The classic art of enameling is experiencing a well-deservedrenaissance—and it’s stunningly captured in this lovingly curatedsurvey. More than 300 international contemporary artists havecontributed museum-worthy pieces, which range in scale from DavidC. Freda’s Green Slipper Brooch and Harlan W. Butt’s Maine Teapotto large sculptures and public art. Some of the creators take aminimalist approach, using only soft colors and matte finishes,while others exploit the material’s vibrant palette and glass-likesurface. The broad technical applications include everything fromsimple sifting and torch firing to complex cloisonné andplique-à-jour.
Antonio Stradivari (1644—1737) was a perfectionist whosesingle-minded pursuit of excellence changed the world of music. Inthe course of his long career in the northern Italian city ofCremona, he created more than a thousand stringed instruments;approximately six hundred survive, their quality unequalled by anysubsequent violin-maker. In this fascinating book, Toby Fabertraces the rich, multilayered stories of six of these peerlesscreations–five violins and a cello–and the one towering artist whobrought them into being. Blending history, biography, meticulousdetective work, and an abiding passion for music, Faber takes usfrom the salons of Vienna to the concert halls of New York, andfrom the breakthroughs of Beethoven’s last quartets to the firstphonographic recordings. This magnificent narrative invites us toshare the life, the intrigue, and the incomparable beauty of theworld’s most marvelous stringed instruments.
Just as its title indicates, "National Geographic SimplyBeautiful Photographs" plumbs the depth of National Geographic'srenowned Image Collection to highlight the loveliest and mostappealing photographs from this impressive archive. The result isan experience of visual delight, whether from stunning landscapes,magnificent wildlife, fascinating people, or quaint locales.Award-winning National Geographic photographer Annie Griffiths Belthas chosen remarkable images from all of the Society's core missionareas: exploration, wildlife, cultures, science, nature. Eachchapter showcases a specific aspect of what creates beauty in aphotograph, whether light or color, or motion, and illuminates thatquality in a splash of large-format images --most of which readerswill be able to purchase as prints. Musings on visual beauty fromscholars and poets enhance the experience, making this gorgeouscollection a pleasure to look at again and again.
FROM COMIC-BOOK LEGENDS TO SILVER-SCREEN SUPER HEROES! Marvel presents an insider's look into the making of its cinematic universe - assembling three Avengers in one stylish slipcase. Featuring exclusive production artwork, behind-the-scenes photography, and in-depth cast-and-crew interviews, this four-book collection is a must have for any fan of Mighty Marvel movies! Includes IRON MAN: THE ART OF IRON MAN THE MOVIE HC, IRON MAN: THE ART OF IRON MAN 2 HC, THOR: THE ART OF THOR THE MOVIE HC and CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE ART OF CAPTAIN AMERICA - THE FIRST AVENGER HC.
Desde queen 1890 en Estados Unidos se utilizara el terminorascacielos para designar al edificio de oficinas en altura, esteha suscitado diversidad de reflexiones --entre el entornoarquitectonico y la opi-nion pOblica- acerca de sus limites ydisefio. El ras-cacielos es un producto genuinamenteestadouniden-se, fruto del siglo xx, cuya presencia y evoluci6n essin6nimo de progreso tecnologico, la sociedad de consumo y lapolftica liberal. Este volumen propone una revision de los rascacielos queinauguran el nuevo milenio, con la seleccion de edificios de laultima decada del siglo xx y principios del xxi de algunos de losarquitectos mas relevantes de la actualidad. Asf, se muestranedificios que forman parte del debate arquitect6nico actual y quemuestran como sus autores afrontan la arquitectura en relacion conla sociedad y la ciudad.
The bible of the music biz--now fully revised with newcontacts, fee info, trends, tips. Want to know how to set pricesfor a gig? Want to be ahead of the curve on new trends in music?Want to have all the latest contact information on hundreds ofindustry pros? Have we got the book for you "The Musician'sHandbook," already the industry bible for working musicians, hasbeen thoroughly revised and updated with the answers to all thesequestions and more. New interviews with music-business leaders, newpricing and legal structures for the digital age, new how-to tipsfor independent and do-it-yourself musicians--it's all in here.Fees, royalties and advances, live performance, touring,merchandising, working with managers, lawyers, and agents, spottingnew opportunities--all these topics and many, many more are coveredin depth in this indispensable guide to becoming successful inmusic and in business.
