
  • 7折以上
仅五星 以上 以上 以上 以上
    • Piano Trio in A Minor, Op. 50 柴可夫斯基钢琴曲
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    • Peter Ilyitch Tchaikovsky 著 /2002-08-01/ Dover
    • Charming and fitting homage to pianist Nikolai Rubinstein, with a piano part appropriate to Rubinstein's genius, and also blended well with violin and cello accompaniment. Distinctively Russian in character, with overtones of regional folk music and dance, it alternates between moods of triumph and melancholy for evocative effects. Authoritative edition.

    • ¥118.9 折扣:8.8折
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    • 本社 编著 /2008-01-01/
    • 大型购物中心已经成为商业型态的主流趋势,充裕的空间将更能创造丰富意象,改变购物的经验和感受。新型的大型购物中心彻底改变了百货零业以贩卖货物为主要功能的传统操作方式,结合了其他多元功能的概念,并倾向个别专门化以维系品牌的特殊性。但要走入国际化的购物中心,足够空间、停车场设置、保全消防、品牌、数位化的设备、公关……等等的硬体与软体只有互相搭配得当方能成为一个经营成功的大型购物中心。 本书将彻底研究在全日本造成话题的12个新型大型商场隆重开幕和的设计工作。各商场的诉求和简介采日英对造方式呈现,其他包括宣传的设计、商场LOGO在宣传品上的应用、广告手册和各店铺的宣传赠品、传单…等也都有详细介绍。本书是从事商城方面的设计师又一本不错的参考书籍。

    • ¥252.8 折扣:7.9折
    • Fantasy in F Minor, Barcarolle, Berceuse and Other Works for
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    • Frederic Chopin 著 /1989-05-01/ Dover
    • Chopin's piano works, renowned for their technical brilliance, also invariably project the composer's mercurial moods. Their complex emotional content often lies close to the surface: a sparkling and graceful passage may be tinged with melancholy, a dark moment may be crowned with a note of triumph. This superb collection of fifteen of Chopin's works for piano reflects these compelling qualities in some of the greatest piano compositions of the Romantic period. Foremost among them is perhaps the magnificent Fantasy in F Minor, Op. 49. Here,too, are the often-performed Barcarolle, Op. 60, and Berceuse, Op. 57; the Allegro de Concert, Op. 46, and the Andante spianato, Op. 22; and ten other works.

    • ¥103 折扣:8.8折
    • Ragtime Rediscoveries(爵士乐再发现)
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    • Trebor Jay Tichenor 著 /1979-01-01/ Dover
    • Connoisseurs of rag are aware that original, creative syncopation does not stop with Joplin. The ragtime revival is only beginning to rediscover forgotten rags composed by little-known pianists and arrangers (including many women) and printed by small specialized local music publishers. The great obstacle to further rag renown is of course the rarity of the original sheet music; this collection brings together some of the most geographically and stylistically diverse quality rags written over the entire two decades of the ragtime era. Ragtime Rediscoveries presents the original sheet music (including covers) of 64 unfamiliar rags of superior musical excellence as well as historical interest. Trebor Jay Tichenor, well-known ragtimer, composer, collector and editor (see Ragtime Rarities, also from Dover) has located the scattered and sometimes unique copies of sheet music, and discussed their musical quality and relevance to ragtime history in his introducton. The rags here range from "The Pri

    • ¥150.8 折扣:8.8折
    • (哥特式装饰:源自约克大教堂的建筑理念)Gothic Ornament: Architectural Motifs fr
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    • Joseph Halfpenny 著 /2005-11-01/ W W Norton & Co Ltd
    • Chese royalty-free motifs feature exquisite specimens of the sculptured ornaments from northern Europe's largest medieval cathedral. The Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of St. Peter in York, popularly known as York Minster, was founded as a missionary church. Its soaring Gothic architecture and vast interior, parts of whichdate back to the thirteenth century, feature some of the best examples of the medieval craftsman's work to be found anywhere. This compilation consists of 175 illustrations, selected from throughout the cathedral. Like the building of the church itself, the ornaments wereexecuted during different eras. This collection, reproduced from arare eighteenth-century volume, offers artists and graphic designers an unusual selection of authentic architectural motifs from the Middle Ages.

