Golf's mantra used to be pound it and then go find it. Today,the name of the game is pounding it even farther but with theprecision normally associated with wedge shots and putts. Tourprofessionals raise the driving bar higher and higher every seasonwith these long-ranging, fairway-finding missiles, but mostamateurs fail to even sniff their true distance and accuracypotential. Until now. Featuring the most elite team of teachers in America, including asuperstar set that's guiding the longest and most accurate driverson all professional tours, GOLF Magazine's The BestDriving Instruction Book Ever! Provides everything recreationalplayers need to add big-time yards to their tee shots with swingmoves and positions anyone can master, plus a few new ticks thatadd eye-popping speed almost overnight. In it readers will learnhow to tweak their gear to get the most yards out of their motions,mechanics for building power without swinging harder, and theend-all, be-all method for matching their driver sw