无论是去野餐、睡觉,还是拔萝卜,小小兔一家总是会碰上各种各样的意外。 但是没关系,因为无论发生什么,一家人总是在一起。 爱的真谛,幸福的秘诀,就在三个温馨可爱的家庭故事中。
★ 全系列日本畅销100万册 ★ 幼儿启蒙益智绘本 ★ 将认知与躲猫猫游戏相结合的创意洞洞书 ★ 让宝宝爱不释手的趣味互动游戏书 《这是谁啊?》 透过水滴形、心形、树叶形等不同形状的洞洞,看到躲在洞洞后面的动物的局部,根据其显著特征猜一猜是哪种动物。 《这是什么?》 洞洞旁的图画和洞洞里露出的图画组成了太阳公公、月亮、小熊 展开想象猜一猜,洞洞后的图画会是什么呢? 《找到你啦!》 根据动物不同的叫声和洞洞透露的局部影像,向洞洞的另外一边大喊 找到你啦! 并叫出躲在洞洞后的动物的名称吧! 这是套将认知与躲猫猫游戏相结合的创意洞洞书,刺激天性好奇的幼儿主动用眼睛去看、用小手去翻、用脑袋去想。
这是一套专门为低年龄段儿童设计的纸板书。首次推出四册,分别是《我爸爸》《我妈妈》《我爷爷》《我奶奶》。在书中,小猪佩奇用欢快自豪的语气介绍了她*重要的家人,以及他们*特别的地方。比如:我爸爸是世界上*棒的爸爸。他有一份非常严肃的工作,但是他陪我们玩的时候一点也不严肃;他关心国家大事,但是*喜欢的是给我和弟弟乔治读睡前故事 同样,小猪佩奇也向大家介绍了她的妈妈、奶奶和爷爷,在佩奇心中,他们又是什么样子的呢? 看看书你们就知道啦!还想告诉大家的是,别看这个纸板书的面数不多,但是它的内容却十分丰富呢。孩子们不但可以通过佩奇讲的幽默有趣的故事了解她的家人;一句中文对应一句英文的编排方式,还可以让孩子们在爸爸妈妈的帮助下学习英语呢。
0-3岁宝宝脑力激活卡板小百科 系列共3辑,总计24册,从宝宝认识周围生活环境入手,进而探索周边事物,再到认知自我,通过全景式情境主题再现,结合孩子的大脑发育特点,帮助孩子激活脑力、开拓认知、启发智力、培养想象力,提高表达力、获得独立思考和学习的能力。 《宝宝,认识世界!》套装共8册,围绕宝宝生活向外界的探索展开,分别为: 我参观农场 我喜欢的交通工具 我喜欢公园 我爱动物园 我认识野生动物 我喜欢冬天 我喜欢看马戏演出 我喜欢海边
0-3岁宝宝脑力激活卡板小百科 系列共3辑,总计24册,从宝宝认识周围生活环境入手,进而探索周边事物,再到认知自我,通过全景式情境主题再现,结合孩子的大脑发育特点,帮助孩子激活脑力、开拓认知、启发智力、培养想象力,提高表达力、获得独立思考和学习的能力。 《宝宝,快乐游戏!》套装共8册,围绕宝宝的游戏生活展开,分别为: 我会数数 我认识颜色 我是动物宝宝 我爱吃水果和蔬菜 我的花园 我当小医生 我爱过生日 我的玩具
《佩奇去滑冰》本套书为适合3-6岁幼儿阅读的双语故事纸板书,以 运动 为主题,让孩子感受到户外锻炼的魅力,养成爱运动、爱锻炼的好习惯,是一套值得购买的幼儿运动指南。本书为其中一册,在书中,佩奇和朋友们去户外滑冰,这是佩奇*次滑冰,但是滑冰并不想她想象的那么简单,一不小心她就摔到了地上。猪妈妈来了,她耐心地教佩奇怎么滑。很快,佩奇就能和小伙伴们一起开心地滑冰了。本书内文为中英文双语编排,一句中文对应一句英文,确保英文地道,适合家长陪孩子一起学习;版面美观,营造愉快的阅读氛围。来稿比较成熟,书中的错误及不规范之处已加工调整,现已达到 齐、清、定 要求,申请复审。 《自行车比赛》本套书为适合3-6岁幼儿阅读的双语故事纸板书,以 运动 为主题,让孩子感受到户外锻炼的魅力,养成爱运动、爱锻炼的好习惯,
0-3岁宝宝脑力激活卡板小百科 系列共3辑,总计24册,从宝宝认识周围生活环境入手,进而探索周边事物,再到认知自我,通过全景式情境主题再现,结合孩子的大脑发育特点,帮助孩子激活脑力、开拓认知、启发智力、培养想象力,提高表达力、获得独立思考和学习的能力。 《宝宝,慢慢长大!》套装共8册,围绕宝宝的成长生活展开,分别为: 我家的小宝宝 我的身体 我喜欢的物品 我会用便盆 我爱吃饭 我的衣服 我要睡觉啦 我要上幼儿园