    • ¥103 折扣:8.8折
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    • Terence Conran 著 /2001-07-01/
    • Every single thing that has been made by man or woman has been designed. We are quick to recognise the designer's imprint in the cut of a couture dress, in the outline of a landmark building or in the shape of the latest motor car. Less visible are those designers who shape and fill our daily lives with everything from the paperclip to the personal stereo, the flatpack shelving unit to the supermarket label. In fact, design is all around us, but we very rarely notice it. In this book, Terence Conran makes us open our eyes and address the ways in which we encounter and relate to design on a daily basis. A fascinating text full of information and anecdote, along with stimulating photography, makes this book an indispensable reference book for all those interested in the subject. 作者简介: Terence Conran is one of the world's leading designers, retaliers and restaurateurs.in his prolific career he has worked on projects as varied as the interior of Gatwick Airport's North Termianl,the design of t

    • ¥105.8 折扣:9.8折
    • French Provincial Designs CD-ROM and Book 法国乡村设计(书和光盘)
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    • Marty Noble 著 /2005-08-01/
    • This rich archive contains a host of simple, decorative motifs: quaint, small-scaled florals, sea creatures, birds, barnyard animals, Far Eastern figures, and pastoral scenes, among them. Adapted from 17th- through 19th-century textiles, furniture, domestic accessories, and more, these charming images will delight graphic artists, hobbyists, designers, and devotees of French Provincial design. 224 black-and-white illustrations.

    • ¥118.9 折扣:8.8折
    • 比才《卡门》声乐钢琴缩编谱Carmen Vocal Score
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    • Georges Bizet 著 /2002-04-01/ Dover
    • This inexpensive, authoritative edition of one of the world's most popular operas presents the classic 1895 Schirmer edition in the original French, with a complete English singing version by Dr. Theodore Baker. Indispensable for singers, chorus, and rehearsal pianists, this beautiful engraved volume will delight performers and all devotees of great operatic literature. Text in French and English.

    • ¥198.5 折扣:8.8折
    • (传统铁制品设计)Traditional Ironwork Designs
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    • Josef Feller 著 /2005-09-01/ W W Norton & Co Ltd
    • From an exceptional collection of the finest examples of German ironwork comes this rich source of permission-free images for artists and craftspeople. More than 270 illustrations depict a broad variety of magnificent ironwork from the city of Dfisseldorf, with finely rendered examples of the craft ranging from elaborate castle gates to ornate weather vanes. Balustrades, screens, balcony railings, and other decorative ironwork abounds in this handsome compilation. Derived from a rare, turn-of-the-century portfolio, these splendid designs offer uncommon glimpses of a rich array of motifs that are sure to inspire and delight designers, architecture enthusiasts, antique lovers, and devotees of vintage ironwork. Dover (2005) original selection of plates reproduced from Die Schmiedekunst: zum praktischen Gebrauche fiir Schlosser und Schmiede, originally published in three volumes by F. Wolfrum, Dtisseldorf, 1892-1899. iv+92pp. 9 x 12. Paperbound. Free Dover Pictorial Archive and Clip Art Ca

    • ¥79.2 折扣:8.8折
    • Seven Great Opera Overtures 莫扎特7大著名歌剧序曲
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    • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 著 /1998-09-01/
    • This outstanding volume features a rich selection of the composer’s greatest overtures: Idomeneo (K366); The Abduction from the Seraglio (K384); The Marriage of Figaro (K492); Don Giovanni (K527); Così Fan Tutte (K588); The Magic Flute (K620); and La Clemenza di Tito (K621). All reproduced in full score from authoritative early editions.

