本书作者精选了我国历史上有代表性、适合诵读的诗词、文章等,并将其翻译成英文,朗朗上口,涵盖诗词大会、名人语录、韵文华章等7大板块。文章难易程度梯级排列,长短结合,舒缓有度,基础与提高并存,各板块相辅相成,相得益彰,一本在手,乐而忘忧。学经典金句,练听说读写译,塑造英语思维。读经典篇章,练语感、储素材,提升文化自信。 本书适合大学生以及热爱英语,尤其是热衷于用英语向外国友人介绍中国文化的社会人士;也适用于想提升英文演讲力的读者。
基本信息 商品名称: 佛兰肯斯坦-英汉对照 出版社: 北京理工大学出版社 出版时间: 2021-01-01 作者: 玛丽.雪莱 译者: 刘安平 开本: 32开 定价: 26.80 页数: 189 印次: 1 ISBN号: 9787568293679 商品类型: 图书 版次: 1
基本信息 商品名称: 大草原上的小木屋-全2册-双语译林 出版社: 译林出版社 出版时间: 2018-07-01 作者: 劳拉.英格尔斯.怀德 译者: 马爱农 开本: 16开 定价: 39.80 页数: 0 印次: 1 ISBN号: 9787544773294 商品类型: 图书 版次: 1
基本信息 商品名称: 夏日有晴天-迪士尼英文原版 出版社: 华东理工大学出版社 出版时间: 2021-06-01 作者: 本书编委会 译者: 开本: 32开 定价: 32.80 页数: 233 印次: 1 ISBN号: 9787562865117 商品类型: 图书 版次: 1
Did you know that… ? The word "noisome" has nothing whatsoever to do withnoise? ? "Ordinance" and "ordnance" have two distinct meanings? ? An "errant" fool is a fool who is lost, while an "arrant"fool is one whose foolishness is obvious? If any of these facts caught you by surprise, then you need Word Smart II . More than one million people improved theirvocabulary with the original Word Smart , but an educatedand powerful vocabulary doesn’t stop growing with one book! All ofthe 1,455 words featured in Word Smart II belong in animpressive vocabulary. Learning and using these words effectivelycan help you get better grades, score higher on tests, andcommunicate more confidently at work.
Knowing which words to useand how to use them is key to communicating accurately andeffectively. That’s why more than one million people have used thisbook to improve their vocabularies. To find out which words you absolutely need to know, ThePrinceton Review researched the vocabularies of educated adults byanalyzing major newspapers and books and focusing on the words thatpeople misunderstand or misuse. We also examined the SAT and otherstandardized tests to determine which words are tested mostfrequently. All of the entries in Word Smart, 4th Edition are necessaryfor an impressive vocabulary, and learning and using these wordseffectively can help you to get better grades, score higher ontests, and communicate more confidently at work.