In this compelling book, Robert Coles, the celebrated Harvardprofessor and Pulitzer Prize–winning author, turns his attention topopular music legend Bruce Springsteen, and to the powerful impactSpringsteen’s work has had both on the lives of his audience and onthis country’s literary tradition. Coles places Springsteen in thepantheon of American artists—Walt Whitman, William Carlos Williams,Dorothea Lange, and Walker Percy, among others—who understood andwere inspired by their “traveling companions in time,” the ordinarypeople of their eras. With wisdom and a unique personal perspective, Coles exploresSpringsteen’s words as contemporary American poetry, and offersfirsthand accounts of how people interact with them: A truckerlistens to “Blinded by the Light” during long, lonely nights andreminisces about his mother; a schoolteacher is astonished when ausually silent student offers a comparison between “Nebraska” andConrad’s Heart of Darkness; a policeman responds to “Am
Explore the brave house of Gryffindor with this collectible tiny art book featuring facts and art from the Harry Potter films. Go behind the scenes of the beloved Harry Potter films and discover all things Gryffindor! Meet famous students and staff, explore key locations like the Gryffindor Common Room, and learn everything there is to know about the house known for its bravery, nerve, and chivalry. One of a new line of collectible pocket-size art books on the Harry Potter films, this book about Gryffindor house features exciting artwork and behind-the-scenes facts in a fun, readable miniature size. Fans can choose their favorites or collect them all! Insight Editions is a pop-culture publisher based in San Rafael, CA.