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    • 现货 人性的弱点 英文原版 How to Win Friends and Influence People 戴尔 卡耐基
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    • DALE CARNEGIE /2014-02-01/ SCRIBNER
    • For more than sixty years the rock-solid, time-tested advice in this book has carried thousands of now famous people up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives. With more than fifteen million copies sold, How to Win Friends and Influence People is one of the best known motivational books in history, with proven advice for achieving success in life. You ll learn: three fundamental techniques in handling people; six ways to make people like you; twelve ways to win people to you way of thinking; nine ways to change people without arousing resentment; and much, much more! ,

    • ¥30 折扣:5.5折
    • HOW TO GET YOUR LOVER BACK(ISBN=9780440500896) 英文原版
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    • Blase Harris 编 /1989-09-01/ Random House US
    • If your lover has left you... If your relationship is on the edge, and you feel fragile and outof control... If you regret walking out... If you're not sure you want your lover back, but you need tounderstand what happened... You do have a second chance--if you know what has to comefirst. Falling in and out of love is a natural process that can beunderstood and mastered. Love properly understood can be loveregained and kept alive for a lifetime. This step-by-step approach developed by psychiatrist Blase Harrisworks. It has worked for the people in this book. Andnow it can work for you. Dr. Harris's practical guide showsyou how to avoid the common mistakes ex-lovers make, love 100percent, and get your lover back!

    • ¥48.7 折扣:3.5折
    • THIRTEEN WAYS OF LOOKING AT A(ISBN=9780679776666) 英文原版
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    • Henry Louis Gates Jr 著 /1998-02-01/ Random House US
    • What does it mean to be black and male in 20th-centuryAmerica? The notion of the unitary "black man" is as illusory asthe creature conjured up by Wallace Stevens in his poem "ThirteenWays of Looking at a Blackbird", says Gates. With these eightessays--most of which appeared originally in "The New Yorker"--thechair of Harvard's Afro-American Studies department takes a closelook at some of the most extraordinary figures of our time Nationallecture tour .

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    • Master the SAT 2014 英文原版
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    • Peterson s 著 /2013-08-01/ Hachette
    • Peterson's Master the SAT provides a wealth of test-takingstrategies and helps students prepare for the SAT with extensivereviews and 9 full-length practice tests to help sharpen math,writing, and critical reading skills. In addition, "Parents' Guideto College Admission Testing," provides advice for parents onsubjects such as what tests your high school student should take,how to motivate your child, and what role to play in the collegeadmissions process. 9 full-length practice tests (including access to 3 online),with detailed answer explanations for each exam question "Parents' Guide to College Admission Testing," provides adviceon how parents can motivate their children, what tests high schoolstudents should take, and what role parents should play in thecollege admissions process Access to hundreds of in-depth college and universityde*ions online, offering information on degrees, student life,admission requirements, and application information Extensive reviews of all subjects appear

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    • Best of Beijing 798 / 2011-2012《北京798指南/ 2011-2012》
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    • 本社 编 /2011-06-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • 这本中/英文北京798指南会告诉你内部人去哪看艺术,购物,吃饭,住宿。它会是一个物有所值的书,简明且内容丰富方便携带的书。不管读者有两个小时或者一天时间游览,Timezone8北京798指南会让读者感受到北京798为什么已经成为中国和世界的艺术与文化的热点和聚集地。

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    • Robert Ludlum's (TM) The Bourne Dominion (International)(ISB
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    • Eric Van Lustbader 著 /2011-11-01/ Hachette
    • Jason Bourne is searching for an elusive cadre of terroristsplanning to destroy America's most strategic natural resources. Heneeds the help of his long-time friend, General Boris Karpov, thenewly appointed head of Russia's most feared spy agency, FSB-2.Karpov is one of the most determined, honorable, and justice-hungrymen that Bourne knows. But Karpov has made a deal with the devil.In order to remain the head of FSB-2, he must hunt down and killBourne. Now, these two trusted friends are on a deadly collision course.From the Colombian highlands to Munich, Cadiz, and Damascus, theclock is counting down to a disaster that will cripple America'seconomic and military future. Only Bourne and Karpov have a chanceto avert the catastrophe-but if they destroy each other first, thatchance will be gone forever. THE BOURNE DOMINION Jason Bourne is one of the most compelling and best lovedcharacters created by internationally bestselling novelist RobertLudlum. The hero of eight novels, including T

