Donalyn Miller says she has yet to meet a child she couldn't turn into a reader. No matter how far behind Miller's students might be when they reach her 6th grade classroom, they end up reading an average of 40 to 50 books a year. Miller's unconventional approach dispenses with drills and worksheets that make reading a chore. Instead, she helps students navigate the world of literature and gives them time to read books they pick out themselves. Her love of books and teaching is both infectious and inspiring. The book includes a dynamite list of recommended "kid lit" that helps parents and teachers find the books that students really like to read.
“Food is the chief of all things, the universal medicine. .. . Food transmutes directly into body, mind, and spirit . . .creates our day-to-day health and happiness.” —from The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health Even inmedical schools, alternative medicine is blossoming. Two thirds ofthem now offer courses in complementary healing practices,including nutrition. At the heart of this revolution ismacrobiotics, a simple, elegant, and delicious way of eating whosehealth benefits are being confirmed at an impressive rate byresearchers around the world. Macrobiotics is based on the laws of yin and yang—the complementaryenergies that flow throughout the universe and quicken every cellof our bodies and every morsel of the food we eat. Michio Kushi andAlex Jack, distinguished educators of the macrobiotic way, believethat almost every human ailment from the common cold to cancer canbe helped, and often cured, by balancing the flow of energy (the ki ) inside us. The most effective way to do this is to eatthe
A guide to successful negotiation shows readers how to staycool under pressure, stand up for themselves without provokingopposition, deal with underhanded tactics, find mutually agreeableoptions, and more.
You Can Fight—and Even Reverse—Bone Loss How strong are your bones? At 35, a woman's battle againstbone loss begins. And, it intensifies with menopause and beyond.Conventional medicine has offered such controversial therapies asestrogen replacement, a treatment that is potentially dangerous andonly partially effective. Now, Dr. Gaby, one of the foremostauthorities on nutritional and natural medicine, offers practicaladvice on osteoporosis that substantially increases a woman'schances for maintainting and even regaining normal bone mass.Inside you'll learn: ·How diet can help or hurt your bones ·How food allergies contribute to osteoporosis ·Which types of exercise are beneficial ·Why vitamin K is as important for bones as calcium ·And much more! "A breakthrough approach to the successful treatment and/orprevention of osteoporosis." — Health News Review "Clear and practical. This book will help thousands of women createhealthy bones. And for those who already have osteoporosis, itprovides
In the final decades of the nineteenth century, threebrilliant and visionary titans of America’s Gilded Age—ThomasEdison, Nikola Tesla, and George Westinghouse—battled bitterly aseach vied to create a vast and powerful electrical empire. InEmpires of Light, historian Jill Jonnes portrays this extraordinarytrio and their riveting and ruthless world of cutting-edge science,invention, intrigue, money, death, and hard-eyed Wall Streetmillionaires. At the heart of the story are Thomas Alva Edison, thenation’s most famous and folksy inventor, creator of theincandescent light bulb and mastermind of the world’s first directcurrent electrical light networks; the Serbian wizard of inventionNikola Tesla, elegant, highly eccentric, a dreamer whorevolutionized the generation and delivery of electricity; and thecharismatic George Westinghouse, Pittsburgh inventor and toughcorporate entrepreneur, an industrial idealist who in the era ofgaslight imagined a world powered by cheap and plentifulelectricity and
In this riveting and relentless nonfiction thriller,award-winning investigative reporter William C. Rempel tells theharrowing story of former Cali cartel insider Jorge Salcedo, anordinary man facing an extraordinary dilemma—a man forced to riskeverything to escape the powerful and treacherous Cali crimesyndicate. Colombia in the 1990s is a country in chaos, as a weak governmentbattles guerrilla movements and narco-traffickers, including thenotorious Pablo Escobar and his rivals in the Cali cartel. EnterJorge Salcedo, a part-time soldier, a gifted engineer, a respectedbusinessman and family man—and a man who despises Pablo Escobar forpatriotic and deeply personal reasons. He is introduced to thegodfathers of the Cali cartel, who are at war with Escobar anddesperately want their foe dead. With mixed feelings, Jorge agreesto help them. Once inside, Jorge rises to become head of security for MiguelRodríguez Orejuela, principal godfather of the $7-billion-a-yearCali drug cartel. Jorge tries
By the end of the twentieth century some nine million peopleof South Asian descent had left India, Bangladesh or Pakistan andsettled in different parts of the world, forming a diverse andsignificant modern diaspora. In the early nineteenth century, manyleft reluctantly to seek economic opportunities which were lackingat home. This is the story of their often painful experiences inthe diaspora, how they constructed new social communities overseasand how they maintained connections with the countries and thefamilies they had left behind. It is a story compellingly told byone of the premier historians of modern South Asia, Judith Brown,whose particular knowledge of the diaspora in Britain and SouthAfrica gives her insight as a commentator. This is a book whichwill have a broad appeal to general readers as well as to studentsof South Asian and colonial history, migration studies andsociology.
