有很多家长会问:宝宝应该从多少岁开始看书?0-2岁这么的孩子又不认字,能看懂什么?1-4个月的宝宝,其实已经准备好,可以迎接他们的 阅读初体验 了 宝宝在出生后的1个月,就已经可以聚焦看清20-30厘米之内的东西;2个月可以逐渐分辨出颜色,并且喜欢色彩明亮的东西;4个月的宝宝有了 深度视觉 ,可以分辨物体离自己有多远,也可以控制自己的胳膊。《和小鸡球球一起玩》就是专为这个阶段的孩子设计,可以很好地促进孩子的手脑协调发展。 这套专为0-2岁小宝宝设计的充满惊喜的游戏纸板书全新升级,不仅有6个温馨快乐的互动故事和25种升级快乐的互动玩法,还全面升级亲子共读内容,增加6个亲子互动游戏示范视频 亲子阅读入门30讲 视频课程。 书里有立体、模切、拉页等多种设计元素的融合,通过洞洞、翻页、弹跳、抽拉等多种工艺,让小宝宝和小鸡
0-3岁宝宝脑力激活卡板小百科 系列共3辑,总计24册,从宝宝认识周围生活环境入手,进而探索周边事物,再到认知自我,通过全景式情境主题再现,结合孩子的大脑发育特点,帮助孩子激活脑力、开拓认知、启发智力、培养想象力,提高表达力、获得独立思考和学习的能力。 《宝宝,认识世界!》套装共8册,围绕宝宝生活向外界的探索展开,分别为: 我参观农场 我喜欢的交通工具 我喜欢公园 我爱动物园 我认识野生动物 我喜欢冬天 我喜欢看马戏演出 我喜欢海边
0-3岁宝宝脑力激活卡板小百科 系列共3辑,总计24册,从宝宝认识周围生活环境入手,进而探索周边事物,再到认知自我,通过全景式情境主题再现,结合孩子的大脑发育特点,帮助孩子激活脑力、开拓认知、启发智力、培养想象力,提高表达力、获得独立思考和学习的能力。 《宝宝,快乐游戏!》套装共8册,围绕宝宝的游戏生活展开,分别为: 我会数数 我认识颜色 我是动物宝宝 我爱吃水果和蔬菜 我的花园 我当小医生 我爱过生日 我的玩具
小熊有很多很多朋友 系列是一套幽默、可爱、特别贴近低幼宝宝生活的趣味绘本,适合1~3岁孩子阅读。一套共4册,包括《小熊,能让我玩一会儿吗?》《谁能给瓢虫一个抱抱?》《小羊睡着了吗?》《长颈鹿,笑一笑!》。 整个系列以低幼宝宝熟悉的生活内容为主题,比如分享玩具、和小伙伴一起玩、睡前仪式、平复情绪等,侧重引导宝宝如何与其他小朋友相处,学会与人交朋友,尊重他人、关心他人。 全书画风明快、活泼、俏皮,作者特别擅长用小动物生动、传神的表情和细微的动作变化来传达故事内容,是一套细节丰富的低幼生活启蒙图书。每本书由一个简单的问题开始,引发一系列让人意想不到的趣味答案! 《小熊,能让我玩一会儿吗?》:小熊有很多很多好东西,好吃的水果、好看的图画书、好玩的玩具 但她愿意和朋友们一起玩吗?哪些东西可以
From kittens to stars to yarn, there are so many things that canbe found in the great green room. This comforting alphabet booklinks words and phrases with familiar images from everyone’sfavorite bedtime story, Goodnight Moon
We need some long grass, tall trees, an enormous elephant,lots of noisy monkeys and all kinds of creepy crawlies...Withsimple, engaging text and appealing illustrations of favoritejungle animals, this book is sure to appeal to the very young.There's even an exciting fold-out, pop-up surprise ending!
Come explore the four seasons with Old Bear
Did you know the youngest babies see high-contrast images andpatterns best? This accordion-style board book features simpleblack-and-white shapes for newborns on one side and a rainbow ofcolors and scenes with George for toddlers on the reverse. Whatbetter way for curious babies to learn about color than withCurious George! The book includes a magnetic closure and is sturdyenough to stand on its own. Set it up on the floor to encourage anewborn to turn her head or an older baby to lift his head duringtummy time. Also includes tips on different ways the book can beused for recognizing simple shapes and teaching color mixing.
Build your baby's vocabulary with this new first words book.Split into familiar catagories such as animals, nature, food andbabies themselves, the youngest learners will be able to identifythe names of familiar objects. Baby Einstein Books is an imprint of developmentally appropriate,interactive books designed to introduce children ages 0-3 toclassic poetry, art, and foreign languages in a fun and accessibleway. A combination of playful images, beautiful photography, andbold illustrations with multilayered text will captivate andstimulate babies and young children. This "humanities for babies"program, based on the award-winning video series, taps into thenatural learning potential of young children--and their parents'aspirations for them.
Join Buster for a busy day as he visits all his farm animalfriends. Very young children will love lifting the flaps andstroking the different animals as they turn the pages.