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    • Warcraft: War of the Ancients #2: The Demon Soul魔兽争霸上古之战三部曲2
    •   ( 44 条评论 )
    • Richard A. Knaak 著 /2005-09-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • Book De*ion The second novel in the War of the Ancients trilogy featuring theworld of WarCraft--the fastest-selling electronic strategy game ofall time. Continuing the story begun in The Well of Eternity, thisis the tale of the maverick mage Rhonin and his dragon ally Krasusas they are propelled through time into their world's dangerous andmysterious past--while the Dark Lord Sargeras plans to overrun thefree peoples of the world. A follow up to DAY OF THE DRAGON, the second book in THE WAR OFTHE ANCIENTS trilogy, the maverick mage Rhonin and his dragon allyKrasus are propelled through time into their world's dangerous andmysterious past. While back in the present, the Dark Lord Sargerassets in motion a plan to overrun the free peoples of theworld. Publisher Comments : THE BURNING LEGION HAS COME. Led by the mighty Archimonde, scores of demonic soldiers nowmarch across the lands of Kalimdor, leaving a trail of death anddevastation in their wake. At the heart of the fiery i

    • ¥42.1 折扣:5.9折
    • The Hunger Games1 饥饿游戏(金箔版) ISBN9780545791878
    •   ( 11 条评论 )
    • Suzanne Collins 著 /2014-09-01/
    • The Hunger Games--a New York Times bestseller and major motion picture--is now available in a gorgeous deluxe foil edition. In the ruins of a place once known as North America lies the nation of Panem, a shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlying districts. The Capitol is harsh and cruel and keeps the districts in line by forcing them all to send one boy and one girl between the ages of twelve and eighteen to participate in the annual Hunger Games, a fight to the death on live TV. Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen regards it as a death sentence when she steps forward to take her sister's place in the Games. But Katniss has been close to dead before--and survival, for her, is second nature. Without really meaning to, she becomes a contender. But if she is to win, she will have to start making choices that weigh survival against humanity and life against love.

    • ¥55.6 折扣:4.8折
    • The Demonata #5: Blood Beast《达伦·山-魔域大冒险#5:变身狼》9780316003780
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Darren Shan 著 /2008-10-01/ Hachette
    • Grubbs Grady has so far escaped the family curse, but when hebegins to experience alarming symptoms at the onset of the fullmoon, he is scared that the jaws of fate are opening and about toswallow him whole. He has cheated death, defeated demons,moved on with his life. But Grubbs is torn between the world ofmagic and his wolfen genes. Can he fight the beast inside or willhe fall victim to his tainted blood?

    • ¥38 折扣:4.8折
    • Will Grayson, Will Grayson 两个威尔 ISBN 9780142418475
    •   ( 58 条评论 )
    • John GreenDavid Levithan 编 /2011-04-05/ Penguin
    • 艾凡斯顿与纳波维尔这两处芝加哥郊区相距不远,但分别住在两地的同名男孩 —— 威尔葛雷森与威尔 葛雷森,却好似住在不同的星球上。 艾凡斯顿的威尔: “只要遵守两项规则,就可以完全避免哭泣:一,别太在意;二,闭上嘴巴。发生在我身上的每件不幸,都是因为没有恪遵这两项规则所致。 纳波维尔的威尔: “我总是挣扎着该自杀还是杀死周围所有人。这世上似乎只有这两种选择,其他都是浪费时间。” 一个寒冷的夜晚,在芝加哥市区某间音像店里,两名威尔阴错阳差地相遇。当命运将他们引向意外的十字路口,两名威尔葛雷森的生命彼此交错,并迈向未曾预期的方向。 两条原本平行的人生道路,在名为“泰尼库柏”的十字路口交叉。泰尼是个身材庞大的美式足球攻击线锋,也是个性绝妙、才华洋溢的音乐剧创作者。 在新旧朋友的推波助澜之下,

    • ¥39 折扣:5折
    • Shiver (Wolves of Mercy Falls, Book 1) [Paperback] 《边境森林曲-心颤
    •   ( 39 条评论 )
    • Maggie Stiefvater 著 /2010-06-01/ Scholastic
    • For years, Grace has watched the wolves in the woods behind herhouse. One yellow-eyed wolf--her wolf--is a chilling presence shecan't seem to live without. Meanwhile, Sam has lived two lives: Inwinter, the frozen woods, the protection of the pack, and thesilent company of a fearless girl. In summer, a few precious monthsof being human . . . until the cold makes him shift backagain. Now, Grace meets a yellow-eyed boy whose familiarity takes herbreath away. It's her wolf. It has to be. But as winter nears, Sammust fight to stay human--or risk losing himself, and Grace,forever.

