Warfighting is an authentic American philosophy ofaction that will thrill the millions of fans of SunTzu's The Artof War and Musashi's T he Book of Five Rings . Thismodern classic of strategy and philosophy is the quintessentialguide to prevailing in competitive situations, be it war, work,play, or daily living. Sometimes life is war and sometimes business is war andsometimes you need to call in the Marines. Over the past twohundred years, the Marines have developed a reputation for gettingthe job done-fearlessly, boldly, and taking no prisoners. Whatbetter role model for the hidden warriors in ourselves? What betteradvice to call on when the stakes are high and sensitivity justisn't going to work? Written in 1989 as a philosophical andstrategic guide-book for the US. Marine Corps, Warfighting is a worthy successor to SunTzu's The Art Of War . Withclarity, brevity, and wisdom, it describes the basic forces at workin every competitive situation whether on the field of battle, inthe boardro
Uranium occurs naturally in theearth s crust-yet holds the power to end all life on theplanet. This is its fundamental paradox, and its story is afascinating window into the valor, greed, genius, and folly ofhumanity. A problem for miners in the Middle Ages, an inspirationto novelists and a boon to medicine, a devastat?ing weapon at theend of World War II, and eventually a polluter, killer, excuse forwar with Iraq, potential deliverer of Armageddon and a possiblelast defense against global warming- Uranium is the rivetingstory of the most powerful element on earth, and one which willshape our future, for better or worse.
In retrospect, writes David Halberstam, "the pace of thefifties seemed slower, almost languid. Social ferment, however, wasbeginning just beneath this placid surface." He shows how theUnited States began to emerge from the long shadow of FDR's 12-yearpresidency, with the military-industrial complex and the Beatmovement simultaneously growing strong. Television brought not onlysituation comedies but controversial congressional hearings intomillions of living rooms. While Alfred Kinsey was studying people'ssex lives, Gregory Pincus and other researchers began work on apill that would forever alter the course of American reproductivepractices. Halberstam takes on these social upheavals and more,charting a course that is as easy to navigate as it iswide-ranging.
A fresh, controversial, brilliantly written account of one ofthe epic dramas of the Cold War-and its lessons for today. "History at its best." -Zbigniew Brzezinski "Gripping, well researched, and thought-provoking, with manylessons for today." -Henry Kissinger "Captures the drama [with] the 'You are there' storytellingskills of a journalist and the analytical skills of the politicalscientist." - General Brent Scowcroft In June 1961, Nikita Khrushchev called it "the most dangerousplace on earth." He knew what he was talking about. Much has been written about the Cuban Missile Crisis a yearlater, but the Berlin Crisis of 1961 was more decisive in shapingthe Cold War-and more perilous. For the first time in history,American and Soviet fighting men and tanks stood arrayed againsteach other, only yards apart. One mistake, one overzealouscommander-and the trip wire would be sprung for a war that would gonuclear in a heartbeat. On one side was a young, untested U.S.president stil
Describes and assesses the activities of the National SecurityAgency, the nation's most secret government agency--established insecrecy, many times larger than the CIA, and in control of a hugebudget and a vast technology.
John McCain is one of the most admired leaders in the UnitedStates government, but his deeply felt memoir of family and war isnot a political one and ends before his election to Congress. Withcandor and ennobling power, McCain tells a story that, in the wordsof Newsweek, "makes the other presidential candidates look likepygmies." John McCain learned about life and honor from his grandfather andfather, both four-star admirals in the U.S. Navy. This is a memoirabout their lives, their heroism, and the ways that sons are shapedand enriched by their fathers. John McCain's grandfather was a gaunt, hawk-faced man known asSlew by his fellow officers and, affectionately, as Popeye by thesailors who served under him. McCain Sr. played the horses, drankbourbon and water, and rolled his own cigarettes with one hand.More significant, he was one of the navy's greatest commanders, andled the strongest aircraft carrier force of the Third Fleet in keybattles during World War II.
