This popular paperback text gives you sensible advice on how to refine and enhance your writing. GUIDE TO LEGAL WRITING STYLE, Third Edition, can be used effectively alongside any basic legal writing coursebook.
Federal and Florida Evidence Rules, Student Edition, is designed to help both students and practitioners learn the differences between the Federal Rules of Evidence and the Florida Evidence Code. The book is organized in the same order as are the Federal Rules of Evidence. The full text of each Federal Rule of Evidence is followed by its legislative history, which in turn is followed by the corresponding provision in the Florida Evidence Code and its legislative history. Following each federal and Florida rule pairing is detailed commentary explaining the similarities and differences between the federal rule and its Florida law counterpart, with citations to key federal and Florida case law. Whenever possible, citations to Eleventh Circuit decisions--which are binding on federal courts in Florida--are included in the commentary. The book is divided into eleven sections that correspond to the eleven articles of the Federal Rules of Evidence. At the beginning of each section is a correlation table that
Wilbert Rideau, an award-winning journalist who spentforty-four years in prison, delivers a remarkable memoir of crime,punishment, and ultimate triumph. After killing a bank teller in a moment of panic during a botchedrobbery, Wilbert Rideau was sentenced to death at the age ofnineteen. He spent several years on death row at Angola before hissentence was commuted to life, where, as editor of the prisonnewsmagazine The Angolite, he undertook a mission to expose andreformLouisiana's iniquitousjustice system from the inside. Vivid,incisive, and compassionate, this is a detailed account of prisonlife and a man who accepted responsibility for his actions andworked to redeem himself. It is a story about not giving up;finding love in unexpected places; the power of kindness; and theability to do good, no matter where you are.
This is a short and succinct summary of the unique position ofRoman law in European culture by one of the world's leading legalhistorians. Peter Stein's masterly study assesses the impact ofRoman law in the ancient world, and its continued unifyinginfluence throughout medieval and modern Europe. Roman Law inEuropean History is unparalleled in lucidity and authority, andshould prove of enormous utility for teachers and students (at alllevels) of legal history, comparative law and European Studies.Award-winning on its appearance in German translation, this Englishrendition of a magisterial work of interpretive synthesis is aninvaluable contribution to the understanding of perhaps the mostimportant European legal tradition of all.
David Boies, the star trial lawyer in a country obsessedwith legal drama, proves endlessly fascinating in this compulsivelyreadable account of his extraordinary career.A man of almostsuperhuman accomplishment, Boies argued a string of headline-makingcases before being catapulted to international prominence when herepresented Al Gore before the Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore. Brash, reckless, and prideful, he is also charming,charismatic, unerringly articulate in the courtroom, and supremelycomfortable in the public eye. Legal journalist Karen Donovan,herself a lawyer, had unprecedented access to Boies for nearly twoyears. In v. Goliath she gives us a scintillating chronicleof the legal dramas in which Boies has played a crucial role and ariveting, up-close portrait of a singularly gifted lawyer.
From abortion to same-sex marriage, today's most urgentpolitical debates will hinge on this two-part question: What didthe United States Constitution originally mean and who nowunderstands its meaning best? Rakove chronicles the Constitutionfrom inception to ratification and, in doing so, traces its complexweave of ideology and interest, showing how this document has meantdifferent things at different times to different groups ofAmericans.
In this amazing story of high stakes competition between twotitans, Richard Moran shows how the electric chair developed notout of the desire to be more humane but through an effort by onenineteenth-century electric company to discredit the other. In 1882, Thomas Edison ushered in the “age of electricity” whenhe illuminated Manhattan’s Pearl Street with his direct current(DC) system. Six years later, George Westinghouse lit up Buffalowith his less expensive alternating current (AC). The two menquickly became locked in a fierce rivalry, made all the morecomplicated by a novel new application for their product: theelectric chair. When Edison set out to persuade the state of NewYork to use Westinghouse’s current to execute condemned criminals,Westinghouse fought back in court, attempting to stop the firstelectrocution and keep AC from becoming the “executioner’scurrent.” In this meticulously researched account of the ensuinglegal battle and the horribly botched first execution, Moran r
The Nuremburg trials remain, after nearly a half a century,the benchmark for judging international crimes. Using newsources--ground-breaking research in the papers of the Nuremburgprison psychiatrist and commandant, the letters and journals of theprisoners, and accounts of the judges and prosecutors as theystruggled through each day making compromises and steeling theirconvictions--Joseph Persico retells the story of Nuremburg,combining sweeping history with psychological insight. Here arebrilliant, chilling portraits of the Nazi warlords and rivetingde*ions of the tensions between law and vengeance, betweenEast and West, and of the friction already present in the earlystages of the Cold War.
