《奇妙洞洞书第3辑》包括《谁和谁一样重?》《然后呢?》《猜猜它是谁?》《一年12个月》《我喜欢吃草》《小红帽童话大串烧》《你是什么星座?》《妈妈在哪里?》8册,每册故事各不相同。 本系列书根据动物的重量,一天中动物的状态,事物的特征,一年12个月的变化,草食动物的进食特点,小红帽的冒险经历,小鱼找妈妈的经历来编写故事,较之一二辑,本辑故事更侧重逻辑性或事物的对比性,锻炼孩子思维逻辑。如《谁和谁一样重?》就是通过对比不同动物的重量,将数字元素融入其中,不但启蒙了动物的重量关系,还启蒙让孩子认识了数字。再配合上创意奇妙的各种洞洞,不但能让宝宝将手指锻炼得灵活有力,还能激发浓浓的学习兴趣。 此外,本系列由 花婆婆 方素珍倾心翻译。书中配图活泼可爱,风格多样,吸引宝宝目光;拼音结合文字的故事
《0~3岁宝宝认知双语纸板书》是德国童书出版公司Loewe的看家产品,出版十多年以来长销不衰,版权销往世界各国。这套书包括《动物》《汽车》《身体》《食物》4个分册,依据婴幼儿身心发展特点创作,教小宝宝认识日常生活常见物品和他们*感兴趣的东西。在认识这是什么之后,进一步讲述它是如何工作的或者有什么特点。这样一个学习过程,对于孩子建立神经元的连接,发展思维有着非常重要的作用。核心词汇采用中英双语编排,方便家长进行英语启蒙。 狗、猫、兔子;鸡、鸭、奶牛, 一起走进有趣的动物世界吧! 看看小猫怎么爬树,小兔子在哪里睡觉。 观察一下,草丛里、花园里、池塘里和森林里都有什么动物吧。
《啊呜啊呜真好吃》:小动物啊呜啊呜在吃什么呢? 小兔子吃胡萝卜,小猪吃鸡蛋羹,小鸡吃大米饭,小老虎吃大肉饼,小猴子吃香蕉,小企鹅吃红烧鱼,宝宝吃了蔬菜、水果、肉,还有香喷喷的大米饭。啊呜啊呜,大家都吃饱了,真开心呀。读完故事,能让宝宝感受到大口大口吃美味的食物是一件非常快乐的事,引导宝宝认识不同的食物,帮助宝宝建立良好的饮食习惯。
《耳朵听一听 》:汪汪 这是谁的叫声?是小狗。用听叫声猜动物的小游戏引出耳朵,接着介绍各种样子的耳朵。耳朵可以听到不同的声音,可以听音乐,听故事,听流水声 但是如果耳朵堵住就什么都听不到了,所以不要往耳朵塞东西,不要随便挖耳朵。冷的时候戴上耳罩,保护好自己的耳朵。洗澡的时候小心耳朵进水。
《小脚走一走 》:孩子和妈妈比一比脚丫的大小,用对比的方式引出脚丫有大有小,展示各种各样的脚丫,然后介绍脚丫的用途:站立、走路、奔跑、跳跃、爬高、踢球、跳舞、 但是不能用脚踢人,告诉孩子踢人会对别人造成伤害。
Whoo Whoo! Can you hear the whistle blow? All aboard! It'stime to go!Children are fascinated by things that go-cars, trucks,planes, boats, and trains. In Baby Einstein's Let's Go, your babywill delight in learning about all the things that go. Thisexhilarating padded board is filled with eye-catching real lifephotos and delightful text that you and your child will want toread again and again.Baby Einstein Books is an imprint ofdevelopmentally appropriate, interactive books designed tointroduce children ages 0-3 to classic poetry, art, and foreignlanguages in a fun and accessible way. A combination of playfulimages, beautiful photography, and bold illustrations withmultilayered text will captivate and stimulate babies and youngchildren. This humanities for babies program, based on theaward-winning video series, taps into the natural learningpotential of young children-and their parents' aspirations forthem.
