“物理学大题典”是一套大型工具性、综合性物理题解丛书。丛书内容涵盖综合性大学本科物理内容:从普通物理的力学、热学、光学、电磁学、近代物理到“四大力学”,以及原子核物理、粒子物理、凝聚态物理、等离子体物理、天体物理、激光物理、量子光学、量子信息等。内容新颖、注重物理、注重学科交叉、注重与科研结合。 《量子力学(第二版)》上册共6章,包括量子力学的物理基础、一维定态问题、中心场束缚态问题、算符、表象和表示、轨道及自旋角动量问题和带电粒子在电磁场中运动问题。
“物理学大题典”是一套大型工具性、综合性物理题解丛书。丛书内容涵盖综合性大学本科物理内容;从普通物理的力学、热学、光学、电磁学、近代物理到“四大力学”,以及原子核物理、粒子物理、凝聚态物理、等离子体物理、天体物理、激光物理、量子光学、量子信息等。内容新颖、注重物理、注重学科交叉、注重与科研结合。 《量子力学(第二版)》下册共6章,包括定态近似问题、散射问题、含时近似方法与跃迁、少体问题、量子信息物理学和其他问题等内容。
本书主要介绍28nm系统芯片(SoC)的单粒子效应,内容包括 SoC单粒子效应研究现状与测试系统的研制,SoC的α粒子、重离子、质子和中子单粒子效应实验研究,SoC单粒子效应软件故障注入、模拟故障注入、软错误故障分析、故障诊断和SoC抗单粒子效应软件加固方法研究;提出Xilinx Zynq-7000 SoC单粒子效应错误类型和单粒子效应规律;计算不同模块的单粒子效应截面和软错误率;揭示SoC的单粒子效应敏感模块和敏感区域分布特征;定量分析SoC系统、子系统和不同模块的故障频率、不可用度和平均故障间隔时间;提出几种SoC单粒子效应加固方法,并进行实验验证。
《脉冲星物理》系统阐述了脉冲星的基本知识,全书共分十六章. 在**章概括性地介绍与脉冲星和中子星研究相关的历史和背景之后,本书依次介绍射电望远镜(第二章)、脉冲星探测技术(第三章)、脉冲到达时间特性(第四章)、单个脉冲的观测特征(第五、六章)平均脉冲的观测特性及唯象描述(第七章)、磁层中粒子的加速与辐射过程(第八、九章)等内容. 本书第十章讨论了脉冲星内部物质构成. 它与脉冲星的辐射有关,并涉及强相互作用的低能行为. 本书第十一章至第十五章内容包括毫秒脉冲星及其应用(第十一章)、射电脉冲双星和引力理论检验(第十二章)、恒星演化与X射线脉冲星(第十三、十四章)、星际介质探针(第十五章)等。*后,本书展望了脉冲星研究的未来(第十六章)。 本书是天文和物理专业高年级本科生、研究生较全面地了解脉
《量子物理的非常规方法(英文版)》包括的内容有:Noncommutative physics;Moment of momentum;Perturbation theory;Model Hamiltonian;Perturbation method;Inclusion of degenerate levels;Free scalar field;Free scalar field等。
When I first decided to write a book on string theory, more than ten years ago, my memories of my student years were much more vivid than they are today. Still, I remember that one of the greatest pleasures was finding a text that made a difficult subject accessible, and I hoped to provide the same for string theory. Thus, my first purpose was to give a coherent introduction to string theory, based on the Polyakov path integral and conformal field theory. No previous knowledge of string theory is assumed. I do assume that the reader is familiar with the central ideas of general relativity, such as metrics and curvature, and with the ideas of quantum field theory through non- Abelian gauge symmetry. Originally a full course of quantum field theory was assumed as a prerequisite, but it became clear that many students were eager to learn string theory as soon as possible, and that others had taken courses on quantum field theory that did not emphasize the tools needed for string theory. I have therefore tri
《原子的激光冷却与陷俘》是“北京大学物理学丛书”第33种。本书系统地介绍了激光冷却原子和玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚的历史发展、主要实验和基本原理,从实验出发,着重从物理概念和图像出发去描述现象,解释机理,避免冗长的攻势推导;在广泛阅读文献的基础上,穿插了一些科学发展过程中的珍闻逸事,使读者既了解了历史,又增加了阅读兴趣。 本书可作为物理学、电子学以及其他相关专业的研究生、高年级本科生作为教材,也可供相关领域的科研人员参考。
《天体物理学》由Dan Maoza(马泽)著,主要内容:This textbook is basedon the one-semester course "Introduction to Astrophysics," taken bythird-year physics students at Tel-Aviv University, which I taughtseveral times in the years 2000-2005. My objective in writing thisbook is to provide an introductory astronomy text that is suitedfor university students majoring in physical science fields(physics, astronomy, chemistry, engineering, etc.), rather than fora wider audience, for which many astronomy textbooks already exist.I have tried to cover a large and representative fraction of themain elements of modem astrophysics, including some topics at theforefront of current research. At the same time, I have made aneffort to keep this book concise.
