In Anne Bartlett's engaging novel, a chance meeting sparks afriendship between two very different women who share a fascinationwith knitting. Sandra, a rigid academic, struggles to navigate theworld without her husband, whom she has recently lost to cancer.Martha--a self-taught textile artist with her own secret store ofgrief--spends her days knitting elaborate projects charged withpersonal meaning. As the two women collaborate on a new project,surprising events will help heal them both.
2011 is the 50th anniversary of JFK's inauguration. A narrative of Kennedy's quest to create a speechthat would distill American dreams and empower a new generation, Ask Not is a beautifully detailed account of theinauguration and the weeks preceding it. During a time when Americawas divided, and its citizens torn by fears of war, John F. Kennedytook office and sought to do more than just reassure the Americanpeople. His speech marked the start of a brief, optimistic era.Thurston Clarke's portrait of JFK is balanced, revealing thepresident at his most dazzlingly charismatic and cunninglypragmatic.
Special Agent Paul Chavasse is about to start a much-deserved holiday when he is abruptly pulled back to active duty. He knows that if he’s being called into action, a job has gone bad—and it’s about to get a lot worse. As Hitler’s private secretary—and an influential member of the Third Reich—Martin Bormann was one of those rare Nazis who managed to simply disappear at the end of World War II. But the terrible secrets Bormann carried into oblivion are about to be revealed to the world. A manu* that exposes former Nazis now in hiding is up for grabs, and there are those in power who have much to lose with its discovery. Now, Chavasse must retrieve the Bormann Testament before it is buried forever—and him along with it...
The young life of Daoud Hari–his friends call him David–hasbeen one of bravery and mesmerizing adventure. The Translator is asuspenseful, harrowing, and deeply moving memoir of how one personhas made a difference in the world, an on-the-ground account of oneof the biggest stories of our time: the brutal genocide under wayin Darfur. In 2003, Daoud Hari, a Zaghawa tribesman, was among the hundredsof thousands of villagers attacked and driven from their homes bySudanese-government-backed militia groups. Though Hari’s villagewas burned to the ground, his family decimated and dispersed, hehimself escaped, eventually finding safety across the border. Withhis high school knowledge of languages, Hari offered his servicesas a translator and guide. In doing so, however, he had to returnto the heart of darkness–and he has risked his life again and againto help ensure that the story of his people is told while there isstill time to save them.
Offers a detailed, fact-filled examination of the AirborneTask Force, complete with exclusive photographs, illustrations,diagrams, and an extensive interview with the commander of the 18thAirborne Corps, General John Keen. Original."
Rich with storytelling, history, and folklore, The LakotaWay expresses the heart of Native American philosophy andimparts the path to a fulfilling and meaningful life. JosephMarshall is a member of the Sicunga Lakota Sioux and has dedicatedhis entire life to the wisdom he learned from his elders. Here hefocuses on the twelve core qualities that are crucial to the Lakotaway of living-bravery, fortitude, generosity, wisdom, respect,honor, perseverance, love, humility, sacrifice, truth, andcompassion. Whether teaching a lesson on respect imparted by themythical Deer Woman or the humility embodied by the legendaryLakota leader Crazy Horse, The Lakota Way offers a freshoutlook on spirituality and ethical living.
The First Cavalry Division came under surprise attack in SadrCity on April 4, 2004, now known as "Black Sunday." On thehomefront, over 7,000 miles away, their families awaited the newsfor forty-eight hellish hours- expecting the worst. ABC News' chiefcorrespondent Martha Raddatz shares remarkable tales of heroism,hope, and heartbreak.
"What's not to enjoy about a book full of monstrousegos, unimaginable sums of money, and the punishment of greed andshortsightedness?" Phenomenal reviews and sales greeted the hardcoverpublication of The Big Rich, New York Times bestsellingauthor Bryan Burrough's spellbinding chronicle of Texas oil.Weaving together the multigenerational sagas of the industry's fourwealthiest families, Burrough brings to life the men known in theirday as the Big Four: Roy Cullen, H. L. Hunt, Clint Murchison, andSid Richardson, all swaggering Texas oil tycoons who ownedsprawling ranches and mingled with presidents and Hollywood stars.Seamlessly charting their collective rise and fall, The BigRich is a hugely entertaining account that only a writer withBurrough's abilities-and Texas upbringing-could have written.
Cicero’s speeches "In Defence of Sextus Roscius of Amerina,""In Defence of Aulus Cluentius Habitus," "In Defence of GaiusRabirius," "Note on the Speeches in Defence of Caelius and Milo,"and "In Defence of King Deiotarus" provide insight into Roman life,law, and history.
