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    • NIGHT SINS(ISBN=9780553564518) 英文原版
    •   ( 15 条评论 )
    • Tami Hoag 编 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • A sensational "New York Times" bestseller that was made into aCBS-TV miniseries, Night Sins has confirmed Tami Hoag's reputationas the new modern master of suspense. This gripping tale unfolds ina peaceful Minnesota town, where crime is something that justdoesn't happen. But when a young boy disappears, it marks thebeginning of a unspeakable nightmare. There are no witnesses, noclues--only a note, cleverly taunting, casually cruel. Has acold-blooded kidnapper struck? Or is this the reawakening of along-quiet serial killer? Now, a tough-minded investigator on herfirst make-or-break case, and a local cop who fears that big cityevils have invaded his small town, are hunting for a madman.Together, they must outsmart a killer who knows no bounds...andprotect a town that may never feel safe again.

    • ¥34.5 折扣:5折
    • Travels in the Interior of Africa (Wordsworth Classics) 非洲之旅
    •   ( 8 条评论 )
    • Mungo Park, Bernard Waites 著 /2002-09-01/ Wordsworth Editions Ltd
    • In 1795 Mungo Park, a twenty-four year old surgeon, set out from the Gambia to trace the course of the Niger, a river of which Europeans had no first-hand knowledge. Travels in the interior districts of Africa is his Journal of that extraordinary journey. He travelled on the sufferance of African rulers and soon came to depend for his survival on the charity of African villagers. Before he reached the Niger, he endured months of captivity in the camp of a Moorish chief. Yet throughout his travels, Park maintained a remarkable empathy for African societies and beliefs. He recorded what he saw as accurately as he could, and without presuming European superiority. He prefaced his Jornal with the disclaimer that it has nothing to recommend it but truth.It is a plain unvarnished tale,withort any pretensions of any kind Park's truthfulness and lack of pretension will endear him to nodern readers.

    • ¥33.1 折扣:6.9折
    • SOLE SURVIVOR(ISBN=9780553582949) 英文原版
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    • Dean R. Koontz 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • A catastrophic, unexplainable plane crash leaves three hundredand thirty dead -- no survivors. Among the victims are the wife andtwo daughters of Joe Carpenter, a Los Angeles Post crime reporter.A year after the crash, still gripped by an almost paralyzinggrief, Joe encounters a woman named Rose, who claims to havesurvived the crash. She holds out the possibility of a secret thatwill bring Joe peace of mind. But before he can ask any questions,she slips away. Driven now by rage (have the authorities withheldinformation?) and a hope almost as unbearable as his grief (ifthere is one survivor, are there others?), Joe sets out to find themysterious woman. His search immediately leads him into the path ofa powerful and shadowy organization hell-bent on stopping Rosebefore she can reveal what she knows about the crash. Sole Survivorunfolds at a heart-stopping pace, as a desperate chase and ashattering emotional odyssey lead Joe to a truth that will forcehim to reassess everything he thought he knew about lif

    • ¥34.5 折扣:5折
    • Total Control(ISBN=9780446604840)
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    • David Baldacci 著 /1997-12-01/ Hachette
    • Total Heat Sidney Archer has the world. A husband she loves. Ajob at which she excels and a cherished young daughter. Then, as aplane plummets into the Virginia countryside, everything changes.And suddenly there is no one whom Sidney Archer can trust. TotalDanger Jason Archer is a rising young executive at Triton Global,the world's leading technology conglomerate. Determined to give hisfamily the best of everything, Archer has secretly entered into adeadly game. He is about to disappear-leaving behind a wife whomust sort out his lies from his truths, an accident team that wantsto know why the plane he was ticketed on crashed, and a veteran FBIagent who wants to know it all...

