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    • 潘思同水彩画直观教材选 潘耀昌编 中国美术学院出版社【正版书籍】
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    • 潘耀昌编 /2005-07-01/ 中国美术学院出版社
    • 《中国美术院校教材:潘思同水彩画直观教材选》所介绍的是潘思同20世纪五、六十年代在浙江美术学院水彩画教学中使用的部分直观教材。所谓直观教材就是上课时的图示和示范作品。由于上课的教学时间有限,不可能在课堂里做大量示范,所以在每堂课上课之前,作为备课,潘思同都要针对一、二个问题,画一些直观教材,上面配备必要的文字说明,一方面为了节省时间,另一方面也为了取得视觉效果。在直观教材中,有些图本身就是独立的作品,因此,下课后学生常常争先恐后地拿去观摩、临摹。对这些直观教材,学生反应很好,有些青年教师也常借去作为参考。当时许多同行建议让这些教材印刷出版,但由于当时彩色印刷费用高昂,会大大提高书价,而且印刷质量也大有问题,如果采用黑白图版则大大削弱教材的直观效果,因而始终未能出版面世1993年,“

    • ¥52.63 ¥115.26 折扣:4.6折
    • 不朽的小提琴家
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    • (英)玛格丽特·坎贝尔著;张世祥译;陈珂瑾译 /2015-01-01/ 广西师范大学出版社
    • 《不朽的小提琴家》再现了历史上不朽小提琴家的魅力,简要而有趣地叙述其生活、个性与事业。作者就他们对作曲者、公众品味的影响以及演奏技巧的贡献等各个方面,讲述了这些小提琴家的特殊成就。作者玛格丽特·坎贝尔参阅了大量的书信和私人文件,并且访问许多著名音乐家,很多人为《不朽的小提琴家》提供了从未发表过的回忆录和珍贵照片。《不朽的小提琴家》是一本献给音乐会听众、唱片收藏者(有“唱片目录”)、弦乐演奏者和学生等所有爱好小提琴演奏艺术者的书。

    • ¥65.41 ¥140.82 折扣:4.6折
    • LIFE & DEATH/CLASSICAL MUSIC(ISBN=9781400096589)
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    • Norman Lebrecht 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • In this compulsively readable, fascinating, and provocativeguide to classical music, Norman Lebrecht, one of the world's mostwidely read cultural commentators tells the story of the rise ofthe classical recording industry from Caruso's first notes to theheyday of Bernstein, Glenn Gould, Callas, and von Karajan. Lebrechtcompellingly demonstrates that classical recording has reached itsend point-but this is not simply an expos? of decline and fall. Itis, for the first time, the full story of a minor art form,analyzing the cultural revolution wrought by Schnabel, Toscanini,Callas, Rattle, the Three Tenors, and Charlotte Church. It is thestory of how stars were made and broken by the record business; howa war criminal conspired with a concentration-camp victim to createa record empire; and how advancing technology, boardroom wars,public credulity and unscrupulous exploitation shaped the musicalbackdrop to our modern lives. The book ends with a suitable shrineto classical recording: the author's critical selectio

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • Edward Hopper: 1882-1967 Transformation of the Real (Basic A
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    • Rolf G Renner 著 /1999-08-01/ Taschen
    • Edward Hopper (1882-1967) is considered the first significantAmerican painter in 20th-century art. After decades of patientwork, Hopper enjoyed a success and popularity that since the 1950shas continually grown. In canvas after canvas he painted theloneliness of big-city people. Many of Hopper's pictures representviews of streets and roads, rooftops, and abandoned houses,depicted in a brilliant light that strangely belies the melancholymood of the scenes. Hopper's paintings are marked by strikingjuxtapositions of colour, and by the clear contours with which thefigures are demarcated from their surroundings. His extremelyprecise focus on the theme of modern men and women in the naturaland man-made environment sometimes lends his pictures a mood ofeerie disquiet. On the other hand, Hopper's renderings of rockylandscapes in warm brown hues, or his depictions of the seacoast,exude an unusual tranquillity that reveals another, more optimisticside of his character.

    • ¥61.6 折扣:7.9折
    • TO ENGINEER IS HUMAN(ISBN=9780679734161)
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    • Henry Petroski 编 /1992-03-01/ Random House US
    • The moral of this book is that behind every great engineeringsuccess is a trail of often ignored (but frequently spectacular)engineering failures. Petroski covers many of the best knownexamples of well-intentioned but ultimately failed design in action-- the galloping Tacoma Narrows Bridge (which you've probably seentossing cars willy-nilly in the famous black-and-white footage),the collapse of the Kansas City Hyatt Regency Hotel walkways -- andmany lesser known but equally informative examples. The line ofreasoning Petroski develops in this book were later formalized intohis quasi-Darwinian model of technological evolution in TheEvolution of Useful Things , but this book is arguably the moreilluminating -- and defintely the more enjoyable -- of these twotitles. Highly recommended.