    • ¥45.3 折扣:5.3折
    • The Hobbit 霍比特人(英国版,电影封面版)ISBN9780007525508
    •   ( 75 条评论 )
    • J. R. R. Tolkien 著 /2013-11-07/ HarperCollins UK
    • Film tie-in edition of the bestselling classic work of fantasy of Bilbo Baggins’ adventures in Middle-earth, featuring the complete story as shown in the film trilogy, with a striking cover image from Peter Jackson’s film adaptation and drawings and maps by J.R.R. Tolkien. Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit who enjoys a comfortable, unambitious life, rarely travelling further than the pantry of his hobbit-hole in Bag End. But his contentment is disturbed when the wizard, Gandalf, and a company of thirteen dwarves arrive on his doorstep one day to whisk him away on an unexpected journey ‘there and back again’. They have a plot to raid the treasure hoard of Smaug the Magnificent, a large and very dangerous dragon… The prelude to The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit has sold many millions of copies since its publication in 1937, establishing itself as one of the most beloved and influential books of the twentieth century.

    • ¥43 折扣:5.7折
    • The Surrender Tree: Poems of Cuba's Struggle for Freedom 投降树
    •   ( 17 条评论 )
    • Margarita Engle 著 /2010-03-16/ Macmillan
    • “Engle writes her new book in clear, short lines of stirringfree verse. Caught by the compelling narrative voices, many readerswill want to find out more.”—Booklist, Starred Review “A powerful narrative in free verse . . . haunting.”—The HornBook “Hauntingly beautiful, revealing pieces of Cuba’s troubled pastthrough the poetry of hidden moments.”—School Library Journal “Young readers will come away inspired by these portraits ofcourageous ordinary people.” —Kirkus Reviews “The poems are short but incredibly evocative.”—Voice of YouthAdvocates

    • ¥45.7 折扣:6.5折
    • The Demonata #9: Dark Calling《达伦·山-魔域大冒险#9:黑暗召唤》978031604872
    •   ( 3 条评论 )
    • Darren Shan 著 /2010-09-01/ Hachette
    • I know it's ridiculous. Lights can't whisper. But I swear Iheard a voice calling to me. It sounded like static to begin with,but then it came into focus, a single word repeated over and over.Softly, slyly, seductively, insistently. "Come..." The Disciples are being manipulated by beings older than time. OnlyKernel Fleck knows that something is wrong. But he is in the gripof a creature who cares nothing for the fate of humanity. Voicesare calling to him from the darkness and he's powerless toresist. Kernel has already been to hell and back. Nowhe's about to go further.

    • ¥38 折扣:4.8折
    • Rebecca 蝴蝶梦(简装) ISBN9780380778553
    •   ( 81 条评论 )
    • Du Maurier, Daphne 编 /1994-11-01/ HarperCollins
    • I Went To Manderley Again." So the second Mrs. Maxim de Winterremembered the chilling events that led her down the turning drivepast ther beeches, white and naked, to the isolated gray stonemanse on the windswept Cornish coast. With a husband she barelyknew, the young bride arrived at this immense estate, only to beinexorably drawn into the life of the first Mrs. de Winter, thebeautiful Rebecca, dead but never forgotten...her suite of roomsnever touched, her clothes ready to be worn, her servant -- thesinister Mrs. Danvers -- still loyal. And as an eerie presentimentof evil tightened around her heart, the second Mrs. de Winter beganher search for the real fate of Rebecca...for the secrets ofManderley.

