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    • 潘思同水彩画直观选【正版图书,满额减】
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    • 潘耀昌编 /2005-07-01/ 中国美术学院出版社
    • 《中国美术院校:潘思同水彩画直观选》所介绍的是潘思同20世纪五、六十年代在浙江美术学院水彩画教学中使用的部分直观。所谓直观就是上课时的图示和示范作品。由于上课的教学时间有限,不可能在课堂里做大量示范,所以在每堂课上课之前,作为备课,潘思同都要针对一、二个问题,画一些直观,上面配备必要的文字说明,一方面为了节省时间,另一方面也为了取得视觉效果。在直观中,有些图本身就是独立的作品,因此,下课后学生常常争先恐后地拿去观摩、临摹。对这些直观,学生反应很好,有些青年教师也常借去作为参考。当时许多同行建议让这些印刷出版,但由于当时彩色印刷费用高昂,会大大提高书价,而且印刷质量也大有问题,如果采用黑白图版则大大削弱的直观效果,因而始终未能出版面世1993年,“潘思同水彩遗作展”在新加坡展出,他的

    • ¥53.3 ¥238.6 折扣:2.2折
    • Fashion Design Course 时尚设计教材
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    • /2010-03-01/ Thames Hudson
    • Inthisbook,studentswilllearnvariousmethodsofdesigningfashion,howtocreateanduseinspirations,howfabricandcolourstrengthenadesignersviewpoint,howtocreatedynamicfabricstoriesthatformwell-merchandizedgroups,andhowtorefinetheirownvisionasafashiondesigner.Bymasteringkeyprinciples,studentswilldevelopandrefinetheircreativityandincreasetheirunderstandingofwhatmakesasuccessfuldesign.Inthesepages,assignmentschallengethereadertogofromconceptualunderstandingoftheseprinciplestotheirpracticalapplication.Interviewswithfashionindustryleadersgivethereaderinsideinformationonwhatmakesasuccessfulfashiondesignertoday.Thefinalchapterprovidesfullpreparationfortheprofessionalworld,includingputtingtogetheraportfolio,writingaCVandinterviewtechnique.

    • ¥83.2 ¥391.04 折扣:2.1折
    • reGeneration2 现代摄影
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    • WilliamA.Ewing威廉·A·尤因)著 /2010-06-01/ Thames Hudson
    • TheresultofthesecondinternationalphotographycompetitionorganizedbythedistinguishedMuseedelElysee,thisbooksetsouttodiscoverwhatyoungphotographersareuptoasthe21stcenturyapproachesitsseconddecade.Howdotheyseetheworld?Howmuchdotheyrespect,buildonorrejecttradition?Aretheybusyinthedarkroomorthecomputerlaborboth?Here,inmorethan200superbimagesbrimmingwithinspiringcreativityandingenuity,aretheanswerstothesequestions.Thevarietyofsubjectsandtechniquesconfirmsthatphotographersofextraordinarytalentarewellontheirwaytomakingtheirmark.Usefulreferencematerialincludesbiographicaldetailsofeachoftheeightyfeaturedphotographersandanoteontheselectedwinningphotographersfromthefirsteditionofthebook,manyofwhomhavegoneontoforgeinternationalcareers.Thisisanunmissableopportunitytopreviewtheworkofthoseup-and-comingphotographerswhomaywellemergeasthefinestartistsoftheirgeneration.

    • ¥279.45 ¥1313.42 折扣:2.1折
    • 潘思同水彩画直观选【正版】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 潘耀昌编 /2005-07-01/ 中国美术学院出版社
    • 《中国美术院校:潘思同水彩画直观选》所介绍的是潘思同20世纪五、六十年代在浙江美术学院水彩画教学中使用的部分直观。所谓直观就是上课时的图示和示范作品。由于上课的教学时间有限,不可能在课堂里做大量示范,所以在每堂课上课之前,作为备课,潘思同都要针对一、二个问题,画一些直观,上面配备必要的文字说明,一方面为了节省时间,另一方面也为了取得视觉效果。在直观中,有些图本身就是独立的作品,因此,下课后学生常常争先恐后地拿去观摩、临摹。对这些直观,学生反应很好,有些青年教师也常借去作为参考。当时许多同行建议让这些印刷出版,但由于当时彩色印刷费用高昂,会大大提高书价,而且印刷质量也大有问题,如果采用黑白图版则大大削弱的直观效果,因而始终未能出版面世1993年,“潘思同水彩遗作展”在新加坡展出,他的

    • ¥52.53 ¥210.26 折扣:2.5折
    • 101 Things I Learned in Film School
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    • NeilLandau尼尔·朗)著 /2010-05-01/ Grand Central Publishing
    • How to set a scene? What's the best camera angle? How does the new technology interact with scenes? And how does one even get the financing to make a movie? These basic questions and much more are all covered in this exquisite packaged book on the film industry and making movies as a profession. Written by Neil Landau, an experienced screenwriter and script consultant to the major movie studios, this is the perfect book for anyone who wants to know about the inner-workings of this industry. Whether it's someone who wants to make movies as a full-timecareer, or just someone who is interested in film, this book covers it all.

