天使于此现身,恶魔无力踏足,这座银色的玻璃之城,就是他一心向往的归属之地…… “在见到艾兰坎迪的玻璃塔之前,你所见过的都不算真正的城市。”圣镜所在的伊德瑞斯,已然成为瓦伦汀夺取圣物的下一个目标。同时,也为了逆转乔瑟琳的昏睡咒,加上政委会对成员的召集,通往玻璃之城的门户,将在纽约重新开启── 前往伊德瑞斯的行动在即,杰斯与克莱莉的争执却早一步爆发,他不愿所爱之人身陷险境,更不愿克莱莉创造符印的能力使她卷入战争。于是,杰斯提前了门户开启的时间,并找上西蒙帮助;但,突然来袭的弃民军团打乱了一切── 克莱莉依约赶到学院,迎来的却是杰斯等人已前往伊德瑞斯的消息,而未经允许,门户也无法再次打开。救母心切的她,竟以符印绘出一道燃烧的门户;在闪烁的光线下,她回想着梦境之中曾见过的伊德瑞斯,投
“Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.” So the secondMrs. Maxim deWinter remembered the chilling events that led herdown the turning drive past the beeches, white and naked, to theisolated gray stone mansion on the windswept Cornish coast. With ahusband she barely knew, the young bride arrived at this immenseestate, only to be inexorably drawn into the life of the first Mrs.deWinter, the beautiful Rebecca, dead but never forgotten... hersuite of rooms never touched, her clothes ready to be worn, herservant—the sinister Mrs. Danvers—still loyal. As an eeriepresentiment of evil tightened around her heart, the second Mrs.deWinter began her search for the real fate of Rebecca and for thesecrets of Manderly.
对于维京人的入侵,达科、塞拉和瑞奇显然无法理解,而且看起来他们根本无法阻止这些维京人的入侵。 当数以百计的船只载着无数战士准备围攻中世纪的巴黎时,巴黎人民也在努力守卫着自己的土地,但是,显然这个局面已经无法维持多久了。 当达科被捕之后,他被迫站在维京人一边,帮助维京人一起作战,而塞拉和瑞奇却在努力防守。 究竟哪一边会赢呢? 集合图书、互动游戏和值得收藏的“历史学家知道手册”的跨媒体少儿故事多平台系列产品将历史知识与各种趣味活动结合在一起,小读者对历史知识的吸收更快,记忆更多。 书本首页附有在线游戏线索图,登入网站输入信息即可开始游戏,边玩游戏边学历史知识,记忆起来更加容易! 个性鲜明的人物,惊险刺激的情节设计,搭配真实历史的大背景,知识、趣味两
Building on the story begun in The Hobbit, this is the second part of Tolkien’s epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, featuring a striking black cover based on Tolkien’s own design, the definitive text, and a detailed map of Middle-earth. Frodo and the Companions of the Ring have been beset by danger during their quest to prevent the Ruling Ring from falling into the hands of the Dark Lord by destroying it in the Cracks of Doom. They have lost the wizard, Gandalf, in the battle with an evil spirit in the Mines of Moria; and at the Falls of Rauros, Boromir, seduced by the power of the Ring, tried to seize it by force. While Frodo and Sam made their escape the rest of the company were attacked by Orcs. Now they continue their journey alone down the great River Anduin – alone, that is, save for the mysterious creeping figure that follows wherever they go.
History is broken, and three kids must travel back in time toset it right! When best friends Dak Smyth and Sera Froste stumbleupon a secret of time travel - a hand-held device known as theInfinity Ring - they're swept up in a centuries-long secret war forthe fate of mankind. Recruited by the Hystorians, a secret societythat dates back to Aristotle, the kids learn that history has gonedisastrously off course. Now it's up to Dak, Sera and teenageHystorian-in-training Riq to travel back in time to fix the GreatBreaks ...and to save Dak's missing parents while they're at it.First stop: Spain, 1492, where a sailor named Christopher Columbusis about to be thrown overboard in a deadly mutiny.
WHEN TESSA GRAY CROSSES THE OCEAN to find her brother inVictorian England. something terrifying is waiting for her inLondon's Downworld.Kidnapped bv the mysterious Dark Sisters, whoare members of a secret organizationcalled the Pandemomum Club,Tessa soon learns that she has the power to transforminto anotherperson. The Magister. the shadowy figure who runs the dub. willstop atnothing to claim Tessa's power for his own. Friendless andhunted. Tessa takesrefuge withthe Shadowbunters. warriors dedicatedto ridding the World of demons. She so0n find herself fascinatedby--and torn between two best friends: James, whose fagiebeatty hides a deadly secret, and Will, whose volatile moods keepeveryone at arm's length. As their search draws them deep into aplot that threatens to destroy the Shadowhuntrs Tessa realizesthat. she may needto choose between saving her brotherand hdpng new friends save the world.., and that love may bethe most dangerous magic of all.