    • ¥69 折扣:5折
    • Paul Cezanne, 1839-1906: Pioneer of Modernism (Taschen Basic
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    • Ulrike Becks-Malorny 著 /2001-01-01/ Taschen
    • He was the founding father of modern art, the grand master who pointed painting forward on its way from Impressionism to the 20th century: Paul Cezanne (1839-1906). In Paris, but above all in Provence, he quested tirelessly for "a harmony parallel to nature" - discovering it in still lifes of apples, in bathers, or in the renowned landscapes of his beloved Montagne Sainte-Victoire. This book discusses this extraordinary artist's major works and his theories of painting and colour.

    • ¥61.6 折扣:7.9折
    • FOXFIRE 45TH ANNIVERSARY BOOK(ISBN=9780307742599) 英文原版
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    • Inc. Foxfire Fund 著 /2011-08-01/ Random House US
    • For almost half a century, Foxfire has brought the philosophyof simple living to hundreds of thousands of readers, teachingcreative self-sufficiency and preserving the stories, crafts, andcustoms of Appalachia. Inspiring and practical, this classicseries has become an American institution. The Foxfire 45th Anniversary Book continues the beloved traditionof celebrating a simpler life, this time with a focus onAppalachian music, folk legends, and a history full of outsizedpersonalities. We hear the encouraging life stories of banjoplayers, gospel singers, and bluegrass musicians who reminisceabout their first time playing at the Grand Ole Opry; we shiver atthe spine-tingling collection of tall tales, from ghosts born oflong-ago crimes to rumors of giant catfish that lurk at the bottomof lakes and quarries; we recollect the Farm Family Program thatsustained and educated Appalachian families for almost fifty years,through the Depression and beyond; and we learn the time-honoredskills of those who ca

    • ¥57.8 折扣:3.5折
    • Made in France
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Reed Darmon 著 /2009-03-01/
    • Made in France celebrates the innovative and experimental design sophisticated style and rich artistry of French popular culture. Reed Darmon has created a beautiful and inspiring collection of vintage French design from the past century. The hundreds of images packed into this delightfully compact book include movie caf and travel posters book and magazine covers advertisements music albums household product packaging fashion items toys and other colorful and irresistible ephemera. A stylish object and graphic essay in one Made in France is an extraordinary glimpse into the heart of French popular culture. Tr s chic!

    • ¥61.6 折扣:8.8折
    • 美味巧克力(80种做法)THE BOOK OF CHOCOLATE
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    • Carole Tennant 著 /2004-09-01/ 上海蓝泉外文图书有限公司
    • Everybody loves chocolate and this delicious book contains eighty heavenly recipes including cakes,puddings, ice cream, sauces, sweets, cookies, and drinks.There are favorites such as Rich Chocolate Ice Cream,Chocolate Pecan Pie, and Feather Light Tiramsu, as well as sophisticated delights such as Chocolate Brandy Creams, Chocolate and Lemon Bread Pudding, and Honey Chocolate Fondue. Each recipe has step-by-step instructions, illustrated by full-color photography, making it easy to prepare sweet chocolate treats to impress your friends and family, all year round!

    • ¥52.5 折扣:5.5折
    • How Artists See America(ISBN=9780789207722)
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    • Colleen Carroll 著 /2002-04-01/ Perseus
    • Abbeville Kids expands its award-winning series ofinteractive, inquiry-based books designed to teach children aboutthe world by looking at art, and about art by looking at the world.Each volume in this innovative best-selling series, with over200,000 in print, is devoted to a subject that every child alreadyknows from personal experience. In How Artists See America, sixteenworks of art show the many different ways a selection of greatartists--from Winslow Homer and Childe Hassam to Georgia O'Keeffeand Romare Bearden--have perceived the breathtaking variety oflandscapes and the diversity of people living in the four majorregions of the United States. Author Colleen Carroll's engaging,conversational text is filled with thought-provoking questions andimaginative activities that spark children's natural curiosity bothabout the subject of the artwork and about the way it was created.This direct, interactive approach to art--and to theworld--promotes self-exploration, self-discovery, andself-expression. As i

    • ¥56 折扣:5折
    • Girls' Guide To Elvis, The(ISBN=9780767911887)
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    • Kim Adelman 著 /2002-07-01/ Random House US
    • Can’t get enough of the King? A lively romp through all thingsPresley, this sassy guide covers what you really want toknow about the man who continues to leave generations of females“All Shook Up.” “It’s just like being in junior high again. This book offers thescoop on Elvis’s way with women–the wives, the girlfriends, thescreaming fans–and leaves plenty of room for ever important hairand wardrobe discussions...[and] films and concert highlightstoo.”– Time The first book explicitly fashioned forElvis Presley’s largest fan base, The Girls’ Guide to Elvis offers a fabulously fun look at the man who begged us to love himtender. This kitschy, dishy, gossip-filled guidebook is packed withnever-before-seen photographs and tasty tidbits about the King ofRock and Roll and his insatiable appetite for females, finery, andgood old down-home food. Discover Elvis’s bedroom do’s anddon’ts. Dig into details about his relationships with Priscilla,Ann-Margret, and Na

