德国著名理论物理学家W.Griner等教授撰写的13卷集 理论物理学教科书 ,是一套内容完整实用面向大学生和硕士研究生的现代物理学教材。它以系统的、统一的、连贯的方式阐述了现代理论物理学的各个方面。这套教材面世后,在德国产生了巨大的影响,其英文版的及时推出,对全世界理论物理学的教学也起了很好的促进作用。本书内容包括:传播子和散射理论;电子和正电子传播子;量子电动力学方法;概要:量子电动力学的费曼规则;高阶散射矩阵;双粒子系统;强场的量子电动力学;无自旋玻色子的量子电动力学。
本书为 先进核反应堆技术丛书 之一,全面介绍了多用途研究堆(下称研究堆)的前期研究、设计、建造、运行(应用)和退役全寿期的主要知识,分为上、下两册。 上册概要介绍了研究堆发展的历史、现状和趋势,重点介绍了具有反中子阱原理游泳池式研究堆的总体、物理、热工水力、控制保护和安全分析等内容,特别介绍了该类堆工程建设的主要经验和堆芯装换料技术。下册重点介绍了研究堆运行的特点和操作实践等内容,系统介绍了中子成像技术、中子散射技术和中子深度分析技术的基本原理、方法、应用领域以及相关装置、制靶、物理实验与理论等四位一体平台知识,初步介绍了该类堆的退役工程与技术。该书具有将多用途研究堆前期研究、建设、运行安全、中子束应用和退役等技术新进展紧密结合的特点,可供从事核能科学与技术相关工作的科研人员及
德国著名理论物理学家W.Griner等教授撰写的13卷集 理论物理学教科书 ,是一套内容完整实用面向大学生和硕士研究生的现代物理学教材,各卷内容独立完整。它以系统的、统一的、连贯的方式阐述了现代理论物理学的各个方面。这套教材面世后,在德国产生了巨大的影响,其英文版的及时推出,对全世界理论物理学的教学也起了很好的促进作用。本书内容包括:物理量的量子化;辐射定律;物质的波动性;量子力学的数学基础Ⅰ;数学补充;薛定谔方程;谐振子;经典力学向量子力学的过渡;磁场中的带电粒子;量子力学的数学基础Ⅱ;微扰论;自旋;含自旋的非相对论波方程;量子力学多体问题初步;全同粒子;量子力学的形式结构;量子力学的概念及哲学问题。
冲击波物理是研究凝聚态物质,尤其是固态物质,在瞬态外力作用下的状态和性质变化规律的一门基础科学。目的是建立能够对物质受到高速碰撞和爆炸等外力作用时的动力学行为正确地进行预言、分析和评价的科学方法。众所周知,在第二次世界大战后,由于器研究的迫切需求,冲击波物理学科在苏联和美国等西方国家中得到了迅猛发展。到20世纪80年代初,国外就公布了金属、岩石、塑料、、无机化合物、有机化合物、液体和气体等许多物质的冲击绝热压缩数据,建立了比较完备的、描述这些物质受到冲击压缩的响应特性的数据库。随着冲击波物理研究领域的不断拓展、实验测量技术的不断进步和计算模拟能力的迅速提高,这些数据库一直在不断修订和扩充之中。 我国冲击波物理的系统性研究始于20世纪50年代后期。因战略武器发展的需求,中国工程物理研
《粒子探测器蒙特卡罗模拟》章介绍了蒙特卡罗方法的基本思想和发展历程,及其适合进行辐射探测器模拟的优点,并讲述了进行蒙特卡罗模拟的基本步骤。第2章结合简化的中子输运问题对蒙特卡罗方法进行关于粒子输运方法的应用介绍。在使用蒙特卡罗方法解决粒子输运问题的过程中,其核心内容是根据粒子与物质相互作用的密度分布函数进行抽样。第3章针对不同的入射粒子与物质相互作用和涉及的分布函数进行了阐述。 第4章对变量抽样的一般方法进行了介绍,并针对粒子探测器可能用到的分布抽样结合实例进行了探讨。第5章对探测器的几何建模进行讨论。在粒子输运基础上,第6章针对不同类型探测器类型(主要是闪烁体)的响应处理方法进行介绍。第7章对蒙特卡罗方法常用的减小方差的方法进行了举例介绍。
Recent years have brought a revival of work on string theory, which haeen a source of fascination since its origins nearly twenty years ago.There seems to be a widely perceived need for a systematic, pedagogical exposition of the present state of knowledge about string theory. We hope that thiook will help to meet this need. To give a prehensive account of such a vast topic as string theory would scarcely be possible,even in two volumes with the length to which these have grown. Indeed,we have had to omit many important subjects, while treating others only sketchily. String field theory is omitted entirely (though the subject of chapter 11 is closely related to light-cone string field theory). Conformal field theory is not developed systematically, though much of the background material needed to understand recent papers on this subject is presented in chapter 3 and elsewhere.
