The Merriam-Webster's Vocabulary Builder allows you to enjoyinformative and entertaining discussions of English words derivedfrom Greek and Latin roots:and expand your working vocabulary atthe same time. Words that share the same root are grouped for easystudy. This is the ideal book for people who want to increase theirword power. Thorough coverage of 1,200 words and 240 roots whileintroducing 2,300 words. The Vocabulary Builder is organized byGreek and Latin roots for effective study with nearly 250 new wordsand roots. Includes quizzes after each root discussion to testprogress. A great study aid for students preparing to takestandardized tests.
Designed as a celebration of the film, this lavishly illustrated paperback edition is an exclusive behind-the-scenes guide featuring full-color photos of the cast, locations, and sets, as well as storyboards, interviews, details of the special effects, and much more.
The two political classics in this book are the product of a time of intense turmoil in Chinese history. Dating from the Period of the Warring States (403-221BC), they anticipate Machiavelli's The Prince by nearly 2000 years. The Art of War is the best known of a considerable body of Chinese works on the subject. It analyses the nature of war, and reveals how victory may be ensured. The Book of Lord Shang is a political treatise for the instruction of rulers. These texts are anything but armchair strategy or ivory-tower speculation. They are serious, urgent and practical responses to the desperate situations in which they were written. They have been immensely influential both inside and outside China.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change was a groundbreaker when it was first published in 1990, and it continues to be a business bestseller with more than 10 million copies sold. Stephen Covey, an internationally respected leadership authority, realizes that true success encompasses a balance of personal and professional effectiveness, so this book is a manual for performing better in both arenas. His anecdotes are as frequently from family situations as from business challenges. Before you can adopt the seven habits, you'll need to accomplish what Covey calls a "paradigm shift"--a change in perception and interpretation of how the world works. Covey takes you through this change, which affects how you perceive and act regarding productivity, time management, positive thinking, developing your "proactive muscles" (acting with initiative rather than reacting), and much more. This isn't a quick-tips-start-tomorrow kind of book. The concepts are sometimes intricat
It is through his engaging in public diplomacythat Mr. ZhaoQizheng comes to recognize itssignificance for China. This hasprompted himto summarize his practices in and reflectionson publicdiplomacy over the past 20 years. Itis also a record of China'sintegration into theworld and the world's growing understandingofChina. In this book, the vision of internationalcommunication isbroadened as an importantelement of public diplomacy, and the barininternationat communication is raised to betterintroduce China tothe outside world. More than just a collection of documents, ora minute detailedaccount, it is entightening forboth academic thinking and real-tifeoperation.
Want to read faster — and recall more of what you read? Thispractical, hands-on guide gives you the techniques you need toincrease your reading speed and retention, whether you're readingbooks, e-mails, magazines, or even technical journals! You'll findreading aids and plenty of exercises to help you read faster andbetter comprehend the text. Yes, you can speed read — discover the skills you need to readquickly and effectively, break your bad reading habits, and take inmore text at a glance Focus on the fundamentals — widen your vision span and see how toincrease your comprehension, retention, and recall Advance your speed-reading skills — read blocks of text, heightenyour concentration, and follow an author's thought patterns Zero in on key points — skim, scan, and preread to quickly locatethe information you want Expand your vocabulary — recognize the most common words andphrases to help you move through the text more quickly Open the book and find:
Teaches students of all ages the basics of phonics with atime-tested, foolproof method This tenth edition of the best-selling book teaches reading usingsounds and spelling patterns. These sounds and patterns areintroduced one at a time, and slowly built into words, syllables,phrases, and sentences. Simple step-by-step directions begin everylesson. Although originally designed for K-2 emergent readers, thisaward-winning book is also successfully being used with adolescentand adult learners, as well as second language learners andstudents with learning disabilities. Wise and humorous proverbsencourage virtues such as patience, perseverance, honesty,kindness, compassion, courage, and loyalty. Offers help for all students including those with learningdisabilities or very short attention spans Includes extensive examples, word lists, and practice readingsthat are 100% decodable Uses a multisensory method that benefits all learningstyles This bestselling, much-loved book offers
If you’re enrolled in an executive education or MBA program, you’ve probably encountered a powerful learning tool: the business case. But if you’re like many people, you may find analyzing cases and writing about them challenging or frustrating. That’s not surprising—cases are not simple narratives, and good ones are typically nonlinear and can even be purposefully misleading. Apply the conventional approach to understanding business cases, and you may waste time (at best) and arrive at weak or meager conclusions (at worst). The Case Study Handbook presents a powerful new approach for analyzing, discussing, and writing about cases. By using sample Harvard Business School cases, you’ll master a number of useful topics, including: How to recognize case situations and apply appropriate tools to solve problems, make decisions, or develop evaluations How to quickly establish a base of knowledge about a case How to write persuasive case-based essays How to talk about c
Based on the combination of human development theories with feminist theories, this book has made deep analysis of the problems concerning women's development in contemporary China and put forward realistic solutions to these problems. Chapter one probes into the key and hot points of women' s development in the transforming period and asks what the reasonable mode of women's development is. Chapter two gives theoretical analysis of women's development and emphasizes the significance of gender perspective in human development. Chapter three reviews the historical course of Chinese women's development covering its merits and demerits,experience and characteristics.
Book De*ionNationally renowned author and professional dog trainer Liz Palika presents a comprehensive training guide geared to teaching the average owner how to train their dog and to help their dog become a well-mannered addition to the household. Each title includes chapters on how to select the right dog for you, canine development, puppy training, housebreaking, formal training, basic obedience, problem prevention and solutions, advanced training, dog sports, and how to have fun while training your dog. These books are guaranteed to help the owner train his dog and at the same time form a rewarding relationship. Book Dimensionlength.
The 8th edition of the world’s definitive automotivetechnology reference marks Bosch’s 125th anniversary. Nowsignificantly updated, this book is a must for engineers working inthe car industry. The Automotive Handbook is the flagship publication in the BOSCHhandbook series on different automotive technologies; one of themost definitive sets of reference books that automotive engineershave at their disposal, and now translated into 11 differentlanguages. 2011 marks the 125th anniversary for BOSCH, and theirlongstanding expertise and innovative technologies are documentedin this new edition that contains just about anything relevant toautomobile design, development and quality engineering. As progress in the field of automotive engineering has grownapace it has expanded from 96 pages in 1936, to 1258 pages today.This new edition is significantly updated, with key changesincluding more emphasis on electrical systems, and a new chapter ondriver assistance systems. Very highly regarded throughou
The only thing wrong with this readable, funny memoir of a magazine writer's yearlong travels across the world in search of pleasure and balance is that it seems so much like a Jennifer Aniston movie. Like Jen, Liz is a plucky blond American woman in her thirties with no children and no major money worries. As the book opens, she is going through a really bad divorce and subsequent stormy rebound love affair. Awash in tears in the middle of the night on the floor of the bathroom, she begins to pray for guidance, "you know -- like, to God." God answers. He tells her to go back to bed. I started seeing the Star headlines: "Jen's New Faith!" "What Really Happened at the Ashram!" "Jen's Brazilian Sugar Daddy -- Exclusive Photos!" Please understand that Gilbert, whose earlier nonfiction book, The Last American Man, portrayed a contemporary frontiersman, is serious about her quest. But because she never leaves her self-deprecating humor at home, her journey out of depression and toward belief lacks a certain gravit