Beginning with the story of the forming of the Constitution,this book includes illuminating character sketches of thedelegates, written by their contemporaries. The complete text ofthe Constitution is highlighted, as well as Supreme Courtdecisions, cited because they shed light on Constitutionalproblems.
The Real ACT is the only book with insider test-taking tipsand strategy, practice tests, and insight from the makers of theACT. This comprehensive guide has everything one needs to knowabout the ACT-test content, structure, and format info! The only guide that includes 5 previously administered,full-length ACT tests written by the actual test maker (including 2NEW practice tests) ACT content and procedures you'll follow when actually taking thetest Valuable information about tuition payment plans All the question types you can expect to find on the ACT Suggestions on how you might approach the questions andPeterson's tried-and-true test-taking strategies and tips
Probably written by a student of Aristotle, The AthenianConstitution is both a history and an analysis of Athens' politicalmachinery between the seventh and fourth centuries BC, which standsas a model of democracy at a time when city-states lived underdiffering kinds of government. The writer recounts the majorreforms of Solon, the rule of the tyrant Pisistratus and his sons,the emergence of the democracy in which power was shared by allfree male citizens, and the leadership of Pericles and thedemagogues who followed him. He goes on to examine the city'sadministration in his own time - the council, the officials and thejudicial system. For its information on Athens' development and howthe democracy worked, The Athenian Constitution is an invaluablesource of knowledge about the Athenian city-state.
History comes alive-in this illustrated guide to theConstitution and all 27 Amendments. ? Which state refused to send a delegation to the ConstitutionalConvention? ? Why was the Convention held in secret, with sentries at thedoor? ? What are the 27 Amendments? The U.S. Constitution for Everyone relates how the "traitorous"Founding Fathers wrote the nation's supreme laws and how thethirteen Disunited States became a more perfect Union. A must forstudents of American history and for everyone who'd like to knowmore about the supreme laws of our nation.
People with disabilities forging the newest and last humanrights movement of the century.
For the first time, a collection of dissents from the mostfamous Supreme Court cases If American history can truly be traced through the majoritydecisions in landmark Supreme Court cases, then what about thedissenting opinions? In issues of race, gender, privacy, workers'rights, and more, would advances have been impeded or failuresrectified if the dissenting opinions were in fact the majorityopinions? In offering thirteen famous dissents-from Marbury v. Madison andBrown v. Board of Education to Griswold v. Connecticut and Lawrencev. Texas, each edited with the judges' eloquence preserved-renownedSupreme Court scholar Mark Tushnet reminds us that court decisionsare not pronouncements issued by the utterly objective, they are infact political statements from highly intelligent but partisanpeople. Tushnet introduces readers to the very concept of dissentin the courts and then provides useful context for each case,filling in gaps in the Court's history and providing an overview ofthe issues at
“The best legal read . . . in decades. A brilliantlyentertaining work, both for the lawyer and the layman.” Washington Times Robert S. Bennett has been a lawyer for more than forty years. Inthat time, he’s taken on dozens of high-pro?le and groundbreakingcases and emerged as the go-to guy for the nation’s elite. BobBennett gained international recognition as one of America’s bestlawyers for leading the defense of President Bill Clinton in thePaula Jones case. He has always fought for justice. This is hisstory. Born in Brooklyn and an amateur boxer in his youth, Bennett hasoften brought his street-?ghter’s mentality to the courtroom. Hiscase history is a who’s who of ?gures who have dominated legalheadlines: superlobbyist Tommy Corcoran, former secretaries ofdefense Clark Clifford and Caspar Weinberger, Marge Schott, and,most recently, New York Times reporter Judith Miller and formerWorld Bank president Paul Wolfowitz. Throughout the telling of his life in court, Be
“Law school applicants should consider this a guide toproducing a competitive, superior essay. . . . These successfulexamples speak louder than any written how-to instructions could.”–The Book Watch Each year, thousands of people apply to the most prestigious lawschools across the country, competing for an ever-smaller number ofspaces. But each applicant gets one chance to distinguish himselfor herself from the pack: the law school application essay. In theessay, you can spotlight the qualities you possess that tran*sand LSAT scores cannot reveal.