    • ¥56 折扣:5折
    • Temperament(ISBN=9780375703300)
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Stuart Isacoff 著 /2011-11-01/ Random House US
    • Few music lovers realize that the arrangement of notes ontoday’s pianos was once regarded as a crime against God and nature,or that such legendary thinkers as Pythagoras, Plato, da Vinci,Galileo, Kepler, Descartes, Newton and Rousseau played a role inthe controversy. Indeed, from the time of the Ancient Greeksthrough the eras of Renaissance scientists and Enlightenmentphilosophers, the relationship between the notes of the musicalscale was seen as a key to the very nature of the universe. In this engaging and accessible account, Stuart Isacoff leads usthrough the battles over that scale, placing them in the context ofquarrels in the worlds of art, philosophy, religion, politics andscience. The contentious adoption of the modern tuning system knownas equal temperament called into question beliefs that hadlasted nearly two millenia–and also made possible the music ofBeethoven, Schubert, Chopin, Debussy, and all who followed. Filledwith original insights, fascinating anecdotes, and portraits ofsome of th

    • ¥65 折扣:5折
    • Complete Bagatelles for Piano 贝多芬小夜曲全集:钢琴演奏
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    • Ludwig van Beethoven 著 /2008-06-01/
    • Ranging from easy to intermediate level, these popular pieces display a wide variety of moods and musical ideas and are favorites with students and accomplished pianists alike. This affordable volume presents all 27 of the composer's bagatelles, including the well-loved "Für Elise," reprinted from authoritative editions.

    • ¥66.9 折扣:8.8折
    • Hit the Spot!(恰到好处)
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    • Denise Austin 著 /1997-01-01/ Scribner
    • Hit the Spot! is a complete program to target and tone your problem areas, written in an upbeat, easy-to-follow style by America's #1 fitness authority, Denise Austin. . Denise Austin has spent her career helping people get energetic and fit, and now she zeroes in on the problem areas that cause the most concern for people. .. Denise offers positive thoughts and tips for success, including exercises you can do to lose inches from hips, thighs, waist, and other areas, as well as advice on clothes that make you look thinner instantly. She even includes a seven-day diet to improve the look of specific areas of your body. Don't be afraid to wear that sexy suit on the beach this summer...Hit the Spot! 作者简介: At 5'4" and II 2 pounds, Denise Austin has been dubbed "America's favorite fitness expert." Born on February 13, 1957, Denise grew up in San Pedro, California. She started gymnastics at the age of twelve and earned an athletic scholarship to the University of Arizona, graduating in 1979

    • ¥50.4 折扣:4.5折
    • Stradivari'S Genius(ISBN=9780375760853) 英文原版
    •   ( 15 条评论 )
    • Toby Faber 著 /2011-12-01/ Random House US
    • Antonio Stradivari (1644—1737) was a perfectionist whosesingle-minded pursuit of excellence changed the world of music. Inthe course of his long career in the northern Italian city ofCremona, he created more than a thousand stringed instruments;approximately six hundred survive, their quality unequalled by anysubsequent violin-maker. In this fascinating book, Toby Fabertraces the rich, multilayered stories of six of these peerlesscreations–five violins and a cello–and the one towering artist whobrought them into being. Blending history, biography, meticulousdetective work, and an abiding passion for music, Faber takes usfrom the salons of Vienna to the concert halls of New York, andfrom the breakthroughs of Beethoven’s last quartets to the firstphonographic recordings. This magnificent narrative invites us toshare the life, the intrigue, and the incomparable beauty of theworld’s most marvelous stringed instruments.

    • ¥65 折扣:5折
    • Giotto A Central Figure of the Early Renaissance 乔托作品集 97838
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    • Norbert Wolf 著 /2006-10-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • A central figure of the Early Renaissance According to legend, he was discovered by Cimabue as a boy, sketching his father’s sheep. Giotto di Bodone (1266-1337) was the most famous and influential painter of his generation in Italy. As the pioneer of modern painting, his impact was so enormous that his artist colleagues in Florence, however capable, were left struggling to keep up. His services were engaged by numerous high officials and princes, including the Pope and his cardinals, King Robert of Anjou, and the Scaligeri and Visconti. All these works, including the large secular cycles, are lost. Amongst his surviving works, his masterpieces are undoubtedly his decoration, from 1303 to 1305, of the private chapel built by the financier Enrico Scrovegni for his family in a former Roman amphitheatre in Padua, the fresco cycle in the Upper Church of Assisi, and the frescos in side chapels of Santa Croce in Florence. The simplicity and strength of his forms, as well as the humanism he infused in his works, s

    • ¥61.6 折扣:7.9折