Now in paperback–the debut cookbook from the beloved Italiancook, restaurateur, and public television personality. Lidia Bastianich is famous for her Italian-American cooking, butthis cookbook–her first–captures the distinctive cuisine of hernative Istria, located on Italy’s northeastern Adriatic coast nearthe border of the former Yugoslavia. This book is also her mostpersonal; in addition to the recipes, she has included numerouspersonal stories, memories, and photographs from herchildhood. With La Cucina di Lidia, you can savor antipasti such as Polentawith Fontina and Mushrooms or Shrimp and Mixed Bean Salad. Rice andpastas include Plum Gnocchi, Risotto with Squash Blossoms, andZucchini and Tagliatelle with Leek Sauce. Entrées feature fish(Swordfish in Sweet and Sour Sauce), fowl (Roast Chicken withRosemary and Orange), meat (Stuffed Breast of Veal), and game (DuckRoasted with Sauerkraut). Desserts range from Chocolate ZabaglioneCake to Apple-Custard Tart. Here is an Itali
Part memoir, part guidebook, part cookbook, and all partshilarious, Two for the Road shares the lessons the Sterns havelearned during thirty years of sampling regional fare on America'sback roads. If you want a great restaurant, forget the YellowPages, ask the local cop--and avoid anything that calls itself"world famous." Sure bets are places with a giant plastic pig onthe roof or pictures of Jesus on the walls. As the Sterns searchfor the Holy Grail of barbecue, they relate achingly funnyadventures and misadventures, and what emerges is a big picture ofAmerica, revealing exotic eating customs that flourish right underour noses.
Now you can re-create the best and most inventive sandwichesin America right in your own kitchen. In this eating tour of thenation, those gurus of the road, Jane and Michael Stern, hunt downnearly 100 examples of supreme sandwichery. You'll enjoymouthwatering discoveries from nearly every state, from California(grilled Gruycre with leeks on multigrain from a neighborhoodbakery in Los Angeles) to Maine (an overflowing, warm lobster rollfrom a seaside diner) to Florida (a Cuban: ham, pork, Swiss, andgarlicky salami with pickles, lettuce, and tomato). The Sterns havetracked down America's best muffuletta (cold cuts and cheese toppedwith a bold and briny olive salad on Italian bread) and thespecialty of Louisville, Kentucky (the Hot Brown: white turkey meatunder sizzling cheese with tomato and bacon), not to be confusedwith Hot Truck (a hot pizza sub baked open-face, a campus sensationin Ithaca, New York). Each of the legendary heroes, hoagies, wraps,grinders, blimps, gyros, and subs comes with its own qui
From the author of French Women Don't Get Fat, the #1 NationalBestseller, comes an essential guide to the art of joyful living—inmoderation, in season, and, above all, with pleasure. Together with a bounty of new dining ideas and menus, MireilleGuiliano offers us fresh, cunning tips on style, grooming, andentertaining. Here are four seasons' worth of strategies forshopping, cooking, and exercising, as well as some pointers forlooking effortlessly chic. Taking us from her childhood inAlsace-Lorraine to her summers in Provence and her busy life in NewYork and Paris, this wise and witty book shows how anyone anywherecan develop a healthy, holistic lifestyle.
This isn't a diet book. This is a book about plates. And the twisted conspiracy that ismaking our country fat. FACT :: 95 percent of dieters regain the weight after fiveyears. FACT :: The average American dinner plate has grown from 9 inchesin diameter to 12 inches since 1970. FACT :: As a result, we’re now consuming more than 300 excesscalories per day. FACT :: Our bodies have kept pace growing with our plates. CURE :: A return to 9-inch dinner plates. Behold The 9-Inch "Diet."
Ten years ago, Colbin's Food and Healing stood at theforefront of the food revolution, exploring the link between dietand health. In this anniversary edition, she provides updates onrecent dietary systems, including low-fat, food combining, andalternative medicine.
For the Trigianis, cooking has always been a family affair–andthe kitchen was the bustling center of their home, where folksgathered around the table for good food, good conversation, and theoccasional eruption. Example: Being thrown out of the kitchenbecause one’s Easter bread kneading technique isn’t up to par. AsAdriana says: “When the Trigianis reach out and touch someone, wedo it with food.” Like the recipes that have been handed down forgenerations from mother to daughter and grandmother togranddaughter, the family’s celebrations are also anchored to thelife and laughter around the table. We learn how Grandmom YolandaTrigiani sometimes wrote her recipes in code, or worked frommemory, guarding her recipes carefully. And we meet Grandma LuciaBonicelli, who never raised her voice and believed that when peoplefight at the dinner table, the food turns to poison in thebody. Adriana Trigiani’s voice springs to life from the first page ofCooking with My Sisters, a collection of belove
What's the secret to making foolproof friands? How do you bakethe perfect piped cookie dough pinwheel? And what puts the snap inthe very best ginger snaps? Find out in "Field Guide to Cookies", ahandy pocket reference to more than 100 cookie recipes, completewith the fascinating historical background (the first known recipefor brownies was published in the 1897 Sears, Roebuck Catalogue),season (April 9 is Chinese Almond Cookie Day), and helpful bakingnotes for each delicious variety, from traditional favourites tomore exotic concoctions from all over the world. Including drop,bar, piped, rolled, puffed, sandwich, savoury, and mouldedvarieties, every cookie is illustrated in glorious full colour,with step-by-step instructions on how to prepare, bake, serve, andstore your creations. Gooey, delicious, home-baked confections arejust minutes away with "Field Guide to Cookies" in your pantry!
