessingthe overall financial health of the business is an important partof any managerial position. From reading and deciphering financialstatements, to understanding net present value, to calculatingreturn on investment, this book provides the fundamentals offinancial literacy. Easy to use and non-technical, this helpfulguide gives managers the smart advice they need to increase theirimpact on financial planning, budgeting, and forecasting.