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    • 认识电影插图第12版【正版图书 无忧售后】
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    • 焦雄屏译 /2017-10-01/ 四川人民出版社
    • 《认识电影》是电影入门书中的经典之作,问世四十多年来,始终是世界各地影视从业人员和主流专业院校的之选,更是电影爱好者不可或缺的手边书。面对电影中复杂的语言系统、构成要素、表意手段,作者划分了现实主义、形式主义两大阵营,用深入浅出、简明扼要的笔触,引出了电影作为艺术、作为工业、作为意识形态等方方面面。 书中穿插以数百幅精美剧照和精辟说明,如美国的史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格、英国的迈克·李、伊朗的阿巴斯以及中国的李安等著名导演的杰作,组成了一道全球电影人的经验光谱。此次修订的第12版,增加了对动画片、喜剧片、科幻片、歌舞片、CG电影的评述,经过精校重排和全书彩印,呈现出更贴近英文原版的风貌。

    • ¥30.18 ¥200.56 折扣:1.5折
    • My First Book of Great Composers My First Book of Great Comp
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    • Bergerac 著 /2004-04-01/ Dover
    • This new gathering of the world's greatest classical themes follows Bergerac's highly successful My First Book of Classical Music. Here are ever-popular themes from the symphonies, concertos, and operas of such masters as Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Chopin, Mozart, Haydn, Tchaikovsky, Verdi, and many others. For children and beginners of any age. Dover Original.

    • ¥47.3 折扣:8.8折
    • 神不在的星期天 05【正版图书,达额减,电子发票】
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    • (日)入江君人著;(日)茨乃绘 /2013-10-01/ 湖南美术出版社
    • 在艾利斯的请求之下,艾一行人前往艾利斯与蒂伊的故乡——欧斯提亚。那里是一个封闭的空间,无止尽地重复着十四年前的那一年。他们试图解开时间循环的怪圈,后来得知这个怪圈与一名学生的死有关。 艾锲而不舍地追寻真相,没想到那名死去的学生竟然是…… 艾利斯渴望“外界”,艾与他有着同样的目标。而蒂伊尽管一直追随艾利斯的脚步,最后仍与他诀别——

    • ¥30.39 ¥61.8 折扣:4.9折
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    • Maitena 著 /2005-01-01/
    • With tender affection, Maitena points out the obsessions of today’s women. Hilarious. Her stories remind us of Woody Allen’s little tragedies and comedies and Bridget Jones’s subtle and sarcastic sense of humor.

    • ¥48 折扣:5折
    • Violin Concerto in E Minor 门德尔松第三交响曲
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    • Felix Mendelssohn 著 /1999-05-01/
    • Long one of the most beloved concertos in the violin repertoire,Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in E Minor features important formal innovations that place it on a par with the most significant works in the genre, including the violin concertos of Beethoven and Brahms.An utterly carefree mood permeates the work, one of the most lyrical of the composer's instrumental pieces. Reproduced here from an authoritative early edition, the score appears with bar-numbered movements. Ideal for study in the class-room, at home, or in the concert hall, this affordable, high-quality,conveniently sized volume will be the edition of choice for music stu-dents and music lovers alike.

    • ¥33.4 折扣:8.8折
    • Viennse Waltzes for Tenor Saxophone That's Easy(维也纳华尔兹和萨克斯)
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    • Music Sales Corporation 著 /1997-02-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • A great selection of waltzes by johann Stravss ll, Jan lvanovici and juventiono Rosas, specially arranged for easy-play tenor saxophone. Complete with chord symbols in concert pitch. Ask your music shop for other great titles in the 7That7s Easy! series,featuring all—time pop hits and chart—topping groups,like The Beatles and Abba,and great classical composers such as Bach,Handel and Beethoven…plus a variety of other musical styles from ballads to blues,from Viennese waltzes to operatic arias.

    • ¥29.9 折扣:8.8折
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    • Sallie Morris,Deh-Ta Hsiung 著 /2001-10-01/
    • The wonderful array of exotic dishes that can be found throughout Asia,from northern Chica and Korea to the Philippines,rely on fresh,regionalingredients,simple preparation and traditional cooking methods。 This in valuable book opens with a guide to the key ingredients used in the Asian kitchen,describing their appearance,flavor and aroma,and offers advice on buying,storing and cooking。 作者简介 Sallie Morris and Deh-Ta Hsiung have combined their knowledge of Chinese and Asian food with their talents as cooks to create more than200 authentic and inspirational recipes。 Each recipe is written with step-by -step instructions to help you achieve perfect results every time。Find out how easy it is to make Vietnamese Rice Paper Rolls,Crispy Wonton Sonton Soup。Red Chicken Chicken Curry with Bamboo Shoots,and Malaysian Coconut Ice Cream。

    • ¥48.4 折扣:8.8折
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    • Jasper Spencer-Smith /1991-07-01/
    • Chinese cooking is renowned for its variety,fresh ingredients and simplicity.With full-color photographs,including step-by-step photography,for each recipe,The Book of Chinese Cooking shows you how to prepare authentic dishes from the different regions of China.

    • ¥48.4 折扣:8.8折
    • Symphony No. 94 贝多芬第八交响曲
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    • Joseph Haydn 著 /2000-03-01/
    • In his monumental "London" symphonies, composed between 1791 and I795, Haydn shaped the early form of the symphony and set the standard for later composers. One of the best-known works from this series, the "Surprise" Symphony, features the elegant structure and polished orchestration for which Haydn is justly famed. The work is reproduced here in full score with bar-numbered movements. Ideal for study in the classroom, at home, or in the concert hall, this affordable, high-quality, conveniently sized volume will be the edition of choice for music students and music lovers alike.

