De tous les carrefours importants, le visage à la moustachenoire vous fixait du regard. Il y en avait un sur le mur d'en face.Big Brother vous regarde, répétait la légende, tandis que le regarddes yeux noirs pénétrait les yeux de Winston... Au loin, unhélicoptère glissa entre les toits, plana un moment, telle unemouche bleue, puis repartit comme une flèche, dans un vol courbe.C'était une patrouille qui venait mettre le nez aux fenêtres desgens. Mais les patrouilles n'avaient pas d'importance. Seulecomptait la Police de la Pensée.
Selected works of humour and criticism by a revered Americanmaster. Beloved by millions, Mark Twain is the quintessentialAmerican writer. More than anyone else, his blend of scepticism,caustic wit and sharp prose defines a certain American mythos.While his novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is still taughtto anyone who attends school and is considered by many to be theGreat American Novel, Twain's shorter stories and criticisms haveunequalled style and bite. In a review that's less than kind to thewriting of James Fenimore Cooper, Twain writes: "Every time aCooper person is in peril, and absolute silence is worth fourdollars a minute, he is sure to step on a dry twig. There may be ahundred handier things to step on, but that wouldn't satisfyCooper. Cooper requires him to turn out and find a dry twig; and ifhe can't do it, go and borrow one." It's difficult to imagineanyone else writing in quite this style, which is why Twain'slegacy only continues to grow.
A Thousand Splendid Suns is a breathtaking story set against the volatile events of Afghanistan's last thirty years-from the Soviet invasion to the reign of the Taliban to post-Taliban rebuilding--that puts the violence, fear, hope, and faith of this country in intimate, human terms. It is a tale of two generations of characters brought jarringly together by the tragic sweep of war, where personal lives--the struggle to survive, raise a family, find happiness--are inextricable from the history playing out around them. Propelled by the same storytelling instinct that made TheKiteRunner a beloved classic, A Thousand Splendid Suns is at once a remarkable chronicle of three decades of Afghan history and a deeply moving account of family and friendship. It is a striking, heart-wrenching novel of an unforgiving time, an unlikely friendship, and an indestructible love--a stunning accomplishment.
Claudia Hampton, a beautiful, famous writer, lies dying inhospital. But, as the nurses tend to her with quiet condescension,she is plotting her greatest work: a history of the world and inthe process, my own'. Gradually she re-creates the rich mosaic ofher life and times, conjuring up those she has known. There isGordon, her adored brother; Jasper, the charming, untrustworthylover and father of Lisa, her cool, conventional daughter; and Tom,her one great love, both found and lost in wartime Egypt. PenelopeLively's Booker Prize-winning novel weaves an exquisite mesh ofmemories, flashbacks and shifting voices, in a haunting story ofloss and desire.
The 18 plays are: "The Shadowy Waters"; "Cathleen inHoulihan"; "The Hour Glass"; "On Baile's Strabd"; "The GreenHelmet"; "Deirdre"; "At the Hawk's Well"; "The Dreaming of theBones"; "The Cat and the Moon"; "The Only Jealousy of Emer";"Calvary"; "Sophocles' King Oedipus"; "The Resurrection"; "TheWords Upon the Windwo-FPane"; "The King of the Great Clock Tower";"The herne's Egg"; "Purgatory"; and, "The Death of Cuchulain".
A delicate boy growing up in Paris, Jerome Palissier spends manysummers at his uncle's house in the Normandy countryside, where thewhole world seems 'steeped in azure'. There he falls deeply in lovewith his cousin Alissa and she with him. But gradually Alissabecomes convinced that Jerome's love for her is endangering hissoul. In the interests of his salvation, she decides to suppresseverything that is beautiful in herself - in both mind and body. Adevastating exploration of aestheticism taken to extremes, "Straitis the Gate" is a novel of haunting beauty that stimulates the mindand the emotions.
Review `This is the highly popular and equally highly vilified Gothicnovel, written in 1794. Gruesome, voluptuous, and occasionallytongue-in-cheek, The Monk is a masterpiece of its genre.' SundayTelegraph `what distinguishes The Monk from a whole raft of lesserimitations is the quality of the storytelling ... There's always adanger of bathos in narratives where horror is piled on horror ...Lewis avoids that pitfall by judicious use of humour. He alsowrites with great visual immediacy. Lewis has a remarkableunderstanding of human psychology. The Monk is a stunning read. Itwas published 200 years ago. I hope this article is not the onlycelebration of that bicentenary.' Simon Brett, The Sunday Times--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition ofthis title.
