对于提琴制作的业内人士来说,本书可以说是书。 读了本书,才会知道斯特拉蒂瓦里这个人以及他的琴是怎么回事。 《小提琴巨匠斯特拉蒂瓦里:他的生平和作品(1644-1737)》对所有知名的斯特拉蒂瓦里琴,它的出处,流传,以及它的特点都有描述。一些重要的琴都有尺寸。书后有索引,可以找到你要查的琴。 对于拉琴的人来说,你应当了解你拉的琴是怎么回事。小提琴绝非只是一件乐器那么简单。它有深刻的文化内涵,有许多讲究,有许多故事。《小提琴巨匠斯特拉蒂瓦里:他的生平和作品(1644-1737)》就是最好的入门。 对音乐爱好者来说,看《小提琴巨匠斯特拉蒂瓦里:他的生平和作品(1644-1737)》可以知道许多关于琴的知识。小提琴是一种艺术品,她诞生于文艺复兴时期,成为乐器之王,为什么她会迷倒那么多人,为什么一把斯特拉蒂瓦里的琴现在动
《不朽的小提琴家》再现了历史上不朽小提琴家的魅力,简要而有趣地叙述其生活、个性与事业。作者就他们对作曲者、公众品味的影响以及演奏技巧的贡献等各个方面,讲述了这些小提琴家的特殊成就。 作者玛格丽特·坎贝尔参阅了大量的书信和私人文件,并且访问许多著名音乐家,很多人为《不朽的小提琴家》提供了从未发表过的回忆录和珍贵照片。 《不朽的小提琴家》是一本献给音乐会听众、唱片收藏者(有“唱片目录”)、弦乐演奏者和学生等所有爱好小提琴演奏艺术者的书。
This book offers a detailed introduction for fashion designstudents, aspiring designers and start-up businesses to the designprinciples, construction techniques and professional practices forthe growing market sector of accessory and footwear design. Twoleading educators explain the fundamental principles of research,design and development, covering core techniques and processes,specialist terminology and tools of the trade. Following chaptersare dedicated to particular subjects handbags, footwear, hats,belts, gloves and small leather goods with a concluding informationsection on courses, careers and trade fairs. Anyone who wants tomake a career in this exciting niche area will find this anindispensable reference book.
Few artists have created as much controversy or survived itwith greater fame than Edouard Manet. In his day, the avant-gardewas not only a challenge to the traditions of art, but it was alsoa gunshot fired at society as a whole. With his painting Olympia(1869), Manet was to become, to quote Degas, as famous asGaribaldi. Yet how the urbane and diffident son of a bourgeoisfamily became the father of both Realism and Impressionism is acomplex and fascinating story that has too often been reduced totextbook clichés. As Manet has become recognized as a touchstonefor historical change but also for interpretations of how thatchange came about, his individual story has become all the morerelevant to the study of art history. Moreover, far from being anartists to shrink behind his work, one of Manets mostcharacteristic practices was to leave an indelible trace of his ownpersonal identity within his paintings, as illustrated throughoutthe volume by eminent scholar James H. Rubin. This lavishlyillustrated volume
Cuando la gente se reúne para tomar una copa o un café y parabailar escoge el local bajo impulsos que tienen poco que ver con laconsumición que tomarán. La decoración del lugar, la música o, ensu defecto, el silencio y el ambiente que deviene a partir deltránsito de personas es lo que se rescata como imagenimperdurable.
When it was originally published in 1970, "How to Draw What YouSee" zoomed to the top of Watson-Guptill's best-seller list--and ithas remained there ever since. "I believe that you must be able todraw things as you see them--realistically," wrote Rudy de Reyna inhis introduction. Today, generations of artists have learned todraw what they see, to truly capture the world around them, usingde Reyna's methods. "How to Draw What You See" shows artists how torecognize the basic shape of an object--cube, cylinder, cone, orsphere--and use that shape to draw the object, no matter how muchdetail it contains.
Ines de la Fressange shares fifty-two new secrets in thiselegant and humorous weekly planner that is the chicest way toorganize your schedule in style. Following up on the success oftheir New York Times best seller Parisian Chic: A Style Guide byInes de la Fressange, the same author duo has teamed up to write ayear’s worth of weekly fashion tips in this new daily planner. Inesde la Fressange shares fresh style and beauty tips, as well as herlight-hearted guidelines for enjoying life to the fullest. FromJanuary through December, she offers specific pointers on how todress like a Parisian—including everything from how to add pizzazzto a simple jeans-and-t-shirt uniform to what to wear on New Year’sEve—and no-nonsense do’s and don’ts that will have you smiling andlooking your best throughout the year. This weekly planner is anelegant accessory in itself, featuring a deep red faux leathercover with gold foil stamp, rounded edges, a ribbon page marker foreasy place holding, creamy offset aquarel