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    • Check The Technique(ISBN=9780812977752)
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    • Brian Coleman 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • A Tribe Called Quest - Beastie Boys - De La Soul - Eric B. andRakim - The Fugees - KRS-One - Pete Rock and CL Smooth - PublicEnemy - The Roots - Run-DMC - Wu-Tang Clan - and twenty-five morehip-hop immortals It's a sad fact: hip-hop album liners have alwaysbeen reduced to a list of producer and sample credits, a publicityphoto or two, and some hastily composed shout-outs. That's a damnshame, because few outside the game know about the true creativeforces behind influential masterpieces like PE's It Takes a Nationof Millions. . ., De La's 3 Feet High and Rising, and Wu-Tang'sEnter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers). A longtime scribe for the hip-hopnation, Brian Coleman fills this void, and delivers a thrilling,knockout oral history of the albums that define this dynamic andiconoclastic art form. The format: One chapter, one artist, onealbum, blow-by-blow and track-by-track, delivered straight from theoriginal sources. Performers, producers, DJs, and b-boys-includingBig Daddy Kane, Muggs and B-Real, Biz Markie, RZA, I

    • ¥78 折扣:5折
    • LIFE & DEATH/CLASSICAL MUSIC(ISBN=9781400096589)
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    • Norman Lebrecht 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • In this compulsively readable, fascinating, and provocativeguide to classical music, Norman Lebrecht, one of the world's mostwidely read cultural commentators tells the story of the rise ofthe classical recording industry from Caruso's first notes to theheyday of Bernstein, Glenn Gould, Callas, and von Karajan. Lebrechtcompellingly demonstrates that classical recording has reached itsend point-but this is not simply an expos? of decline and fall. Itis, for the first time, the full story of a minor art form,analyzing the cultural revolution wrought by Schnabel, Toscanini,Callas, Rattle, the Three Tenors, and Charlotte Church. It is thestory of how stars were made and broken by the record business; howa war criminal conspired with a concentration-camp victim to createa record empire; and how advancing technology, boardroom wars,public credulity and unscrupulous exploitation shaped the musicalbackdrop to our modern lives. The book ends with a suitable shrineto classical recording: the author's critical selectio

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • Temperament(ISBN=9780375703300)
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    • Stuart Isacoff 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • Few music lovers realize that the arrangement of notes ontoday’s pianos was once regarded as a crime against God and nature,or that such legendary thinkers as Pythagoras, Plato, da Vinci,Galileo, Kepler, Descartes, Newton and Rousseau played a role inthe controversy. Indeed, from the time of the Ancient Greeksthrough the eras of Renaissance scientists and Enlightenmentphilosophers, the relationship between the notes of the musicalscale was seen as a key to the very nature of the universe. In this engaging and accessible account, Stuart Isacoff leads usthrough the battles over that scale, placing them in the context ofquarrels in the worlds of art, philosophy, religion, politics andscience. The contentious adoption of the modern tuning system knownas equal temperament called into question beliefs that hadlasted nearly two millenia–and also made possible the music ofBeethoven, Schubert, Chopin, Debussy, and all who followed. Filledwith original insights, fascinating anecdotes, and portraits ofsome of th

    • ¥65 折扣:5折
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    • Daniel Barenboim 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • These free-wheeling, often exhilarating dialogues—which grewout of the acclaimed Carnegie Hall Talks—are an exchange betweentwo of the most prominent figures in contemporary culture: DanielBarenboim, internationally renowned conductor and pianist, andEdward W. Said, eminent literary critic and impassioned commentatoron the Middle East. Barenboim is an Argentinian-Israeli and Said aPalestinian-American; they are also close friends. As they range across music, literature, and society, they openup many fields of inquiry: the importance of a sense of place;music as a defiance of silence; the legacies of artists from Mozartand Beethoven to Dickens and Adorno; Wagner’s anti-Semitism; andthe need for “artistic solutions” to the predicament of the MiddleEast—something they both witnessed when they brought young Arab andIsraeli musicians together. Erudite, intimate, thoughtful andspontaneous, Parallels and Paradoxes is a virtuosiccollaboration.

    • ¥65 折扣:5折
    • Stradivari'S Genius(ISBN=9780375760853) 英文原版
    •   ( 15 条评论 )
    • Toby Faber 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • Antonio Stradivari (1644—1737) was a perfectionist whosesingle-minded pursuit of excellence changed the world of music. Inthe course of his long career in the northern Italian city ofCremona, he created more than a thousand stringed instruments;approximately six hundred survive, their quality unequalled by anysubsequent violin-maker. In this fascinating book, Toby Fabertraces the rich, multilayered stories of six of these peerlesscreations–five violins and a cello–and the one towering artist whobrought them into being. Blending history, biography, meticulousdetective work, and an abiding passion for music, Faber takes usfrom the salons of Vienna to the concert halls of New York, andfrom the breakthroughs of Beethoven’s last quartets to the firstphonographic recordings. This magnificent narrative invites us toshare the life, the intrigue, and the incomparable beauty of theworld’s most marvelous stringed instruments.