This Second Edition of a perennial favorite in the Norton Critical Edition series represents an extensive revision of its predecessor. The text is that of the first edition of the novel, published by Herbert S. Stone in 1899. It has been annotated by the editor and includes translations of French phrases and information about New Orleans locales, customs, and lore, the Bayou region, and Creole culture. "Bibliographical and Historical Contexts", expanded and introduced by a new Editor’s Note, presents biographical, historical, and cultural documents contemporary with the novel’s publication. Included are a biographical essay by the acclaimed Chopin biographer Emily Toth, "An Etiquette/Advice Book Sampler" with selections from the conduct books of the period in which Chopin lived and wrote, and period fashion plates from Harper’s Bazar. A comprehensive "Criticism" section, introduced by a new Editor’s Note, contains expanded selections from hard-to-find contemporary reviews of th
Italo Calvino was due to deliver the Charles Eliot Nortonlectures at Harvard in 1985-86, but they were left unfinished athis death. The surviving drafts explore of the concepts oflightness, quickness, multiplicity, exactitude and visibility(Constancy was to be the sixth) in serious yet playful essays thatreveal Calvino's debt to the comic strip and the folktale. With hiscustomary imagination and grace, he sought to define the virtues ofthe great literature of the past in order to shape the values ofthe future. This collection is a brilliant precis of the work of agreat writer whose legacy will endure through the millennium headdressed.
These essays, reviews and articles illuminate the life and workof one of the most individual writers of this century - a man whocreated a unique literary manner from the process of thinking aloudand who elevated political writing to an art.
A Guide to Genetic Disorders and Inherited Disease and What You Can Do to Protect Yourself and Your Family. Much in the news, inherited disease and genetic testing are complex and confusing issues that leave most people asking "So, what can I do with this promising information?" A powerfully helpful and authoritative guide, Your Genetic Destiny has the answers. From what tests to have taken to what the results mean and when further genetic counseling is in order; from what foods to avoid to which medications to take and what other medical options are available, world-renowned geneticist Aubrey Milunsky demonstrates how knowledge of our genetic makeup can save our lives. Covering heart disease, hypertension, cancer, diabetes, mental illness, Alzheimer's disease, obesity, longevity, and infertility, Your Genetic Destiny is the most comprehensive, compassionate, and informed guide available for all concerned about the risks of inherited disease. 作者简介 Aubrey Milunsky, M.D., D.Sc., is Profess
Tracing the lives of a group of friends, this novel followstheir development from childhood to middle age. Social events,individual achievements and disappointments form the outerstructure of the book, but the focus is the inner life of thecharacters which is conveyed in rich poetic language.
The Wordsworth Poetry Library comprises the works of thegreatest English-speaking poets, as well as many lesser-knownpoets. Each collection has a specially commissionedintroduction. This volume includes all of Yeats's published poetry, from thehauntingly beautiful early lyrics by which he is still bestremembered, to the later work which some argue put beyond questionhis status as one of the foremost poets of his age.
Since the original prewar translation there has been nocompletely new rendering of the French original into English. Thistranslation brings to the fore a more sharply engaged, comic andlucid Proust. "In Search of Lost Time" is one of the greatest, mostentertaining reading experiences in any language. As the greatstory unfolds from its magical opening scenes to its devastatingend, it is the "Penguin Proust" that makes Proust accessible to anew generation. Each volume is translated by a different, superbtranslator working under the general editorship of ProfessorChristopher Prendergast, University of Cambridge.
First published in the 1920's, "The Prophet" an inspirational,allegorical guide to living, the book is perhaps the most famouswork of religious fiction of the Twentieth Century and has soldmillions of copies in more than twenty languages. Gibran'sprotagonist, called simply 'the "Prophet"', delivers spiritual, yetpractical, homilies on a wide variety of topics central to dailylife: love, marriage and children; work and play; possessions,beauty, truth, joy and sorrow, death and many more.
This Norton Critical Edition, edited by the pioneer of Great Expectations scholarship, presents the most thorough textual edition of the novel (1861) available. The newly established text is based on all extant materials and is accompanied by several textual essays. "Backgrounds" provides readers with an understanding of Great Expectations" inception and internal chronology. A discussion of the public-reading version of the novel is also included. A wonderfully rich "Contexts" section collects thirteen pieces, centering on the novel’s major themes: the link between author and hero and, relatedly, Victorian notions of gentility, snobbishness, and social mobility; the often brutal training, at home and at school, of children born around 1800; and the central issues of crime and punishment. "Criticism" gathers twenty-two assessments of Great Expectations, both contemporary and modern, which offer a range of perspectives on Dickens and his novel.
This is the perfect introduction for young readers to the lives and times of America’s 43 most influential leaders. Just as the new president is inaugurated, readers can easily relive the course of American history through a detailed timeline, more than 50 vivid photographs and illustrations, information about each president’s term in office, and the major political issues of each era. Quick-reference sidebars provide brief summaries of the major events and important people who emerged during each presidential term. Famous quotes and fun facts about each president ensure that this perennial favorite continues to be an entertaining and enlightening addition to any child’s library.