勇气、智慧 《小蝌蚪找妈妈》 小蝌蚪从水里孵出来的时候,还不知道世上有妈妈这个人呢!可是,当他们看到好朋友小鸡和妈妈快乐地生活在一起时,不禁羡慕起来,想要找到自己的妈妈,于是他们勇敢地出发了。可是一次又一次,小蝌蚪把金鱼、螃蟹、乌龟等认成了自己的妈妈 究竟谁才是自己的妈妈呢?生活会教给他们求真的智慧。 搭配指偶游戏:青蛙妈妈在大拇指,蝌蚪在小指头,小蝌蚪游过无名指、中指和食指,瞧,妈妈就在前头! 诗意、传统 《好乖乖》 脱胎自无锡惠州泥人大阿福的小孩形象,加上文人画的趣味,让田原先生画笔下的孩子个个轻灵如仙境里的金童玉女。瞧,那个骑着大白猪吹着笛子的男孩,多像古典诗歌里描绘的画面。那对汉服打扮的祖孙,看着荷花发呆,不就是陶渊明笔下悠然见南山的意境?全书配24首童诗,内容按四季
这本好玩的英语启蒙认知小词典,是一座ABC字母乐园。作者为每个字母的认知设计了一个场景,将字母认知巧妙地放置在生活场景中,通过不同的场景将A-Z共26个字母串联起来,如 A IS FOR ALLIGATOR(鳄鱼) B IS FOR BALLOON(气球) 在翻页的过程中,宝宝可以根据下一页局部画面和首字母的提示,和家长一起玩猜谜游戏,猜猜下一页对应的东西是什么,从而加深对字母、单词的印象 在图书工艺上,采用厚度达1mm的纸板,搭配圆角模切,之于低龄的孩子来讲,既安全又舒适。这本书不仅是用来 看 的,而且是一本可以 玩 的字母立体书。
《宝宝触摸认知书》包括《动物》《水果》《蔬菜》《形状》《认物》《数字》六本,每本包含 10 个卡通形象,并配有中英文名称。每个形象都有拓展图,如动物的动作、果蔬的横竖切面、物品的用途等等,拓展宝宝的认知。
It's Tim's birthday. Instead of a package, Tim gets amysterious letter -- written in code It begins: "When the mooncomes up, look for the biggest star." Tim -- and the reader -- areoff, following the clues. And at the end of the treasure hunt is awonderful birthday surprise ""Full-color pages, designed withcutout shapes, allow preschool children to fully participate inthis enticing adventure."" -- "Publisher's Weekly"'On the nightbefore Tim's birthday, he finds a rebus note, a secret messagedirecting him to his gift. Youngsters can read the note with him,then follow him up, down, and through the various-shaped, brightlycolored die-cut] pages to find the puppy at the end. . . . 'AVery-First-Step-To-Learning Book' dealing with directionalconcepts.' --CE. 'On the night before Tim's birthday, he finds arebus note, a secret message directing him to his gift. Youngsterscan read the note with him, then follow him up, down, and throughthe various-shaped, brightly colored die-cut] pages to find thepuppy at the
A die-cut cover opens to reveal chunky pages full ofdelightful farm animals at a barnyard dance in a board book thatteaches young readers all about opposites.