1 On Interpretation: Literature as a Socially Symbolic Act 2 Magical Narratives: On the Dialectical Use of'Genre Criticism 3 Realism and Desire: Balzac and the Problem of the Subject 4 Authentic Resscntiment: Generic Discontinuities and Ideologemes in the "Experimental" Novels of George Gissing 5 Romance and Reification: Plot Construction and Ideological Closure in Joseph Conrad 6 Conclusion: The Dialectic of"Utopia and Ideology INDEX
In this riveting collection, published for the first time,we follow Harry S. Truman and Dean Acheson, two giants of thepost–World War II period, as they move from an officialrelationship to one of candor, humor, and personal expression.Together they were primarily responsible for the Marshall Plan andNATO, among other world-shaping initiatives. And in these letters,spanning the years from when both were newly out of office untilAcheson’s death at the age of seventy-eight, we find them sharingthe often surprising and always illuminating opinions, ideas, andfeelings that the strictures of their offices had previously keptthem from revealing. Adapting easily to their private lives, they nonetheless felt apowerful need to keep in touch as they viewed with dismay what theyconsidered to be the Eisenhower administration’s fumbling offoreign affairs, the impact of Joseph McCarthy, John FosterDulles’s foreign policy, and the threat of massive nuclearretaliation. Adlai Stevenson’s poor campaign o
A driving force behind the social revolution of the 1960s and1970s, Hoffman inspired a generation to challenge the status quo.Meant as a practical guide for the aspiring hippie, Steal This Bookcaptures Hoffman's puckish tone and became a cult classic with over200,000 copies sold. Outrageously illustrated by R. Crumb, itnevertheless conveys a serious message to all would-berevolutionaries: You don't have to take it anymore. "All Power tothe Imagination was his credo. Abbie was the best. " StudsTerkel
Since it was first published in 1952, Lincoln and HisGenerals has remained one of the definitive accounts ofLincoln’s wartime leadership. In it T. Harry Williams dramatizesLincoln’s long and frustrating search for an effective leader ofthe Union Army and traces his transformation from a politician withlittle military knowledge into a master strategist of the CivilWar. Explored in depth are Lincoln’s often fraught relationshipswith generals such as McClellan, Pope, Burnside, Hooker, Fremont,and of course, Ulysses S. Grant. In this superbly writtennarrative, Williams demonstrates how Lincoln’s persistent“meddling” into military affairs was crucial to the Northern wareffort and utterly transformed the president’s role ascommander-in-chief.
Revival is the dramatic inside story of the definingperiod of the Obama White House. It is an epic tale that followsthe president and his inner circle from the crisis of defeat tohistoric success. Over the span of an extraordinary two months inthe life of a young presidency, Obama and his senior aides engagedin a desperate struggle for survival that stands as the measure ofwho they are and how they govern. Bestselling Obama biographer Richard Wolffe draws on unrivaledaccess to the West Wing to write a natural sequel to his criticallyacclaimed book about the president and his campaign. He traces anarc from near death to resurrection that is a repeated pattern forObama, first as a candidate and now as president. Starting at thefirst anniversary of the inauguration, Wolffe paints a portrait ofa White House at work under exceptional strain across a sweepingset of challenges: from health care reform to a struggling economy,from two wars to terrorism. Revival is a road map to understanding the dynamics,cha
In this landmark work of history, the National BookAward—winning author of American Sphinx explores how a group ofgreatly gifted but deeply flawed individuals–Hamilton, Burr,Jefferson, Franklin, Washington, Adams, and Madison–confronted theoverwhelming challenges before them to set the course for ournation. The United States was more a fragile hope than a reality in 1790.During the decade that followed, the Founding Fathers–re-examinedhere as Founding Brothers–combined the ideals of the Declaration ofIndependence with the content of the Constitution to create thepractical workings of our government. Through an analysis of sixfascinating episodes–Hamilton and Burr’s deadly duel, Washington’sprecedent-setting Farewell Address, Adams’ administration andpolitical partnership with his wife, the debate about where toplace the capital, Franklin’s attempt to force Congress to confrontthe issue of slavery and Madison’s attempts to block him, andJefferson and Adams’ famous correspon
Capital, one of Marx's major and most influential works, wasthe product of thirty years close study of the capitalist mode ofproduction in England, the most advanced industrial society of hisday. This new translation of Volume One, the only volume to becompleted and edited by Marx himself, avoids some of the mistakesthat have marred earlier versions and seeks to do justice to theliterary qualities of the work. The introduction is by ErnestMandel, author of Late Capitalism, one of the only comprehensiveattempts to develop the theoretical legacy of Capital.
