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    • 人生那么长,停一下又何妨【店主推荐】
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    • (韩) 慧敏 著,冷蔚 译 /2013-01-01/ 中信出版社,中信出版集团
    • 被誉为“灵魂的导师,心灵的道友”的慧敏,在哈佛大学求学时,疯狂怀念母语,于是开始用推特记录自己日常生活中的感悟,用母语与人交流。没想到,这些简单的文字,不仅让自己感到安慰,那些无意中看到日志的人,也纷纷留言说获得了疗愈。他们开始试着理解那些不能原谅的人,决心从现在起爱惜不争气的自己,筋疲力尽地下班后,又突然精神百倍。通过与网友的交流,他也了解到,每天只睡四小时的创业者的煎熬,因学习压力过大想要自杀的学生的痛苦,面临毕业和失业的青年的苦闷。原来,每个人都活得如此艰难。他希望《人生那么长,停一下又何妨》,能够给那些感觉终日被生存压力驱赶的人,那些追求轻松生活却不得的人,那些因自己的不如意去怨恨别人的人,那些期盼着真爱的人,带来哪怕只有一点点的,帮助。

    • ¥58.82 ¥118.64 折扣:5折
    • 明夷待访录译注【满额减,发货快】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 黄宗羲著;李伟著;李伟注 /2008-05-01/ 岳麓书社
    • 《明夷待访录》是明末清初著名启蒙思想家和历史学家黄宗羲的政论和史论专著。该书通过对历史的深刻反思,总结了秦汉以来,特别是明代的历史教训,批判了封建君主专制制度,并提出了天下为主,君为客等一些比前人更进一步的民主观念,具有鲜明的启蒙性质和民主色彩,被梁启超称为[人类文化之一高贵产品]。

    • ¥68 ¥137.8 折扣:4.9折
    • HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY, VOL 1(ISBN=9780385468435) 英文原版
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Frederick Copleston 著 /1993-03-01/ Random House US
    • Conceived originally as a serious presentation of thedevelopment of philosophy for Catholic seminary students,Frederick Copleston's nine-volume A History Of Philosophyhas journeyed far beyond the modest purpose of its authorto universal acclaim as the best history of philosophyin English. Copleston, an Oxford Jesuit of immense erudition who oncetangled with A. J. Ayer in a fabled debate about theexistence of God and the possibility of metaphysics, knewthat seminary students were fed a woefully inadequatediet of theses and proofs, and that their familiarity with most of history's great thinkers was reduced tosimplistic caricatures. Copleston set out to redress thewrong by writing a complete history of Western philosophy,one crackling with incident and intellectual excitement --and one that gives full place to each thinker, presenting histhought in a beautifully rounded manner and showing hislinks to those who went before and to those who came after him.

    • ¥60.7 折扣:3.5折
    • 明夷待访录译注
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 黄宗羲著;李伟著;李伟注 /2008-05-01/ 岳麓书社
    • 《明夷待访录》是明末清初启蒙思想家和历史学家黄宗羲的政论和史论专著。该书通过对历史的深刻反思,总结了秦汉以来,特别是明代的历史教训,批判了封建君主专制制度,并提出了天下为主,君为客等一些比前人更进一步的民主观念,具有鲜明的启蒙性质和民主色彩,被梁启超称为[人类文化之一高贵产品]。

    • ¥51.29 ¥112.58 折扣:4.6折
    • The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation (Clas
    •   ( 12 条评论 )
    • Roger T. Ames 等著 /1999-09-01/ 德加拉
    • "To quietly persevere in storing up what is learned, to continuestudying without respite, to instruct others without growingweary--is this not me?" --Confucius Confucius is recognized as China's first and greatest teacher, andhis ideas have been the fertile soil in which the Chinese culturaltradition has flourished. Now, here is a translation of therecorded thoughts and deeds that best remember Confucius--informedfor the first time by the manu* version found at Dingzhou in1973, a partial text dating to 55 BCE and only made available tothe scholarly world in 1997. The earliest Analects yet discovered,this work provides us with a new perspective on the centralcanonical text that has defined Chinese culture--and clearlyilluminates the spirit and values of Confucius. Confucius (551-479 BCE) was born in the ancient state of Lu into anera of unrelenting, escalating violence as seven of the strongeststates in the proto-Chinese world warred for supremacy. Thelandscape was not only fierce politically but also intel