    • ¥127.6 折扣:8.8折
    • Design Meets Disability 当设计遇到障碍
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    • Graham Pullin 著 /2009-04-01/
    • Eyeglasses have been transformed from medical necessity to fashion accessory. This revolution has come about through embracing the design culture of the fashion industry. Why shouldn't design sensibilities also be applied to hearing aids, prosthetic limbs, and communication aids? In return, disability can provoke radical new directions in mainstream design. Charles and Ray Eames's iconic furniture was inspired by a molded plywood leg splint that they designed for injured and disabled servicemen. Designers today could be similarly inspired by disability. In Design Meets Disability, Graham Pullin shows us how design and disability can inspire each other. In the Eameses' work there was a healthy tension between cut-to-the-chase problem solving and more playful explorations. Pullin offers examples of how design can meet disability today. Why, he asks, shouldn't hearing aids be as fashionable as eyewear? What new forms of braille signage might proliferate if designers kept both sighted and visually impaired peopl

    • ¥228.8 折扣:8.8折
    • Symphonies Nos. 3 and 4 in Full Score(马勒第三、第四交响曲全谱)
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    • Gustav Mahler 著 /1990-06-01/ Dover
    • Mahler's third and fourth symphonies mark a turning point in his development as a composer. Symphony No. 3 (1896) predominantly follows the musical style of the earlier two symphonies, which tended to emphasize a single melodic line with subordinate harmonies. Symphony No. 4 (1900) embodies the more contrapuntal style that characterizes his later symphonic works. At the same time, these works bring Mahler to the end of his "Wunderhorn years," when his inspiration derived strongly from Des Knaben Wunderhorn (The Youth's Magic Horn), an early 19th-century collection of folklike poetry that celebrated themes of nature. The Third Symphony, scored for a massive orchestra, was conceived as a vast nature cycle in six movements. These include the great opening march, the moving setting for alto of Nietzsche's "O Mensch! Gib Acht!" and the scintillating bell song for women's and boys' choirs "Es sungen drei Engel." The Fourth Symphony, more restrained in expression yet filled with affecting melody,

    • ¥198.5 折扣:8.8折
    • (歌剧《魔笛》全谱) The Magic Flute (Die Zauberflote) in Full Score
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    • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 著 /1985-07-01/
    • Unfortunately, his tragic death a scant two months later prevented Mozart from ever realizing the full accuracy of this observation made a few performances after the cool reception given The Magic Flute at its Viennese premiere. In May 1791, Mozart's friend Emanuel Schikaneder commissioned The Magic Flute.In keeping with the popular level of his theater, Schikaneder himself supplied Mozart with the libretto about the rescue of a good fairy's daughter from a wicked magician by a hero armed with a magic flute. After a good deal of the music was written, composer and librettist, both Freemasons, grafting Masonic ideals onto the plot, transformed a simple fairy tale into a moralistic allegory, and a Singspiel into one of the world's greatest operas. This handsome, moderately priced volume, reprinted directly from an authoritative edition, will enable musicians, music students and opera lovers to gain a fuller appreciation of Mozart's mastery of operatic language, orchestral color and dramatic expression.

    • ¥134.8 折扣:8.8折
    • The Abduction from the Seraglio in Full Score(莫扎特歌剧《后宫诱逃》全谱)
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    • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 著 /1989-11-01/ Dover
    • Die Entfuehrung aus dem Serail--the Abduction from the Seraglio-- was one of Mozart's first operatic hits, and received performances all over Europe, even if the emperor did think it contained too many notes. Too many tenors is closer to the mark (the male roles include two tenors, one bass, and one character who only speaks), but this singspiel is a bright and bubbly work, endearing in its comic scenes and impressive in its serious moments. This score is one of Dover's reprints of other publishers. That means that it's not the most up-to-date edition available, that the words appear in German only, and that it's not as suitable for singers to use as a plain piano- vocal score would be. But this is a reasonably priced version that gives the student or enthusiast the opportunity to check out just how Mozart achieved that great "Turkish" instrumental color.