This definitive edition of the original "Robert's" presentsrules of order, motions, debate, conduct of business, andadjournment. All problems of conducting a successful meetingsmoothly and fairly are resolved.
Remote, forbidding, and volatile, the Caspian Sea longtantalized the world with its vast oil reserves. But outsiders,blocked by the closed Soviet system, couldn't get to it. Then theSoviet Union collapsed, and a wholesale rush into the regionerupted. Along with oilmen, representatives of the world's leadingnations flocked to the Caspian for a share of the thirty billionbarrels of proven oil reserves at stake, and a tense geopoliticalstruggle began. The main players were Moscow and Washington-theformer seeking to retain control of its satellite states, and thelatter intent on dislodging Russia to the benefit of theWest. The Oil and the Glory is the gripping account of this latestphase in the epochal struggle for control of the earth's "blackgold." Steve LeVine, who was based in the region for The WallStreet Journal, The New York Times, and Newsweek, weaves anastonishing tale of high-stakes political gamesmanship, greed, andscandal, set in one of the most opaque corners of the world. InLeVine's tel
To this landmark biography of our first president, Joseph J.Ellis brings the exacting scholarship, shrewd analysis, and lyricprose that have made him one of the premier historians of theRevolutionary era. Training his lens on a figure who sometimesseems as remote as his effigy on Mount Rushmore, Ellis assessesGeorge Washington as a military and political leader and a manwhose “statue-like solidity” concealed volcanic energies andemotions. Here is the impetuous young officer whose miraculous survival incombat half-convinced him that he could not be killed. Here is thefree-spending landowner whose debts to English merchants instilledhim with a prickly resentment of imperial power. We see the generalwho lost more battles than he won and the reluctant president whotried to float above the partisan feuding of his cabinet. HisExcellency is a magnificent work, indispensable to anunderstanding not only of its subject but also of the nation hebrought into being.
The Coming of the New Deal, 1933-1935, volume two of PulitzerPrize-winning historian and biographer Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr."sAge of Roosevelt series, describes Franklin Delano Roosevelt'sfirst tumultuous years in the White House. Coming into office atthe bottom of the Great Depression, FDR told the American peoplethat they have nothing to fear but fear itself. The conventionalwisdom having failed, he tried unorthodox remedies to averteconomic collapse. His first hundred days restored national morale,and his New Dealers filled Washington with new approaches torecovery and reform. Combining idealistic ends with realisticmeans, Roosevelt proposed to humanize, redeem, and rescuecapitalism. The Coming of the New Deal, written with Schlesinger'scustomary verve, is a gripping account of critical years in thehistory of the republic.
Drawing upon dozens of other "declarations of independence"written to protest the repression of the colonies by King GeorgeIII, as well as carefully analyzing the drafts of the Declarationsigned on July 4, 1776, Maier reveals the extent to whichJefferson's words and ideas were indebted to popular politicalbeliefs.
A sweeping narrative history of the events leading to 9/11, agroundbreaking look at the people and ideas, the terrorist plansand the Western intelligence failures that culminated in theassault on America. Lawrence Wright’s remarkable book is based onfive years of research and hundreds of interviews that he conductedin Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sudan, England,France, Germany, Spain, and the United States. The Looming Tower achieves an unprecedented level of intimacy andinsight by telling the story through the interweaving lives of fourmen: the two leaders of al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden and Aymanal-Zawahiri; the FBI’s counterterrorism chief, John O’Neill; andthe former head of Saudi intelligence, Prince Turkial-Faisal. As these lives unfold, we see revealed: the crosscurrents ofmodern Islam that helped to radicalize Zawahiri and bin Laden . . .the birth of al-Qaeda and its unsteady development into anorganization capable of the American embassy bombings in Kenya andTanza
“H.W Brands has given us the authoritative Franklin biographyfor out time.” —Joseph J. Ellis author of the PulitzerPrize-winning Founding Brothers “Like its subject, this biography is both solid and enchanting.”—The New Yorker “[A] biography with a rich cast of secondary characters and alarge and handsome stock of historical scenery.... Brands writesclearly and confidently about the full spectrum of the polymath’sinterests.... This is a Franklin to savor.” —The Wall StreetJournal “Benjamin Franklin’s life is one every American should know well,and it has not been told better than by Mr. Brands.” —The DallasMorning News “A vivid portrait of the 18th-century milieu and of the18th-century man.... [Brands is] a master storyteller.” —TheChristian Science Monitor “A thorough biography of Benjamin Franklin, America’s firstRenaissance man.... In graceful, even witty prose.... Brandsrelates the entire, dense-p
A cartoon book about Marx? Are you sure it's Karl, notGroucho? How can you summarize the work of Karl Marx in cartoons?It took Rius to do it. He's put it all in: the origins of Marxistphilosophy, history, economics; of capital, labor, the classstruggle, socialism. And there's a biography of "Charlie" Marxbesides. Like the companion volumes in the series, Marx for Beginners isaccurate, understandable, and very, very funny.