    • ¥56.1 折扣:4.8折
    • Nature of Music(音乐本色)
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    • Maureen McCarthy Draper 著 /2001-11-01/
    • "Draper's love for music is contagious.She provides a useul set of listening exercises,or music breaks,at the end of each chapter,as well sa an extensive'listenin g bibliography'for enhancing every aspect of life,from work to sex." Emotions are more manageable when music gives them an objective reality oustside us.A seventeenth-centwy spanish king had to hear a celebrated tenor,Farinelli,sing every day before he conisdered himself to meet his court .Are we so different,when a few minutes of Bach ,Mozart,or Beethoven can bring us back into balance and reestablish our sense of the essential goodness of life?We may not understand what comes over us ,why our body relaxes or why our heart melts at the sound of a certain melody or chord change.But when music puts us in harmony with our deepest nature we feel more authentic,more fluid and responsive. Music has a transformative power that has only recently been understood by science but has always been understood by the human heart. This field guide shows

    • ¥56 折扣:5折
    • 人类木马程序(“文案天后”李欣频全新作品,附赠21天清理木马主题手帐)【店主推荐】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 李欣频著 /2019-05-01/ 北京联合出版公司
    • 人生是剧场。?长久以来,生活经验的积累,主动内建或被动植入的信念演变为我们内心的“木马程序”,逐步导致了故步自封的自囚状态,让我们在毫无察觉的情况下被篡改潜意识、控制自主性,一再受困于重复的剧情,在不快乐与挣扎中轮回。?假若不及时清除,木马程序就会越来越强大,直到耗尽你的所有能量。?《人类木马程序》就像人间剧场上方的大型探照灯,帮每个人照亮舞台,打掉“木马之墙”,看清自己在演哪出戏。?看得清,我们就可以改变自己的生命剧本,把悲剧改为喜剧,从而打开全新的生命维度,不要再让木马程序运作不想要的人生。?

    • ¥63.08 ¥127.16 折扣:5折
    • 人生那么长,停一下又何妨 (韩) 慧敏 著,冷蔚 译 中信出版社,中信出版集团【售后无忧】
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • (韩) 慧敏 著,冷蔚 译 /2013-01-01/ 中信出版社,中信出版集团
    • 被誉为“灵魂的导师,心灵的道友”的慧敏,在哈佛大学求学时,疯狂怀念母语,于是开始用推特记录自己日常生活中的感悟,用母语与人交流。没想到,这些简单的文字,不仅让自己感到安慰,那些无意中看到日志的人,也纷纷留言说获得了 疗愈。他们开始试着理解那些不能原谅的人,决心从现在起爱惜不争气的自己,筋疲力尽地下班后,又突然精神百倍。通过与网友的交流,他也了解到,每天只睡四小时的创业者的煎熬,因学习压力过大想要自杀的学生的痛苦,面临毕业和失业的青年的苦闷。原来, 每个人都活得如此艰难。 他希望《人生那么长,停一下又何妨》,能够给那些感觉终日被生存压力驱赶的人,那些追求轻松生活却不得的人,那些因自己的不如意去怨恨别人的人,那些期盼着真爱的人,带来哪怕只有一点点的,帮助。

    • ¥64.7 ¥130.4 折扣:5折
    • 华严心诠:《原人论》考释【满额减,发货快】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • 圣严法师著 /2006-12-01/ 宗教文化出版社
    • 《华严经》在大乘佛教发展上,有着重要的地位,书中所提出的“十方成佛”及“修行十地”的理论,对佛教思想发展产生重要影响。而《原人论》作者圭峰宗密,少通儒书,但儒学智识并不能满足他对宇宙根本问题的追求,因缘际会过禅门、入华严,最终达到“外境内心,豁然无隔”之境。《原人论》是圭峰宗密晚期以圆融无碍思想,会通各家学说之作。藉由探究万物之灵的人类从何而来,逐一析判儒道释各家论点之偏执,指出直显如来真性的一乘显性教方为圆满之真理,并进而会通本末,臻至三教圆融之境地。《华严心诠:考释》作者圣严法师,旁证博引中国古哲先智各家立论,并透过层次分明的备注,深入析解这些概念形成的脉络以及根本义理,是现代修行者在回归自性本源的路上,一个清晰而的指引。

