In 101 Stories for foreigners to Understand Chinese People Yiand Bryan Ellis tell stories about their experiences living inChina to introduce elements of Chinese culture,etiquette andinterpersonal interaction. When they moved from New York City to Shanghai they readseveral guide books and thought they were pre-pared.But dozens ofsmall yet significant cultural differences caught them bysurprise! Three years(and numerous faux pass misunderstandings andmisinterpretations)later,they have written this book to helpreaders benefit from their experiences.Their stories explain boththe“what’s”and the“why’s”of Chinese customs,So that readers canbetter understand and appreciate the Chinese way of thinking andliving.Often,what seems bizarre and strange at first makes perfectsense if you see it from a Chinese perspective.Yi and Bryan haveenjoyed learning about Chinese culture and hope that the readerswill enjoy this journey of discovery as well.
了解中国的历程,不仅仅是仰视她呈现出的大国风范, 重要的还是在点滴生活中去体味她散发的内在魅力。只有生活中的亲密接触,才能让你真切地去感受和理解中国和中国人。 博大精深的饮食文化、崇尚自然的茶道精神、源远流长的美酒佳酿,传承千年,折射出中国人真挚热烈的情感和平和从容的气质。中国人茶余饭后的休闲娱乐 是千姿百态,而跟随天意去呵护身心,蕴含着中国人颐养天年的真谛。 此刻,中国的美食准备挑战你的味觉神经,佳茗和美酒带你回到梦中的东方,千年积淀的智慧游艺即将唤醒你沉睡的心灵,而华夏的养生之道正在为你开启关爱身体的哲学之门。这一段活色生香的中国生活之旅,等待着你来尽情地领略。
Brick carving is a special genre of art extensivel2 applied in architectural decor, especially of the traditional type. Based on bricks, pottery and th art of stone carving, the form is traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period (770-221 BC). With its distinct national overtones, the art has gathered for itself a significant niche in the histo f carving and sculpture. ollected in this book are more than 200 beautiful pictures covering a full range of topicality such as carving on screen walls, windows and doors, eaves and rooftops, as well as stucco sculpture and glazed bricks, exuding great artistic appeal. The book, prefaced by a treatise, is designed as part of the efforts to pass on and advance China's tradition, culture, and may also serve as a reference for artists and designers.
Has anyone seriously observed the houses scattered in China's metropolis, counties or towns? Huge in number, these plain buildings have nothing to catch news headlines.History hasn't conferred them any special meaning, nor can they supply food for debates with ingenious design. However, such common houses represent the fundamental aesthetic awareness of contemporary Chinese.
Beginning from the Neolithic Banpo Culture , China's ceramic industry has a history of over 6,000years. The earliest Neolithid earthenware with very few adornments mainly falls into three categories: storing,boiling and drinking vessels. By the late Neolithic Age, carving decorative patterns on the surface of earthen-ware became a common practice, and the burnished black pottery of the Longshan Culture~, which is as thin as eggshell, represents the highest technological level of baking earthenware at that time. The earliest glazed pottery appeared during the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600-1100 BC). Three achievements had been made in this period. Firstly, the combustion chamber, originally on one side, was built directly below the oven where earthen items were placed, thus heating the oven to a temperature of 1,18000. Secondly,as a result of the raised temperature, the white pottery made of kaolin and decorated with exquisite geometric and tao-tie~ designs were successfully baked. Finally, tile.invention of lime g
该书由101个故事构成,每个故事都是作者、作者的家庭以及朋友亲身经历的事情。读来让人觉得诙谐幽默的同时也让读者明白在和中国人打交道的时候,什么该做、什么不可以做。有些故事介绍中国的礼节、传授如何购物、如何讨价还价等等;有些故事会指导读者如何避免尴尬和难堪;还有些故事解释了一些在外国人看来难以理解、甚至似乎让人“讨厌”的中国人的举止。此外,作者会在每个故事后面加上评论,向读者说明中国人为什么会这么做,以及在这种情况下外国人 明智的反应。 In 101 Stories for foreigners to Understand Chinese People,Yi and Bryan Ellis tell stories about their experiences living in China to introduce elements of Chinese culture,etiquette and interpersonal interaction. When they moved from New York City to Shanghai three years ago, they read several guide books and thought they were prepared. But dozens of small yet signifi
外国人选购中国礼品的实用指南,图文并茂,方便携带,实用性强。 How to Select series give you all the information you need to choose and buy jade, embroidery, tea, souvenirs, calligraphy and paintings in China with confidence. One in a series of three titles, it explains clearly and simply what to look for, where and how to shop in China, and questions you should ask. Great tips, price guides and cautionary advice ensure that you get the best value for your money.
《城市之旅(德文版)》是一本德文的文化读物。 传统文化、民俗色彩和日新月异的发展,构成了中国城市固有的魅力。在中国的城市中,环境、布局、景观、格调等若干元素,正以或古典或现代的面貌,展现着城市生动迷人的细节。有的城市已成为一种特有文化的载体和标志,比如人们提到拉萨,就会想到圣洁和纯净;提到丽江,就意味着浪漫和古典;提到北京,则透出中华古都的大气和雍容……不同的自然风貌、历史底蕴和生活内容,结合成色彩鲜明的文化,在城市这个容器里得以体现。透过城市的高楼林立和车水马龙,我们可以领略到更多精彩的风景。