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    • VIGILANT INVESTOR(ISBN=9780814417508) 英文原版
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Pat Huddleston 编 /2011-10-01/ McGraw-Hill
    • Making sound investments is tough enough without having toworry about unscrupulous financial advisers and outright frauds.But recently strengthened laws aren't enough to stop the"professionals" intent on profiting from - or just plain stealing -your money. As an Enforcement Branch Chief at the Securities andExchange Commission, Pat Huddleston witnessed countless people losetheir life savings to reckless stockbrokers and fraudulent schemes.Now an SEC-recommended Receiver and CEO of a securities andinvestment fraud investigation agency, Huddleston has intimateknowledge of how scam artists and bad brokers operate. In TheVigilant Investor, he explains WHY we fall for investment scams,HOW con artists play on our emotions, and WHAT we can do to protectourselves from predators. With its unique look into the science offinancial decision making, the book blows up the popular myths andsimplistic "do's and don'ts" of investing while sharing techniquesanyone can use to perform due diligence even better than the"experts.

    • ¥125.8 折扣:5.9折
    • Private Investment in India 1900–1939(ISBN=9780521052757)
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    • Amiya Kumar Bagchi 著 /2008-02-01/ Cambridge University Press
    • This book deals with the history of private investment in Indiaand its determinants during the period 1900-1939. It develops asimple theoretical framework in its first part and tries to isolatethe influence on private investment in India of factor supplies, asagainst demand conditions. In the second part, all the majormanufacturing industries of the period are studied in detail. Mostof the analytical apparatus used is developed from orthodoxeconomic theory, but a heavy emphasis is placed on Keynesian ideas.Finally, the author presents a case study in the economic relationsbetween an imperial power (Britain) and a dependent colony (India).He also examines the social relations between the ruling race andthe Indians, and provides one of the few detailed accounts of themechanics of imperialism.

    • ¥326.4 折扣:6折
    • MONEY GAME(ISBN=9780394721033)
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Adam Smith 著 /1976-08-01/ Random House US
    • "This is a modern classic." —Paul A. Samuelson, First AmericanNobel Prize Winner in Economics "The best book there is about the stock market and all that goeswith it." — The New York Times Book Review "Anyone whose orientation is toward where the action is, where thehappenings happen, should buy a copy of The Money Game andread it with due diligence." — Book World " 'Adam Smith' is a veteran observer and commentator on the eventsand people of Wall Street.... His thorough knowledge of financialaffairs gives his observations a great degree of authenticity. Butthe joy of reading this book comes from his delightful sense ofhumor. He is a lively and ingeniously witty writer who never stoopsto acerbity. None of the solemn, sacred cows of Wall Street escapesdebunking." — Library Journal

    • ¥60.5 折扣:5折
    • Buffett's Bites: The Essential Investor 巴菲特金句 英文原版
    •   ( 69 条评论 )
    • L.J. Rittenhouse 著 /2010-03-01/ McGraw-Hill
    • INVESTING PRINCIPLES FROM THE MASTER Ignore Sound Bites ThatRattle Markets Treat Market Pessimism as Your Friend Do the LittleThings Right Protect Your Capital When the Facts Turn Upside DownRely on CEOs Who Nurture Healthy Corporate Cultures Remember ThatLarge, Unfathomable Derivatives Are Still Financial Weapons of MassDestruction Seek Simplicity and Candor Millions of people downloadWarren Buffett’s shareholder letters, searching for tips from theworld’s greatest investor. Many miss the best part of his letter:his principles. It is their loss. Following these principles

    • ¥104.9 折扣:5.8折
    • You Must Remember This: The Warner Bros.
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    • Richard SchickelGeorge Perry 著 /2008-09-01/ Perseus
    • From Rin Tin Tin to Casablanca to HarryPotter , the Warner Bros. story is the history of Hollywood.Eighty-five years of screen icons, legendary films, andhistory-making achievements are detailed in this comprehensive,photo-filled treasure trove, fully authorized by the studio. No production company has had more legendary films, stars, orinfluence on the course of Hollywood than Warner Bros. Among thesuperstars who worked for the studio are Bette Davis, HumphreyBogart, Lauren Bacall, Joan Crawford, Marlon Brando, James Dean,and John Wayne. Filmmakers like Martin Scorsese and Stanley Kubrickmade history for the studio, and it has been home to blockbusterfranchises like Superman , Batman , LethalWeapon , and Harry Potter . Produced in conjunction with Warner Bros., this volume is theultimate guide to the greatest movie studio in history. You MustRemember This: The Warner Bros. Story is also the companion toa five part documentary in the PBS American Masters series byauthor Richard Schickel that will

    • ¥216 折扣:5折
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    • Joel Greenblatt 著 /2011-04-01/ Random House US
    • When it comes to investing in the stock market, investors have plenty of options: 1. They can do it themselves. Trillions of dollars areinvested this way. (Of course, the only problem here is that most people have no ideahow to analyze and choose individual stocks. Well, not reallythe only problem. Most investors have no idea how toconstruct a stock portfolio, most have no idea when to buy andsell, and most have no idea how much to invest in the firstplace.) 2. They can give it to professionals to invest. Trillions of dollars are invested this way. (Unfortunately most professionals actually underperform the market averages over time. In fact,it may be even harderto pick good professional managers than it is to pick goodindividual stocks.) 3. They can invest in traditional index funds. Trillions of dollars are also invested this way.(The problem isthat investing this way is seriously flawed--and almost a guaranteeof subpar investment returns over time.) 4. They can read The Big Secret for the

