
  • 49-69元
  • 7折以上
仅五星 以上 以上 以上 以上
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Anne Bruce 著 /2002-11-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Think about the managers who most influenced your career. They were successful because they infused employees--and organizations--with passion for work and motivation to achieve. 24 Ways to Motivate Every Employee provides two dozen creative and ready-to-use tools and techniques for ensuring that same enthusiasm, energy, and employee morale. 作者简介: Anne Bruce,is a nationally recognized speaker and workshop leader. She has written a number of books, including Building a High Morale Workplace,Motivating Employees, and others.

    • ¥53.7 折扣:7.9折
    • The Oil Factor 石油因素
    •   ( 1 条评论 )
    • Stephen Leeb 等著 /2008-01-01/ 艺洲
    • A storm is coming, a turbulent new era in which the planet's supply of oil will be overtaken by demand. Fuel prices will soar and inflation will skyrocket-but with this guide, two leading financial strategists show you how to weather the worst of it, and even capture impressive returns. With the help of the author's 'all season' Oil Indicator, you'll learn how to choose the right investments for any market environment, as you discover; why oil and natural gas stocks should be core holdings in every investor's portfolio, why a cautious buy-and-hold strategy is a sure monet loser, why conventional 'safe' stocks are really the riskiest, why gold may be on the verge of a historic bull run, how the global oil wars make defense stocks a premium buy, where to find the best bets in the field of alternative energy, how to profit from real estate without actually owning any.

    • ¥52.8 折扣:8.8折
    • Freakonomics (New Edition) 魔鬼经济学(新版) ISBN9780061956270
    •   ( 34 条评论 )
    • Steven D. Levitt Stephen J. Dubner 著 /2010-01-01/ HarperCollins
    • In the summer of 2003, the New York Times Magazine sent Stephen J. Dubner, an author and journalist, to write a profile of Steven D. Levitt, a heralded young economist at the University of Chicago. Levitt was not remotely interested in the things that interest most economists. More... Instead, he studied the riddles of everyday lifefrom cheating to crime to child-rearingand his conclusions turned the conventional wisdom on its head. For instance, he argued that one of the main causes of the crime drop of the 1990s was the legalization of abortion twenty years earlier. (Unwanted children have a greater likelihood of becoming criminals; with so many unwanted children being aborted in the 1970s, the pool of potential criminals had significantly shrunk by the 1990s.) The Times article yielded an unprecedented response, a deluge of interest from thousands of curious, inspired, and occasionally distraught readers. Levitt and Dubner collaborated on a book that gives full play to Levitts most compelling ideas.

    • ¥57.9 折扣:9.3折
    • 魔鬼经济学Freakonmics(Rivised) 9780141030081
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Steven D. Levitt Stephen J. Dubner 著 /2006-03-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • How can your name affect how well you do in life? What do estate agents and the Ku Klux Klan have in common? Why do drug dealers live with their mothers? The answer: Freakonomics. It s at the heart of everything we do and the things that affect us daily: from sex to crime, parenting to politics, fat to cheating, fear to traffic jams. And we can use it to get to the heart of what s really happening under the surface of everyday life. This cult bestseller will show you how, by unravelling your life s secret codes, you can discover a totally new way of seeing the world.

    • ¥64.2 折扣:8.8折
    • 丑陋的美国人:为巨额利润而操纵亚洲市场的艾维里格牛仔们Ugly Americans
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Ben Mezrich 著 /2004-12-01/ 音像供货
    • Though the names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent, this is a true story, containing all the ingredients of a great narrative—a main character the reader can relate to, an appealing love interest, money, danger, the need for acceptance, suspense and even the realization (in some form) of the American dream. Mezrich (Bringing Down the House) presents wanna-be financial star "John Malcolm," who accepts a nebulous job offer in Japan in the mid-1990s and leaves his middle-class New Jersey postcollege aimless existence for an adventure he might have dreamed of had he any idea of what the big boys' world of finance was really like. After hitting the ground at top speed from day one, John and his cohorts—all male, mostly Ivy League graduates—learn their way around the lucrative, fast-paced and legal-but-barely-palatable world of cowboy-style Asian market finance. In the process, they make millions (sometimes per trade) and pride themselves on knowing when to get in and how to spot their exit poi

    • ¥54.6 折扣:8.8折
    • Freakonomics A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of E
    •   ( 42 条评论 )
    • Steven D. Levitt Stephen J. Dubner 著 /1970-01-01/ Penguin
    • How can your name affect how well you do in life? What do estateagents and the Ku Klux Klan have in common? Why do drug dealerslive with their mothers? The answer: Freakonomics. It’s at theheart of everything we do and the things that affect us daily: fromsex to crime, parenting to politics, fat to cheating, fear totraffic jams. And we can use it to get to the heart of what’sreally happening under the surface of everyday life. This cultbestseller will show you how, by unravelling your life’s secretcodes, you can discover a totally new way of seeing the world.