    • ¥65 折扣:5折
    • RENAISSANCE, THE(ISBN=9780812966190)
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • Paul Johnson 著 /2002-08-01/ Random House US
    • The Renaissance holds an undying place in our imagination, itsgreat heroes still our own, from Michelangelo and Leonardo to Danteand Chaucer. This period of profound evolution in European thoughtis credited with transforming the West from medieval to modern andproducing the most astonishing outpouring of artistic creation theworld has ever known. But what was it? In this masterly work, theincomparable Paul Johnson tells us. He explains the economic,technological, and social developments that provide a backdrop tothe age’s achievements and focuses closely on the lives and worksof its most important figures. A commanding short narrative of thisvital period, The Renaissance is also a universally profoundmeditation on the wellsprings of innovation.

    • ¥65 折扣:5折
    • The Dodo and Mauritius Island: Imaginary Encounters(中图特价艺术书)
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    • Harri Kallio 编 /2011-05-01/
    • A wonderful and original tribute to the curious, comical Dodoand the beautiful island of Mauritius. Award-winning Finnishphotographer Harri Kallio creates the illusion that thesefascinating creatures are alive and abundant, living as they oncedid in their own unspoiled haven, the island of Mauritius.Accompanied by a thorough history of this extraordinary bird,including eyewitness accounts and pictorial sources, the book wasthe winner of the 2004 European Publishers’ Award forPhotography.

    • ¥280.8 折扣:6折
    • Painter's Wild Workshop: Expand Your Creativity - Inspiratio
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Lynn Leon Loscutoff 著 /1999-03-01/
    • The heart of Painters Wild Workshop is the presentation oftwelve gifted artists who take an unusual approach to their art.Readers are invited to workshop demonstrations, lecture sessions,and private lessons that encourage creative experimentation.Whether you are an accomplished artist, an aspiring artist, or anundiscovered artist, you will profit from the wealth of diverseexperiences, materials, and inspirations offered through thesewonderfully wild and creative methods. This is a book for painters,artists, and creative people of all types; its goal is to helpworking painters open up creativity, eliminate self-consciousness,and encourage true artistryeither in their current, chosen medium,or a completely new art medium.

    • ¥138 折扣:6折
    • David Hockney: A Bigger Picture
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    • Marco Livingstone 著 /2011-01-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • David Hockney (b. 1937) has always been closely associatedwith Pop Art and California, where he has lived for much of hislife. This major study of his work, published to accompany theexhibition showing at the Royal Academy of Arts in London,redefines him as an important painter of the English countryside,presenting his recent landscapes for the first time. In an attemptto renew contemporary art, Hockney has returned to painting in theopen air, observing with honesty and intensity the scenery of hischildhood in East Yorkshire. Marco Livingstone explores this bolddeparture in the context of Hockney's sixty-year career, whileother contributors address the artists place in the landscapetradition, his recent video works and their relationship to Englishlandscape film-making, and his ongoing use of new technologies.Illustrated with paintings, iPad drawings and video stills, many ofwhich have never been seen before, this landmark publicationconfirms David Hockney as one of the greatest artists of hisgeneratio

    • ¥495.6 折扣:6折
    • Japanese Prints
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    • Ellis Tinios 著 /2010-11-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • Japanese woodblock prints of the Edo period (16151868) were the products of a highly commercialised and competitive publishing industry. Their content was inspired by the vibrant popular culture that flourished in Edo (Tokyo). At any given time scores of publishers competed for the services of the leading artists of the day. Publishers and artists displayed tremendous ingenuity in finding ways to sustain demand for prints and to to circumvent the restrictions placed upon them by government censorship. Japanese woodblock prints have long been appreciated in the West for their graphic qualities but their content has not always been fully understood. In recent years, publications by scholars in Japan, Europe and the United States have made possible a more subtle appreciation of the imagery encountered in them. This book draws upon this recent scholarship to explain how those who first purchased these prints would have read them. Through stunning new photography of both well-known and rarely published work

    • ¥121.2 折扣:6折
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    • Kylie MinogueWilliam Baker 编 /2012-11-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • "This book charts my relationship with some of the mosttalented people in fashion throughout my career. It makes me veryproud to see gathered together all the great designers and housesI've worked with over the years. Looking through my personalarchives has been a real trip down memory lane and it is thefashion that brings back moments and memories of the lasttwenty-five years. I can't wait to share this book with the world."(Kylie Minogue). Published as part of the K25 celebrations thisyear, "Kylie / Fashion" is the official book celebratingtwenty-five years since Kylie burst onto the music scene with TheLocomotion and I Should Be So Lucky. From the very beginning, thefashion she has worn has been key to Kylie's persona andperformances: her status as style icon is unassailable. Thisdazzling book celebrates her numerous and ground-breakingcollaborations with the world's great fashion designers. Producedby Kylie in close collaboration with Thames Hudson, anddrawing on her personal archives, it showcases Kyl

    • ¥226.8 折扣:6折
    • Hockney's Pictures
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    • David Hockney 著 /2006-12-01/ Thames and Hudson
    • This much acclaimed book, newly available in paperback, is thedefinitive retrospective of the most popular serious artist in theworld today, covering all media over almost fifty years. Presentedthematically to show the evolution and diversity of Hockney'sprolific paintings, drawings, watercolours, prints and photography,it also features quotes from the artist himself that illuminate thepassionate thinking behind the works produced. Its hugeinternational success confirms Hockney's position as the world'smost popular living artist.