An Illustrated BoardBook With Holes In The Page And An Interactive Wheel Mechanism ToStimulate Your Baby's Development. It Features High Quality Art ByAn Award Winning Illustrator To Encourage A Lifelong Love OfBooks.
小毛人和爸爸妈妈生活在毛人村。他的家在一棵大树里面。 他早上去看望爷爷,然后去小河边抓鱼,后来又遇到没有皮毛的小瓢虫以及村子里小小的小小毛人…… There was a little fur family warm as toast smaller than most in little fur coats and they lived in a warm wooden tree. The Little Fur Family tells the story of a little fur child's dayin the woods. The day ends when his big fur parents tuck him in bed"all soft and warm," and sing him to sleep with a lovely bedtimesong. Cuddle up to a classic with this timeless story! Garth William'ssoft illustrations join Margaret Wise Brown's rhythmic text tocreate a gentle lullaby. Bound in imitation fur, Little Fur Familyis sure to comfort and delight
A great big hug in book form, "Snuggle Puppy" is a year-roundvalentine from parent to child. It is bright, chunky, a pleasure tohold, and has a die-cut cover that reveals a glimpse of the joyinside before it's even opened. Best of all, it's packed, ofcourse, with pure Boynton: her inimitable language, her inimitableillustrations, her inimitable sense of fun. OOO, Snuggle Puppy of mine! Everything about you is especiallyfine. I love what you are. I love what you do. Fuzzy little SnugglePuppy, I love you. Featuring a sweet and cuddly doggie cast andrhyming verse, "Snuggle Puppy" is the perfect bedtime book to readlast, because of an ending that kids will want again and again: Istarted with OOO. . . . Now we'll end like this: [BIG SMOOCH!]
《小鼠艾瑞克的故事》共4册。主人公艾瑞克是一只人见人爱的小老鼠,他爱思考、爱冒险,心底善良。这套书讲述了艾瑞克在幻想中游遍世界的经历,他在公园结识了变色龙;在亚马孙森林和蜂鸟成了好朋友;在水族馆里与海马一起躲过大鱼的追击;他还遇见过一只狼,他们之间发生了一系列奇幻、有趣的故事。 《小鼠艾瑞克的故事》这套书故事离奇,不仅能培养读者的情商和想象力,同时,该套书特殊的绘画风格还能让读者增长美术见识,培养艺术情操。
It's Baby's birthday, but where is his cake? Little ones will love lifting the large, sturdy flaps to find Baby's birthday cake in this new Karen Katz board book. Children will discover sparkly foil objects under each flap until they finally find Baby's yummy, shimmery birthday cake on the final page of this adorable new title.
Whoo Whoo! Can you hear the whistle blow? All aboard! It'stime to go!Children are fascinated by things that go-cars, trucks,planes, boats, and trains. In Baby Einstein's Let's Go, your babywill delight in learning about all the things that go. Thisexhilarating padded board is filled with eye-catching real lifephotos and delightful text that you and your child will want toread again and again.Baby Einstein Books is an imprint ofdevelopmentally appropriate, interactive books designed tointroduce children ages 0-3 to classic poetry, art, and foreignlanguages in a fun and accessible way. A combination of playfulimages, beautiful photography, and bold illustrations withmultilayered text will captivate and stimulate babies and youngchildren. This humanities for babies program, based on theaward-winning video series, taps into the natural learningpotential of young children-and their parents' aspirations forthem.
Colorful, chunky, irresistible, a book that's as much fun as atoy. Peter Lippman's 2.2-million-copy-bestselling "Mini-House"series is a hit with kids and adults alike. You pick one up. Youhold it. You turn it around. You peer inside the windows, and thenyou pop the latch, opening the door to the story-and to a child'simagination. "Haunted House" is a wonderful and whimsical Halloween treat. Thedelightfully frightful story begins one dark and dreary night in agloomy mansion. There are bats in the belfry, vampires in thewindows, and an unseen narrator creeping from living room tobedroom, from attic to cellar, looking for the mysterious monstrouspresence haunting the house. It's the little book that goesBoo! Selection of the Children's Book-of-the-Month Club.