内容简介 本书是关于我们如何从科学的视角重新认识这个世界的科普读物,阐述了宇宙、世界、生命科学视角下,对世界本源的认识,并结合生物学、数学、物理学和计算机科学知识,更加细致入微地解释我们观察到的世界中的各类现象。 在这本书中,作者希望表明我们的宇宙不仅仅是一座没有生命、毫无意义的数学机器。在我们真正了解意识和人类思想的奇迹之前,我们能真正了解宇宙吗?为了做到这一点,作者超越了物理世界去寻找答案。对于对生命、宇宙和一切事物的深层问题感到好奇的读者来说,《世界本身》是一本必不可少的读物。
There is a world of irrational thoughts,fantastic images,and rare omens that is unleashed when your mind is at rest Through dreams,many people have foreseen happy events;they also have been warned of impending doom it is said that Joan of Arc predicted her own death,that the famine of egypt was revealed in a dream that history would be rewritten had Julius Caesar heeded the warning con tained in his wifes dream. What do our dreams mean?How can they help us understand ourselves and our destiny ?In this little A-to-Z guide,youll learn which dreams are good omens and which are warnings,what it means to dream of a frog ,and why a dream about something as beautiful as a diamond is not always a good thing. From acorns and islands to stars and zebras,Dreams will explain it all.