As the Order of the Phoenix keeps watch over Harry Potter, troubled times have come to Hogwarts in a year filled with secrets, subterfuge and suspicion. The deliciously dark fifth instalment of Jim Kay's inspired reimagining of J.K. Rowling's classic series is an epic artistic achievement, featuring over 160 illustrations in an astonishing range of visual styles. Now an exciting new collaboration brings together two virtuoso artistic talents, as Kate Greenaway Medal winner Jim Kay is joined by acclaimed guest illustrator Neil Packer, winner of the 2021 BolognaRagazzi Award for non-fiction. Prepare to be enchanted once again as Jim Kay depicts J.K. Rowling's wizarding world with the dazzling artistic alchemy fans around the globe have come to know and love, perfectly complemented by Neil Packer's own unique and eclectic illustrations, skilfully woven into the heart of the story. This is a stunning visual feast of a book, filled with dark magical del