本书精选100首国内外广为流传的经典儿歌,选材遵循符合孩子认知发展、传唱度高、贴近孩子日常生活三大原则。根据主题分为科普儿歌、游戏儿歌、教育儿歌、思维启蒙儿歌、语言启蒙儿歌、故事儿歌六个单元;每首儿歌均有 早教提示 板块,帮助家长明确早教方式,并提供亲子互动的建议;专业的朗诵音频让孩子能随时随地聆听,感受儿歌的韵味。
《和威比一起唱童谣》2有声读物改编自英国BBC*巨作、52集热播动画片《小猪威比》,原版书籍《威比猪》全球销量已超过2700万册。 本书采用目前*科技,将图片、文字以及声音进行完美的融合,既有朗朗上口的中文童谣,也有原版英文发声童谣。每册20首童谣,采用中英双语模式,“人书互动”的全新阅读体验,充分考虑孩子好奇、好玩、爱音乐的天性,将幽默有趣的童谣融入到可爱的图画中,通过声音、图像和动手引导相结合,提高孩子各方面的能力。 书中含20个有声按键,音量可调节,让孩子简单快乐学习童谣,开辟了幼儿英语启蒙的新形式,培养了孩子的语言、音乐和智力天赋,为孩子们开启了一个有声阅读的新时代。同时本书借六月及暑期《小猪威比》登陆央视及多家卫视滚动播出的契机,势必给中国低幼图书市场带来一阵强劲的双语有声童
This new Wee Sing musical compilation contains new songs featuring favorite nursery rhymes from Mother Goose. Nursery rhyme favorites like Jack and Jill, Humpty Dumpty, and Simple Simon are set to music with the tried-and-true Wee Sing formula. Wee Sing Mother Goose features one hour of musical sing-along and finger play enjoyment. And best of all, parents and educators can use the suggestions in the book to join in the fun as they develop their child's imagination. No library would be complete without this treasure!
Children love to pretend! Whether it’s flying like an airplane or galloping like a horse, the delightful songs in this collection, set to both classical and contemporary music, will encourage every child’s imagination to soar!
《手指谣 幼儿手思维游戏》共包含四册内容,基本涵盖了宝宝语言、数学、生活、品德等多方面内容,书中短小精悍、朗朗上口的儿歌,以及活泼有趣、丰富新颖的手指游戏能够充分调动宝宝学习的兴趣,让宝宝在潜移默化中增长见识,激发运动潜能,获得智力与体能的双重发展。每个手指游戏中还配有清晰明了的分解动作图,以及科学严谨的小博士指导,让宝宝和爸爸妈妈能够更好地掌握学习的要领,拥有更大的收获。
The bestselling Wee Sing line is now tailored for the most modern Wee Sing fans! These eight classic Wee Sing titles are now in a great new package—a book and CD in a reusable blister!
The bestselling Wee Sing line is now tailored for the most modern Wee Sing fans! These eight classic Wee Sing titles are now in a great new package—a book and CD in a reusable blister!
The bestselling Wee Sing line is now tailored for the most modern Wee Sing fans! These eight classic Wee Sing titles are now in a great new package—a book and CD in a reusable blister!
Halloween is a delightful time for children. With everythingfrom spooky songs, silly songs, and pumpkin songs, to fingerplays,circle games, and even tasty recipes, here is the perfectcollection to help with the Halloween festivities.
智识教育 童谣的取材广泛,多数是描述一般生活情景、民俗节庆的祝贺,或者是日月星辰、风雨雷电、天文气象等自然景观,甚至是关于鱼虫鸟兽、花草树木、色彩数字等的想象情节,生动有趣,合乎儿童知识层次,满足儿童好奇的心理。 情趣教育 陶冶儿童性情,变化儿童的气质,使他们养成活泼、爽朗、优雅、天真的性格。 文学教育 童谣丰富了儿童的字汇,增强了儿童的表达能力。由于词意浅显易懂,使儿童容易了解其中的意思,领略其中的情趣,欣赏期中的意境,并很快地学会新的语汇;由于简练,使儿童容易学到生动优美的句子,无形中增强了儿童语文的表达能力,更从这些语汇中的运用中增强了联想及叙述的能力。 品德教育 有些童谣蕴含着伦理道德或劝勉讽戒的教育性内容,使儿童能得到陶铸品行、美化性灵的好处。葛奶
这是一本亲子游戏动动儿歌,针对6个月至3岁大的孩子,挑选17首充满童趣的儿歌,并设计了动感有趣的亲子游戏,希望每个孩子都能在念、唱、玩、跳之间快乐成长。 这本书里,不同的儿歌针对不同的年龄层,设计出多变化的玩法。即便还是个只能躺卧的小娃娃,只要动动小手、揉揉屁股,也能玩出许多好花招。等宝宝会坐了,可以趴在爸妈脚上飞上天,当只美丽的蝴蝶;会走了,不妨小脚踩大脚,相约去逛街。 这17首活泼可爱的儿歌律动选集,是亲子互动的*资源,借着好听好玩的儿歌游戏,孩子聆听父母朗读富有节奏和韵律的儿歌,也感受父母温柔的肢体接触与亲密互动,将儿歌游戏融入生活情境中,更增添生活的乐趣。 随书附赠DVD: 除了看着书、念着儿歌,欣赏图画之外,父母和宝宝还能通过影片,看到十几组家庭真实的演出。这样一来
The bestselling Wee Sing line is now tailored for the most modern Wee Sing fans! These eight classic Wee Sing titles are now in a great new package—a book and CD in a reusable blister!
Thirty years of silly songs, rhymes, lullabies, classics, andjust plain favorite music come together on this reissue of the 25thAnniversary Celebration. Chosen from among the hundreds andhundreds of songs that Wee Sing has collected over the last 30years, this treasury is a fitting tribute to the best-selling namein children’s music!
Thirty years of silly songs, rhymes, lullabies, classics, and just plain favorite music come together on this reissue of the 25th Anniversary Celebration. Chosen from among the hundreds and hundreds of songs that Wee Sing has collected over the last 30 years, this treasury is a fitting tribute to the best-selling name in children’s music!
What are squishy, slimy, icky, creepy, crawly, and fun BugsRead and sing along with lovable hostsalike the ladybug and theinchwormaas they lead the way through a musical adventure thatteaches as it entertains.
The bestselling Wee Sing line is now tailored for the mostmodern Wee Sing fans! These eight classic Wee Sing titles are nowin a great new package—a book and CD in a reusable blister!
Lets play a game! This lively collection ofmusical and nonmusical games features both old favorites and somenewer ones, too—all guaranteed to be fun!--Book and CD