    • ¥33 折扣:4.9折
    • The Mortal Instruments:City Of Glass 圣杯神器3:玻璃之城 ISBN 9781416
    •   ( 29 条评论 )
    • Cassandra Clare 著 /2010-08-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • 天使于此现身,恶魔无力踏足,这座银色的玻璃之城,就是他一心向往的归属之地…… “在见到艾兰坎迪的玻璃塔之前,你所见过的都不算真正的城市。”圣镜所在的伊德瑞斯,已然成为瓦伦汀夺取圣物的下一个目标。同时,也为了逆转乔瑟琳的昏睡咒,加上政委会对成员的召集,通往玻璃之城的门户,将在纽约重新开启── 前往伊德瑞斯的行动在即,杰斯与克莱莉的争执却早一步爆发,他不愿所爱之人身陷险境,更不愿克莱莉创造符印的能力使她卷入战争。于是,杰斯提前了门户开启的时间,并找上西蒙帮助;但,突然来袭的弃民军团打乱了一切── 克莱莉依约赶到学院,迎来的却是杰斯等人已前往伊德瑞斯的消息,而未经允许,门户也无法再次打开。救母心切的她,竟以符印绘出一道燃烧的门户;在闪烁的光线下,她回想着梦境之中曾见过的伊德瑞斯,投

    • ¥60.2 折扣:6.3折
    • World of Warcraft: Tides of Darkness魔兽世界3:黑暗之潮 ISBN 97814165
    •   ( 59 条评论 )
    • Aaron Rosenberg 著 /2012-02-01/ Simon & Schuster
    • After killing the corrupt Warchief Blackhand, OrgrimDoomhammer was quick to seize control over the Orcish Horde. Now heis determined to conquer the rest of Azeroth so that his peoplewill once again have a home of their own in the... WORLD OF WARCRAFT Anduin Lothar, former Champion of Stormwind, has left hisshattered homeland behind and led his people across the Great Seato the shores of Lordaeron. There, with the aid of the noble KingTerenas, he forges a mighty Alliance with the other human nations.But even that may not be enough to stop the Horde's mercilessonslaught. Elves, dwarves, and trolls enter the fray as the two emergingfactions vie for dominance. Will the valiant Alliance prevail, orwill the Horde's tide of darkness consume the last vestiges offreedom on Azeroth?

    • ¥42.1 折扣:5.9折
    • Hunger Games Boxed Set 饥饿游戏3本套装 ISBN 9789810871123
    •   ( 2293 条评论 )
    • Suzanne Collins 著 /2012-12-01/ Scholastic
    • Set in a dark vision of the near future, a terrifying realityTV show is taking place. Twelve boys and twelve girls are forced toappear in a live event called The Hunger Games. There is only onerule: kill or be killed. When sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeesteps forward to take her younger sister's place in the games, shesees it as a death sentence. But Katniss has been close to deathbefore. For her, survival is second nature.

    • ¥83 折扣:4.8折
    • The Lord of the Rings(Single volume)指环王(单册合辑)ISBN97802611032
    •   ( 51 条评论 )
    • J. R. R. Tolkien 编著 /1996-08-01/
    • All three parts of the epic masterpiece 'The Lord of the Rings' in one paperback. Features brand new packaging, the definitive edition of the text, fold-out flaps with the original two-colour maps, and a revised and expanded index. Sauron, the Dark Lord, has gathered to him all the Rings of Power -- the means by which he intends to rule Middle-earth. All he lacks in his plans for dominion is the One Ring -- the ring that rules them all -- which has fallen into the hands of the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. In a sleepy village in the Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds himself faced with an immense task, as the Ring is entrusted to his care. He must leave his home and make a perilous journey across the realms of Middle-earth to the Crack of Doom, deep inside the territories of the Dark Lord. There he must destroy the Ring forever and foil the Dark Lord in his evil purpose. Since it was first published in 1954, 'The Lord of the Rings' has been a book people have treasured. Steeped in unrivalled magic and otherworld