    • ¥44.8 折扣:6.5折
    • City of Bones(ISBN=9780446611619)
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    • Michael Connelly 著 /2003-03-01/ Hachette
    • On New Year's Day, a dog finds a bone in the HollywoodHills--and unearths a murder committed more than twenty yearsearlier. It's a cold case, but for Detective Harry Bosch, it stirsup memories of his childhood as an orphan. He can't let it go. Asthe investigation takes Bosch deeper into the past, a beautifulrookie cop brings him alive in the present. No official warning canbreak them apart--or prepare Bosch for the explosions when the casetakes a few hard turns. Suddenly all of L.A. is in an uproar, andBosch, fighting to keep control, is driven to the brink of anunimaginable decision.

    • ¥44.8 折扣:6.5折
    • Drop City 英文原版
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    • Tom Coraghessan Boyle 著 /2004-02-01/ Penguin
    • Eine Hippie-Kommune muss Kalifornien verlassen und beschlie?t,sich in Alaska anzusiedeln. Zwei Welten prallen aufeinander, neueFreundschaften und Feindschaften entstehen.

    • ¥28.8 折扣:5折
    • MATARESE COUNTDOWN, THE(ISBN=9780553579833)
    •   ( 10 条评论 )
    • Robert Ludlum 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • Twenty years ago, top agents from the CIA and KGB bandedtogether to bring down the Matarese Circle, an international cabalof powerbrokers and assassins whose sole objective was to achieveworldwide economic domination. Now the bloody Matarese dynasty isback--and the only man with the power to stop it may have alreadyrun out of time.... CIA case officer Cameron Pryce is hot on thetrail of the new Matarese alliance. His only chance to terminateits ruthless activities is to follow the trail of blood money andstone-cold killers right to the heart of its deadly conspiracy.From the Hamptons to London's Belgrave Square, Matarese assassinshave already struck with brutal efficiency, eliminating all whostand in their way. Their chain of violence is impossible tostop--until Pryce gets a rare break. One of the Matarese's victimssurvives long enough to whisper dying words that will blow the casewide open: the top secret code name for legendary retired CIA agentBrandon Scofield--the only man who has ever infiltrated

    • ¥34.5 折扣:5折
    • The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla(9781444723489)
    •   ( 16 条评论 )
    • Stephen King斯蒂芬·金) 著 /2012-02-01/ Orion
    • In the fifth novel in King's bestselling epic fantasy series, the farming community in the fertile lands of the East has been warned the wolves are coming back. Four gunslingers, led by Roland of Gilead, are also coming their way. And the farmers of the Calla want to enlist some hard calibers. Torn between protecting the innocent community and his urgent quest, Roland faces his most deadly perils as he journey through the Mid-World towards the Dark Tower.

    • ¥34.5 折扣:5折
    • STREET LAWYER, THE (ISBN=9780440225706)
    •   ( 59 条评论 )
    • John Grisham 著 /1999-02-01/ Random House US
    • He gave up the money. He gave up the power. Now all he hasleft is the law. Michael Brock is billing the hours, making the money, rushingrelentlessly to the top of Drake Sweeney, a giant D.C. lawfirm. One step away from partnership, Michael has it all. Then, inan instant, it all comes undone. A homeless man takes nine lawyers hostage in the firm's plushoffices. When it is all over, the man's blood is splattered onMichael's face--and suddenly Michael is willing to do theunthinkable. Rediscovering a conscience he lost long ago, Michaelis leaving the big time for the streets where his attacker oncelived--and where society's powerless need an advocate forjustice. But there's one break Michael can't make: from a secret that hasfloated up from the depths of Drake Sweeney, from aconfidential file that is now in Michael's hands, and from aconspiracy that has already taken lives. Now Michael's formerpartners are about to become his bitter enemies. Because to them,Michael Brock is the most d

