Raisons : le Lac Tianchi se situe à 110 km de la ville d'Urumqi (capitale de la Région autonome ou?ghoure du Xingjiang). Le lac est à 980 mètres d'altitude, et son le périmètre est de 3 400 m. Il atteint 1 500 m au point le plus large et 105 m pour le plus profond. Dans le folklore local, ce lac est la baignoire de la Reine Mère. L'eau claire, les forêts épaisses, le Mont Bogda couvert de neige...La montagne se mirant dans l'eau montre un paysage magnifique, où il fait très froid.
China Panorama is intended for the use by internationalstudents ing to China to study the required course "ChinaPanorama". As well as reading material for all of those studyingChinese as a second language, thiook is the top choice forlearning Chinese culture and motivating students' interest. Thisbook introduces topics such as Chinese geography, culture, history,international relations and the development of the nation. Readers will find they are inspired, challenged and provided withcultural facts throughout the learning process. In the practicesections, lots of thought provoking and practical exercises areset, encouraging intermunication between book and readers,teacher and students. It achieves the perfect match of culturalawareness and students needs.
La richesse du patrimoine culturel d'une ville est generalement liee a sa Iongue histoire. Or depuis la haute antiquite, il y a 4e0 000 ans de cela, le developpement de la region de Beijing a ete continuel, et se poursuit encore de nos jours. Beijing est aujour- d'hui une metropole internationale tournee vers I'avenir. Ses vestiges et ses monuments, representatifs des diverses epoques de son histoire, rassemblent un riche patrimoine, qui fait de la ville un immense musee empli d'inestimables tresors. Ses 130 musees repertories, par leur abondance et leur variete, font le bonheur des touristes. Centre culturel de la Chine, Beijing pte de nombreux musees nationaux dont les collections permettent de decouvrir la quintessence de la culture chinoise. Les musees specialises retracent les progres realises dans les differents domaines. Par ailleurs de nombreuses demeures anciennes ayant appartenu de grandes figures sont autant de petits musees intimes. Les musees municipaux, quanta eux, temoignent de la specificite d
China Panorama is intended for the use by internationalstudents ing to China to study the required course "ChinaPanorama". As well as reading material for all of those studyingChinese as a second language, thiook is the top choice forlearning Chinese culture and motivating students' interest. Thisbook introduces topics such as Chinese geography, culture, history,international relations and the development of the nation. Readers will find they are inspired, challenged and provided withcultural facts throughout the learning process. In the practicesections, lots of thought provoking and practical exercises areset, encouraging intermunication between book and readers,teacher and students. It achieves the perfect match of culturalawareness and students needs.
Shanghai, one of today's most developed and prosperous cities in the world, is an attractive spot for tourists worldwide. In fact Shanghai is an 1,000-year-old city as well as a vigorous young metropolis. Shanghai has enjoyed a high reputation for its long history,distinctive Hai Pal culture and art, and excellent service. It is reported that over 2.725 million overseas tourists e to Shanghai annually on average. During the long holiday from t to 7th October, 2007, Shanghai ranked No.1among tourist cities of China in receiving visitors. The pilation of thiook aims in the main to serve the overseas tourists as well as the 30,000 foreigners or so living and working in this international city. Thiook consists of four parts: About Shanghai, The Ten Hottest Tourist Spots, Other Tourist Spots in Various Districts and Travelwise. Part One refers to the general information about Shanghai's history, development, culture, architecture, art, people,festivals, etc. In Part Two Shanghai'est-known spots, such as Th