There is an undercover war going on in America that impactseveryone's life far more than the legal issues that typically grabthe headlines. The conservative movement has been systematicallyturning back a century's worth of the evolving gains andprotections found in the common law-the areas of law that affectthe everyday activities of ordinary people. Throughout the twentieth century, contract, property, andpersonal injury law evolved to take more account of socialconditions and the needs of consumers, workers, and less powerfulmembers of American society. Contracts were interpreted in light ofcommon sense, property ownership was subjected to reasonable-useprovisions to protect the environment, and consumers were protectedagainst dangerous products. But all that is changing. Conservatives have a clear agenda toturn back the clock on the common law to maximize the profits ofbig business. Some significant inroads have already been made toprotect gun manufacturers from lawsuits, enforce form co
A perfect introduction to a vital subject very fewAmericans understand-the constitutional status of AmericanIndians Few American s know that Indian tribes havea legal status unique among America's distinct racial and ethnicgroups: they are sovereign governments who engage in relations withCongress. This peculiar arrangement has led to frequent legal andpolitical disputes-indeed, the history of American Indians andAmerican law has been one of clashing values and sometimes uneasycompromise. In this clear-sighted account, American Indian scholarN. Bruce Duthu explains the landmark cases in Indian law of thepast two centuries. Exploring subjects as diverse as jurisdictionalauthority, control of environmental resources, and the regulationsthat allow the operation of gambling casinos, American Indiansand the Law gives us an accessible entry point into a vitalfacet of Indian history.
In 1787. . . We were given the right to practice the religion of ourchoice. We were given the right to say what we wanted withoutpersecution. It was written that our house and property were secure fromunreasonable search and seizure. We were given the right to apublic trial. Fifty-five men we will never know sat in a sweltering room andfought for us. We were given our rights as citizens of the United States. Every second fall, as we return again to the ballot box to decidethe course of our country’s leadership, every voter must find theirway back to that room in Philadelphia. Welcome Books is proud toprovide a map. The Constitution of the United States of America, inscribed andillustrated by the master calligrapher, Sam Fink, brings to lifethe issues underlying the triumphs of this abiding document.Originally published in pen and ink for Random House in 1987, Mr.Fink has gone back to his original black-and-white art and paintedit anew, created a full-color ma
In 1787, the American union was in disarray. The incompatibledemands of the separate states threatened its existence; somestates were even in danger of turning into the kind of tyranny theyhad so recently deposed. A truly national government was needed, one that could raisemoney, regulate commerce, and defend the states against foreignthreats–without becoming as overbearing as England. Sothirty-six-year-old James Madison believed. That summer, theVirginian was instrumental in organizing the ConstitutionalConvention, in which one of the world’s greatest documents would bedebated, created, and signed. Inspired by a sense of history in themaking, he kept the most extensive notes of any attendee. Now two esteemed scholars have made these minutes accessible toeveryone. Presented with modern punctuation and spelling, judiciouscuts, and helpful notes–plus fascinating background information onevery delegate and an overview of the tumultuous times–here is thegreat drama of how the Constituti
For more than two decades, Vanity Fair has published DominickDunne’s brilliant, revelatory chronicles of the most famous crimes,trials, and punishments of our time. Here, in one volume, areDominick Dunne’s mesmerizing tales of justice denied and justiceaffirmed. Whether writing of Claus von Bülow’s romp through twotrials; the Los Angeles media frenzy surrounding O.J. Simpson; thedeath by fire of multibillionaire banker Edmond Safra; or theGreenwich, Connecticut, murder of Martha Moxley and theindictment—decades later—of Michael Skakel, Dominick Dunne tells ithonestly and tells it from his unique perspective. His search forthe truth is relentless.
Bestselling author James B. Stewart's newsbreakinginvestigation of our era's most high-profile perjurers, revealingthe alarming extent of this national epidemic. Our system of justice rests on a simple proposition: thatwitnesses will raise their hands and tell the truth. In TangledWebs, James B. Stewart reveals in vivid detail the consequences ofthe perjury epidemic that has swept our country, undermining thevery foundation of our courts. With many prosecutors, investigators, and participants speakingfor the first time, Tangled Webs goes behind the scene of thetrials of media and homemaking entrepreneur Martha Stewart; topWhite House political adviser Lewis "Scooter" Libby; home-run kingBarry Bonds; and Wall Street money manager Bernard Madoff. The saga of Martha Stewart's conviction captured the nation, butuntil now no one has answered the most basic question: Why wouldStewart risk prison, put her entire empire in jeopardy, and lierepeatedly to government investi
Few books have had as great an impact on intellectual history as Kant's The Moral Law. In its short compass one of the greatest minds in the history of philosophy attempts to identify the fundamental principle 'morality' that governs human action. In strikingly fresh, engaging and idiosyncratic prose Kant carries his readers with him as he seeks 'the supreme principle of morality'. Supported by a clear introduction and detailed summary of the argument, this is not only an essential text for students but also the perfect introduction for any reader who wishes to encounter at first hand the mind of one of the finest and most influential thinkers of all time.