Set in Cairo around the end of World War I, as Egypt, a Britishprotectorate, clamors for independence, 1988 Nobel Prize-winnerMahfouz's epic family drama explores deep fissures in thepatriarchal structure of one household. Prosperous merchant AhmadAbd al-Jawad, a tyrant at home, roams Cairo's tawdry entertainmentdistrict by night seeking illicit pleasures. His submissive wifeAmina is chained to the house; he throws her out on the streetafter she commits the sin of going outdoors for a walk. His twodaughters constantly bicker, and his three sons are beyond hiscontrol: Yasin commits sexual assaults on servants; Fahmy becomesan activist in the nationalist movement, while Kamal befriendsBritish soldiers. The first volume in Mahfouz's Cairo Trilogy(1956-57), this dense novel charts an Egypt lurching into themodern age. Mahfouz is a master at building up dramatic scenes andat portraying complex characters in depth. Copyright 1989 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This textrefers to an out of print or unavailable
The surprise New York Times bestseller, from an author who delivers American storytelling at its best. The story of marriage, family, and forgiveness that has become not just a bestseller but an instant classic Their story begins with one letter on their wedding night, a letter from the groom, promising to write his bride every week for as long they both shall live. Thirty-nine years later, Jack and Laurel Cooper die in each others arms. And when their grown children return to the family B&B to arrange the funeral, they discover thousands of letters. The letters they read tell of surprising joys and sorrows. They also hint at a shocking family secret and ultimately force the children to confront a life-changing moment of truth
“尽管他们的责任巨大,时刻面对激烈的争论甚至暴力冲突,在美国历史上也仅有4位联邦法官在任上被谋杀.雷蒙德法官却成为了第五位。他的尸体在用来度假的湖边自建小屋中被发现。他未能出现在周一法庭上,工作人员报警了,不久人们就找到了谋杀现场。那里没有强行进入或挣扎的痕迹,仅有的只是两具尸体—法官大人和他的秘书。我不认识法官大人,但我知道谁为什么杀了他。我是个律师,我被关押在监,这可说来话长了。” 马尔科姆·班尼斯特(MalcolmBannister)是一名正在监狱服刑的前任律师。他知道谁是杀害一位联邦法官的幕后黑手。不过美国联邦调查局想要从他口中换取线索,就得满足他所提出的条件:用情报换自由。 Given the importance of what they do, and the controversies thatoften surround them, and the violent people they sometimesconfront, it is remarkable that in the history of the
Plutarch’s vivid and engaging portraits of the Spartans andtheir customs are a major source of our knowledge about the riseand fall of their remarkable Greek city-state between the sixth andthird centuries BC. Through his Lives of Sparta’s leaders and hisrecording of memorable Spartan Sayings, he depicts a people wholived frugally and mastered their emotions in all aspects of life,who disposed of unhealthy babies in a deep chasm, introduced agruelling regimen of military training for boys, and treated theirserfs brutally. Rich in anecdote and detail, Plutarch’s writingbrings to life the personalities and achievements of Sparta withunparalleled flair and humanity.
You love the boy body and soul, plainly, directly, as he lovesyou ...'. Lucy has her rigid, middle-class life mapped out for heruntil she visits Florence with her uptight cousin Charlotte, andfinds her neatly ordered existence thrown off balance. Her eyes areopened by the unconventional characters she meets at the PensionBertolini: flamboyant romantic novelist Eleanor Lavish, the CockneySignora, curious Mr Emerson and, most of all, his passionate sonGeorge. Lucy finds herself torn between the intensity of life inItaly and the repressed morals of Edwardian England, personified inher terminally dull fiance Cecil Vyse. Will she ever learn tofollow her own heart? "A Room with a View" is a sunny, brilliantlywitty comedy of manners.
In a war where the enemy wants to die in battle, snipersmay be the answer between victory and defeat. Here in their own words are the compelling truestories of the snipers whose sole purpose is to eliminate the enemywith a single bullet. From the deserts and rubble-strewn streets ofIraq to the labyrinthine mountains of Afghanistan, this is life anddeath as seen through the scope of a highpowered rifle.
Snipers have a rich history. This fascinating book followstheir tasks and techniques from the Revolutionary and Civil Warsthrough both World Wars, to the Korean War and Vietnam-the genesisof modern sniping-to the current conflicts in the Middle East.Also, readers will see how sniping has evolved on the civilian sidein law enforcement. Readers will learn about the tools of thetrade, but most importantly, they will hear from the expertsthemselves: military snipers, as well as civilian police and SWATsnipers. Capturing the suspense and action of the hunt, the wordsof these men draw readers into the close-knit, little-known worldof men who need only one bullet to get the job done.