Tianjin,pioneering seaport metropolis,city of inventive past and unique culture. Inspired,perhaps,by the danc-ing waters of the Bohai Gulf,Tianjin became:a naval piomeer-birth-place of modren shipyards and China's first submarine;a commu-mications piomeer-a post-route to all parts and home of China'sfirstrailway,postal service,cables and telephones;a cultural pioneer-with China's first university degree,musenm ,women's newspaper;a financial pioneerwith its own "Wall Street",and industrial pioneer with world-class innovations. But piomeering has not ob-literated tradition-Tianuin is a city of legend and age-old customs and cuisine-neveer more so than at Chi-nese New Year. These elements unite to make the commercial metropolis and major port ot Tianjin,with600years of unique history and innovation,Tianjin is respomding with con-fidence to the challenges of the 21 st century.