Americans are drinking more alcoholic beverages than ever, andalmost 30 percent of tipplers name wine as their drink of choice.Recent studies have touted the health benefits of wine-drinking. Sowhy is wine so intimidating? The sheer numbers and types of wines?The wine snobs with their arcane terminology? The French with theirinsufferable Frenchiness? Demystifying oenophilia and offering more than a few laughs alongthe way, Jennifer Rosen’s THE CORK JESTER?’S GUIDE TO WINE is acollection of fast, funny anecdotes and informative lessons sure toentertain both the vintage idiot and the savvy sipper. In the book’s introduction, Rosen offers a typically frankexplanation of her approach: "A wise winemaker told me, ‘Drinkingwine with a sommelier is like making love to a gynecologist: it’sbetter if they don?’t tell you everything they know.’ Instead, Ioffer a series of bite-sized stories; Trojan horses filled withfacts programmed to infiltrate and lodge in your brain, with noeffort on
Go ahead. Get passionate about the food you eat. You don’t have to hide it. You can love food and lose weight atthe same time! The secret, which you’ll learn about in Love Foodand Live Well, is to know when to have carrot cake and when it’stime for just a carrot. For most dieters, food is the daunting factor that trips up ourbest intentions to lose weight and get fit. Let Chantel Hobbs teachyou that food is not the enemy! It’s our attitudes toward it thatdefeat us. Losing weight does not require being deprived of thefoods you love and being forced to eat boring, tasteless meals, andleft feeling hungry most of the time. Turn food into your ally byfollowing Chantel’s 80/20 rule: A full 20 percent of the time,splurge on the foods you love and incorporate them intocelebrations and social occasions. The remaining 80 percent of thetime, choose food on the basis of delivering maximum fuel for yourbody and ultimate health. Simply by having freedom in what you eat,you can train yourself in
"I want my wines to tell a good story. I want them naturaland most of all, like my dear friends, I want them to speak thetruth even if we argue," says Alice Feiring. Join her as she setsoff on her one-woman crusade against the tyranny of homogenization,wine consultants, and, of course, the 100-point scoring system of acertain all-powerful wine writer. Traveling through the ancientvineyards of the Loire and Champagne, to Piedmont and Spain, shegoes in search of authentic barolo, the last old-style rioja, andthe tastiest new terroir-driven champagnes. She reveals just whatgoes into the average bottle--the reverse osmosis, the yeasts andenzymes, the sawdust and oak chips--and why she doesn’t find muchto drink in California. And she introduces rebel winemakers who areembracing old-fashioned techniques and making wines withindividuality and soul. No matter what your palate, travel the wine world with Feiringand you’ll have to ask yourself: What do I really want in myglass?
Clotilde Dusoulier is a twenty-seven-year-old Parisian whoadores sharing her love of all things food-related—recipes,inspirations, restaurant experiences, and above all the pleasure ofcooking with the fresh ingredients found in her local Montmartreshops. But her infatuation with food was born not in her mother’sParisian kitchen, but in San Francisco, where she moved aftercollege and discovered a new world of tastes. When she returned toher beloved France, her culinary exploits inspired her popular andcritically acclaimed blog, In her first book, Dusoulier provides a glimpse into the life ofa young Parisian as she savors all that the city has to offer andshares her cooking philosophy in the form of more than 75 recipesthat call for healthy ingredients (such as zucchini) and moreindulgent tastes (such as chocolate). The Los Angeles Times callsher recipes "simple, charming, and fun." Appetizers such as Cumin Cheese Puffs, sandwiches and tarts likeTomato Tatin, sou
Kathleen Daelemans's inspiring story is familiar to millionsof readers and TV viewers. After creating a new cuisine for one ofthe world's most luxurious spas, the Grand Wailea, in Maui, Hawaii,she earned rave reviews from the New York Times, Bon Apptit, theLos Angeles Times, and Esquire. In the process, she herself lost 75pounds, dropping all the way down from a size 22 to a trim and fitsize 8. Now she tells how she did it, sharing tips and favoriterecipes for her outrageously delicious food. Kathleen, who is afrequent contributor to NBC's Today Show, is also the author ofGetting Thin and Loving Food!