When I first decided to write a book on string theory, more than ten years ago, my memories of my student years were much more vivid than they are today. Still, I remember that one of the greatest pleasures was finding a text that made a difficult subject accessible, and I hoped to provide the same for string theory. Thus, my first purpose was to give a coherent introduction to string theory, based on the Polyakov path integral and conformal field theory. No previous knowledge of string theory is assumed. I do assume that the reader is familiar with the central ideas of general relativity, such as metrics and curvature, and with the ideas of quantum field theory through non- Abelian gauge symmetry. Originally a full course of quantum field theory was assumed as a prerequisite, but it became clear that many students were eager to learn string theory as soon as possible, and that others had taken courses on quantum field theory that did not emphasize the tools needed for string theory. I have therefore tri
String theory is one of the most exciting and challenging areas of modern theoretical physics. It was developed in the late 1960s for the purpose of de-scribing the strong nuclear force. Problems were encountered that prevented this program from attaining complete success. In particular, it was realized that the dpectrum of a fundamental string contains an undesired massless spin-two particle. Quantum chromodynamics eventually proved to be the correct theory for describing the strong force and the properties of hadrons,New doors opened for string theory when in 1974 it was proposed to identify the massless spin-two particle in the string's spectrum with the graviton, the quantum of gravitation. String theory became then the most promising can-didate for a quantum theory of gravity unified with the other forces and has developed into one of the most fascinating the6ries of high-energy physics.
Recent years have brought a revival of work on string theory, which has been a source of fascination since its origins nearly twenty years ago.There seems to be a widely perceived need for a systematic, pedagogical exposition of the present state of knowledge about string theory. We hope that this book will help to meet this need. To give a comprehensive account of such a vast topic as string theory would scarcely be possible,even in two volumes with the length to which these have grown. Indeed,we have had to omit many important subjects, while treating others only sketchily. String field theory is omitted entirely (though the subject of chapter 11 is closely related to light-cone string field theory). Conformal field theory is not developed systematically, though much of the background material needed to understand recent papers on this subject is presented in chapter 3 and elsewhere.
The last few decades have seen major advances in the physics of elementary particles. New generations of particle accelerators and detectors have come into operation, and have successfully contributed to improving the quantity and quality of data on diverse interaction processes and to the discoveries of whole new families of particles. At the same time, important new ideas have emerged in quantum field theory, culminating in the developments of theories for the weak and strong interactions to complement quantum electrodynam-ics, the theory of the electromagnetic force. The simplest of the new theories that are at the same time mathematically consistent and physically successful constitute what is known as the standard model of the fundamental interac-tions. This book is an attempt to present these remarkable advances at an elementary level, making them accessible to students familiar with quantum mechanics, special relativity, and classical electrodynamics.
本书系统介绍弱电及强作用规范理论,饮食规范场论的基本概念,量子化与重整化,弱电统一理论,量子色动力学学,大统一理论的主要物理内容及计算方法。 本书可作为粒子物理研究生教材,亦可供理论参考。
在杨-米尔斯理论发表50周年之际,这本无价的文集回顾了由这一美妙思想引发出来的基本粒子物理的发展和成就。 在过去的50年,作为理论物理不可否认的重要的基础,杨一米尔斯理论得到了广阔的发展。从各种视角对这一理论进行的研究,使理论以许多新的、没有预想到的面貌被揭示出来。在近几十年,从高能物理延伸出去,该理论已经活跃地应用在物理学的其他分支中,诸如统计物理、凝聚态物理和非线性系统等,使这一理论成为所有从事物理学工作的人无法回避的课题。 在这本文集上发表文章或作更详细的技术上说明的是一个国际的专家团队,他们中的每一位专家都曾在这一非凡理论的发展中留下过自己的足迹。这些文章又从各位专家独到的视角凸现了这些新发现。
夸克胶子等离子体( QGP )是大爆炸模型中早期宇宙所处的状态,它的性质对于宇宙的演化过程有着重要影响。人们可以在实验室中让接近光速的相向运动的两束重离子对撞来产生夸克胶子等离子体,从而定量地研究它的产生机制和性质。经过多年的努力,物理学家已经建立了系统描述夸克胶子等离子体的物理理论,也建设了若干大型实验装置如相对论重离子对撞机( RHIC )和大型强子对撞机( LHC )等来产生夸克胶子等离子体和研究其物理性质。在该领域中耕耘了几十年的八木浩辅、初田哲男和三明康郎三位教授,系统地总结了近年来的理论和实验进展,汇聚成本书,这是一本高能核物理和相关领域研究者和学生的重要参考书,尤其有助于青年研究者在较短时间内对夸克胶子等离子体物理有全面和深入浅出的认识。 本书适合用作研究生和高年级本科生的教