Covering a range of projects,this book is an urban study rather than just abuilding-by-buidlding guide.I M Pei s Jacob Javits Convention Center is here side by side with Steven Holls Storefront for Art&Architecture.Skyscraners keep company with cefes,office interiors and civ1c works.
Kitanai's Healthy Habits: Wash Up 书 纸折的狗狗和不讲卫生的火烈鸟 缇塔耐的健康好习惯图画书 作者 Thomas Kingsley Troupe 繪者 Jamey Christoph 出版社 Scholastic 出版日期 2016 出版地 —— 言語 英语 页数 24 pages 装帧 平装 ISBN-13 9789810950200 重量 - 尺寸 20.8 x 20 CM 附件 / 备注 无 When Kitanai the dog meets Flithy Flamingo, he knows the smelly pink bird needs some help. Kitanai helps Filthy Flamingo wash his body a