The riveting memoirs of the outstanding moral and politicalleader of our time, A LONG WALK TO FREEDOM brilliantly re-createsthe drama of the experiences that helped shape Nelson Mandela'sdestiny. Emotive, compelling and uplifting, A LONG WALK TO FREEDOMis the exhilarating story of an epic life; a story of hardship,resilience and ultimate triumph told with the clarity and eloquenceof a born leader. 'Burns with the luminosity of faith in theinvincible nature of human hope and dignity ...Unforgettable' AndreBrink 'Enthralling ...Mandela emulates the few great politicalleaders such as Lincoln and Gandhi, who go beyond mere consensusand move out ahead of their followers to break new ground' DonaldWoods in the SUNDAY TIMES --This text refers to the Paperbackedition. From the Back Cover The riveting memoirs of the outstanding moral and politicalfigure of our time, Long Walk to Freedom is the exhilarating storyof Nelson Mandela's epic life; a story of hardship, resilience andultimate triumph told with the clar
whose modern relations with the West he helped shape. Drawingon historical records as well as his conversations with Chineseleaders over the past forty years, Kissinger examines how China hasapproached diplomacy, strategy, and negotiation throughout itshistory, and reflects on the consequences for the global balance ofpower in the 21st century. Since no other country can claim a more powerful link to itsancient past and classical principles, any attempt to understandChina's future world role must begin with an appreciation of itslong history. For centuries, China rarely encountered othersocieties of comparable size and sophistication; it was the "MiddleKingdom," treating the peoples on its periphery as vassal states.At the same time, Chinese statesmen-facing threats of invasion fromwithout, and the contests of competing factions within-developed acanon of strategic thought that prized the virtues of subtlety,patience, and indirection over feats of martial prowess. In On China, Kissinger exa
Party Influence in Congress challenges current arguments andevidence about the influence of political parties in the U.S.Congress. Steven S. Smith argues that theory must reflect policy,electoral, and collective party goals. These goals call forflexible party organizations and leadership strategies. They demandthat majority party leaders control the flow of legislation;package legislation and time action to build winning majorities andattract public support; work closely with a president of theirparty; and influence the vote choices for legislators. Smithobserves that the circumstantial evidence of party influence isstrong, multiple collective goals remain active ingredients afterparties are created, party size is an important factor in partystrategy, both negative and positive forms of influence areimportant to congressional parties, and the needle-in-the-haystacksearch for direct influence continues to prove frustrating.
Who were the three men the American and Soviet superpowersexchanged at Berlin's Glienicke Bridge and Checkpoint Charlie inthe first and most legendary prisoner exchange between East andWest? Bridge of Spies vividly traces their paths to that exchangeon February 10, 1962, when their fate helped to define theconflicts and lethal undercurrents of the most dangerous years ofthe Cold War. Bridge of Spies is the true story of three extraordinarycharacters – William Fisher, alias Rudolf Abel, a British born KGBagent arrested by the FBI in New York City and jailed as a Sovietsuperspy for trying to steal America’s most precious nuclearsecrets; Gary Powers, the American U-2 pilot who was captured whenhis plane was shot down while flying a reconnaissance mission overthe closed cities of central Russia; and Frederic Pryor, a youngAmerican graduate student in Berlin mistakenly identified as a spy,arrested and held without charge by the Stasi, East Germany’ssecret police. By weaving