第四纪冰川之后,地球上的动植物消失了一大半,连凶猛的剑齿虎都倒下了,*却得以存活,它顽强的生命力让人感动,其憨态可掬的可爱形象更是人见人爱。 精装礼品画册《熊猫的故事》科普性与趣味性于一体,从科普的角度,以丰富的图文资料,为读者揭开*生存及成长的秘密,讲述*与人之间那些鲜为人知的感人的故事。在这部作品中,科普知识与世人的熊猫情结有机地结合在一起,并通过大量珍贵图片,得以淋漓尽致的呈现。 还有多重 福利 相送,扫描画册中的二维码读者即可观看*各种有趣的微视频,仿佛身临其境,附送*手工剪纸、贴纸和明信片,给读者以全新的阅读体验。科普性与趣味性集于一体,真正的老少皆宜,特别适合全家共赏、亲子阅读及馈赠亲友。
该项目内容涵盖中国的政治、经济、社会、文化、军事、外交、文学、艺术、旅游等各个方面,从中央到地方,从政策介绍到反映科学发展的具体方面,以全新的形式向国内外读者介绍中国。该项目区别于一般的纸质图书,以美国出版的Encarta DVD百科全书为编辑参考蓝本,融文字、图片、视频、音频、动画为一体,兼具查找搜索功能,方便使用和携带。该项目的出版具有里程碑式的意义,从内容到出版形式都将填补国内外出版业中国百科英文版的空白。《百科中国》光盘配书,主要是光盘的功能介绍,使用指南。
This book author Chen Jinhua experiences richly, in the State agency, the place and the enterprise different important post has worked, has experienced many milestones, has participated in many major decisions. As the witness, he has recorded in really China reform and open policy development process in the book, a series of major decisions and some milestones, like new Chinese second, third large-scale introduction complete technical equipment, after smashing “Gang of Four”, central accredits Shanghai's work team working condition, establishes event's and so on Chinese Petroleum the Chemical industry Corporation long and short of the story. Its specialized middle school warded off one chapter to review three inchworms which the Chinese petrochemical Group grew strong, take the Chinese petrochemical's development process as the example, summarized the Chinese State-owned Extra large type Enterprise's steps to success. Manifested the Communist Party of China to explore the Chinese characteristic socialism
《中国的世界遗产》画册,是对中国的世界遗产的全面、集中展示。它以600多幅高清、精美的图片,从不同视角方位展示了中国世界遗产的独特魅力,并以生动的文字,讲述这些遗产背后的历史、文化、自然、地理知识,揭示它们不可替代和无法再造的独特价值。 The album World Heritage Sites in China is a complete and integrated presentation of the world heritage sites in China. Boasting more than 600 high definition exceptional pictures, it showcases the unique charms of the world heritage sites in China from different angles, vividly introduces the historic, cultural, natural and geographic knowledge about the sites and unveils their irreplaceable value that cannot be reproduced.
2003年10月15日,是一个值得中国人纪念和骄傲的日子,中国航天员杨利伟乘坐中国人自己研制的飞船首次冲出地球,在太空中飞行了60万公里后,安全着陆于内蒙古草原。这是中国人迈向宇宙的历史性一步,也是中国航天事业划时代的伟在成就。33年前,中国成为世界上第五个发射人造地球卫星的国家;而这一次,中国人依靠自己的力量完成了首次载人航天飞行,一跃成为国际“太空俱乐部”的第三位成员。 随着“神舟”五号载人飞船的成功发射,一个中西合壁的新词汇穿越了大洋的阻隔,融入了世界各主要民族的拼音文字中,在使用英文、德文、丹麦语、荷兰语以及瑞典语、挪威语、芬兰语的新闻网站,人们用taikonautGO 来代表中国航天员;而在西班牙语、法语、葡萄牙语、意大利语乃至罗马尼亚语、波兰语、捷克语和匈牙利语等语言的文字中,使这个词汇的变
本书是作者20年对世界屋脊——青藏高原山川、河流拍摄的作品。反映了青藏高原的自然面貌,也见证了那里特有的文化历史和民俗风情,是一本不可多得的精美的摄影画册。 全书用影像和文字触碰阅读者的目光与心灵,七大山脉摄人心魄的景观构成了喜马拉雅区域高原精神的共同美丽。
After simply reading its table of contents, I was fairly positive that Chinese Style--The Diplomatic Career of Wu Jianrnin would be a great success. Now, having actually read the text, I realize my first Opinion was most definitely correct. Wu is only one year older than me, which puts us in the same age bracket. Before reading the book, I knew his personal diplomaticexperiences from the newspaper reports. As the book contains many things which were not covered in the newspapers, I find the book nformative and interesting. I am therefore certain that readers will gain a better understanding of Wu's diplomatic career.
Huang Hua just celebrated his 96th birthday. A graduate of Yenching University, he is a typical Chinese progressive intellectual of his time. In old China the suffering of the common people and the pressing danger of losing the sovereignty of the entire nation led Huang Hua and millions of young people to join the struggle for China’s liberation. Huang Hua’s memoir is a book describing his more than 70 years of activities as a revolutionary and a diplomat. It reflects also many significant aspects of China’s modern political history. In his posts as ambassador and foreign minister he witnessed a great range of events in international relations and participated in the realization of the foreign policy of New China. As to the book’s style of writing, it is just like the character of the author-clear and straightforward, so it is easy to read and comprehend.
吴建民在外交战线上工作多年,学识渊博,温文尔雅,素质修养极高,尤其善于交流沟通。他坚持不懈地利用一切机会和方法,以外国人能够接受和理解的方式,把中国这个千年文明古国推介给国外,为中国的外交事业和现代化建设做出了重要的贡献。曾任中国驻法国大使,现任国际展览局主席、外交学院院长、全国政协外委会副主任、全国政协副秘书长兼新闻发言人等。 本书是关于介绍其大使生涯的传记,为法文版。