    • ¥26.4 折扣:8.8折
    • Creative Embroidery(中图特价艺术书)
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    • Dilys Blackburn 著 /2011-01-01/
    • British embroiderer Blackburn has taught creative embroideryfor many years and especially enjoys working with beginningstudents of the art. This book distills the content of her classesand is an ideal textbook for the aspiring embroiderer workingalone. Beginning with a chapter on simple stitches, she moves to"pure embroidery," which she defines as "the execution of neatstitching for the sake of the stitch, without the interruption ofadded fabrics or other techniques." Successive chapters coverJacobean embroidery (crewel work), cut work, shadow work, quilting,texture and manipulation, design and presentation, design sources,and free-machine embroidery. Especially interesting are thechapters on painting fabric and on using gardens as inspiration fordesigning original pieces. Ideas for learning projects abound andare illustrated most effectively in full-color photographs. Highlyrecommended for large public library and academic textilecollections. Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc.

    • ¥44.6 折扣:4.5折
    • 玛丽莲.梦露画传 Marilyn Monroe
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    • 本社 编 /2008-01-01/ 北京科文图书业信息技术有限公司
    • During her brief career Marilyn appeared in several classic movies,winning acclaim from the public and critics alike,but despite all her outward success she did not find settled happiness in Hollywood,She frequently played the role of the attractive“dumb blonde”,but as an intenlligent,talented,and complex woman,it was a stereotype from which she would spend much of her life attempting to escape。she was also haunted by the specter of her unsettled childhood,which appeared to translate into restlessness throughout her life,and a series of failed marriages and pregnancies did nothing to shake off her insecurities。images of Marilyn Monroe is a superb collection of photographs that tells the story of Marilyn’s private and professional life,from her first steps in Hollywood,through her relationships with some of America’s most celebrated men,to her success as one of the movie industry’s most bankable stars,covering the highs and lows along the way。

    • ¥45.8 折扣:7.9折
    • LOS SIETE PRINCIPIOS(ISBN=9780307739704) 英文原版
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • John Gottman Ph.D. 著 /2010-11-01/ Random House US
    • John M. Gottman ha revolucionado el estudio del matrimonioutilizando procesos rigurosamente científicos para la observaciónde los hábitos de las parejas a través de muchos a?os en un detallesin precedentes. Aquí está la culminación de una vida de trabajo:los siete principios que guían a las parejas en el camino haciarelaciones duraderas y armoniosas. Directo en su método, pero a lavez profundo en sus resultados, estos principios ense?an asombrosasnuevas estrategias para hacer que el matrimonio funcione. Gottmanayuda a las parejas a concentrarse el uno en el otro, a prestaratención al día a día y a los peque?os detalles que, puestosjuntos, forman el corazón y el alma de cualquier relación.Acompa?ado de ejercicios y cuestionarios prácticos Los sieteprincipios para hacer que el matrimonio funcione es la guíadefinitiva para cualquiera que quiera que su relación alcance sumáximo potencial.

    • ¥45.8 折扣:3.5折
    • 中国民间吉祥纹样少儿美术教育【正版图书,满额减】
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    • 姜霞著;刘忠红 /2004-06-01/ 河南人民出版社
    • 数千年的农耕时代,在看似单调的百姓生活里,深藏着博大沉雄的文化因子。构成了绵延不断的历史信息链,无所不包地传递着中华民族心理的密码,编织出中侉民族所特有的审美追求和伟大的创造精神,至今仍闪烁着璀璨的光华,为当代文化提供着无尽的营养、彰明的昭示和有益的启迪。??????本书着眼于儿童成长的认知规律,在浩瀚的民间美术领域中,根据学科特点,选取了部分“中国民间吉祥纹样”作为美术教育资源之一,从中发掘出一些可被转换成具有现代审美价值和创造意味的美术教育形式,力求以丰富的文化知识内涵发儿童在“读图时代”中的感悟能力,使他们自幼在本民族特质文化的熏陶中,以文化自尊的态度去面对扑逆迷离的信息社会。此书的出版,无疑是对美术课程改革的一次突破性探索,为构建具有中国民族特色的少儿教育带来了许多有益的启

    • ¥43.3 ¥237.7 折扣:1.8折
    • 中国类型电影叙事策略及价值观研究【正版】
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • 路春艳 /2018-12-01/ 北京师范大学出版社
    • 敏锐发现中国电影创作的新现象,把握发展的新趋势,是本选题的特色。新世纪以来随着电影产业规模的持续快速增长,国产商业电影在类型化建设的道路上也取得了长足的进步,近些年在市场上接连创票房奇迹。这些类型电影之所以能够相继取得好的业绩,固然有商业包装、营销推广、档期选择等市场运作手段的原因,但更深层次的原因还在于影片在处理故事题材时的叙事策略以及透过剧情所传达出的价值观。类型电影之所以能发展出各式各样的不同类型,主要就在于不同的类型电影有着不同的叙事套路,在故事题材、角色设置、情节铺陈、叙事结构等方面有着各自鲜明的特色,而不同类型电影所共同组成的主流商业电影,必然会担负起传播社会主流价值观的文化责任与使命。中国商业电影在类型上逐步丰富起来,不同类型的电影陆续获得市场成功,在这种背景

    • ¥43.43 ¥269.41 折扣:1.6折