Join Katie as five famous Pointillist paintings come alive forher! On a hot, sunny day, a painting of some bathers in a coolriver proves too tempting for Katie, and so she dives straight intothe picture! But Katie doesn't just cause a splash - she causes aflood! Paddling with new friends might be fun, but how will Katiestop the water pouring into the gallery? A wonderful introductionand explanation of the Pointillist art style, featuring fivemasterpieces from three famous artists: Bathers at Asnieres byGeorges Seurat Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte byGeorges Seurat Port of Honfleur by Georges Seurat Woman Hanging upthe Washing by Camille Pissarro Portrait of Felix Feneon by PaulSignac
This long-awaited ?little sibling? of Abbeville?s bestsellingHow Artists See series shows preschoolers the varied and beautifulways in which artists see the world around them. The How ArtistsSee Jr. board books are a child?s first introduction to the magicand beauty of art. Like a miniature museum exhibit that parent andchild can explore together, each book features twelve diverse worksof art from around the world, centered on a theme that little oneslove: Babies, Dogs, Horses, or Trains. This enlightened and provenapproach for bringing art to children is ideal for the board bookset. The ?apples to apples? comparisons will engage young children,helping them see the familiar in unfamiliar ways, while the books?comfortable size and colorful presentation will make them lastingfamily favorites. Designed specifically to encourage parent-childinteraction, the books also feature a ?Parents? Guide? on theirback covers suggesting questions for Mom or Dad to ask whilebrowsing. Adapted from the acclaimed How Arti
Learning about colors has never been so hip! In Andy Warhol's imagination, horses are purple and golden monkeys wear pink baubles on their tails. Through Andy Warhol's Colors, children will learn their colors as they discover that in modern art, anything is possible.
Five famous Italian Renaissance paintings come alive for Katiewhen she steps into the picture frames. What makes the Mona Lisasmile? Katie wants to find out so she climbs into the Leonardo DaVinci painting. But the Mona Lisa is not really feeling very happy,so Katie tries to cheer her up ...with disastrous results! Includesfive masterpieces from five Italian Renaissance artists: Mona Lisaby Leonardo Da Vinci, An Angel in Red with a Lute by an associateof Leonardo, St George and the Dragon by Raphael, Primavera bySandro Botticelli, The Lion of St Mark by Vittore Carpaccio
All Aboard! Choo-choo! Where do you think we'll go...? Journey through a fantastical land where anything is possible. From trees with faces to men raining from the sky, Rene Magritte's delightful artwork is sure to ignite the imaginations of the very youngest readers.
Toss this irrepressible doodle book into a bag, leave in the back of the car or tote it onto the plane for instant mood adjustment and therapy for any case of boredom. Draw an embarrassed moon in the sky, a confused cow, a sheepish umbrella and just see if your day doesn't get better! Moody doodlers of all ages will love Taro Gomi's signature humour and his invitation to imagine and create; wherever the mood takes you!
Busy city! Beep, beep, beep! Jacob Lawrence's exuberant artwork guides readers through a bustling city, complete with builders rat-a-tatting and children playing in the streets. With rhythmic text and 11 iconic paintings, this book is both an introduction to an influential artist and a celebration of city life.
Katie has the best tour of London in town when a friendly lionshows her the sights! When Katie and her cousin Jack visit Londonwith Grandma, they don't think there's much to see and do. AtTrafalgar Square they meet a talking stone lion, and he takes themon a wonderful tour of the city taking in such sights as The Towerof London, Buckingham Palace and the London Eye!
Throw this irrepressible doodle book in a purse or a backpack, leave it in the back of the car or take it onto a flight, for instant mood adjustment and therapy for any case of boredom. Draw a happy-looking cake, a laughing frog, a delighted robot, and just try not to laugh out loud! Moody doodlers of all ages will love Taro Gomi's signature humor and his invitation to imagine and create--wherever the mood takes you!
These enchanting books introduce children to four perennially popular subjects: animals, letters, numbers and toys. Each book features thirty engaging games with activities involving colouring, recognition, classification, counting, searching and more, as well as one double spread of stickers. This beautifully designed collection will both educate and entertain all children of three and over. (Carries EU Toy Safety Directive 'CE' logo).
Here in the latest addition to our contemporary art board-book series, Henri Matisse's exuberant cut-paper art leaps off the page, accompanied by simple, lyrical text sure to delight the very young.