《海风下》是卡逊的处女作,是 海洋三部曲 之开篇。该书记录了北美东海岸海洋动物的行为及其生存和死亡等现象,可谓一部海洋百科;但它却没有百科的枯燥,描写细致,结构精巧,语言十分优美。海洋生命的鲜活、自然特有的温暖跃然纸上。相比于《寂静的春天》的激昂,《海风下》给人以宁静的感觉,既适合孩子,也适合成人阅读,是珍贵的关于大海的故事。
Beijing drew the whole world's attention with the 2008 Olympics. But it is also an ancient city that has been the nation's capital for 850 years in its total history of more than 3,000 years. It is a great city with the magnitude of a vast country and the hustle and bustle of a thriving cosmopolis. It is home to the humorous Beijingers, who take immense pride in world-known landmarks like the Forbidden City and the Great Wall. The long, glorious history has brought Beijing an air that is elegant, unconventional, yet reserved; the fast-developing economy and culture have never stopped making facelifts to the old city. The interesting and amazing contrast between the old and new has enticed numerous people to admire and experience the city's unique charm.
Als alte Hauptstadt sechs verschidener Dynastien liegt der Ursprung von Beijing seit Errichtung der Stadt Yan und Ji mehr als 3000Jahre zuruck.Die Kulturellen Relikte Verschiedener Dynastien und die historischen Denkmaler werden in Beijing Generetion fur Generation sorgfaltig geschatzt und gepflegt,was dazu beigetragen hat,dass die Stadt zu einem groBartigen Museum gemacht worden ist.Nach Schatzungen gibt es mehr als 130 offentlich registrierte Museen.lm Vorliegenden Buch finden sich informationen Uber 100 Museen verschidener Art.
With the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic on October 1, 2009, China has presented a new face to the world. Over the past 60 years, Chinese society has undergone significant changes that are clearly reflected in literature, painting, film, drama and other literary and artistic works. In China, both the rich and the poor, the elite and the working class all celebrate the Spring Festival. Paintings depicting Spring Festival entertainments are one of the most popular and inexpensive consumables of the season. Before TV sets and inter became as popular as today, Chinese New Year paintings (including publicity paintings) were one of the most direct and biggest media for observations of China, which were able to reach millions of households throughout the country. This book is posed of 200 carefully chosen Chinese New Year paintings from 1949 on, and is divided into threetime periods: 1949-1965. 1966-1978, and 1979-2009. These paintings tell of the major events in China from di
China Panorama is intended for the use by internationalstudents ing to China to study the required course "ChinaPanorama". As well as reading material for all of those studyingChinese as a second language, thiook is the top choice forlearning Chinese culture and motivating students' interest. Thisbook introduces topics such as Chinese geography, culture, history,international relations and the development of the nation. Readers will find they are inspired, challenged and provided withcultural facts throughout the learning process. In the practicesections, lots of thought provoking and practical exercises areset, encouraging intermunication between book and readers,teacher and students. It achieves the perfect match of culturalawareness and students needs.
北京历代帝王庙始建于明代嘉靖九年(1530),清代断续沿用,距今已有470多年的历史。现为全国重点文物保护单位。它是明、清两朝祭祀三皇五帝、历代帝王和功臣名将的一座皇家庙宇,入祀中国史前时期的祖先人物三后五帝以及夏、商、周、汉、唐、宋、元、明等历代杰出帝王188位,功臣名将80位。 历代帝王庙的祭祀活动为国家祭祀,每年春秋两季举行。据文献记载,从明嘉靖十一年(1532)到清末(1911)的380年间,北京历代帝王庙共举行过662次祭祀大典达16次,其中,雍正帝5次、乾隆帝6次到历代帝王庙祭拜。