Maister sets out to help professionals align their real-world actions with their true (espoused) values. His frame of reference throughout the book is the professional firm--law firms and others in the service sector. He tells us that successful firms are clearly differentiated by a strict adherence to values and professionalism and that doing the right thing is good business. Professionalism is not a set of competencies but predominantly an attitude; a real professional is a technician who cares. To emphasize the importance of true values in our chaotic marketplace, we learn that the noble path does win, but only if we are prepared to make the investment to act professionally over a long period of time. This is a challenge in today's short-term view of most aspects of business activity. The book addresses the individual professional's values, the firm's responsibilities in the realm of values, and how a firm should deal with its client base in terms of quality and excellence. In addition, the author offers a
In this 2008 book, legal scholars, philosophers, historiansand political scientists from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, theUnited Kingdom and the United States analyze the common law throughthree of its classic themes: rules, reasoning andconstitutionalism. Their essays, specially commissioned for thisvolume, provide an opportunity for thinkers from differentjurisdictions and disciplines to talk to each other and to theirwider audience within and beyond the common law world. This bookallows scholars and students to consider how these themes andconcepts relate to one another. It will initiate and sustain a moreinclusive and well-informed theoretical discussion of the commonlaw's method, process and structure. It will be valuable tolawyers, philosophers, political scientists and historiansinterested in constitutional law, comparative law, judicialprocess, legal theory, law and society, legal history, separationof powers, democratic theory, political philosophy, the courts andthe relationship of the comm
Nobel laureate Niko Tinbergen laid the foundations for thescientific study of animal behaviour with his work on causation,development, function and evolution. In this book, an internationalcast of leading animal biologists reflect on the enduringsignificance of Tinbergen's groundbreaking proposals for modernbehavioural biology. It includes a reprint of Tinbergen's originalarticle on the famous 'four whys' and a contemporary introduction,after which each of the four questions are discussed in the lightof contemporary evidence. There is also a discussion of the widersignificance of recent trends in evolutionary psychology andneuroecology to integrate the 'four whys'. With a foreword by oneof Tinbergen's most prominent pupils, Aubrey Manning, thiswide-ranging book demonstrates that Tinbergen's views on animalbehaviour are crucial for modern behavioural biology. It willappeal to graduate students and researchers in animal behaviour,behavioural ecology and evolutionary biology.
Bestselling author James B. Stewart's newsbreakinginvestigation of our era's most high-profile perjurers, revealingthe alarming extent of this national epidemic. Our system of justice rests on a simple proposition: thatwitnesses will raise their hands and tell the truth. In TangledWebs, James B. Stewart reveals in vivid detail the consequences ofthe perjury epidemic that has swept our country, undermining thevery foundation of our courts. With many prosecutors, investigators, and participants speakingfor the first time, Tangled Webs goes behind the scene of thetrials of media and homemaking entrepreneur Martha Stewart; topWhite House political adviser Lewis "Scooter" Libby; home-run kingBarry Bonds; and Wall Street money manager Bernard Madoff. The saga of Martha Stewart's conviction captured the nation, butuntil now no one has answered the most basic question: Why wouldStewart risk prison, put her entire empire in jeopardy, and lierepeatedly to government investi
The International Chamber of Commerce's world-renowned Institute of World Business Law, where legal and business experts convene, has devoted an entire publication to money laundering and other forms of corruption: "Arbitration: Money Laundering, Corruption and Fraud." This important Dossier focuses both on the nature of the problem and the lawyer/arbitrator's response to it. This is the first in a series of ICC Institute Dossiers. (See also Arbitration and Oral Evidence and Parallel State and Arbitral Procedures in International Arbitration.) Answers to key questions: This useful text contains the proceedings of a conference on arbitration and money laundering organized by the ICC Institute of World Business Law. It brings the reader the expertise of lawyers, academicians and chartered accountants from a range of countries and addresses the key questions arbitrators and legal practitioners want answered: "Is the arbitrator's role in a case of fraud different from his role in other disputes?" "Is the arbitrat
Flow Charts break every topic down to show individual rules of law and how those rules fit together. Capsule Summary analyzes all the key concepts in easy-to-read outline form. Exam Tips are drawn from our exclusive, painstaking analysis of exactly what has been asked on literally hundreds of past essay and short-answer law exams. Short-Answer Q&As provide extensive explanations. MBE-style Mlultiple-Choice Q&As include explanations of the wrong choices as well as the right choices. Complex issue-spotting Essay Questions present model answers. Learn how to spot subtle issues and how to argue both sides of a gray area.
An English court in 1736 described rape as an accusation“easily to be made and hard to be proved, and harder to be defendedby the party accused, though never so innocent. ”To prove thecrime, the law required a woman to physically resist, to put up a“hue and cry,” as evidence of her unwillingness. Beginning in the1970s, however, feminist and victim-advocacy groups began changingattitudes toward rape so the crime is now seen as violent initself: the legal definition of rape now includes everything fromthe sadistic serial rapist to the eighteen-year-old who hasconsensual sex with a fourteen-year-old. This inclusiveness means there are now more rapists among us. Andmore of rape’s camp followers: the prison-makers, the communitywatchdogs, law-and-order politicians, and the real-crime/real-timeentertainment industry. Vanessa Place examines the ambiguity ofrape law by presenting cases where guilt lies, but lies uneasily,and leads into larger ethical questions of what defines guilt, whatis justice, and wh
A favorite among law students and professors alike, the Examples & Explanations series is ideal for studying, reviewing and testing your understanding through application of hypothetical examples. Authored by leading professors with extensive classroom experience, Examples & Explanations titles offer hypothetical questions in the subject area, complemented by detailed explanations that allow you to test your knowledge of the topic, and compare your own analysis.