    • ¥34.5 折扣:5折
    • Deception Point (Dan Brown) 骗局
    •   ( 24 条评论 )
    • Dan Brown 著 /2009-09-01/ Random House US
    • When a new NASA satellite spots evidence of an astonishingly rare object buried deep in the Arctic ice, the floundering space agency proclaims a much-needed victory...a victory that has profound implications for U.S. space policy and the impending presidential election. With the Oval Office in the balance, the President dispatches White House Intelligence analyst Rachel Sexton to the Milne Ice Shelf to verify the authenticity of the find. Accompanied by a team of experts, including the charismatic academic Michael Tolland, Rachel uncovers the unthinkable: evidence of scientific trickery -- a bold deception that threatens to plunge the world into controversy. But before Rachel can contact the President, she and Michael are attacked by a deadly team of assassins controlled by a mysterious power broker who will stop at nothing to hide the truth. Fleeing for their lives in an environment as desolate as it is lethal, their only hope for survival is to find out who is behind this masterful ploy. The truth, they wil

    • ¥42 折扣:6折
    • DISAPPEARING SPOON, THE (ISBN=9780316185349)
    •   ( 4 条评论 )
    • Sam Kean 著 /2011-06-01/ Hachette
    • The Periodic Table is one of man's crowning scientificachievements. But it's also a treasure trove of stories of passion,adventure, betrayal, and obsession. The infectious tales andastounding details in THE DISAPPEARING SPOON follow carbon, neon,silicon, and gold as they play out their parts in human history,finance, mythology, war, the arts, poison, and the lives of the(frequently) mad scientists who discovered them. We learn that Marie Curie used to provoke jealousy incolleagues' wives when she'd invite them into closets to see herglow-in-the-dark experiments. And that Lewis and Clark swallowedmercury capsules across the country and their campsites are stilldetectable by the poison in the ground. Why did Gandhi hate iodine?Why did the Japanese kill Godzilla with missiles made of cadmium?And why did tellurium lead to the most bizarre gold rush inhistory? From the Big Bang to the end of time, it's all in THE DISAPPEARINGSPOON.

    • ¥47.5 折扣:5折
    • DANTE CLUB, THE(ISBN=9780345490384)
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • Matthew Pearl 著 /2006-06-01/ Random House US
    • The New York Times Bestseller Boston, 1865. A series ofmurders, all of them inspired by scenes in Dante's Inferno. Only anelite group of America's first Dante scholars--Henry WadsworthLongfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes, James Russell Lowell, and J. T.Fields--can solve the mystery. With the police baffled, more livesendangered, and Dante's literary future at stake, the Dante Clubmust shed its sheltered literary existence and find the killer."From the Trade Paperback edition."

    • ¥34.5 折扣:5折
    • Nightmares and Dreamscapes(9781444723182)
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Stephen King斯蒂芬·金) 著 /2012-06-01/ Orion
    • The Stephen King Amusement Park - an unnerving experience, with rides every which way to hell . . . and a few to glory. A solitary finger pokes out of a drain. Novelty teeth turn predatory. The Nevada desert swallows a Cadillac. Meanwhile, the legend of Castle Rock returns . . . and grows on you. What does it all mean? What else could it mean? Stephen King is here with a powerful collection of stories - a vast, many-chambered cave of a volume. The long reach of Stephen King's imagination will take you on a roller coaster to places you've never been before. You will lose sleep. But Stephen King, writing to beat the devil, will do your dreaming for you.

    • ¥39 折扣:5折
    • After Dark by Haruki Murakami 村上春树:入夜之后
    •   ( 26 条评论 )
    • Haruki Murakami 著 /2007-01-01/ Random House US
    • “After Dark is a streamlined, hushed ensemble piece. …Standing above the common gloom, Murakami detects phosphorescence everywhere, but chiefly in the auras around people, which glow brightest at night and when combined.” The New York Times Book Review A sleek, gripping novel of encounters set in Tokyo during the spooky hours between midnight and dawn, by an internationally renowned literary phenomenon. Murakami’s trademark humor, psychological insight, and grasp of spirit and morality are here distilled with an extraordinary, harmonious mastery. Combining the pyrotechnical genius that made Kafka on the Shore and The Wind-up Bird Chronicle international bestsellers, with a surprising infusion of heart, Murakami has produced one of his most enchanting fictions yet. “Murakami is masterful with symbolism.. . . Night. . . can’t blacken the ever-shifting shutter speeds of Murakami’s cockeyed Kodak.. . . It is straight- ahead jazz with a quiet grace.” The Los Angeles Times