    • ¥174.6 折扣:8.8折
    • GERHARD RICHTER PATTERNS(9780500093726)
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    • Gerhard Richter 著 /2012-10-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • This publication documents Gerhard Richters experiment oftaking an image of an original abstract painting and dividing itvertically into two. Each divided part is divided again, mirroredand repeated, producing ever narrower strips, which results inpatterns. A total of 238 selected patterns are presented here.Regarded as one of the most influential and pre-eminent artists ofour time, Gerhard Richter has involved himself personally anddirectly with this publication. His work is reproduced here withsuperlative attention to detail, colour and print quality. Theresult is a book that will satisfy the most demanding andpassionate of the artists discerning admirers.

    • ¥319.1 折扣:7.9折
    • HOGAN : FUTURE ROOTS(9788857212579)
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    • Donata SartorioOrnella Sancassani 著 /2012-10-01/ Thames&Hudson
    • Fifty-six international designers and architects celebrate the Hogan labels most recent collections. There is an obvious connection between the different forms of creative expression: this is the core philosophy Hogan, expressed in the Future Roots project in which 56 internationally famous designers and architects are captured in Ornella Sancassanis photographs wearing the most recent collections designed by the fashion label. The black-and-white photographs interpret the fashion houses savoir-faire; the architects and designers are captured in their professional workplaces or with those objects that in a concise way best express their Weltanschauung. Future Roots is therefore a story in pictures in which the different aspects of planning in design, architecture, fashion and photography are brought to the fore, showing little distinction between sectors.

    • ¥533.2 折扣:7.9折
    • 293 Art Nouveau Designs and Ornaments CD-ROM and Book 新艺术图案设
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    • Dover 著 /2006-03-01/
    • This dazzling collection of images, representing the finest in Art Nouveau design, incudes 227 engaging black-and-white images of elaborate panels, borders and vignettes, plus 66 elegant color illustrations of flowers, shells, exotic animals, and other outstanding motifs. A practical, inexpensive source of immediately usable design and an outstanding guide to an artistic style whose popularity remains undiminished.

    • ¥134.8 折扣:8.8折
    • Complete Serenades in Full Score, Series I 莫扎特小夜曲全集Ⅰ
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    • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 编 /1990-01-01/ 北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司
    • Some of Mozart's most enduring and popular music was originally composed for relatively minor occasions--garden parties, weddings, birthdays, home concerts for his friends and the like. Among these compositions were the multi-movement instrumental pieces he called "serenades." Written in the 1770s and 1780s, they include such favorite compositions as Eine kleine Nachtmusik, the Serenata Notturna, A Musical Joke, the "Haffner" Serenade and the "Posthorn" Serenade. This two-volume set contains all of Mozart's notturnns as well as the complete serenades.

    • ¥158.7 折扣:8.8折
    • Big Book of Beginner’s Piano Classics: 75 Favorite Pieces in
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    • Bergerac 等著 /2008-06-01/
    • Beginning pianists of all ages will cherish this excellent compilation of beloved piano classics. Selections include Bach's "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," Chopin's "Funeral March," Tchaikovsky's "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy," Mozart's "Rondo alla Turca" and Beethoven's "Emperor" Concerto, plus compositions by Schubert, Debussy, Handel, Mendelssohn, and others.

    • ¥88 折扣:8.8折
    • ADIDAS 阿迪达斯产品设计
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    • Chen Jiaojiao 等著 /2007-11-01/
    • Brands A-Z is a series that tells the story of independent, creative and alternative brands, with each title delving into the history of chosen brands, reflecting its corporate culture and showcasing it winning designs. The book on Adidas focuses in the definitive advertising campaigns by the brand, charts the creative thinking processes that produced the much-acclaimed campaigns over the years and showcases a series of creative artwork, Brand A-Z: Adidas also features interviews with designers and incorporates the corporate culture of the brand to give the readers an insight into the street wear German brand.This visually stimulating book is a must-have for fans of the brand and also serves as an inspiration for designers and those in the advertising industry.

    • ¥252.8 折扣:9.8折