    • ¥53.7 折扣:7.9折
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • JIM HARRIS, Ph.D. 著 /2004-12-01/ 上海蓝泉外文图书有限公司
    • What makes an employee great? According to Harris and Brannick, great employees are those who match the culture of the company they work for and whose personal values align with the organization’s core purpose. Finding & Keeping Great Employees identifies four basic organizational purposes—operational excellence, customer service, unleashing technology, and spirit. By focusing on one of these as their core purpose and using it to drive their selection and retention strategies, organizations will gain a long-term competitive advantage and create a workplace full of self-motivated employees who are highly purpose driven. Based on research into best practices at more than 250 companies, this breakthrough book shares how some of today’s most progressive organizations are doing just that—and shutting down the revolving door—by leveraging their core purpose and corporate culture to attract and retain great employees. Written in a crisp, reader-friendly style, with numerous examples and case st

    • ¥55.4 折扣:8.8折
    • ChinaEconomist March 2006
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 金碚 主编 /2006-03-01/ 经济管理出版社
    • Chinese economy has been growing briskly over the last two decades and more.It is also changing global economic pattern forcefully and rapidly. It seems that the world is caught ill prepared for the dramatic changes in China.This makes it all the more necessary for China to know itself and the world better,and for the world to understand China more.In that sense,to study China and discover the worldwide impact of the Chinese phenomenon is a global topic.Howerever,devspite the fact that learning Chinese as a foreign language is coming in vogue throughout the world,by far few foreigners can read Chinese without difficulty.CHINA ECONOMIST,therefore,comes in handy for our foreign readers as an English periodical that focuses on economics and business management as well as other fields of social sciences in China. Specifically,CHINA ECONOMIST takes it upon itself to inform the world of the latest academic progress in Chinese economics and business management,to publish original academic papers and research

    • ¥63.2 折扣:7.9折
    • Freakonmics 魔鬼经济学
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Steven D. Levitt (作者), Stephen J. Dubner 作者 /2009-08-01/ 音像供货
    • In the summer of 2003, the New York Times Magazine sent Stephen J. Dubner, an author and journalist, to write a profile of Steven D. Levitt, a heralded young economist at the University of Chicago. Levitt was not remotely interested in the things that interest most economists. More... Instead, he studied the riddles of everyday lifefrom cheating to crime to child-rearingand his conclusions turned the conventional wisdom on its head. For instance, he argued that one of the main causes of the crime drop of the 1990s was the legalization of abortion twenty years earlier. (Unwanted children have a greater likelihood of becoming criminals; with so many unwanted children being aborted in the 1970s, the pool of potential criminals had significantly shrunk by the 1990s.) The Times article yielded an unprecedented response, a deluge of interest from thousands of curious, inspired, and occasionally distraught readers. Levitt and Dubner collaborated on a book that gives full play to Levitts most compelling ideas. Th

    • ¥52.8 折扣:8.8折
    • Think & Grow Rich(思考致富 圣经-拉美人如何致富)
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Napoleon Hill 著 /1987-05-01/ 连思
    • This book contains money-making secrets that can change your life. THINK AND GROW RICH, based on the author's famed LAW OF SUCCESS, represents the distilled wisdom of distinguished men of great wealth and achievement. Andrew Carnegie's magic formula for success was the direct inspiration for this book. Carnegie demonstrated its soundness when his coaching brought fortunes to those young men to whom he had disclosed his secret. This book will teach you that secret--and the secrets of other great men like him. It will show you not only WHAT TO DO but HOW TO DO IT. If you learn and apply the simple basic techniques revealed here, you will have mastered the secret of true and lasting success. AND YOU MAY HAVE WHATEVER YOU WANT IN LIFE.

    • ¥63.4 折扣:8.8折
    • What the Dog Saw狗眼看世界 (9780316084659)
    •   ( 45 条评论 )
    • 本社 编 /2013-11-01/ Hachette
    • What is the difference between choking and panicking?Why are there dozens of varieties of mustard but only one variety of ketchup?What call we learn from football players about how to hire teachers?What does hair dye teU US about the history ofthe twentieth century? In the past decade,Malcolm Gladwell has written three books that have radically changed how we understand our world and ourselves.Now he brings together,for the first time,the best of his writing from The New Yorker over the same period.