    • ¥34.8 折扣:6折
    • FRANKENSTEIN:PRODIGAL (ISBN=9780553587883)
    •   ( 25 条评论 )
    • Dean KoontzKevin J. Anderson 著 /2005-01-01/ Random House US
    • Book De*ion About Dean Koontz's Frankenstein Dean Koontz's Frankenstein is the collective title of a series ofnovels co-written by Dean Koontz. Though technically of the mysteryor thriller genres, the novels also feature the trappings ofhorror, fantasy, and science fiction. From the celebrated imagination of Dean Koontz comes a powerfulreworking of one of the classic stories of all time. If you thinkyou know the story, you know only half the truth. Get ready for themystery, the myth, the terror, and the magic of… Dean Koontz's Prodigal Son Every city has secrets. But none as terrible as this. His name isDeucalion, a tattooed man of mysterious origin, asleight-of-reality artist who’s traveled the centuries with asecret worse than death. He arrives as a serial killer stalks thestreets, a killer who carefully selects his victims for thehumanity that is missing in himself. Detective Carson O’Connor iscool, cynical, and every bit as tough as she looks

    • ¥34.5 折扣:5折
    • Duma Key 杜马岛(美)斯蒂芬?金
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Stephen King 著 /2008-10-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • No more than a dark pencil line on a blank page. A horizon line, maybe. But also a slot for blackness to pour through... A terrible construction site accident takes Edgar Freemantle's right arm and scrambles his memory and his mind, leaving him with little but rage as he begins the ordeal of rehabilitation. A marriage that produced two lovely daughters suddenly ends, and Edgar begins to wish he hadn't survived the injuries that could have killed him. He wants out. His psychologist, Dr. Kamen, suggests a "geographic cure," a new life distant from the Twin Cities and the building business Edgar grew from scratch. And Kamen suggests something else. "Edgar, does anything make you happy?" "I used to sketch." "Take it up again. You need hedges...hedges against the night." Edgar leaves Minnesota for a rented house on Duma Key, a stunningly beautiful, eerily undeveloped splinter of the Florida coast. The sun setting into the Gulf of Mexico and the tidal rattling of shells on the beach

    • ¥42 折扣:6折
    • PARTNER, THE(ISBN=9780440224761)
    •   ( 59 条评论 )
    • John Grisham 著 /1998-01-01/ Random House US
    • For four years,Patrick had often wondered how it would feel ifthey caught him.Now th was terror-stricken.Practically naked andstrapped down like an animal,he knew the next few hours would beinsufferable…… Once he was a well-liked,well-paid young partner in a thrivingMississippi law firm.Then Patrick Lanigan stole ninety milliondollars from his own firm-and ran for his life.For four years,heevaded men who were rich,powerful,and would stop atnothing to findhim.Then,inevitably,on the edge of the Brazilian jungle,theyfinally tracked him down.

    • ¥34.5 折扣:5折
    • The Shakespeare Secret 英文原版
    •   ( 36 条评论 )
    • Jennifer Lee Carrell 著 /2011-11-01/ Penguin
    • On the eve of the Globe's production of "Hamlet,"Shakespearean scholar Kate Shelton is given what is claimed to bethe Bard's long-lost work. When a killer decides to stagetheatrical murders as flesh-and-blood realities, Shelton mustdecipher a string of clues before anyone else dies.

    • ¥28.8 折扣:5折
    • Cujo
    •   ( 26 条评论 )
    • Stephen King 著 /1982-01-01/ Penguin
    • The #1 bestseller-for King's rabid fans. A family dog turns into a family killer in King's canineclassic.

    • ¥33.7 折扣:6折