    • ¥145 ¥681.5 折扣:2.1折
    • 英文书 Robert Doisneau: Paris 平装16开393页
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • /2010-09-01/ Thames
    • Doisneaus work immortalized the magic of Paris for posterity; this stunning compact edition, edited by the artists daughters, includes over six hundred photographs. Doisneau is celebrated for his ability to infuse images of daily life with poetic nuances that have brought enduring popular appeal to his photojournalism. This collection pairs aesthetically-composed photographs alongside snapshots that offer a more personal account of Doisneaus Paris. Organized thematically, this bookunprecedented in scopegives an entrancing tour through the gardens of Paris, along the Seine, and amid the crowds of Parisians who live in and define their magical city. An enchanting cross-section of Parisian life by one of the photographers who best captured its many charms.

    • ¥287 ¥1348.9 折扣:2.1折
    • Monkey Business:Swinging Through the Wall Street Jungle
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    • /2007-12-01/ Business
    • Welcome to the world of high-powered investment banking. Please check your soul at the door. Meet John and Peter, two young business school graduates, grabbing their chance to become lords of the investment universe, as they run willingly into the open arms of one of Wall Street's giants, DLJ. Frustrated foot soldiers in a designer white-collar army, the two find themselves embedded in the strata of overworked and overlooked lemmings furiously trying to spin straw into gold. It's a high-stakes pressure cooker fueled by 20-hour days, inflated salaries, senseless prospects, outlandish characters, and strip club lap dances. Suddenly, escaping with their sanity seems like the wisest investment of all -- if it's still on the market.

    • ¥56 ¥263.2 折扣:2.1折
    • Jewelry from Nature: Amber Coral Horn Ivory Pearls Shell Tor
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • /2010-10-01/ Thames
    • "JewelryfromNature"explores200yearsoffinejewelrymadefromnaturalmaterials,wornbystyleiconsincludingtheDuchessofWindsor,CocoChanelandDianaVreeland.AmongthejewelersincludedareCartier(whoseArtDecopiecesincoralareiconsoftheirera),VanCleef&Arpels,Boivin,Faberge,Verdura(whoseseashellbroochesfromthe1940sarecollectorsitems),Schlumberger,Hermes,Lalique,SeamanScheppsandTiffany.Thebookalsofeaturesahostofimportantcontemporarydesigners,notablyPatriciavonMusulin,TedMuehlingandLivBlavarp.Thistimelyanduniquestudyofakeythemeinjewelrydesignwillappealtomakers,dealers,curators,collectorsandhistorians.

    • ¥404.6 ¥1901.62 折扣:2.1折
    • Pattern Magic 2
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • /2011-02-01/ Thames Hudson
    • Pattern Magic 2 is the cult pattern-cutting text from Japan, partner to the original Pattern Magic book. Inspiring and exciting, this volume takes a creative approach to pattern cutting, with more step-by-step projects for fashion designers and dressmakers to enjoy. This book looks at creating interesting surfaces, optical illusions and curved shapes through pattern cutting. All the basic information you need to start pattern cutting is included, from the basic block to measurements and scaling. Each project is beautifully illustrated with clear diagrams and photographs showing the stages of construction, the toiles and the finished garments. These easy-to-follow illustrations and detailed instructions make it easy to create stunning, sculptural clothes.

    • ¥88.45 ¥415.71 折扣:2.1折
    • The Sartorialist
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    • ScottSchuman斯科特·舒曼)著 /2009-09-01/ Penguin
    • Scott Schuman just wanted to take photographs of people on the street who looked great. His now famous blog ('the bellwether American site that turned photo blogging into an art form' - New York Times ) was an attempt to showcase the wonderful and varied sartorial tastes of real people - not only those of the fashion industry. The book is a beautiful anthology of Scott's favourite shots from around the world. They include photographs of well-known fashion figures as well as those shots of the anonymous passerby whose imagination and taste delight the viewer. From the streets of Rio to Bejing, Stockholm to Milan, these are the people that have inspired Scott and in turn, inspired designers and people of all ages, wages and nationalities with an interest in fashion. Intimately designed and created with Scott, the book is a handsome object in its own right, in full colour on hand-picked, quality paper. 司各特·舒曼无非想把他在纽约大街上遇见的那些他认为样子不错的人拍下来。如

    • ¥211.95 ¥996.16 折扣:2.1折