31-year-old Nancy Trejos was supposed to be an expert onhandling her money - after all, she's the personal financecolumnist for one of the nation's leading newspapers, TheWashington Post . But a few months ago, she found herself inher own dire financial straits. Faced with a mountain of bills,debt, and no way to pay her rent, she was forced to call herparents to ask them for a loan. That night was a wake-up call - shevowed to get herself out of debt and into financial solvency. In Hot Broke Messes , Trejos takes readers along with heron her journey. She meets with a financial planner and a therapistto deal with all the issues young people face today - from creditcard debt and student loans, to impulse buying and emotionalspending, to the cost of having a social life, to buying a housewith someone during a potentially impermanent relationship andmore. Trejos learns what causes these problems in herself, how shecan fix them, and how she can pass that advice on to other youngpeople going through the same exp
Witty, one-of-a-kind imaginative cupcake designs using candiesfrom the local convenience store. America's favorite foodphotography team, responsible for the covers of America's topmagazines, shows how to create funny, scary, and sophisticatedmasterpieces, using a zipper lock bag and common candies and snackitems.With these easy-to-follow techniques, even the mostkitchen-challenged cooks can - raise a big-top circus cupcake tierfor a kid's birthday - plant candy vegetables on Oreo earthcupcakes for a garden party - trot out a line of confectionery"pupcakes" for a dog fancier - serve sausage and pepperoni pizzacupcakes for April Fool's Day - bewitch trick-or-treaters withchilly ghost chocolate cupcakes - create holidays on icing withturkey cupcake place cards, a white cupcake Christmas wreath, andEaster egg cupcakes No baking skills or fancy pastry equipment isrequired. Spotting the familiar items in the hundreds of brilliantphotos is at least half the fun.
Jeanne Rose is one of America's best known herbalists andKitchen Cosmetics is her most intimate guide to natural health andbeauty. Over 100 of Jeanne's favorite recipes and tips provide safeand simple applications created by Jeanne for her own family'sneeds. Based on common kitchen and garden ingredients - from yogurtto berries to rosemary - these lotions, creams, and othermoisturizers, masks, teas, toothpastes, deodorants, shampoos, andconditioners are easily prepared in the home. Shopping suggestions,herbal cosmetic techniques for the whole body, and fascinatingherbal lore make Kitchen Cosmetics a valuable and charming guide tonatural beauty and health care. Since its publication in 1978, Kitchen Cosmetics has become theleading title in home preparation of natural cosmetics. It is usedby apartment dwellers who buy herbs, gardeners who tend a few potsin sunny windows, and gardeners with spacious beds...a steadilygrowing number of people who want to 'take back' the pleasure ofworking with herbs themselves -
Salmonella-tainted tomatoes, riots, and skyrocketing pricesare only the latest in a series of food-related crises that haveilluminated the failures of the modern food system. In "The End ofFood, "Paul Roberts investigates this system and presents astartling truth--how we make, market, and transport our food is nolonger compatible with the billions of consumers the system wasbuilt to serve. The emergence of large-scale and efficient foodproduction forever changed our relationship with food andultimately left a vulnerable and paradoxical system in place.High-volume factory systems create new risks for food-borneillness; high-yield crops generate grain, produce, and meat ofdeclining nutritional quality; and while nearly a billion peopleare overweight, roughly as many people are starving. In this vividnarrative, Roberts presents clear, stark visions of the future andhelps us prepare to make the necessary decisions to survive thedemise of food production as we know it.
The extremes of American eating--our equal urges to stuff and tostarve ourselves--are easy to blame on the excesses of modernliving. But Frederick Kaufman followed the winding road of theAmerican intestine back to that cold morning when the firstfamished Pilgrim clambered off the Mayflower, and he discovered thealarming truth: We've been this way all along. With outraged witand an incredible range of sources that includes everything fromCotton Mather's diary to interviews with Amish black-marketraw-milk dealers, Kaufman offers a highly selective,take-no-prisoners tour of American history by way of the Americanstomach. Travel with him as he tracks down our earliest foodies;discovers the secret history of Puritan purges; introduces dietgurus of the nineteenth century such as William Alcott, whobelieved that "Nothing ought to be mashed before it is eaten";traces extreme feeders from Paul Bunyan to eating-contest champDale Boone (descended from Daniel, of course); and investigates ourblithe efforts to re-create
A history of the landmark case of James Earl Gideon's fightfor the right to legal counsel. Notes, table of cases, index. Theclassic backlist bestseller. More than 800,000 sold since its firstpub date of 1964.