    • ¥61 ¥122 折扣:5折
    • 人生那么长,停一下又何妨
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • (韩) 慧敏 著,冷蔚 译 /2013-01-01/ 中信出版社,中信出版集团
    • 被誉为“灵魂的导师,心灵的道友”的慧敏,在哈佛大学求学时,疯狂怀念母语,于是开始用推特记录自己日常生活中的感悟,用母语与人交流。没想到,这些简单的文字,不仅让自己感到安慰,那些无意中看到日志的人,也纷纷留言说获得了疗愈。他们开始试着理解那些不能原谅的人,决心从现在起爱惜不争气的自己,筋疲力尽地下班后,又突然精神百倍。通过与网友的交流,他也了解到,每天只睡四小时的创业者的煎熬,因学习压力过大想要自杀的学生的痛苦,面临毕业和失业的青年的苦闷。原来,每个人都活得如此艰难。他希望《人生那么长,停一下又何妨》,能够给那些感觉终日被生存压力驱赶的人,那些追求轻松生活却不得的人,那些因自己的不如意去怨恨别人的人,那些期盼着真爱的人,带来哪怕只有一点点的,帮助。

    • ¥63.47 ¥127.94 折扣:5折
    • 人生那么长,停一下又何妨【正版图书,达额减,电子发票】
    •   ( 0 条评论 )
    • (韩) 慧敏 著,冷蔚 译 /2013-01-01/ 中信出版社,中信出版集团
    • 被誉为“灵魂的导师,心灵的道友”的慧敏,在哈佛大学求学时,疯狂怀念母语,于是开始用推特记录自己日常生活中的感悟,用母语与人交流。没想到,这些简单的文字,不仅让自己感到安慰,那些无意中看到日志的人,也纷纷留言说获得了疗愈。他们开始试着理解那些不能原谅的人,决心从现在起爱惜不争气的自己,筋疲力尽地下班后,又突然精神百倍。通过与网友的交流,他也了解到,每天只睡四小时的创业者的煎熬,因学习压力过大想要自杀的学生的痛苦,面临毕业和失业的青年的苦闷。原来,每个人都活得如此艰难。他希望《人生那么长,停一下又何妨》,能够给那些感觉终日被生存压力驱赶的人,那些追求轻松生活却不得的人,那些因自己的不如意去怨恨别人的人,那些期盼着真爱的人,带来哪怕只有一点点的,帮助。

    • ¥56 ¥113 折扣:5折
    • 2013(ISBN=9781556438783) 英文原版
    •   ( 5 条评论 )
    • Richard Grossinger 著 /2010-04-01/ Random House US
    • For the Earth to move to the next vibration, says RichardGrossinger, consciousness must change in profound ways, and theseinvolve core elements of humanity: evil, grief, bliss, andcompassion. 2013 locates these elements in often unlikely placesand seeks their nature and capacity for change. With playfulnessand precision, 2013 tackles the questions of creation and existencein their twenty-first-century incarnation. In these intellectualfield notes, the author’s absorbing style combines memoir withscientific deconstruction, metaphysical ontology, and experimentalprose that recalls the Black Mountain school to draw transcendentalinsight from the ephemeral space-time we call daily life. Movingwith equal ease between matters cosmic and earthly, Grossingerdetails existence as an exhilarating adventure always pushing ustoward a higher state in this wide-ranging, humorous, and heartfeltbook. Including an informal course in psychic development, 2013sheds light on the ephemera of planets and iPods, politics an

    • ¥51.5 折扣:3.5折
    • Way of Being(ISBN=9780395755303)
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Carl R. Rogers 著 /1996-03-01/ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
    • A Way of Being was written in the early 1980s, near the end ofRogers' career, and serves as a coda to his classic On Becoming aPerson. More philosophical than his earlier writings, it traces hisprofessional and personal development. Rogers concludes bypredicting a more humane future.

    • ¥62.1 折扣:4.5折