本书通过发音和感知两种类型的实验研究了初级、中级、 三个阶段泰国留学生的单音节和双音节声调产出和感知特征。 一是探索了泰国留学生汉语声调习得中“洋腔洋调”的深层次心理认知方面原因,发现声调产出和感知的特征及规律。二是从泰语母语声调经验出发,通过实验量化了汉泰声调的相似度和对应关系,探讨不同阶段泰国留学生感知汉语普通话声调感知和产模型,发现了母语经验的作用机制。三是对声调感知与产出的关系进行深入探讨,考察了不同阶段的泰国留学生声调感知与产出(发音)有怎样的相关关系。四是建立了一个基于感知的汉语声调习得预测模型,用于预测留学生将在汉语声调学习中可能的难易点,同时指出感知训练在声 学中的重要意义。
如果你存在以下问题,那么你需要这本书: 没时间——想读的书在书架上越堆越高,可时间却寥寥无几 读得慢——读了半天只翻了几页,速度和蜗牛有一拼 忘得快——一本书读完,书里讲的啥,转头就忘 说不出——读完一本书,总是在别人询问读后感的时候支支吾吾,还急出一头汗 爱放弃——过年的flag计划 读一本书,结果没过三天就放弃 不走心——注意力不够集中,看似在读书,其实只是“假装读书” …… 让读者真正能从中获益的实战派阅读手册,给想读又读不下去的人的阅读自救指南。帮读者用 少投入获取 准确、有效的信息, 点燃阅读的乐趣,从此告别翻不开书、读不下去、不过脑子、分享不出的低效阅读体验。日本知识管理大师,在书中为读者展示了阅读高手区别于普通人的25个阅读技巧,帮读者构建一套系统的阅读体系,让读者也
作者简介: Chen Qingying,d'ethnie han,est originaire de Taishan,province du Guangdong.Il est ne en 1941 a Nanchong,province du Sichuan.En 1964,apres avoir termine ses etudes a l'Ecole normale superieure du Qinghai,il a travaille comme enseignant a l'ecole secondaire de Delingha,departement de Haixi,et a l'ecole mormale primaire des ethnies minoritaires du departement.Plusieurs annees plus tard,il a reussi les examens d'admission a la maltrise,et en 1981,il a termine son travail de recherche sur le tibetain anciel a l'Institut central des ethnies minoritaires,obtenant ainsi une maltrise es lettres.Il a effectue des recherches sur l'histoire,la religion et la culture de l'ethnie tibetaine a l'institut central des ethnies minoritaires mationales,a l'Academie des sciences sociales de la province du Qinghai et au centre de recherche sur la tibetologie de chine.
本书选取韩国又松大学、美国太平洋路德大学等孔子学院,以及四川大学海外教育学院的汉语学习者,针对他们的词汇习得及教师的词汇教学,进行案例研究,希望通过我们的研究,为今后的课堂教学及教材编纂提出建议,改善汉语学习者词汇的习得效率。希望通过我们的研究为 汉语推广事业尽一份绵薄之力。分别从 中文词汇教学案例展开,共四章,分别为绪论、对韩国汉语学习者词汇教学研究、对泰国汉语学习者词汇教学研究和解决词汇教学的新思路。本书结合我们外派孔子学院的亲身经历,以韩国、泰国、美国三所高校留学生为目标,而分别进行词汇习得的案例研究。
This book aims to explore Chinese philosophical characteristics of different philosophers in various periods, and distinguish "Chinese philosophical sensibility" motivating their thoughts. In doing so, the author employs Westernphilosophical categories to descdbe different issues in the history of philosophy: Chinese political philosophy in pre-Qin era, Chinese metaphysics from Hanto Tang Dynasties, Chinese epistemology from Song to Ming Dynasties, and modern Chinese-Western comparative philosophy. The author provides readers with a clear conception of Chinese philosophical sensibility and its evolution throughout history.
This book aims to explore Chinese philosophical characteristics of different philosophers in various periods, and distinguish "Chinese philosophical sensibility" motivating their thoughts. In doing so, the author employs Westernphilosophical categories to descdbe different issues in the history of philosophy: Chinese political philosophy in pre-Qin era, Chinese metaphysics from Hanto Tang Dynasties, Chinese epistemology from Song to Ming Dynasties, and modern Chinese-Western comparative philosophy. The author provides readers with a clear conception of Chinese philosophical sensibility and its evolution throughout history.
《健身气功丛书 健身气功:六字诀》讲述了:六字诀养生法,是我国古代流传下来的一种养生方法,为吐纳法。它的特点是:强化人体内部的组织机能,通过呼吸导引,充分诱发和调动脏腑的潜在能力来抵抗疾病的侵袭,防止随着人的年龄的增长而出现的过早衰老。
Traditional Chinese painting was fundamentally an abstract art form.Although there were no absolute abstract Chinese paintings in its original meaning, objects in a painting were not a direct copy of the nature world following the principle of perspective. It was rather a combination or harmony between the nature world and human emotion, a product of "heaven (nature) and human". The effect Chinese painters would like to illustrate in their paintings was not a visual effect of colors and patterns as their Western counterparts would like to achieve. The description of objects in their paintings was no means accurate and few concerned about such factors as colors, principle of perspective, anatomy, surface feel, and relative size. What they would like to achieve was a world in their mind of non materials. The nature world was not an object for them to make a true copy and it was rather elements for them to build their own world.
本社专事外文图书的编辑出版,几十年来用英文翻译出版了大量的中国文学作品和文化典籍,上自先秦,下迄现当代,力求全面而准确地反映中国文学及中国文化的基本面貌和灿烂成就。这些英译图书均取自相关领域的、的作品,英译则出自外译界名家。每本图书的编选、翻译过程均极其审慎严肃,精雕细琢,中文作品及相应的英译版本均堪称经典。 我们意识到,这些英译精晶,不单有对外译介的意义,而且对英文学习者、爱好者及英译工作者,也是极有价值的读本。为此,我们对这些英译精品做了认真的遴选,编排成汉英对照的形式,陆续推出,以飨读者。
This book aims to explore Chinese philosophical characteristics of different philosophers in various periods, and distinguish "Chinese philosophical sensibility" motivating their thoughts. In doing so, the author employs Westernphilosophical categories to descdbe different issues in the history of philosophy: Chinese political philosophy in pre-Qin era, Chinese metaphysics from Hanto Tang Dynasties, Chinese epistemology from Song to Ming Dynasties, and modern Chinese-Western comparative philosophy. The author provides readers with a clear conception of Chinese philosophical sensibility and its evolution throughout history.
《千字文》故事 《千字文》是南北朝时梁朝人编写的,4个字一句,共250句,1000个字,所以称为“千字文”。 本书根据《千字文》,精选些广泛流传的故事,以简短而生动有趣的方式讲述出来。