《沙特历史图集》是沙特建国100祝活动秘书处发行的众多出版物中的一种,力图清楚地表明,这个节日是一个科学、求知的活动。 这部图集用地图、图片和简短的文字记录了沙特在建国不同阶段的大部分史实和事件。从伊历850年,以马尼·马尼迪为首的沙特家族回到阿拉伯半岛中心的哈尼发谷地起,到建设迪里耶,使之成为沙特王国。伊历1157年到伊历1233年的第二沙特王国。伊历1240年到伊历1309年为建立第三沙特王国所发生的大事件。此外,还介绍了在诸位国王的努力下取得的突出成就。 (本书地图翻译程度较低,仅有说明文字被译出)
《沙特历史图集》是沙特建国100祝活动秘书处发行的众多出版物中的一种,力图清楚地表明,这个节日是一个科学、求知的活动。 这部图集用地图、图片和简短的文字记录了沙特在建国不同阶段的大部分史实和事件。从伊历850年,以马尼·马尼迪为首的沙特家族回到阿拉伯半岛中心的哈尼发谷地起,到建设迪里耶,使之成为沙特王国。伊历1157年到伊历1233年的第二沙特王国。伊历1240年到伊历1309年为建立第三沙特王国所发生的大事件。此外,还介绍了在诸位国王的努力下取得的突出成就。 (本书地图翻译程度较低,仅有说明文字被译出)
John Keegan, widely considered the greatest military historianof our time and the author of acclaimed volumes on ancient andmodern warfare--including, most recently, The First World War, anational bestseller--distills what he knows about the why’s andhow’s of armed conflict into a series of brilliantly conciseessays. Is war a natural condition of humankind? What are the origins ofwar? Is the modern state dependent on warfare? How does war affectthe individual, combatant or noncombatant? Can there be an end towar? Keegan addresses these questions with a breathtaking knowledgeof history and the many other disciplines that have attempted toexplain the phenomenon. The themes Keegan concentrates on in thisshort volume are essential to our understanding of why war remainsthe single greatest affliction of humanity in the twenty-firstcentury, surpassing famine and disease, its traditionalcompanions.
... [Kenneth M. Stampp] has woven the strands of a complicatedstory, and given the radical Reconstructionists a fair hearingwithout oversimplifying their motives. That this book is alsoexcellent reading will not surprise those who know Mr. Stampp'sother distinguished works about the Civil War. -- Willie Lee Rose, The New York Times Book Review "... [Mr. Stampp] knows his specialty holds vital information forour own time, and he feels an obligation to give it generalcurrency, especially the Reconstruction years 1865-1877 wheredangerous myths still abound. The result of his concern is thislucid, literate survey... Because he is not afraid to stateopinions and to draw contemporary parallels, he has providedconsiderable matter for speculation, especially in regard to theultimate cause of Radical failure to achieve equality for theNegro..." -- Martin Duberman, Book Week "... Carefully and judiciously, Professor Stampp takes us overthe old ground, dismantli
《沙特历史图集》是沙特建国100祝活动秘书处发行的众多出版物中的一种,力图清楚地表明,这个节日是一个科学、求知的活动。 这部图集用地图、图片和简短的文字记录了沙特在建国不同阶段的大部分史实和事件。从伊历850年,以马尼·马尼迪为首的沙特家族回到阿拉伯半岛中心的哈尼发谷地起,到建设迪里耶,使之成为沙特王国。伊历1157年到伊历1233年的第二沙特王国。伊历1240年到伊历1309年为建立第三沙特王国所发生的大事件。此外,还介绍了在诸位国王的努力下取得的突出成就。 (本书地图翻译程度较低,仅有说明文字被译出)
When he was a student in Paris, Truong Nhu Tang met Ho ChiMinh. Later he fought in the Vietnamese jungle and emerged as oneof the major figures in the "fight for liberation" -- and one ofthe most determined adversaries of the United States. He became theVietcong's Minister of Justice, but at the end of the war he fledthe country in disillusionment and despair. He now lives in exilein Paris, the highest level official to have defected from Vietnamto the West. This is his candid, revealing and unforgettableautobiography.
My Detachment is a war story like none you have ever readbefore, an unromanticized portrait of a young man coming of age inthe controversial war that defined a generation. In anastonishingly honest, comic, and moving account of his tour of dutyin Vietnam, master storyteller Tracy Kidder writes for the firsttime about himself. This extraordinary memoir is destined to becomea classic. Kidder was an ROTC intelligence officer, just months out ofcollege and expecting a stateside assignment, when his ordersarrived for Vietnam. There, lovesick, anxious, and melancholic, hetried to assume command of his detachment, a ragtag band of eightmore-or-less ungovernable men charged with reporting on enemy radiolocations. He eventually learned not only to lead them but to laugh anddrink with them as they shared the boredom, pointlessness, and fearof war. Together, they sought a ghostly enemy, homing in on radiotransmissions and funneling intelligence gathered by others. Kidderrealized that he would spend hi