为适应核科学技术和核能利用迅速发展的需要,在核工业部领导的关怀和支持下,我们组织了二百多位有关方面的专家、教授、工程师,经过六年多的努力,编著了这部《核科学技术辞典》。核科学技术是一门综合性的科学,涉及到地矿、冶金、物理、化学、电子、医学、同位素等专业,因此本辞典对于从事核能事业的科技人员和其他有关专业的科技人员都有参考价值。 为了编好这部较实用的核科学技术辞典,我们对每个词条的定名、定义和释文都广泛参照外有关标准和词书,严格注意它的科学性、准确性和知识性。所以本辞典既是一部核领域中有关专业名词、术语达到统一和规范化的工具书,又是一部核科技知识普及与提高相结合的参考书。对我国四化建设和促进国际科学技术交流都有帮助。 本辞典共收词4000余条,其中包括:核物理、放射化学、辐射化
String theory is one of the most exciting and challenging areas of modern theoretical physics. It was developed in the late 1960s for the purpose of de-scribing the strong nuclear force. Problems were encountered that prevented this program from attaining complete success. In particular, it was realized that the dpectrum of a fundamental string contains an undesired massless spin-two particle. Quantum chromodynamics eventually proved to be the correct theory for describing the strong force and the properties of hadrons,New doors opened for string theory when in 1974 it was proposed to identify the massless spin-two particle in the string's spectrum with the graviton, the quantum of gravitation. String theory became then the most promising can-didate for a quantum theory of gravity unified with the other forces and has developed into one of the most fascinating the6ries of high-energy physics.
String theory is one of the most exciting and challenging areas of modern theoretical physics. It was developed in the late 1960s for the purpose of de-scribing the strong nuclear force. Problems were encountered that prevented this program from attaining complete success. In particular, it was realized that the dpectrum of a fundamental string contains an undesired massless spin-two particle. Quantum chromodynamics eventually proved to be the correct theory for describing the strong force and the properties of hadrons,New doors opened for string theory when in 1974 it was proposed to identify the massless spin-two particle in the string's spectrum with the graviton, the quantum of gravitation. String theory became then the most promising can-didate for a quantum theory of gravity unified with the other forces and has developed into one of the most fascinating the6ries of high-energy physics.
When I first decided to write a book on string theory, more than ten years ago, my memories of my student years were much more vivid than they are today. Still, I remember that one of the greatest pleasures was finding a text that made a difficult subject accessible, and I hoped to provide the same for string theory. Thus, my first purpose was to give a coherent introduction to string theory, based on the Polyakov path integral and conformal field theory. No previous knowledge of string theory is assumed. I do assume that the reader is familiar with the central ideas of general relativity, such as metrics and curvature, and with the ideas of quantum field theory through non- Abelian gauge symmetry. Originally a full course of quantum field theory was assumed as a prerequisite, but it became clear that many students were eager to learn string theory as soon as possible, and that others had taken courses on quantum field theory that did not emphasize the tools needed for string theory. I have therefore tri
Recent years have brought a revival of work on string theory, which haeen a source of fascination since its origins nearly twenty years ago.There seems to be a widely perceived need for a systematic, pedagogical exposition of the present state of knowledge about string theory. We hope that thiook will help to meet this need. To give a comprehensive account of such a vast topic as string theory would scarcely be possible,even in two volumes with the length to which these have grown. Indeed,we have had to omit many important subjects, while treating others only sketchily. String field theory is omitted entirely (though the subject of chapter 11 is closely related to light-cone string field theory). Conformal field theory is not developed systematically, though much of the background material needed to understand recent papers on this subject is presented in chapter 3 and elsewhere.