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    • BEETHOVEN'S HAIR(ISBN=9780767903516) 英文原版
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    • Russell Martin 著 /2001-10-01/ Random House US
    • Ludwig van Beethoven lay dying in 1827, a young musician namedFerdinand Hiller came to pay his respects to the great composer. Inthose days, it was customary to snip a lock of hair as a keepsake,and this Hiller did a day after Beethoven's death. By the time hewas buried, Beethoven's head had been nearly shorn by the manypeople who similarly had wanted a lasting memento of the great man.Such was his powerful effect on all those who had heard hismusic. For a century, the lock of hair was a treasured Hiller familyrelic, and perhaps was destined to end up sequestered in a bankvault, until it somehow found its way to the town of Gilleleje, inNazi-occupied Denmark, during the darkest days of the Second WorldWar. There, it was given to a local doctor, Kay Fremming, who wasdeeply involved in the effort to help save hundreds of hunted andfrightened Jews. Who gave him the hair, and why? And what was thefate of those refugees, holed up in the attic of Gilleleje'schurch? After Fremming's death, his d

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    • UNDERSTANDING MEN'S PASSAGES(ISBN=9780345406903) 英文原版
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    • Gail Sheehy 著 /1999-05-01/ Random House US
    • Her stunning bestsellers Passages and New Passagesbrilliantly mapped the changes we live through from youth tomaturity. Now Gail Sheehy guides contemporary men through theturbulent challenges and surprising pleasures that begin at forty.As a man crosses that threshold, he is bound to ask midlife's mosttroubling question: Now what? Work anxieties, concerns over sexualpotency, marital and family stress, issues of power, all take onnew urgency as men contemplate the decades ahead. But as GailSheehy reveals in this major new book, midlife is precisely theperiod when men are most likely to reinvent themselves and becomemasters of their fate. In Understanding Men's Passages, Sheehyoffers all men--and the women in their lives--an essential guide toself-discovery. Hundreds of bold, imaginative men--celebrities as well aseveryday heroes--share here their most intimate desires, deepestfears, and most fervent cravings for renewal. Decade by decade,Sheehy uncovers the real issues facing men today: finding n

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    • NORTH POLE(ISBN=9780792274117) 英文原版
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    • Anthony Brandt 著 /2005-03-01/ Random House US
    • The story of the race to the North Pole is told throughmemoirs, letters, ships' logs, and diaries of Arctic explorers,documenting the motives, modes of travel, and remarkable men whoendured the extremes of physical hardship and grim competition,including Robert Peary, Richard Byrd, Fridtjof Nans

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    • 女巫的世界 Word of the witches
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    • Julio Caro Baroja 著 /2001-06-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • The rise and decline of witchcraft around the world, as seen through the perceptive eyes of an anthropologist and historian well-acquainted with traditional Basque and Spanish folklore--which inspired this fascinating, macabre, and chilling book. Beginning with an analysis of the basic mentality of those who have believed in or practiced the magic arts, and covering witchcraft's startling rise throughout Europe in the Middle Ages, it launches into an absorbing and original study that upsets many of the popular notions about the nature and history of the subject. Includes much enthralling material from art, literature, and ecclesiastical and legal documents, as well as discerning psychological studies of witches and their accusers.

    • ¥35.2 折扣:8.8折
    • SECRETS ABOUT MEN EVERY WOMAN(ISBN=9780440505389) 英文原版
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    • Barbara De Angelis 著 /1991-02-01/ Random House US
    • Here's the book you'llwish you read before your very first date. Renowned relationshipexpert Barbara de Angelis, Ph .d ?0?2?0?2reveals: -Secrets about sex that men will never tell you -Which men spell trouble from the start -How to get the man you love to open up -The six biggest mistakes women make with men -The five biggest mysteries about men -What men say versus what they really mean -Why men always want to be right -Men's top twenty sexual turn-offs -How to get as much as you give How much do you really know about men and sex? Take the quizzes andsee. Here are exercises, checklists, dos, dont's, andproven-effective tools and techniques that can turn you into a morepowerful woman and absolutely transform your relationships withmen.