The Supreme Court is one of the most extraordinaryinstitutions in our system of government. Charged with theresponsibility of interpreting the Constitution, the nine unelectedjustices of the Court have the awesome power to strike down lawsenacted by our elected representatives. Why does the public acceptthe Court’s decisions as legitimate and follow them, even whenthose decisions are highly unpopular? What must the Court do tomaintain the public’s faith? How can the Court help make ourdemocracy work? These are the questions that Justice Stephen Breyertackles in this groundbreaking book. Today we assume that when the Court rules, the public will obey.But Breyer declares that we cannot take the public’s confidence inthe Court for granted. He reminds us that at various moments in ourhistory, the Court’s decisions were disobeyed or ignored. Andthrough investigations of past cases, concerning the CherokeeIndians, slavery, and Brown v. Board of Education, he brilliantlycaptures the steps
“We need a new idea of how to govern. The current system isbroken. Law is supposed to be a framework for humans to makechoices, not the replacement for free choice.” So notes Philip K.Howard in the new Afterword to his explosive manifesto The Deathof Common Sense . Here Howard offers nothing less than a fresh,lucid, practical operating system for modern democracy. America isdrowning—in law, lawsuits, and nearly endless red tape. Beforeacting or making a decision, we often abandon our best instincts.We pause, we worry, we equivocate, and then we divert our energyinto trying to protect ourselves. Filled with one too many examplesof bureaucratic overreach, The Death of Common Sense demonstrates how we—and our country—can at last get back ontrack.
In this updated and expanded edition of The Tyranny of GoodIntentions , Paul Craig Roberts and Lawrence M. Stratton renewtheir valiant campaign to reclaim that which is rightlyours–liberty protected by the rule of law. They show how crusadinglegislators and unfair prosecutors are remaking American law into aweapon wielded by the government and how the erosion of the legalprinciples we hold dear–such as habeas corpus and the prohibitionagainst self-incrimination–is destroying the presumption ofinnocence. A new introduction and new chapters cover recent marqueecases and make this provocative book essential reading for anyonewho cringes at the thought of unbridled state power and sees ourcivil liberties slowly slipping away in the name of the War onDrugs, the War on Crime, and the War on Terror.
Wilbert Rideau, an award-winning journalist who spentforty-four years in prison, delivers a remarkable memoir of crime,punishment, and ultimate triumph. After killing a bank teller in a moment of panic during a botchedrobbery, Wilbert Rideau was sentenced to death at the age ofnineteen. He spent several years on death row at Angola before hissentence was commuted to life, where, as editor of the prisonnewsmagazine The Angolite, he undertook a mission to expose andreformLouisiana's iniquitousjustice system from the inside. Vivid,incisive, and compassionate, this is a detailed account of prisonlife and a man who accepted responsibility for his actions andworked to redeem himself. It is a story about not giving up;finding love in unexpected places; the power of kindness; and theability to do good, no matter where you are.
?Over 3,000 legal terms defined ?Revised edition with the most up-to-date terminology
Courtroom 302 is the fascinating story of one year inChicago's Cook County Criminal Courthouse, the busiest felonycourthouse in the country. Here we see the system through the eyesof the men and women who experience it, not only in the courtroombut in the lockup, the jury room, the judge's chambers, thespectators' gallery. From the daily grind of the court to thehighest-profile case of the year, Steve Bogira’s masterfulinvestigation raises fundamental issues of race, civil rights, andjustice in America.
Married couples...parents andchildren...teachers and to business... There is a simple solution to improving your communication andbuiilding better, healthier relationships. It's called Law ofConnection. Make it work for you! Are there certain people you cannot seem to communicate with--athome, at work, or in your community? You say one thing, they hearsomething different. You simply do not understand one another, andyou cannot explain why. The only thing you are certain of is thatthe lack of connection leads to disappointment, frustration, andconflict. Now in LAW OF CONNECTION, Michael J. Losier gives you the key tosuccessful communication. Using the principles of Neuro-LinguisticProgramming (NLP), you will soon master the few simple skillsneeded to create better understanding with people in every aspectof your life.