An answered prayer for Beatles fans and collectors, the first?volume of a unique work that exhaustively chronicles all known and?available Beatles recordings! Have you ever watched a Beatles film clip andwondered: ? Where was that filmed? ? Is any more of that footage available? Have you ever heard a Beatles interview andasked: ? When was that taped? ? Where’s the best place to find the completerecording? Way Beyond Compare has the answers to these andthousands of similar questions. It’s the key to unlocking thesecrets behind every known Beatles recording in circulation through1965, telling you where to find them, what makes them unique, andhow they fit within the context of the Beatles’ amazing musical andcultural journey.
本书的照片都是从国家地理学会超凡的馆藏摄影档案中精心挑选出来的,时间跨越了一个多世纪,反映的题材遍及地球上的每一个角落,也涉及了摄影艺术的每一个层面。这些照片既反映了一些*摄影大师观察生活的独特视角,也代表了我们人类某些共同的情感追求和人性的张扬。 The Collectors Seriesedition of "In Focus" is simply the existing book at a smaller trimsize. This magnificent collection of 280 photographs by many of theworld's greatest photographers tells the tale of portraitphotography over time in page after page of arresting images. Eachphotograph stands proudly on its own, yet taken together, they tella much more complex and subtle story of the ever-evolving art formin constant creative response to new ideas, new eras, and newtechnologies.
The moral of this book is that behind every great engineeringsuccess is a trail of often ignored (but frequently spectacular)engineering failures. Petroski covers many of the best knownexamples of well-intentioned but ultimately failed design in action-- the galloping Tacoma Narrows Bridge (which you've probably seentossing cars willy-nilly in the famous black-and-white footage),the collapse of the Kansas City Hyatt Regency Hotel walkways -- andmany lesser known but equally informative examples. The line ofreasoning Petroski develops in this book were later formalized intohis quasi-Darwinian model of technological evolution in TheEvolution of Useful Things , but this book is arguably the moreilluminating -- and defintely the more enjoyable -- of these twotitles. Highly recommended.
A wonderful and original tribute to the curious, comical Dodoand the beautiful island of Mauritius. Award-winning Finnishphotographer Harri Kallio creates the illusion that thesefascinating creatures are alive and abundant, living as they oncedid in their own unspoiled haven, the island of Mauritius.Accompanied by a thorough history of this extraordinary bird,including eyewitness accounts and pictorial sources, the book wasthe winner of the 2004 European Publishers’ Award forPhotography.
A spotlight on French landscape painters of the first half of the 20th century which is a true hymn to nature Eight French painters born after 1870 are brought together for the first time in an exhibition that highlights their mutual affinities and charts their respective influences and evolutions. Aside from Gaston Balande (1880-1971), who is well known for his art deco wall murals designed for transatlantic ships, and Paul Deltombe (1878-1971), who benefited from a retrospective exhibition in 1970, the work of the other painters collected here has remained uncelebrated for far too long. The present exhibition and its catalogue aim to repair this oversight, as well as to reignite the study of this generation of French painters who, without turning their back on the avant-gardists, concentrated primarily on the traditional genre of landscape, and to a lesser degree on still-lifes. The 80 works of art, mainly painted between the wars, are at the crossroads of the many influences of this creative period,
Now in paperback, the fascinating, quirky, highly acclaimedbook about that indispensable object, the pencil. Petroski tracesits origins back to ancient Greece and Rome, writes factually andcharmingly about its development, and shows what the pencil canteach us about engineering and technology today.
