Walter Wick has ingeniously redesigned photos from I SPYSCHOOL DAYS, and Jean Marzollo has matched them withage-appropriate rhymes, making I SPY LITTLE LETTERS the perfectalphabet book for toddlers.
"I spy a great big yellow two,/ a pair of scissors,/ and abutton that's blue." Preschoolers adore perusing A Drop of Watercreator Walter Wick's crisp, colorful photographs to find objects,and in I Spy Little Numbers, they'll develop number identificationand counting skills while they're at it. On the number five spread,children will find not only the three main objects (an airplanewith five windows, a soccer ball made up of pentagons, and afive-wheeled choo-choo train), but five-pointed sea stars, anickel, a pea pod with five peas, and more. Other sturdy boardbooks in the interactive I Spy Little Book series include I SpyLittle Book, I Spy Little Wheels, and I Spy Little Animals. (Babyto preschool) Card catalog de*ion Rhyming text invites the reader to find hidden objectsrepresenting the numbers from one to ten.
Play hide and seek on every page with this surprise pop-up book filled with colourful toys You and your toddler will enjoy finding the toy elephant hiding throughout Little Hide and Seek Colours . Help your child turn the pages as they solve riddles and spot fun surprises. Your child will want to return to the book again and again as they try to find the colourful toys and help them get back to their owners. With five themed hide-and-seek scenes and a different coloured item hiding from their toy owner on each page, your toddler will love learning about colours. Blue doggy has lost his blue spoon! Help him find his spoon and more of his missing items. The sturdy, compact format is perfect for preschoolers to hold as they read and learn about colours. Look, learn and play together with Little Hide and Seek Colours .
A favorite subject of kids, nature lovers, scientists, andcollectors, Butterflies takes full advantage of Fandex's uniquefull-color die-cut format to celebrate 50 butterfly species, fromthe enormous Queen Alexandra Birdwing, with its 11-inch wingspan,to the Blue Morpho, whose stunning metallic-blue color is caused bytiny prisms in its wings. Each entry includes the Latin name,range, plants used for laying eggs and drinking nectar, migrationand mating habits, and how to recognize the species in itscaterpillar, pupa, and adult stages. Includes 50 die-cut cards.
It's a busy week for Max and Ruby: there's shopping to do, teaparties to throw, and cakes to bake for Grandma's birthday. FromMonday to Sunday and every day in between, the fun never stops whenyou're hanging out with these two funny bunny siblings.
The perfect book to while away a rainy day on the farm . . .or time in the car, at the airport, or whenever kids need a little fun and discovery Thisfun-filled sticker and activity book includes - mazes - drawing prompts - matching - seek-and-find - counting - coloring - a recipe for the goslings' favorite birdseed - more than 100 stickers
Compact book packed with 1000 replaceable, photographicstickers for hours of sticker fun??Pages of activities to complete,including outlines in which to place stickers??Develops hand-eyecoordination skills
You see there was a time when litle Tickbird got lost. Andnone of the animals could find her anywhere. Eagle leads the searchparty in this bold and colourful "Tinga Tinga" sticker book. Youngreaders can join the hunt by adding lots of special stickers.
See the picture!Hear the clue!This little book i just foryou!
There are many big machines and busy people involved in building a road, and this riveting board book follows them every step of the way. From clearing a pathway (screek! ) to rolling the tar (squelch! ) to sweeping up at the end (swish! ), Roadwork is sure to delight young truck-lovers with its rambunctious rhymes and noisy fun.
A celebration of America's #1 pet, breed by breed, from thefriendly neighborhood Silver Classic Tabby to the exotic Korat, theCornish Rex Cat to the Somali, the Chartreux and the Egyptian Mau,once worshipped in ancient Egypt as the living form of thecat-goddess Bastet. Learn all about their mysterious ways,fascinating and often legendary history, unusual quirks--one breed,the Norwegian Forest Cat, has special claws allowing it to climbrocks; another the La Perm, is a face-kisser--appearance,temperament, and more. 50 individually die-cut cards, full-colorthroughout.
This "LEGO Legends of Chima Sticker Activity Book" is themust-have for any LEGO fans. Following in the footsteps of LEGOAtlantis and LEGO Ninjago comes an incredible new LEGO theme -"Legends of Chima"! Step into the mystical land of Chima, wheretribes of animal warriors battle for control of the precious CHI.It is packed with loads of stickers and activities from the land ofChima. You can also enhance your LEGO Chima experience with ourfantastic "Legends of Chima: Wolves and Crocodiles" activitybook.
Debra Fine Debra Fine Filled with prompts and illustrations tohelp inspire their inner Dr. Frankenstein, Monster Doodles for Kidslures boys and girls into this pocket-sized laboratory where theycan create fiendish, snaggle-toothed monsters and eye-poppingvillains to their heart's desire. Chris Sabatino is a monster lover who doodles all day long.Chris's crazy creatures have been featured in books, magazines,comics, and greeting cards. He is the author of Pocketdoodles forBoys and lives in Canton, Massachusetts. Take a wicked walk on the wild side of imagination. There's certainly not much imagination in the I Spy books, butevery parent knows that they are ideal material for getting a 2- or3-year-old through a restaurant meal or a trip. Probably too simplefor children older than 3, the puzzles in this board book have theusual two parts. On the left-hand pages are rhymed couplets ("I spya spoon and a golden key / I spy a butterfly just for me!") pairedwith illustrative pictures of the objects named. On the right-handside is a more complex picture containing the objects on the left,and the task at hand is to pick them out. The objects are simple,the photos are clear, and primary colors predominate. As always,there's extra mileage to be had in discussing the other objects inthe pictures--even in making up stories about them. (Baby topreschool) --Richard Farr Card catalog de*ion Rhyming verses invite readers to find hidden objects in thephotographs.
Turn an in-flight magazine into an engaging game, transform your mid-flight snack into an instant work of art: with 52 ways to keep kids busy, happy, and occupied in the air or at the boarding terminal, this revised and updated deck is the traveling child's essential carry-on item.
These 52 entertaining activities include a wide range of games that will amuse family members of all ages and interests. They're perfect for any family that finds itself stranded on a desert island, trapped in a tent, or restless on a rainy day.