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    • unknown 编 /2003-01-01/
    • Desde queen 1890 en Estados Unidos se utilizara el terminorascacielos para designar al edificio de oficinas en altura, esteha suscitado diversidad de reflexiones --entre el entornoarquitectonico y la opi-nion pOblica- acerca de sus limites ydisefio. El ras-cacielos es un producto genuinamenteestadouniden-se, fruto del siglo xx, cuya presencia y evoluci6n essin6nimo de progreso tecnologico, la sociedad de consumo y lapolftica liberal. Este volumen propone una revision de los rascacielos queinauguran el nuevo milenio, con la seleccion de edificios de laultima decada del siglo xx y principios del xxi de algunos de losarquitectos mas relevantes de la actualidad. Asf, se muestranedificios que forman parte del debate arquitect6nico actual y quemuestran como sus autores afrontan la arquitectura en relacion conla sociedad y la ciudad.

    • ¥164.7 折扣:4.5折
    • Diego Rivera: Murals for The Museum of Modern Art
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Leah DickermanAnna Indych-Lopez 著 /2011-11-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • In 1931, Diego Rivera was the subject of The Museum of ModernArt s second monographic exhibition, which set new attendancerecords in its five-week run. The Museum brought Rivera to New Yorksix weeks before the show s opening and gave him on-site studiospace. There he produced five "portable murals" --large blocks offrescoed plaster, slaked lime and wood that feature bold imagesdrawn from Mexican subject matter and address themes of revolutionand class inequity. After the opening, to great publicity, Riveraadded three more murals, now taking on New York subjects throughmonumental images of the urban working class and the city duringthe Great Depression. Published in conjunction with an exhibitionthat brings together key works made for Rivera s 1931 show, thiscatalogue casts the artist as a highly cosmopolitan figure whotraveled between Russia, Mexico and the United States and examinesthe intersection of artmaking and radical politics in the 1930s.Illustrated with reproductions of each panel as well as r

    • ¥202.2 折扣:6折
    • Manet(9782080301062)
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • James Henry Rubin 著 /2010-10-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • Few artists have created as much controversy or survived itwith greater fame than Edouard Manet. In his day, the avant-gardewas not only a challenge to the traditions of art, but it was alsoa gunshot fired at society as a whole. With his painting Olympia(1869), Manet was to become, to quote Degas, as famous asGaribaldi. Yet how the urbane and diffident son of a bourgeoisfamily became the father of both Realism and Impressionism is acomplex and fascinating story that has too often been reduced totextbook clichés. As Manet has become recognized as a touchstonefor historical change but also for interpretations of how thatchange came about, his individual story has become all the morerelevant to the study of art history. Moreover, far from being anartists to shrink behind his work, one of Manets mostcharacteristic practices was to leave an indelible trace of his ownpersonal identity within his paintings, as illustrated throughoutthe volume by eminent scholar James H. Rubin. This lavishlyillustrated volume

    • ¥648 折扣:6折
    • Dante Gabriel Rossetti(ISBN=9780896599284)
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Alicia Craig Faxon 著 /2011-10-01/ Perseus
    • One of Victorian Englands most charismatic characters, DanteGabriel Rossetti painted and wrote with equal passion. He wassimilarly passionate in his personal life: his etherealartist-wife, his earthy blond mistress, and the ravishing JaneMorris are al

    • ¥367 折扣:5折
    • China Modern (ISBN 9780794600983)
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    • Sharon Leece 著 /2011-03-01/ Tuttle Publishing
    • Interior designers will enjoy this beautifully illustratedvolume of 39 interiors located in Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Beijing.Both private and commercial buildings are featured, includingrestaurants, resorts, and homes, in new and renovated locations.Many of the designs combine Asian materials and styles with Westerntraditions. Distributed by T

    • ¥162 折扣:4.8折
    • Six Steps To Songwriting Succe(ISBN=9780823084777) 英文原版
    •   ( 15 条评论 )
    • Jason Blume 著 /2011-11-01/
    • What's the secret to writing a hit song? It's as simple as1-2-3-4-5-6 Innovative, practical, and inspiring, "Six Steps toSongwriting Success" presents a surefire step-by-step approach tomastering the elements consistently found in hit songs. AuthorJason Blume, a songwriter with the rare distinction of having hadsongs on the Country, Pop, and RandB charts simultaneously, haspacked this book with such key aids as the three-step lyric writingtechnique used by the pros; lyric, melody, and demo checklists; andtools for self-evaluation-plus many other exercises that work.Blume's warm, humorous style features motivational anecdotes andentertaining stories of how hit songs came to be written andrecorded. Get "Six Steps to Songwriting Success," and get on thecharts

    • ¥51.5 折扣:3.5折
    • Seasons of the Arctic(中图特价艺术书)
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    • Hugh Brody 著 /2011-04-01/
    • Paul Nicklen, a resident of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories,has lived nearly all his life in the far north. Trained as abiologist, he is an experienced wilderness guide, as well as aninternationally acclaimed photographer. Huge Brody is an associateof the Scott Polar Research Institute at Cambridge University. Heis the author of several books, including Maps and Dreams, Indianson Skid Row, and Inishkillane: Change and Decline in the West ofIreland. He lives in London.

    • ¥137.7 折扣:4.5折
    • BASIC WORKS OF ARISTOTLE(ISBN=9780375757990)
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    • Aristotle 著 /2001-09-01/ Random House US
    • Preserved by Arabic mathematicians and canonized by Christianscholars, Aristotle’s works have shaped Western thought, science,and religion for nearly two thousand years. Richard McKeon’s TheBasic Works of Aristotle –constituted out of the definitiveOxford translation and in print as a Random House hardcover forsixty years–has long been considered the best available one-volumeAristotle. Appearing in paperback at long last, this editionincludes selections from the Organon, On the Heavens, The ShortPhysical Treatises, Rhetoric, among others, and On the Soul, OnGeneration and Corruption, Physics, Metaphysics, NicomacheanEthics, Politics, and Poetics in their entirety.