    • ¥99.5 折扣:5.3折
    • ANIMORPHS #03: THE ENCOUNTER 动物变形人系列#3:正面交锋ISBN9780545291538
    •   ( 6 条评论 )
    • Katherine A. Applegate 著 /2011-07-01/ Scholastic
    • De*ion of this Book The wildly popular series by K.A. Applegate is back! The first six books of Animorphs return, with striking new lenticular covers that morph. When Tobias and his friends were given the power to morph, they were also given an important warning: Never stay in a morph for more than two hours. But Tobias broke the time limit, and now he's trapped in the body of a hawk -- forever. When he discovers an important Yeerk secret, Tobias knows he has to do everything in his power to destroy it. But to do so, he'll have to contend with a part of himself that's wrestling for control. A part that isn't human.

    • ¥29.6 折扣:4.9折
    • The Enchantress(Michael Scott) 女巫ISBN9780385735360
    •   ( 19 条评论 )
    • /2013-05-14/ Random House US
    • Nicholas Flamel appeared in J.K. Rowling s Harry Potter but did you know he really lived? And he might still be alive today! Discover the truth in Michael Scott s New York Times bestselling series the Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel with The Enchantress , book six. The two that are one must become the one that is all. One to save the world, one to destroy it. Sophie and Josh Newman traveled ten thousand years into the past to Danu Talis when they followed Dr. John Dee and Virginia Dare. And it s on this legendary island that the battle for the world begins and ends. Scathach, Prometheus, Palamedes, Shakespeare, Saint-Germain, and Joan of Arc are also on the island. And no one is sure what or who the twins will be fighting for. Today the battle for Danu Talis will be won or lost. But will the twins of legend stand together? Or will they stand apart one to save the world and one to destroy it. "The pacing never lets up, and the individual set pieces are fine mixtures of sud

    • ¥43 折扣:4.5折
    • Rebecca 蝴蝶梦(平装) ISBN9780380730407
    •   ( 27 条评论 )
    • Du Maurier, Daphne /1997-11-01/ HarperCollins
    • “Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again.” So the secondMrs. Maxim deWinter remembered the chilling events that led herdown the turning drive past the beeches, white and naked, to theisolated gray stone mansion on the windswept Cornish coast. With ahusband she barely knew, the young bride arrived at this immenseestate, only to be inexorably drawn into the life of the first Mrs.deWinter, the beautiful Rebecca, dead but never forgotten... hersuite of rooms never touched, her clothes ready to be worn, herservant—the sinister Mrs. Danvers—still loyal. As an eeriepresentiment of evil tightened around her heart, the second Mrs.deWinter began her search for the real fate of Rebecca and for thesecrets of Manderly.

    • ¥65.6 折扣:5.1折
    • ANIMORPHS #01: THE INVASION 动物变形人系列#1:天外入侵ISBN9780545291514
    •   ( 13 条评论 )
    • K. A. Applegate 著 /2011-08-01/ Scholastic
    • 地球正在遭受入侵,只是没有人知道这件事情。 杰克、瑞秋、托比亚、卡西和马可偶然遇到一艘失事飞船和一个垂死的飞行员。 没想到,因为这次偶遇,他们被赋予了一种神奇的力量——他们可以变成任何他们碰到的动物。 也因为这个神奇的力量,他们变成了动物变形人,在这个隐蔽的战争中保护美丽的星球。 但是,他们的敌人也非常强大。敌人可以变成任何一个他们想要变成的人,甚至是杰克他们亲密的人。 在这一次次战争中,动物变形人们能否胜出呢? 独特的故事视角,丰富的想象力,惊险刺激的故事情节,小读者们爱不释手。

    • ¥29.9 折扣:5折
    • The Complete Harry Potter Collection (Children Cover)哈利·波特全集
    •   ( 54 条评论 )
    • J.K. Rowling 著 /2009-08-01/ Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
    • Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels. The books chronicle the adventures of the adolescent wizard Harry Potter and his best friends. The main story arc concerns Harry's quandary involving the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who killed Harry's parents. The series has many cultural meanings and references. According to Rowling, the main theme is death, which has led to much criticism, as it is mainly a children's series. There is also many other themes in the series, such as love and prejudice.

    • ¥472.4 折扣:7.9折