Is Candida Yeast Ruining Your Good Health? Have you been told your health problems are all in your head? Doyou suffer from low energy, depression, digestive problems, and/orexcessive skin irritation? If so, you may have an overgrowth of acommon yeast, Candida albicans. Fueled by everything from diet tomedication to environmental factors, this hidden epidemic affectsas many as 90 percent of Americans and Canadians—men, women, andchildren alike. Now there are effective alternatives to your suffering. Thiseye-opening guide will help you conquer Candida and achieve optimalmental, physical, and emotional health. Inside, you willdiscover: ·Holistic, natural, herbal, and vitamin supplements that combatCandida Yeast ·Innovative tips for improving your lifestyle and maintaining ahealthy mind and body ·Wholesome diet and menu options that taste delicious ·New medical and nutritional guidelines for asthma, cancer,diabetes, and more
No is perhaps the most important and certainly the most powerfulword in the language. Every day we find ourselves in situationswhere we need to say No–to people at work, at home, and in ourcommunities–because No is the word we must use to protect ourselvesand to stand up for everything and everyone that matters tous. But as we all know, the wrong No can also destroy what we mostvalue by alienating and angering people. That’s why saying No theright way is crucial. The secret to saying No without destroyingrelationships lies in the art of the Positive No, a proventechnique that anyone can learn. This indispensable book gives you a simple three-step method forsaying a Positive No. It will show you how to assert and defendyour key interests; how to make your No firm and strong; how toresist the other side’s aggression and manipulation; and how to doall this while still getting to Yes. In the end, the Positive Nowill help you get not just to any Yes but to the right Yes, the onethat truly serves your in
The long-awaited revised edition! It’s no secret that breastfeeding is the normal, healthy way tonourish and nurture your baby. Dedicated to supporting nursing andexpectant mothers, the internationally respected La Leche Leaguehas set the standard for educating and empowering mothers in thisnatural art for generations. Now their classic bestselling guidehas been retooled, refocused, and updated for today’s mothers andlifestyles. Working mothers, stay-at-home moms, single moms, andmothers of multiples will all benefit from the book’s range ofnursing advice, stories, and information—from preparing forbreastfeeding during pregnancy to feeding cues, from nursingpositions to expressing and storing breast milk. With all-newphotos and illustrations, this ultimate support bible offers ? real-mom wisdom on breastfeeding comfortably—from avoiding sorenipples to simply enjoying the amazing bonding experience ? new insights into old approaches toward latching and attaching,ages and stag
With the right lifestyle, experts say, chances are that youmay live up to a decade longer. What’s the pre*ion forsuccess? National Geographic Explorer Dan Buettner has traveled theglobe to uncover the best strategies for longevity found in theBlue Zones: places in the world where higher percentages of peopleenjoy remarkably long, full lives. And in this dynamic book hediscloses the recipe, blending this unique lifestyle formula withthe latest scientific findings to inspire easy, lasting change thatmay add years to your life. You’ll meet a 94-year-old farmer and self-confessed "ladies man"in Costa Rica, a 102-year-old grandmother in Okinawa a 102-year-oldSardinian who hikes at least six miles a day, and others. Byobserving their lifestyles, Buettner's team has identified criticaleveryday choices.
For twenty years, Mark Hertsgaard has investigated globalwarming as a journalist, but the full truth did not hit home untilhe became a father and, soon thereafter, learned that climatechange had already arrived, with impacts bound to worsen fordecades to come. Hertsgaard's daughter, now six years old, is partof what he has dubbed "Generation Hot"--the two billion youngpeople worldwide who will spend the rest of their lives coping withclimate disruption. Drawing on reporting from around the world,"Hot" is as much a father's cry against climate change as a call toaction. Hertsgaard injects hope and solutions into a debatecharacterized by doom and gloom, and he offers a blueprint for howall of us--parents, communities, countries--can navigate anunavoidable new era.
From one of the nation’s most trusted experts on children’sbedtime and nap time comes a new guide for sleep-training twins sothat everybody (including Mom and Dad) will be rested andhappy! As parents of twins and multiples know, double the fun can bedouble the sleep deprivation. Now, in Healthy Sleep Habits, HappyTwins, beloved pediatrician and renowned sleep authority Dr. MarcWeissbluth combines specialized advice for parents of twins withhis tried-and-true sleep-training methods to show exhausted momsand dads how to get their babies to sleep on their own, stayasleep, and sleep regularly. This essential step-by-step guide toestablishing good sleep patterns reveals how to build healthyhabits in twins’ natural slumber cycles, including · how healthy sleep differs from “junk” sleep, plus a helpfultutorial on the techniques of sleep training for new parents · the five ingredients of healthy sleep, and why daytime sleep isdifferent from nighttime sleep but equally important to
The Ross Orogen of the Transantarctic Mountains is the part ofthe orogenic system that formed at the Pacific continental marginof present-day Antarctica. According to a recent hypothesis, thiscontinental margin was created by the rifting and subsequent driftof Laurentia from Gondwana. With an unparalleled breadth and depthof information, this book provides a detailed synthesis of thehistory of the Ross orogen. In doing so, it incorporates classicalstudies with discussions of the most recent and controversialresearch from the international community. The book also includes acomprehensive bibliography and a historical chronology of allexpeditions that have worked on the Ross orogen in theTransantarctic Mountains, from the first sightings by Ross in 1840right up to the present day. This review of the Ross orogen of theTransantarctic Mountains will be valuable to all geologistsinterested in these episodes in the Earth's history, and toresearchers of the geology of Antarctica.