    • ¥95 折扣:5折
    • Succeed in Landscape Photography(中图特价艺术书)
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    • Mark Lucock 著 /2011-05-01/
    • Although developments in camera technology mean that qualityimages are now well within the grasp of the keen amateur, themarket place is competitive. How does an aspiring photographerimprove and promote his or her photography in order to earn extraincome, or to make the leap to professional status? This newsubject-focused series explains everything the amateur needs toknow, from planning a shoot to effective marketing of the images toclients. In the first title, Landscape Photography, renownedlandscape photographer Mark Lucock offers the keen amateur aninsight into the daily life and decision-making of the workinglandscape photographer, sharing professional insights and tradesecrets of producing successful commercial and fine artphotography. Equipment and technique are only part of the equation:Lucock's approach is also a spiritual one - his passion about theenvironment gives his approach a highly compelling, personal edge.Lucock equips readers with all the necessary information, andplenty of inspiration, to

    • ¥89.6 折扣:4.5折
    • David Hockney: A Bigger Picture
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Marco Livingstone 著 /2011-01-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • David Hockney (b. 1937) has always been closely associatedwith Pop Art and California, where he has lived for much of hislife. This major study of his work, published to accompany theexhibition showing at the Royal Academy of Arts in London,redefines him as an important painter of the English countryside,presenting his recent landscapes for the first time. In an attemptto renew contemporary art, Hockney has returned to painting in theopen air, observing with honesty and intensity the scenery of hischildhood in East Yorkshire. Marco Livingstone explores this bolddeparture in the context of Hockney's sixty-year career, whileother contributors address the artists place in the landscapetradition, his recent video works and their relationship to Englishlandscape film-making, and his ongoing use of new technologies.Illustrated with paintings, iPad drawings and video stills, many ofwhich have never been seen before, this landmark publicationconfirms David Hockney as one of the greatest artists of hisgeneratio

    • ¥495.6 折扣:6折
    • Through The Lens(ISBN=9780792261643)
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • Leah Bendavid Val 著 /2003-10-01/ Random House US
    • For more than 100 years, National Geographic has set thestandard for nature, culture, and wildlife photography. Now, inThrough the Lens, 250 spectacular images—some famous, others rarelyseen—are gathered in one lavish and beautiful volume. Through the Lens is dividedinto geographical regions—Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East,the Americas, and Oceans and Isles—with a special section devotedto space exploration. Each geographical section features anoutstanding array of photographs that exemplifies the area’s uniquepeople, wildlife, archaeology, culture, architecture, andenvironment, accompanied by brief but informative captions. FromBarry Bishop’s heroic Mount Everest climb in the 1950s to theglorious wildlife of Asia and Africa, from ancient Maya culture tothe Afghan girl found 17 years after her piercing green eyescaptivated the world, these are some of the finest and mostimportant photographs ever taken. Featuring master photographers fromthe late 1800s to today, including Fr

    • ¥155.4 折扣:6折
    • Asian Resorts(中图特价艺术书)
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    • Tan Hock Beng 编 /2007-11-01/
    • Asian Resorts is conceived to be the most comprehensivecollection on Asian resorts. Written and shot by the region'sbest known Asian architecture specialist, TanHock Beng, who has already put together five books on the designand aesthetics of tropical architecture, Asian Resorts promises toshow its readers the biggest variety of Asian resorts that no otherbook has ever shown. With its beautifully' shot images and relevantinformation, this book will certainly serve and entertain youbeyond just the coffee table. In fact, it is a must-have for everyarchitectural office and every home.

    • ¥69.5 折扣:5折
    • 500 ENAMELED OBJECTS(ISBN9781600593451)
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Lark Books 著 /2009-04-01/ 人民出版社
    • The classic art of enameling is experiencing a well-deservedrenaissance—and it’s stunningly captured in this lovingly curatedsurvey. More than 300 international contemporary artists havecontributed museum-worthy pieces, which range in scale from DavidC. Freda’s Green Slipper Brooch and Harlan W. Butt’s Maine Teapotto large sculptures and public art. Some of the creators take aminimalist approach, using only soft colors and matte finishes,while others exploit the material’s vibrant palette and glass-likesurface. The broad technical applications include everything fromsimple sifting and torch firing to complex cloisonné andplique-à-jour.

    • ¥102 折扣:6折
    • Asian Field土地Abtibt Gormley(精装)
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 英国大使使馆文化教育处 编 /2004-06-01/ 湖南美术出版社
    • 本书首次向中国的读者展示中国观众对“土地‘的各种感受和反应,其中包括有留言、图片、文章等形式。 “从某种意义来说,《土地》是一项全球性项目,她是由地球上某一特定地区年龄各异的当地人民制造出来的。她由土制成、以火生成,其情感来自触摸,其思想来自观赏。”安东尼·葛姆雷的“土地”被认为是现代雕塑的经典作品。安东尼·葛姆雷是一位国际瞩目的艺术大师,自1989年,葛姆雷一直从事着一项与世界各国不同社区接触的长期项目———《土地》。为制造不同版本的《土地》雕塑,他游历了从巴西雨林到北欧等不同国家。 2003年1月,他与300多位不同年龄层次,来自广州东北部花都地区的市民一起,用了5天的时间,制造了近20万个小泥人,组成了大型雕塑巡展“土地”.

    • ¥63.9 折扣:5折