Readers and reviewers in the United Kingdom have hailed the newtranslations of Proust as a major literary event. Soon to appear inthe United States, Swann’s Way , along with the second volumeof In Search of Lost Time , In the Shadow of Young Girlsin Flower , will introduce a new century of American readers tothe literary riches of Proust. These superb editions—the firstcompletely new translation of Proust’s novel since the 1920s—bringus a more comic and lucid Proust than English readers havepreviously been able to enjoy. In the Shadow of Young Girls inFlower is a spectacular dissection of male and femaleadolescence, charged with the narrator’s memories of Paris and theNormandy seaside. In it, Proust introduces some of his greatestcomic inventions. As a meditation on different forms of love, Inthe Shadow of Young Girls in Flower has no equal. --Thistext refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of thistitle.
Winner of the 1964 Nobel Prize in Literature. Jean-Paul Sartre, philosopher, critic, novelist and dramatist, holda position of singular eminence in the world of French letters.Among readers and critics familiar with the whole of Sartre's work,it is generally recognized that his earliest novel, LeNausée (first published in 1938), is his finest and mostsignificant. It is unquestionably a key novel of the TwentiethCentury and a landmark in Existentialist fiction.
At a time when we are once again talking and thinking about the meaning of America, bestselling author and award-winning journalist Dan Rather provides a powerful look at Americans who struggle to achieve their desires and ambitions. With the stories of ordinary men and women accomplishing the extraordinary, Rather demonstrates how the American dream brings us together and guides us, as it has for more than 200 years. For some, the American dream is simply to own a home or rise out of poverty. Some wish to serve God, country, or community. There are those who want to learn to read or run their own business. Still others simply wish to exercise fundamental American rights: to openly practice their religion and to speak what is in their minds and hearts. Stirring and provocative, The American Dream illustrates that the basic American desire for "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" is alive and well. It also confirms what our founding fathers always believed: that we are a country of visionari
The air of Eastwick breeds witches - women whose powerfullongings can stir up thunderstorms and fracture domestic peace.Jane, Alexandra and Sukie, divorced and dangerous, have formed acoven. Into the void of Eastwick breezes Darryl Van Horne, acharismatic magus of a man who entrances the trio, luring them tohis mansions...
"For Esme With Love and Squalor" includes two of Salinger'smost famous and critically acclaimed stories, and helped to establish him as one of the contemporary literary greats. Thetitle story recounts a Sergeant's meeting with a young girl before being sent into combat. When it was first published in"The New Yorker" in 1950 it was an immediate sensation and prompted a flood of readers' fan-letters. 'A Perfect Day forBananafish' is the first of the author's stories to feature the Glass family, the loveable and idiosyncratic family who wouldappear in much of Salinger's later fiction. A haunting and unforgettable piece of writing, the story follows the eldestsibling, Seymour Glass, and his wife, Muriel, as they embark on an ill-fated honeymoon in Florida. --This text refers to analternate Paperback edition.
The astounding yet true rags-to-riches saga of a homeless father who raised and cared for his son on the mean streets of San Francisco and went on to become a crown prince of Wall Street At the age of twenty, Milwaukee native Chris Gardner, just out of the Navy, arrived in San Francisco to pursue a promising career in medicine. Considered a prodigy in scientific research, he surprised everyone and himself by setting his sights on the competitive world of high finance. Yet no sooner had he landed an entry-level position at a prestigious firm than Gardner found himself caught in a web of incredibly challenging circumstances that left him as part of the city's working homeless and with a toddler son. Motivated by the promise he made to himself as a fatherless child to never abandon his own children, the two spent almost a year moving among shelters, "HO-tels," soup lines, and even sleeping in the public restroom of a subway station. Never giving in to despair, Gardner made an astonishing transformation
"Emma," by Jane Austen, is part of the "Barnes and NobleClassics"" "series, which offers quality editions at affordableprices to the student and the general reader, including newscholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully craftedextras. Here are some of the remarkable features of "Barnes andNoble Classics": New introductions commissioned from today's topwriters and scholars Biographies of the authors Chronologies ofcontemporary historical, biographical, and cultural eventsFootnotes and endnotes Selective discussions of imitations,parodies, poems, books, plays, paintings, operas, statuary, andfilms inspired by the work Comments by other famous authors Studyquestions to challenge the reader's viewpoints and expectationsBibliographies for further reading Indices and Glossaries, whenappropriateAll editions are beautifully designed and are printed tosuperior specifications; some include illustrations of historicalinterest. "Barnes and Noble Classics "pulls together aconstellation of influences-biograph