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    • COMPLETE BOOK AYURVEDIC HOME(ISBN=9780609802861) 英文原版
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    • Vasant Lad M.A.Sc. 著 /1999-04-01/ Random House US
    • Based on the ancient healing tradition from India that datesback thousands of years, The Complete Book of Ayurvedic HomeRemedies offers natural alternatives to conventional medicinesand treatments with practical advice and easy-to-followinstructions. A leading authority in this field, Dr. Vasant Ladfirst explains the principles behind the science of Ayurveda,exploring the physical and psychological characteristics of each ofthe three doshas, or mind-body types--vata, pitta, and kapha. Onceyou have determined which type or combination of types you are, Dr.Lad helps you to begin your journey to the ultimate "state ofbalance" and well-being. The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies is aninvaluable guide to treating common ailments and chronic problemswith strategies tailored to your personal needs based on yourdosha. Dr. Lad explains why certain imbalances often result inillness and shows you how to restore your body to natural order.You'll learn which traditional Ayurvedic remedies--herbal teas andfor

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    • BOYS ON THE BUS, THE(ISBN=9780812968200) 英文原版
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    • Timothy Crouse 著 /2003-08-01/ Random House US
    • Cheap booze. Flying ?eshpots. Lack of sleep. Endless spin.Lying pols. Just a few of the snares lying in wait for the reporters whocovered the 1972 presidential election. Traveling with the presspack from the June primaries to the big night in November, RollingStone reporter Timothy Crouse hopscotched the country with both theNixon and McGovern campaigns and witnessed the birth of moderncampaign journalism. The Boys on the Bus is the raucous story ofhow American news got to be what it is today. With its verve, wit,and psychological acumen, it is a classic of Americanreporting.

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    • CALM BIRTH(ISBN=9781556436123) 英文原版
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    • Robert Newman 著 /2005-11-01/ Random House US
    • "Calm Birth is a sublime gift to all of us. It contains theblueprint for reconnecting with birth wisdom on all levels. Readingthough this book and doing the practices will transform the birthprocess and imprint a peaceful beginning on both mother and child.The positive impact of this on society can’t beoverestimated."-Christiane Northrup, MD, author of Mother-DaughterWisdom, The Wisdom of Menopause and Women’s Bodies, Women’sWisdom"Calm Birth: New Method of Conscious Childbirth successfullybridges ancient feminine healing wisdom and meditation tocontemporary birth practices…This book is a must for anyoneinterested in childbirth."- Barbara Findeisen, MFT, president ofthe Association fo Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health

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    • DR. GUNDRY'S DIET EVOLUTION(ISBN=9780307352125) 英文原版
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    • Dr. Steven R. Gundry 著 /2009-03-01/ Random House US
    • "Dr. Gundry has crafted a wise program with a powerful trackrecord.” –Mehmet Oz, M.D., professor and vice chair of surgery, NYPresbyterian/Columbia Medical Center Does losing weight and staying healthy feel like a battle? Well,it’s really a war. Your enemies are your own genes, backed bymillions of years of evolution, and the only way to win is tooutsmart them. Dr. Steven Gundry’s revolutionary book shares thehealth secrets other doctors won’t tell you: ? Why plants are “good” for you because they’re “bad” for you,and meat is “bad” because it’s “good” for you ? Why plateauing on this diet is actually a sign that you’re onthe right track ? Why artificial sweeteners have the same effects as sugar onyour health and your waistline ? Why taking antacids, statins, and drugs for high blood pressureand arthritis masks health issues instead of addressing them Along with the meal planner, 70 delicious recipes, andinspirational stories, Dr.

    • ¥45.8 折扣:3.5折