    • ¥168.7 折扣:5.9折
    • Psychotic Reactions And Carbur(ISBN=9780679720454)
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    • Lester Bangs 著 /2011-10-01/ Random House US
    • Vintage presents the paperback edition of the wild andbrilliant writings of Lester Bangs--the most outrageous and popularrock critic of the 1970s--edited and with an introduction by thereigning dean of rack critics, Greil Marcus. Advertising in RollingStone and other major publications.

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • Manet(9782080301062)
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    • James Henry Rubin 著 /2010-10-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • Few artists have created as much controversy or survived itwith greater fame than Edouard Manet. In his day, the avant-gardewas not only a challenge to the traditions of art, but it was alsoa gunshot fired at society as a whole. With his painting Olympia(1869), Manet was to become, to quote Degas, as famous asGaribaldi. Yet how the urbane and diffident son of a bourgeoisfamily became the father of both Realism and Impressionism is acomplex and fascinating story that has too often been reduced totextbook clichés. As Manet has become recognized as a touchstonefor historical change but also for interpretations of how thatchange came about, his individual story has become all the morerelevant to the study of art history. Moreover, far from being anartists to shrink behind his work, one of Manets mostcharacteristic practices was to leave an indelible trace of his ownpersonal identity within his paintings, as illustrated throughoutthe volume by eminent scholar James H. Rubin. This lavishlyillustrated volume

    • ¥648 折扣:6折
    • Asian Resorts(中图特价艺术书)
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    • Tan Hock Beng 编 /2007-11-01/
    • Asian Resorts is conceived to be the most comprehensivecollection on Asian resorts. Written and shot by the region'sbest known Asian architecture specialist, TanHock Beng, who has already put together five books on the designand aesthetics of tropical architecture, Asian Resorts promises toshow its readers the biggest variety of Asian resorts that no otherbook has ever shown. With its beautifully' shot images and relevantinformation, this book will certainly serve and entertain youbeyond just the coffee table. In fact, it is a must-have for everyarchitectural office and every home.

    • ¥69.5 折扣:5折
    • Reuters - Our World Now 3 by Reuters
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    • Reuters 著 /2010-05-01/ Thames and Hudson
    • “The standard of photography is absolutelyamazing.”— Practical Photography The third editionof Reuters: Our World Now captures the key events from2009 in more than 350 powerful photographs. Organized into foursections that represent the four quarters of the year, the imagescover the full range of global reporting: politics, commerce,conflict, the environment, natural disasters, faith andfestivities, entertainment, celebrity, and lifestyle. The photosoffer a fresh take on the year’s most memorable events as well asplenty of less-familiar stories. This completely new edition includes special “Witness” features:in-depth photo essays from around the world, many of them createdby local photographers with unique access and insight. The bookprovides an indispensable visual record of our times. 360 color and10 black-and-white photographs.

    • ¥85.2 折扣:5.9折
    • Dante Gabriel Rossetti(ISBN=9780896599284)
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    • Alicia Craig Faxon 著 /2011-10-01/ Perseus
    • One of Victorian Englands most charismatic characters, DanteGabriel Rossetti painted and wrote with equal passion. He wassimilarly passionate in his personal life: his etherealartist-wife, his earthy blond mistress, and the ravishing JaneMorris are al

    • ¥367 折扣:5折
    • In Focus: National Geographic Greatest Portraits 瞬间永恒——美国《国家
    •   ( 22 条评论 )
    • National Geographic /2010-09-01/ Random House US
    • 本书的照片都是从国家地理学会超凡的馆藏摄影档案中精心挑选出来的,时间跨越了一个多世纪,反映的题材遍及地球上的每一个角落,也涉及了摄影艺术的每一个层面。这些照片既反映了一些*摄影大师观察生活的独特视角,也代表了我们人类某些共同的情感追求和人性的张扬。 The Collectors Seriesedition of "In Focus" is simply the existing book at a smaller trimsize. This magnificent collection of 280 photographs by many of theworld's greatest photographers tells the tale of portraitphotography over time in page after page of arresting images. Eachphotograph stands proudly on its own, yet taken together, they tella much more complex and subtle story of the ever-evolving art formin constant creative response to new ideas, new eras, and newtechnologies.

    • ¥78 折扣:5折