    • ¥86.5 折扣:5折
    • Street Smarts (ISBN=9780553418712)
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    • Jim Rogers 著 /2014-09-01/
    • Jim Rogers, whose entertaining accounts of his travels around the world -- studying the markets from Russia to Singapore from the ground up-- has enthralled readers, investors and Wall Street aficionados for two decades in such books as Investment Biker, Adventure Capitalist, Hot Commodities and A Bull In China . In his engaging memoir Street Smarts, Rogers offers pithy commentary from a lifetime of adventure, from his early years growing up a na?ve kid in Demopolis, Alabama, to his fledgling career on Wall Street, to his cofounding the wildly successful Quantum Fund. Rogers always had a restless curiosity to experience and understand the world around him. In Street Smarts, he takes us through the highlights of his life in the financial markets, from his school days at Yale and Oxford -- where despite the fact that he didn’t have enough money to afford the appropriate pair of shoes, he coxed the crew and helped to win the Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race as well as the Thames Cup, the first of h

    • ¥82.2 折扣:6折
    • RULE #1(ISBN=9780307336132) 英文原版
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Phil Town 著 /2006-03-01/ Random House US
    • Before I became “Phil Town, teacher of investing principles tomore than 500,000 people a year,” I was a lot like you: someone whoviewed individual stock investing as way too hard to dosuccessfully. As a guy who barely made a living as a river guide, Iconsidered the whole process pretty impenetrable, and I wasconvinced that to do it right you had to make it a full-time job.Me, I was more interested in having full-time fun. So I was tempted to do what you’re probably doing right now:letting some mutual fund manager worry about growing your nest egg.Let me tell you why that decision could one day make you absolutelymiserable.

    • ¥108 折扣:5折
    • Buffettology: The Previously Unexplained Techniques That Hav
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Mary Buffett 著 /2007-12-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • Americans are infatuated with the stock market. The number of households that own stock has increased from around 20 percent in the early 1980s to over 40 percent today. The market offers the hope of quick wealth and early retirement, and just about everyone who is in the market is looking for an edge, from sources such as CNBC and Wall Street Week to the Beardstown Ladies and "The Motley Fool." So it should be no surprise the most successful investor of our time--Warren Buffett--has been the subject of dozens of books and magazine articles. The value of Buffett's company, Berkshire Hathaway, has increased from $18 per share in 1965 to over $70,000 per share today. The interest in Buffett has spawned an approach to investing called "Buffettology," which is the subject of a book by the same name written by Buffett's former daughter-in-law, Mary Buffett.

    • ¥92.2 折扣:5.8折
    • CHASING GOLDMAN SACHS(ISBN=9780307460110) 英文原版
    •   ( 13 条评论 )
    • nne McGee 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • You know what happened during the financial crisis … now it istime to understand why the financial system came so close tofalling over the edge of the abyss and why it could happen again.Wall Street has been saved, but it hasn’t been reformed. What isthe problem? Suzanne McGee provides a penetrating look at the forces thattransformed Wall Street from its traditional role as acapital-generating and economy-boosting engine into a behemothoperating with only its own short-term interests in mind and withreckless disregard for the broader financial system and those whorelied on that system for their well being and prosperity. Primary among these influences was “Goldman Sachs envy”: theself-delusion on the part of Richard Fuld of Lehman Brothers,Stanley O’Neil of Merrill Lynch, and other power brokers (egged onby their shareholders) that taking more risk would enable theircompanies to make even more money than Goldman Sachs. Thathubris—and that narrow-minded focus on maximizing their

    • ¥139.8 折扣:6折
    • DEATH OF THE BANKER, THE(ISBN=9780375700378)
    •   ( 12 条评论 )
    • Ron Chernow 著 /1997-07-01/ Random House US
    • For anyone interested in the world behind the business-pageheadlines, this is the book to read. --Publishers Weekly With the same breadth of vision and narrative élan he brought tohis monumental biographies of the great financiers, Ron Chernowexamines the forces that made dynasties like the Morgans, theWarburgs, and the Rothschilds the financial arbiters of the earlytwentieth century and then rendered them virtually obsolete by thecentury's end. As he traces the shifting balance of power among investors,borrowers, and bankers, Chernow evokes both the grand theater ofcapital and the personal dramas of its most fascinatingprotagonists. Here is Siegmund Warburg, who dropped a client in theheat of a takeover deal because the man wore monogrammed shirtcuffs, as well as the imperious J. P. Morgan, who, when faced witha federal antitrust suit, admonished Theodore Roosevelt to "sendyour man to my man and they can fix it up." And here are the menwho usurped their power, from the go-getters of the 1

    • ¥60.5 折扣:5折