    • ¥49.5 折扣:7.5折
    • The Ascent Of Money 货币的崛起 9780141035482
    •   ( 9 条评论 )
    • 尼尔·弗格森 (Niall Ferguson) 著 /2009-06-01/ Penguin
    • Bread, cash, dosh, dough, loot. Call it what you like, it matters now more than ever. In "The Ascent of Money", Niall Ferguson shows that finance is the foundation of all human progress and the lifeblood of history. From the cash injection that funded the Italian Renaissance to the stock market bubble that sparked the French Revolution, from the bonds that fueled Britain's war effort to the Wall Street Crash and today's meltdown, this is the story of boom and bust as it's never been told before. Whether you're scraping by or rolling in it, there's no better time to understand the ascent of money.

    • ¥60 折扣:7.9折
    • (30天赢得雇员的信任与忠诚)30 Days To A Happy Employee
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Dottie Bruce Gandy 著 /2001-12-01/ Scribner
    • It's not more money, bigger offices, better benefts, or flextime. Recent surveys reveal that the number one reason employees quit their jobs is that theydon't feel valued on a human level. Growing employment opportunities and the lure of Internet companies have brought this problem to near crisis level. Now, Dottie Gandy, a former regional director with the Franklin Covey Company, provides a simple, principle-based solution that will work to solve the problem in any business. In this clear, straightfoward book, she gives us a step-by-step plan that managers can implement immediately and which yields compelling results, including:

    • ¥49.3 折扣:8.8折
    • Freakonomics(New Edition)魔鬼经济学(新版)
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Steven D. Levitt Stephen J. Dubner 著 /2010-01-01/ 音像供货
    • In the summer of 2003, the New York Times Magazine sent Stephen J. Dubner, an author and journalist, to write a profile of Steven D. Levitt, a heralded young economist at the University of Chicago. Levitt was not remotely interested in the things that interest most economists. More... Instead, he studied the riddles of everyday lifefrom cheating to crime to child-rearingand his conclusions turned the conventional wisdom on its head. For instance, he argued that one of the main causes of the crime drop of the 1990s was the legalization of abortion twenty years earlier. (Unwanted children have a greater likelihood of becoming criminals; with so many unwanted children being aborted in the 1970s, the pool of potential criminals had significantly shrunk by the 1990s.) The Times article yielded an unprecedented response, a deluge of interest from thousands of curious, inspired, and occasionally distraught readers. Levitt and Dubner collaborated on a book that gives full play to Levitts most compelling ideas.

    • ¥56.3 折扣:8.8折
    • The Oil Factor: Protect Yourself from the Coming Energy Cris
    •   ( 2 条评论 )
    • Stephen Leeb 等著 /2008-01-01/ 艺洲
    • A storm is coming, a turbulent new era in which the planet's supply of oil will be overtaken by demand. Fuel prices will soar and inflation will skyrocket-but with this guide, two leading financial strategists show you how to weather the worst of it, and even capture impressive returns. With the help of the author's 'all season' Oil Indicator, you'll learn how to choose the right investments for any market environment, as you discover; why oil and natural gas stocks should be core holdings in every investor's portfolio, why a cautious buy-and-hold strategy is a sure monet loser, why conventional 'safe' stocks are really the riskiest, why gold may be on the verge of a historic bull run, how the global oil wars make defense stocks a premium buy, where to find the best bets in the field of alternative energy, how to profit from real estate without actually owning any. 作者简介: Stephen Leeb is the president of Leeb Capital Management, the editor of The Complete Investor, and the author of four pr

    • ¥62.8 折扣:9.5折
    • 日本还有竞争力吗 CAN JAPAN COMPETE
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • Michael, Porter 著 /1998-12-01/ Oversea Publishing House
    • Can Japan Competeg. will change the way we understand Japan's economic performance, and the way we think about competitiveness in any economy. Until recent years, Japan was seen as the world's most invincible economic power-where a postwar economic 'miracle' transformed the nation from poverty to fabulous wealth. Defying economic theory, Japan was credited with creating a system that was both more egalitarian and more efficient than the capitalism of the West. So, what went so terribly wrong? In Can Japan Compete?, the world's leading thinker on competitive strategy, Michael Porter, and his colleagues, Hirotaka Takeuchi and Mariko Sakakibara, draw upon a decade of research to untangle the mystery of Japan's economic difficulties. Doing so is critical to forecasting Japan's economic future, which is of enormous importance to companies and countries everywhere. At a deeper level, however, the book reveals the enduring principles of company strategy and economic policy in modern global competition.

    • ¥50.2 折扣:8.8折