The bumpin' book for hip-hop disciples (a.k.a. fiends),songwriters, all other writers, pop culture fans, linguists, andparents who are just trying to figure out what their kids aresaying. The inventive sounds of hip-hop (which became America'snumber two music genre in 2001, outselling country) have echoed farfrom their Bronx beginnings of twenty years ago. Making its wayfrom Compton sidewalks to suburban malls, garnering commentary from"The Wall Street Journal "alongside "Vibe," hip-hop by definitiondelivers its messages in the most creative language possible.Celebrating hip-hop's boon to the realm of self-expression, "HipHoptionary"(TM)" "translates dozens of phrases like "marinating inthe rizzi with your road dawg" (relaxing in your car with yourfriend), including: - Big bodies: SUVs or luxury vehicles-Government handle: registered birth name- 411: the latest scoop orinformation- Bling-bling: diamonds, big money, flash and cash-Brick City: Newark, New Jersey- 1812: war, fight (as in War of1812) In ad
Piano Lessons is Noah Adams's delightful and movingchronicle of his fifty-second year--a year already filled withlong, fast workdays and too little spare time--as he answers atlast a lifelong call: to learn to play the piano. The twelvemonthly chapters span from January--when after decades of growingaffection for keyboard artists and artisans he finally plunges inand buys a piano--through December, when as a surprise Christmaspresent for his wife he dresses in a tuxedo and, in flickeringcandlelight, snow falling outside the windows, he attempts theirfavorite piece of music, a difficult third-year composition he'sbeen struggling with in secret to get to this very moment. Among the up-tempo triumphs and unexpected setbacks, Noah Adamsinterweaves the rich history and folklore that surround the piano.And along the way, set between the ragtime rhythms andboogie-woogie beats, there are encounters with--and insightsfrom--masters of the keyboard, from Glenn Gould and Leon Fleisher("I was a bit embarrassed," he wr
One of Victorian Englands most charismatic characters, DanteGabriel Rossetti painted and wrote with equal passion. He wassimilarly passionate in his personal life: his etherealartist-wife, his earthy blond mistress, and the ravishing JaneMorris are al
The Ultimate Guitar Book is a comprehensive, lavishlyillustrated guide to guitars, from early acoustics to the latestelectrics. No book has ever brought together so many guitars insuch keen detail and rich portrayal, featuring speciallycommissioned photographs of over 450 famous, rare and vintageguitars. It is packed with construction and design informationwhich brings each instrument to life. In addition, it containsprofiles of great guitar designers and their pioneering innovativeworkshops. The Ultimate Guitar Book is quite simply the mostbeautiful book on the guitar ever produced: its opulentillustration is complemented by extensive factual narrative. Thebook is certain to become a definitive reference work on thesubject, and makes immensely pleasurable browsing for guitarplayers and collectors alike, from beginner to professional. 9inch. x 11 inch..
The Renaissance holds an undying place in our imagination, itsgreat heroes still our own, from Michelangelo and Leonardo to Danteand Chaucer. This period of profound evolution in European thoughtis credited with transforming the West from medieval to modern andproducing the most astonishing outpouring of artistic creation theworld has ever known. But what was it? In this masterly work, theincomparable Paul Johnson tells us. He explains the economic,technological, and social developments that provide a backdrop tothe age’s achievements and focuses closely on the lives and worksof its most important figures. A commanding short narrative of thisvital period, The Renaissance is also a universally profoundmeditation on the wellsprings of innovation.
The world of the fashionista is brought to vivid life with 101introductory lessons on such topics as how a designer anticipatescultural trends and "sees" the fashion consumer, the workings ofthe fashion calendar, the ways a designer collection is conceived,the manufacture of fabric, fashion illustration, and more. Illustrated in the distinctly unique packaged style of thebestselling101 THINGS I LEARNED IN ARCHITECTURE SCHOOL, this newbook on fashion design will be a perfect book for any fashionschool wannabe, a recent graduate, or even a seasonedprofessional.
Vintage presents the paperback edition of the wild andbrilliant writings of Lester Bangs--the most outrageous and popularrock critic of the 1970s--edited and with an introduction by thereigning dean of rack critics, Greil Marcus. Advertising in RollingStone and other major publications.