This is the book that Bobbi Brown's fans have been waitingfor: her 25-plus years of makeup styling experience distilled intoone complete, gorgeous book. Bobbi looks at everything fromskincare basics to every aspect of facial makeup--from how to findthe right color and type of foundation for any skin tone to how toapply every detail of eye makeup (Brows, Eye Liner, Eye Shadow, andEye Lashes) no matter your eye color and shape. Of course there arenever-before-seen tips on blush, bronzer, lip liners, lipstick,etc. And Bobbi looks beyond the face with informative chapters on"Hands and Feet" and "Body Skin Care." Each chapter has thoroughstep-by-step basic directions for makeup application andeasy-to-follow photographs and line drawings, along with Bobbi'sexpert, yet assuring, advice. Plus, there's a groundbreakingsection of the book that will be of special interest to womenwho've wanted to know how makeup stylists do what they do: the topbeauty secrets only these artists know, essential equipment to keepon
At long last, The New Well-Tempered Sentence rescuespunctuation from the perils of boredom, with wholly originalexplanations of the rules of punctuation, whimsical graphics, andutterly unforgettable characters (yes, characters in a grammarbook). Gordon teaches you clearly and simply where to place a commaand how to use an apostrophe. Gradually, as you master the elusiveslashes, dots, and dashes that give expression to our mostperplexing thoughts, you will find yourself in the grip of abizarre and bemusing comedy of manners. Witty, saucy, and utterlyunforgettable, The New Well-Tempered Sentence is a must-have foranyone who has ever despaired of opening a punctuation handbook butwhose sentences despair without one.
Designed to be the essential reference works for all readersand students, these volumes present the most thorough analysispossible of Tolkien's work within the important context of hislife. The Reader's Guide includes brief but comprehensivealphabetical entries on a wide range of topics, including a who'swho of important persons, a guide to places and institutions,details concerning Tolkien's source material, information about thepolitical and social upheavals through which the author lived, theimportance of his social circle, his service as an infantryman inWorld War I -- even information on the critical reaction to hiswork and the "Tolkien cult." The Chronology details the parallelevolutions of Tolkien's works and his academic and personal life inminute detail. Spanning the entirety of his long life includingnearly sixty years of active labor on his Middle-earth creations,and drawing on such contemporary sources as school records, warservice files, biographies, correspondence, the letters of hisclose frien
We live in an era when the unprecedented speed of changemeans: The only certainty is uncertainty; you can't predict whatskills will be useful in ten years time; in most professionsknowledge is doubling every two or three years; and no job isforever--so being employable means being flexible and retrainingregularly. Accelerated Learning into the 21st Century contains a simple butproven plan that delivers the one key skill that every workingperson, every parent and student must master, and every teachershould teach: it's learning how to learn. The theory of eightmultiple intelligences (linguistic, logical-mathematical,visual-spatial, kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal,and naturalist) developed by Howard Gardner at Harvard Universityprovides a foundation for the six-step MASTER-Mind system tofacilitate learning (an acronym for Mind, Acquire, Search, Trigger,Exhibit, and Review), and is enhanced by the latest findings on thevalue of emotion and memory on the process of learning.
Over 60,000 entries -- covering business, computer, andscientific terms; colloquial, idiomatic, and current slangexpressions; and more. Updated and revised biographical and geographical database --with more than 2,000 new entries. Simple alphabetical listing for all entries -- includingprefixes and suffixes, abbreviations, foreign words and phrases,and biographical and geographical names. Concise, easy-to-understand definitions -- many revised toreflect the latest research on usage and meaning. Precise and comprehensive pronunciation key -- designed forquick, convenient reference. Updated page design and layout -- modern, clear type appeals tothe eye and makes for an easier-to-read reference tool. Complete A-to-Z preparation by the permanent lexicographicalstaff at Webster's New World? College Dictionary -- the wordpros who prepared the acclaimed Fourth College Edition.
Look and learn to recall a wealth of everyday vocabulary in Chinese with this intuitive easy-to-use visual language dictionary. Whether it's for business or pleasure, pick up 6,000 key Chinese words and phrases on a range of subjects: from shopping and eating out, to sport and beyond quickly and easily. Find every word you need to know fast using the clearly labelled colour illustrated scenes from everyday life. Plus, find helpful features on key Chinese nouns, verbs and phrases to improve your understanding. It is pocket-sized so you can take it wherever your travels take you.
The complement to Byrne?’s Standard Book of Pool andBilliards, this volume contains clear explanations and helpfuldiagrams for experienced players who wish to perfect their game.Illustrations.