让 朱利安是一位出生于法国,现居于英国的插画师。除了插画,他也为一些很有名的摄影、服装、报纸、杂志公司做设计。目前,这位年轻插画师的作品正在席卷全球。他的客户包括:耐克、宝马、柯莱特、优衣库、 纽约时报、 纽约客、卫报、 泰特美术馆 ,英国4频道等等。现在,这位插画师以一种令人惊奇的视角进入了童书的市场,以他独特的风格和俏皮的插图创造了一本与众不同的纸板书。他希望年轻读者尝试从不同的角度看待事物。 这位插画师的作品特点是线条简单,色彩单纯,只用寥寥数笔就能将各种人物和动物画的栩栩如生。他擅长用图画而非文字表达思想,我们总是能够通过画中人物的表情、动作看出很多图像之外的东西。这种特点是有利于孩子的阅读的。因为越是简单的东西,孩子越能够静下心来仔细品味、研究、琢磨。作者的这本书是能够让
From kittens to stars to yarn, there are so many things that canbe found in the great green room. This comforting alphabet booklinks words and phrases with familiar images from everyone’sfavorite bedtime story, Goodnight Moon
The irrepressible, ever-original Sandra Boynton introduces abrand-new Boynton board book plus free downloadable song sung byDavy Jones of The Monkees. Combining the appeal of the hugelypopular "Boynton on Board" series (6.8 million in print) and thesing-along goofiness of "Dog Train", "Rhinoceros Tap", and theGrammy-nominated, No.1 "New York Times" bestseller "PhiladelphiaChickens", "Your Personal Penguin" is a read-aloud, listen-alongfavourite for young children and the grown-ups who read to them.Fun to hold and featuring an inviting die-cut cover, the book tellsthe story of a slightly bewildered hippo and the loyal penguin whowants nothing more than to be his pal.
Emboldened by the enthusiastic response to Belly Button(Round)—a song from her Grammy-nominated book/CD, PhiladelphiaChickens—Sandra Boynton further contemplates this mesmerizingsubject. Featuring a beachful of bare-bellied hippos—including one tinybaby who can only say “Bee Bo”—the Belly Button Book is the latestquirky addition to the phenomenally successful Boynton on Boardseries. Every page captivates with Sandra Boynton’s inimitableillustrations and joyful rhyming text: Soon after dark, upon the beach, we sing a hippo song, and ifyou’re feeling in the mood, we hope you’ll sing along: “Belly BellyButton, you’re oh so fine. Ooo, Belly Button, I’m so happy you’remine.” Shiny and sturdy, and featuring a great (navel-shaped, naturally)die-cut cover that offers a provocative glimpse of the merrimentinside, the Belly Button Book provides enduring, giggly, read-aloudfun.
We need some long grass, tall trees, an enormous elephant,lots of noisy monkeys and all kinds of creepy crawlies...Withsimple, engaging text and appealing illustrations of favoritejungle animals, this book is sure to appeal to the very young.There's even an exciting fold-out, pop-up surprise ending!
An unabridged board book edition of Eric Carle’s New YorkTimes bestselling 10 Little Rubber Ducks
Piggies rock! So does Boynton. Through her eyes, her words,her music, and above all her art, we see the world with whimsy andpleasure, appreciating round noses and curly tails, floppy ears andpleasing plumpness. And we’re lucky to give that gift to ouryoungest children. A new Boynton on Board book, in the amazing series that has over11 million copies in print, Perfect Piggies! also comes with a songavailable free via a download from the Workman website. Reminiscentof a cappella swing, it’s a celebration of the homey—of beauty inthe eye of the beholder, of sunshine and fresh air, and a place toput up our hooves when the day is done. And, of course, thecatching energy and rhythmic language of a beloved original: We are all perfect piggies and we know what we need. It’s reallyvery simple, very simple indeed: a troughful of food, a place inthe sun, and a little bit of comfort when the day is done. That goes for the rest of us, too.
Come explore the four seasons with Old Bear
《0~3岁宝宝认知双语纸板书》是德国童书出版公司Loewe的看家产品,出版十多年以来长销不衰,版权销往世界各国。这套书包括《动物》《汽车》《身体》《食物》4个分册,依据婴幼儿身心发展特点创作,教小宝宝认识日常生活常见物品和他们*感兴趣的东西。在认识这是什么之后,进一步讲述它是如何工作的或者有什么特点。这样一个学习过程,对于孩子建立神经元的连接,发展思维有着非常重要的作用。核心词汇采用中英双语编排,方便家长进行英语启蒙。 耳朵、鼻子、嘴巴,眼镜、牙刷、止咳药水。 一起走进奇妙的身体世界吧! 观察自己的身体,看看画面上孩子们的动作和情绪。 了解一下医生怎么用听诊器检查肺部和心脏。 关于你的身体和健康,每一页都会有新发现。
Using his signature bright colors and the looser, thicker lineof Kitten’s First Full Moon, Kevin Henkes shows us how a bad daycan transform into very, very good one. A bird loses his favoritetail feather, a white dog’s leash is tangled, a fox can’t find hismother, and a little brown squirrel drops her acorn. But then goodthings happen to each of them, and their bad day becomes a goodday. This board book puts the hardships and happy endings of fourirresistible animals—and a spunky little girl—in the hands of thevery youngest of readers. The bright colors and bold scenes willcaptivate, and the simple story will inspire. The Horn Book calledit “the rare example of near-perfection in a picture book” and theNew York Times proclaimed A Good Day to be “an almost perfectpictur